Mercury Conjuncts the Sun, in the star neighborhood of Antares. Antares is the brightest star of the scorpion constellation. From Earth Sky: “Antares is an eye-catching star, shining with a distinctive bright red sparkle on northern summer evenings. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s a red beacon in winter evening skies. This star, also known as Alpha Scorpii, lies about 550 light-years away. It’s the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius the Scorpion, which has figured prominently in the sky lore of ancient cultures. Antares is often called the Scorpion’s Heart. At 680 times the sun’s radius, Antares is a truly enormous star. That’s more than 3 astronomical units (AU). One AU is the Earth’s average distance from the sun. If by some bit of magic Antares was suddenly substituted for our sun, its surface would extend well past the orbit of Mars!” Mercury, the Quicksilver planet, melding into your mental body, in conjunction alignment with the sun. Bringing solar charge and spark to your quicksilver mind and thoughfield. Use it to spark a new endeavor, a new type of inner exploration. Sun & Mercury are sitting together in the sky right now in the Scorpio constellation. Today they parked right next to the bright red orange star Antares. This alignment precedes the Total Solar Eclipse on the December 4, which also takes place with the Sun, Moon, Mercury all in this same Antares star neighborhood. The quicksilver flow you spark today will lead you to a fabulous upgrade and Solar Activation as we flow through this eclipse window! To infinity and beyond!!
MOON RISES TONIGHT IN THE GOLDEN GATE OF THE PLEIADESMOON RISES TONIGHT IN THE GOLDEN GATE OF THE PLEIADES The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (a recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since the sun, moon and planets circle our sky along along the virtual line of the ecliptic, they are regularly passing through this Pleiadean Golden Gate. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. The November 19 Lunar Eclipse happened with the moon stationed in the sky at the opening of this Golden Gate. The Moon is in there right now, as I write these words on the afternoon of November 19, 2021 - and will be rising tonight (where I live on the east coast of USA) while it is within the GOLDEN GATE. As the moon emerges from the eclipse it will flow through this GOLDEN GATE. As I write this on the afternoon of November 19, the Moon is there now, in the gate. When sun sets the moon will rise (around 4:40 pm EST) within this GOLDEN GATE. Notice how Orion and Sirius follow, rising in a line as the evening progresses. May this golden light guide our way!! If you want to read and learn more about this Golden Gateway, and how I came to connect with it, I have a blog and a Voyage for you to read and explore: The Cosmic OCtave and Planetary Tuning ForksYour Inner Soul-ar System: The Cosmic Octave and Your Inner Space Field Celestial alignments grab our collective attention, and remind us the importance of bridging the outer and inner planes. Just as planets, stars and celestial bodies orbit in outer space, they also exist energetically and vibrate within your Inner Space. When we experience astronomical alignments in the skies, we feel them inside. Your Inner Soul-ar System is constantly communicating and attuning in relationship to the large outer solar system. They communicate in light codes, in vibrations. Every one of us can tune in to actively receive these communication codes – aka planetary influences on our home planet earth and on our individual human bodies. We can also use tools to assist. Sound Instruments and Vibrational Tuning are very powerful assistants in this work. Tuning Forks are powerful members of our Inner Space Sound Coding Team. Tuning forks are super powerful for calibrating, tuning and toning our subtle bodies. They make a massive shift and impact in your FIELD. We use several sets of Tuning Forks here at Inner Space, one is coded to the 9 Solfeggio frequencies, another set to the Human Chakra Portal Centers. A favorite team is our Planetary Tuning Forks! Cosmic Octave Tuning for Planetary Communications The Cosmic Octave is based on inspirations and calculations by Hans Cousto, the Swiss mathematician, after an expansive experience under the Moon - Pluto conjunction on October 2, 1978. These frequencies resonate to the orbit of each celestial body of our Solar System- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and also Moon and Sun. He calculated a frequency for each planet or celestial body derived from diameter, circumference, rotational velocity, orbital period and mathematical computation. The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks are a precision set of 11 tuning forks calibrated to each celestial body of our solar system: Sun – 126.22 Hz, Moon – 210.42 Hz, Mercury – 141.27 Hz, Venus – 221.23 Hz, Earth – 194.18 Hz, Mars – 144.72, Jupiter – 183.58, Saturn – 147.85, Uranus – 207.36, Neptune – 211.44, and Pluto – 140.25 Hz. These tuning forks are specifically tuned with cosmological and astronomical timing. Coded to attune your human body vessel to the dance of the celestial spheres. and work with cosmic multi-dimensions of your subtle bodies and inner energy gateways & pathways. The Tuning forks and other instruments will help, but ultimately it is YOU, your soul, your energy field, your vibrational matrix that sets the tone and leads the way… I have been really enjoying looking up at the autumn night sky and seeing so many planetary bodies shining brightly. There is just something so special about the way