YOU AS MANDALA: Gridworker’s Embodiment You As Earth Embodied Connect to your spherical electromagnetic field. Stand solid and straight. Reach your arms out to your sides. At the tips of your fingers, imagine your energy field as a bubble or sphere that wide around you in all directions, with you at the core. This is your Personal Sphere. Your field. To transverse and explore your field, you will need to outline the landscape. You can trace out quadrants and sectors on your personal sphere, much like navigators and cartographers trace longitude and latitude lines on the earth. To locate where you are and chart courses for where you want to go. Your attention is the driver. Your sensations, what you feel and sense is the vehicle. You direct your attention. Anywhere your attention flows, energy goes. Tune Your Field to Reflect the Earth You make the intention to feel your sensations in relation to planet earth. Then, your sensory field is attuned to this. All the sensations you feel and notice are a feedback mechanism to explore the earth and earth energy grids. You can use your body and field as a mandala. A mandala is map, a symbol, a representation of the universe through space and time. You can employ a mandala as a tangible tool to connect with and access the energy of something. You can use the sphere, the torus of your field as a way to tune in to the universe, to another human, to the planet, to anything. Just as a reflexologist would use the reflex map of your foot to access the entire body, you can use your awareness field as a mandala – as a embodiend “map”. A mandala is a “geometric figure representing the universe”. It is a “spiritual or ritual geometric configuration of symbols or a map”, “a cosmic diagram that shows us our relation to the infinite, the world that extends beyond and within our minds and bodies.” In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. Carl Jung described this process is that of the ascending spiral, which grows upward while simultaneously returning again and again to the same point. Creating mandalas helps stabilize, integrate, and re-order inner life. According to the psychologist David Fontana, its symbolic nature can help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises.” Sources:
Fields, Flow and PolarityEnergy flows as liquids do, in flow lines or flux lines in different directions. Send energy/electrons/electricity though a wire and a magnetic field will flow around it. When a body (like a metal bar or a sphere or column) is charged at two ends, we call it polar or say it has polarity. A polarized magnetic field flows in the shape of the Torus. A torus field flows in through the top, down along the center of a hollow column, and then out and up and from the bottom and wraps up and around to the top. Visualize a doughnut shape. This style of polar flowing magnetic field encompasses the planet, the human body, every tree, every animal, every galaxy and star, everything that contains lifeforce energy. If you have studied any Polarity Therapy, you maybe familiar with Dr Stone’s theory connecting to this wisdom. That the human body has “long lines” of energy flow, from the poles out to the finger and toe tips. (See: or for more info on polarity therapy.) Energy Flows in and around your human body, just like this. Energy flows around the globe, around the earth just like this. AND – these two fields are in a feedback loop to one another. When you adjust your human magnetic field, it is felt by the earth and other beings around the globe. Likewise, when the earth magnetic field undergoes a shift, like at an equinox, or during a solar storm influx, your human body feels this acutely. You are of the earth, the earth is a reflection of you. TRACE YOUR SPACE (a repeat from Part 2 - Torus for Us, and a necessary precursor) Sit or stand and align your spine, back of the skull flush with your sacrum. Visualize a circle or hoop. Moving out right in front of you, out 3 or 4 feet. It moves from the top of your head out and up and forward, down into the ground and up between your feet and legs. Imagine another same circle, behind you. Then one out to your right, one out to your left. Then add in the cross angles….one out 45 degrees to the right in front of you, and then one out to your left. Then run the wheels out the two 45 degree angles in the back plane of your body. These eight loops mark your cardinal and ordinal directions. You can now spin those hoops, those circles. They can spin both in towards you and away from you. Spin them all together and you are drawing in space your own torus field. (see image above) The combo of these eight circles traces your space and defines your magnetic field, your Torus. ORIENT YOURSELF Now you can assign each of these 8 circle hoops (as defined in Trace Your Space) a direction. Start with your cardinal directions. Find North. On the planet, in the room or field you are standing in. Face that direction, so that the circle moving out directly in front of you faces north. This further defines the circle behind you as South. To you right as East, and to your left as West. These are your cardinal directions – NSEW. Your ordinal directions run at a 45 degree angle from these, splitting each quarter in half. Halfway between your nose and your outstretched right arm is Northeast. Halfway between your nose and your outstretched right arm is Northwest. Behind you to the right similarly is Southeast, and to the left is Southwest. BALANCE, HARMONY & COHERENCE Now that you have established your cardinal and ordinal directions, you can tune in to how your energy is flowing. Do you feel a stagnation or a lack of flow in an area of your body? Do you feel an excess or a tingling or a warmth or running water type feeling in any area of the body? Run energy flow through each of your eight “hoops”. Run equal amounts. Go several times around the “globe” of you, and ensure there is a balance and harmony in the flows. By doing this you create a coherence in your magnetic field. TORUS FOR USEnergy Fields are electromagnetic. Electric energy is the flow of electrons (through a wire or a tube). When these electrons flow, they create