they glow and shine and communicate. What?? Communicate? Yup! How do planets communicate with humans? ~ Through light codes. Light is photonic streams of information particles. Seeing the planet light in the sky is a transmission. This photonics light communicates directly with your DNA, with your crystalline inner body structure. ~ Through gravitational pull, through movement. And you communicate back every time you move your human body. Making intentional movements with your body is two way communication. You open to receive light and info from the celestial bodies. Then you use muscle energy to charge the bone, to turn on the DNA piezoelectrically to send photons back into outer space. ~ Through the Unified Field. Telepathically, Vibrationally, the space in between. We have designed a specialized energy field attunement to utilize these cosmic octave tuning forks in conjunction with the eclipse corridor: Soul-ar System Attunement . Book Your Inner Space Journey to explore this powerful inner space work. "When the person is in tune with the cosmos, then the cosmos is resonating in the person. When you become aware of this, consciousness reaches cosmic dimensions." If you want to geek out with me and read more about how these forks are tuned, the mathematics behind it, and the frequencies used these are both a good read The Cosmic Octave: Sonic Energy Collection: THE COSMIC OCTAVE – ORIGIN OF HARMONY The developer of the formula of Cosmic Octave was Hans Cousto, the Swiss mathematician. He derived a direct relationship between musical tones, colors and the vibrations of the universe. The formula of the Cosmic Octave makes it possible to openly demonstrate the direct relationship of astronomical data, such as the frequencies of planetary orbits, to architectural works, ancient and modern measuring systems, the human body, music and medicine. RELATING SOUND TO COLOR AND THE COSMIC OCTAVE During the Moon - Pluto conjunction on October 2, 1978, the first sound frequencies of the Earth's movement were calculated according to the law of the octave. As more people wanted to learn about these cosmic vibrations, the necessity arose to put down some essential thoughts and fundamental calculations in booklet form, to give interested circles at least some kind of frame of reference for their own thoughts on this subject. The Text explains and formalizes all steps necessary to calculate standard pitches (for tuning purpose) from astronomical data of the planetary motions. Free Download Dive Deeper Together into the Eclispe CorridorThe Eclipse Alignments of Fall 2021 are bookending the year, completing the cycle we began in May and June. The eclipses have been star studed in Freedom Codes, full of Liberty Codes for every Soul on earth. What can YOU do to conduct, anchor and pump these freedom codes into the earth grids? How can this eclipse corridor assist you and your family to up level? What are the significant alignments and placements we should highlight and pay attention to as we flow through this eclipse cycle. Eclipses in general give us pause, focus point, dark introspective moments. We can use this current building eclipse moment to continue the work so many of us are doing – of clearing Ancestral lines, clearing debris from the family field. The planets are a Solar Family, and just like your family, each member has a different characteristic, a unique personality signature. How we code exchange with each one is different. They each bring out different personality traits, different facets of our own being. We will explore all this and more, in our next Inner Space Voyage.... Details on this Voyage:
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 is a major focal point and celestial gateway. It bookends completes a eclipse gateway that opened with the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse earlier in the year. You will see a Chapter of this Voyage devoted to revisiting the intel that flowed in the gates during that alignment. They are playing out NOW as we flow through this November Eclipse, and working with both ends of the gateway - opening in May and closing in November - in tandem in our awareness is KEY. Layout of the Eclipse Corridor Voyage (4 Stages) Stage One: Lunar Planet Cross Coding as Eclipse Prep The Eclipse Gateway opened fully on the New Moon of November 4. During the two weeks between the New Nov 4 and the Full Nov 19 Moon & Lunar the moon waxed on its path across in the sky, it visited all 8 planets in the sky Mercury, Mars, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and then Uranus. We include Pluto in these 8, and not the Earth - as Pluto is very significant, and played a significant role in this coding, and we ARE earth based, so it does not make a celestial alignment, it is our vantage point, home base. This presented as VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to and calibrate my own energy grid with - and share with YOU, my fellow travelers on this eclipse voyage. I have been working with these moon planet energies myself these weeks, and have codes to share with you too. To facilitate this code sharing, I am hosting a Soul-ar System Attunement on Zoom on Monday November 15 at 1 pm EST/Boston Time to integrate these cross moon planet codings and assist our human body fields and the planetary grids to receive the most impeccable coding from this upcoming Lunar Eclipse. Stage Two: Conducting the Nov 19 Lunar Eclipse - alignments, timing, viewing, creating ceremony for yourself Stage Three: Moon Moves through the Golden Pleiadian Gate of the Ecliptic in Taurus In the hours after the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon then moves through the Golden Gate (between the Pleiades and Hyades Star clusters in Taurus. This Golden Gate revealed itself to me this spring - with the Mars Pleiades alignment in April - and deeper still in May, with the first Lunar Eclipse of the Year on May 26. We revisit this ancient sky knowledge and Golden Gateway and dive deeper. Stage Four: Conducting the Dec 4 Solar Eclipse - alignments, timing, pathway on the earth, and the effects of solar eclipses on the earth energy grids and human heart grid/collective consciousness. Zoom Gathering Monday May 29 for this stage. Info and details to follow.... Coding with the MOON - Lunar Alignments & The Lunar Eclipse Corridor Coding with the MOON - Lunar Alignments & The Lunar Eclipse Corridor