a magnetic field ripple effect out and around (akin to when you throw a rock in the water and you get ripples on the water surface). A magnetic field flows in the shape of the Torus. Everything that sparks electron flow creates a magnetic torus field around it. Scientists have observed these torus magnetic fields around, apples, trees, animals, plants, human bodies, and planetary bodies (like the earth, moon, sun and other celestial bodies). Our human body magnetic torus field flows in through the north pole at the top of the head, down along the center of a hollow column, and then out and up from the south pole at the base and wrap up and around to the north pole. Visualize a doughnut shape. This same shape field encompasses the planet earth. The human body has several overlapping magnetic fields, the strongest initiating from the heart. The rhythmic pumping of the of the cardiac tissue and the action currents of the blood produce electrical impulses which in turn create a magnetic field. For the planetary body it is the interaction and flowing movement of the liquid molten core surrounding the solid metal core that drives the earth's magnetic field flow. Every individual on the planet feels the earth field, and the earth feels every individual field. The two fields are intertwined and affect each other and reflect and influence each other. TRACE YOUR SPACE
An awareness visualization to tangibly connect with your magnetic torus field. Sit or stand and align your spine, back of the skull flush with your sacrum. Visualize a circle or hoop. Moving out right in front of you, out 3 or 4 feet. It moves from the top of your head out and up and forward, down into the ground and up between your feet and legs. Imagine another same circle, behind you. Then one out to your right, one out to your left. Then add in the cross angles….one out 45 degrees to the right in front of you, and then one out to your left. Then run the wheels out the two 45 degree angles in the back plane of your body. These eight loops mark your cardinal and ordinal directions. You can now spin those hoops, those circles. They can spin both in towards you and away from you. Spin them all together and you are drawing in space your own torus field. (see image above) The combo of these eight circles traces your space and defines your magnetic field, your Torus. The Golden Purifier – The Turkey Vulture Every season, you will notice a hallmark or messenger totem animal that is communicating and showing itself to you on a regular basis. I have had seasons with overtones and multiple sightings of swans, muskrat, skunks, and this spring and summer the animal friend I see and am captivated by on a regular basis is the turkey vulture. Nearby my home, there is a congregation place for these amazing birds. They are most often seen soaring way up high in the sky, wings outstretched, riding the thermal currents. They show up so often and so powerfully for me, of course I have researched their deeper meaning. Occasionally a solo bird, but more often they travel in groups of 3 or 4. The scientific Latin name for vulture is Catharsis Aura ~ Golden Purifier. The Cherokee know the Vulture as 'Peace Eagle', for the Turkey Vulture Kills Nothing. Turkey Vulture description from: “The job vulture performs is a sacred service for all animal life forms. The toxins, pathogens and diseases that are possible as animals decompose and rot is substantial. The vulture was designed to clean this up. And with this purpose it accomplishes the Creators will with honor and no complaints. The vulture does what needs to be done. It cleans up, protects, and is connected to the water as its guardian. To some vulture is ugly, but upon the invisible air it rides the current defying gravity with beauty and grace. Barley flapping a wing. Vulture teaches us that nasty jobs of great service are rewarded with great gifts. The vulture is often looked down upon. However, the vulture in fact, looks down on you. The vulture sees all and knows what is done to the Earthly Mother. He is special friend to hawk, eagle, and raven. The vulture mates for life, and lives in community upon a communal roost each night. This roost location varies each night. Each vulture 'clan' cleaning the territory as it sees fit. With communication that is transacted from many miles away, a vulture can see the flight patterns of its brethren, with eyesight ten times better than our own (not verified). A clan chieftan sends a signal that is relayed each evening, and a roost is selected. These roosts can be constant for many years and even generations. A system of roosts helps to ensure that the land is purified systematically. The roost is usually on a ridge that overlooks a river, and is normally in a spot that receives the last of the days sun, as well the first at sunrise. Each morning, the vulture clan turns to face the sacred Sun. Warming the feathers together in union before heading to work.” They are trusted team mates and when I am out in the field doing gridwork, I celebrate with glee when they arrive. I pay attention to their actions and rhythms and am learning a lot from them as we go. When I am working with portals, and an energy needs to be purified, I am delighted and amazed when a group comes right along to work with me and do the job. I have seen them work to open portals themselves. In a epic freedom code plasma code moment on July 6, I saw a turkey vulture hover in one exact spot, for at least 5 minutes over an area in my backyard, and then in that exact spot I saw lightening hit a tree. Like, ok, guys, you are powerhouses!! Really, how did he know?? Or was he acting as a lightening rod? Or was there a magnetic anomaly in that spot of the earth or sky that was “preparing” for the lightening? I started writing this blog back in April…and I picked it up again on this auspicious equinox day, as they are ongoing active and with me again. I was called to active the mountains in my region to turn on to their full crystalline capacities. And network them. I was drawn to a triangle between Mystery Hill, New Hampshire (aka America’s Stonehenge), Mount Monadnock New Hampshire and my home region. I