A Lunar Eclipse occurs on November 19, 2021 Leading up to the eclipse, the moon moves along the ecliptic path and meets up with many planets. The waning sliver crescent moon meets Mercury, and the New Moon visits Mars. The Moon then flows along nightly to visit in the sky with Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and then Uranus, all in preparation and code exchange prior to the Lunar Eclipse! A “close encounter” of two celestial bodies in the sky is called an Appulse. “When two human beings, human souls make a connection, they share codes with each other. They spark and ignite each other to discover and uncover new things. Same thing happens with sky objects, celestial bodies. When they are near to each other in the sky, there is a way they code share. I found there is an astronomical term for this "code exchange", when two bodies are near each other - but not quite at conjunction, which is an exact technical alignment- it is called an APPULSE.” ~ from: The Moon moves swiftly across the sky, in comparison to the other planets and stars. This dance of moon and planets is a regular monthly flow. This particular corridor of lunar alignments is standing out to me as a significant code exchange. The Moon has a reflective energy to it. It receives light codes and reflects or bounces them back to our eyes. The moon moving to visit and highlight and code exchange with each planet – prior to the Lunar Eclipse on November 19. It is offering us an opportunity to GO DEEP. Deep into the energies of each planet that we embody. Deep into the old stories, the old patterns, some inherited, and deep within our DNA – and CLEAR THEM with the cycle of the eclipse. November is cross culturally a time to honor the ancestors. This year, it has been “next level” – the amount of family line DNA clearing that has been coming up for us to work through!! Holy Moly – this is BIG inner soul work friends! It can show up as or as disagreements or miscommunications – with the flip side as deep rich conversations and breakthroughs. It can be intense to navigate our way through, and personally I find it super helpful to step back and consider the bigger picture, and the deeper soul learning and lessons. It is also presenting with so many family members leaving their bodies. The amount of soul transitions and soul cycle terminations (death) on our planet currently is significant. One of the impacts of these soul crossings is on the family line, they clear the way for us as they go. And so often the conversations and transformations across the veil are much “easier” and deeper than they ever could be when that soul was in the body. All the ancestors that have gone before us, we walk in their footsteps – AND we trace new pathways of possibility with every NEW step we take. Eclipses in general give us pause, focus point, dark introspective moments. We can use this current building eclipse moment to continue the work so many of us are doing – of clearing Ancestral lines, clearing debris from the family field. The planets are a Solar Family, and just like your family, each member has a different characteristic, a unique personality signature. How we code exchange with each one is different. They each bring out different personality traits, different facets of our own being. What is happening on a deeper soul level, is that every member of this “soular family” represents a different aspect of SELF, of your OWN SOUL. Moon Planet Alignments for November 2021 Nov 3 Moon with Mercury Nov 4 New Moon Nov 4 Moon with Mars Nov 7 Moon with Venus Nov 9 Moon with Pluto Nov 10 Mars and Mercury Conjunct Nov 10 Moon with Saturn Nov 11 Moon with Jupiter Nov 13 Moon with Neptune Nov 17 Moon with Uranus Nov 19 Full Moon 3:57 am EST Partial Lunar Eclipse 2:18 am – 5:47 am EST If you want to learn more about working with this Eclipse Corridor, I have a free online Inner Space Voyage you can take to dive deeper: An Inner Space Journey (individual session) is also a perfect way to get support for yourself during this process – we work directly with your light body and DNA coding to reveal, clear and re-write this patterns! Book yourself a journey here, it would be my honor to assist you and support you in this process. Together in Light, Julie Moon Planet Alignments for November 2021 Moon Planet Alignments for November 2021 Nov 3 Moon with Mercury Nov 4 New with Moon Nov 4 Moon with Mars Nov 7 Moon with Venus Nov 9 Moon with Pluto Nov 10 Mars and Mercury Conjunct Nov 10 Moon with Saturn Nov 11 Moon with Jupiter Nov 13 Moon with Neptune Nov 17 Moon with Uranus Nov 19 Full Moon 3:57 am EST Lunar Eclipse 2:18 – 5:47 am EST Nov 19 - 20 Moon thru the Pleiadian Golden Gate Below is a slideshow of astro alignments for your viewing pleasure. You might need to click on arrows to flow through the images if it does not auto play for you. |
May 2024