felt it was important to clear out and align these sites prior to equinox, so worked with this most of last week. I visited Mt Wachusett first – the master crystal for the grids in my area, and saw several riding the thermal currents that day. I saw many on my trip to and fro Mystery Hill a few days later. Then, when I was working with a team mate using a conversation to clear out a particularly dense band of distortion on the grids the day before equinox, just as we were declaring freedom from old loops, there my buddies were again, right overhead. Golden Purifiers!! So powerful!! I have also been making links between my animal friends that show up for me in person here earth plane, with the star wisdom and star light codes from the constellations. Like, when swans show up by day, I might find a nighttime encounter and message from the Cygnus constellation in the night sky. Or when a constellation is particularly active and “talkative” in the night sky, an animal friend representative shows up the next day in the field. Last night I had the pleasure of luxuriating under the deep dark night sky, and was celebrating the tail end of summer, the last summer night of this year under the Summer Triangle. Vega, Altair and Deneb. Deneb is in the Cygnus/Swan Constellation, and at the swan tall is the active North American Nebula, which was up at zenith/high point last night. Altair is the brightest star in Aquila, The Eagle/Hawk Constellation. And Vega is in the constellation of Lyra. Vega was the first star that drew me in last night and reminded me to pay attention. It was coding and dancing brilliantly with me all night. I had a super amazing night communing and communicating with the stars overall, and when I was going over things this morning, I had a- oh hey, I should research and see if there is a Vulture Constellation. Sure enough, there is – and it’s Lyra and Vega. “Lyra was often represented on star maps as a vulture or an eagle carrying a lyre, and hence is sometimes referred to as Vultur Cadens or Aquila Cadens ("Falling Vulture"[3] or "Falling Eagle"), respectively.” Well alright alright!! May you work with nature and purify with golden light!! Cycles of 13 - What This Full Moon Taught Me Hello Friends
A very happy September to all of you! I have been “in the family way” this summer playing with the kids, and now that school for them is a-happening I am delighted to have more time to lean into Inner Space, both my own, and the wonderful sacred space of our community. I have several course ideas percolating, and am working on finalizing fall offerings to spin out into the world for sharing. More on this later in the week. I am taking a moment here to share a very powerful passageway that was illuminated for me by the September 13/14 2019 Full Moon that we are under the waning light of…. When a calendar year starts on a Sunday, that year will have two Friday the 13ths. One in September, one in December. This year, we were graced with the Harvest Moon (the September full moon) coinciding with the power day of Friday the 13th. 13 is a powerful lunar number, for it is the number of lunar cycles that happen in a year. Taking the rounded figures that the lunar phase cycle is 4 weeks or 28 days long. 4 weeks x 13 = 52 weeks 28 days x 13 = 364 days The number 13 is often associated with moon/lunar power and wisdom. Some calendars have 13 months (instead of our Gregorian 12). I read an article about the cool 13 factoid that between Friday September 13 and Friday December 13 there are 13 weeks. (Thank You Earth Sky, a source of so much inspiration!! Read article) When reading these words I got an immediate sense of passageway. That these next 13 weeks are going to be super potent and powerful for self mastery and inner transformation. That for myself, I pledged to make each week a focus on a certain area of self care, and connecting to inner wisdom. 2020 is going to be an amazing year, and how we flow through the rest of 2019 and finish this calendar year is going to set the stage for the upcoming 2020. It is also super potent that this marks the equinox to solstice passage. As well as we have another full moon on December 12. 12/12 always feels like a DNA code day to me. So this process will assist us with DNA upgrades as well. I have several friends and mentors that use these coded passageways as times of preparation and for setting the stage for amazing things to unfold. Coding like this, with the calendar is a time tested method of blueprinting. We could use each month of the year for an area of focus. Some systems encourage us to use the last 12 days of the year clearing out the internal debris of the previous year, and then the first 12 days of the year to set the stage for the new year flow. We can use any cycle of time, be it years, months, weeks, even minutes. And as time is cyclic and quantum and non linear, we can start anytime and “catch up” to linear time as well. You, as the creator of the daily flow, seasonal flow of your own life….. What do you want to cultivate as daily rituals of self care and nourishment? What have you been “meaning to” do or let go of? What simple fun vibration raising thing can you add to your weekly or daily flow? When you hear the number 2020 – what does it invoke in you?? It often makes me think of clear vision. And the term “hindsight is 20/20” And then the upshift/uplevel to…. What if Foresight was 2020?? What would it be like if I spent the next 13 weeks dedicated to self awareness, self mastery, self care and nourishment? Would my vision for 2020 then be sparkling clear and precise? There is only one way to find out!! Join me in coding in the next 13 weeks as a passageway of greatness!! “Foresight 2020” Let’s spend this first week under the light of the bright moon envisioning and even listing pen and paper style the things we want to cultivate in our daily and weekly flow. Pick something that is FUN – that lights you up, that makes you smile and feel GOOD. And then write another few similar somethings. Write a love letter to yourself. That is our week one action step, should you chose to walk this path with me. Be in touch soon, Julie |
May 2024