GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS: INNER SPACE CONVO WITH SOLUNTRA KINGWe are one with the Sun and have within us the Golden Solar Disc as well. We can anchor our own Golden Disc within our Hearts and bring in that energy at any sacred place. Which also means our own backyard or home, as all the Earth is sacred, we are now able to not just travel to these power sites but anchor that energy wherever we are. As we connect through our own inner Sun in our Heart, the Inner Earth Sun, as our Earth becomes a Sun, just like us, our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence. When we work consciously with the Golden Solar Discs we are also working with the Councils of Light consciously, so you know when that is so. It is now time for us to connect within to our Source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant Golden Ball of Divine Light. Feel, sense, and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now about to enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar Selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs and the energy they emanate, WE ARE a Golden Solar Disc. I was blessed to have an extended conversation with Soluntra about the Golden Solar Discs. You can join us (as we recorded it for all time) here:
Who Decides What Is Truth?? You do.
Only your opinion matters on this topic. What if someone disagrees with your truth? What if they have a different truth? You were in the SAME situation, and conversation with them. But their experience, memory and recall of the event and conversation are ENTIRELY different than yours. Great! Their truth is truth too. You are both “right”. You are both speaking truth. You see, we each have a unique perspective. We each look through our own eyes, and filter the incoming information with our own lens. Your lens is crafted by your DNA strands. It is coded into your cells. Passed on from your ancestors. Then you color the strands and hone the angles of your inner prism. And through YOU – you as crystalline grid structure – you filter and direct the code of life in your own image. With your every deed, word, thought…YOU ARE the CREATOR of your REALITY. You are the speaker of the code, the reader of the code, the cipher, and the singer of the song of your life. We are in a time of massive polarity, and of divergent truth paths. There are so many situations that are so incredible polarized, and each “side” is staunch in their stance. We take a step back, give everyone space to BE. To BE right. For them. TO be in the field of vibrational reality that is real and true and a good match. And the super cool thing is, we can have multiple realities existing simultaneously and coexisting peacefully. Living in a pluralistic reality means that I can feel and think and believe what I know to be true. And you can do you and do the same. And we do NOT have to agree. We can both be “right”. Being in the unity field, and in the flow of life, means that we can hold space for differing viewpoints. With kindness and respect. I had a very “interesting” exchange today. That I am happy and proud to say I handled very well. It is a benign easy to share example, and it gave me a BIG “ah-ha” moment today. Which inspired me to write up this post. My hair has been getting super long, and was kinda driving me coo coo since March. I am a once a year haircut kinda gal. I cut it kind of shortish in the summer and then let it grow out until the next summer. I was excited to get a cut this week, and get a fresh feel. I sent the stylist a picture of my most favorite haircut ever, prior to our appointment, so we did not have to spend time on that during the covid protocols and such. And asked her to replicate that look. When I got there in person, she told me…”no, that is not what you want” – and said a bunch of things like “I always tell my clients what to do with their hair and I am always right”. She was kinda tongue in cheek joking on that one, but she kinda meant it too - and in general pressured me to just get a trim and I was feeling awkward and got her to agree to doing it an inch or so shorter than she wanted, but it was a big push by me the whole way. And she was super tense the whole time with the all of the protocols and the spraying stuff down and the masks and all of that. So I tried to “go with the flow” in the moment. Truth is, it is still too long for me, and I want it cut shorter. I texted her today to say that I was disappointed in the cut I received, and asked if she could sneak me in for a quick fix and cut 2 more inches off the back. I told her that I wanted what I initially had asked for and did share that I was unsatisfied with the current length. She came back with a pretty gruff somewhat nasty text reply. Telling me I was a liar and I was not telling the truth right now and that I should look for another stylist. I was honestly flabbergasted. And had a cascade of emotions flood through me. Speaking truth and being fair is very important to me. Always has been. I was kind of horrified and so wanted to defend myself. But then I did a good job of stepping back, and asking – what is the deeper thing here for me to see?? And it came pouring in….who gets to decide what is truth??? Bing bing bing! There have been several things like this that have occurred for me in the last few weeks. I am grateful that my soul chose a benign thing like a haircut for this “lesson” this time. I have certainly been kicked in the ass harder with this kind of thing in the past. I did have that momentary victim ping to “I am being gaslighted here” and “How can she not say something like, oh, I am sorry I made you feel that way, it was not my intention at all, let me fix it”. I honestly expected it to go like that. But sometimes, it does not go that way. We use the term distortion to describe a communication like this. Where there is a disconnect in the communication stream. One big thing that is “up” right now is clearing distortions from the field. So things like this are very prevalent for all of us. I have had several conversations with friends who have had similar instances where speaking up for oneself was called up. Where setting a clear and forceful boundary and establishing a strong neutral perimeter was a HUGE important lesson. I will have 4 or 5 friends read this and will think that I am talking about them. And they will all be “right”. And they each will be viewing this from their lens, and they all will be “of truth”. Who gets to decide what is TRUTH? You DO!! We can disagree and hold viewpoints that are not the same and both be “in the right”. Furthermore, we can be kind to each other and have a clear communication about it with mutual respect. Let’s code that into the New Earth paradigm that is unfolding right now! Free to BE YOU and ME! I woke up to this alignment in the wee hours overnight.
Neptune Mars Moon Saturn Jupiter Pluto That’s quite a line up!! For those of us that work with star codes....we find that certain star or planet alignments, like rising or setting or hitting zenith point (high point in sky). We include planets here, as their light codes come through to earth in a similar way. You wake up- wide awake- during the night. And it feels like....there is something to do or know. I would encourage you, to explore this for yourself. If you are reading this, and it sings to your heart and soul, you are probably already doing it. Sharing here openly with you all. To increase our collective awareness of this important aspect of light work. It took me several years of actively working with star codes (light and knowledge from stars) to decode what was happening in my overnight hours. You could walk over to a window and glance out. I have a great friend who does this at her house looking through her skylight. Going out on the lawn or balcony is an occasional fun thing too. If the call is LOUD. Or, you can employ your Star app (I use Sky Safari) , like I did last night on my iPad from my cozy bed. The simple and powerful act of shining the light of YOUR awareness to the stars begins the download. Your connecting in creates to corridor. Then you can drift back to sleep and explore more in your dreams or in the astrals. More on star codes: I have been quite silent (publicly) on the recent state of the state. While equality and freedom for ALL are things dear to my heart, I have been having a hard time plugging in to an authentic (for me) action step around race relations in our community.
I see so many of my well-meaning and activist friends posting on Facebook, participating in protests, starting book clubs, and so many companies sending out their diversity pledges. All of it has left me with a deeper inner discomfort. With full respect to all my friends reading this that have made these actions, NONE of them have felt authentic or appropriate for me personally. To do any of these actions, to me, felt like I was trying on someone else’s clothes. Doing something because other people were doing it, jumping on the bandwagon because it seemed like the right thing to do. Every well-meaning brave hearted person I know wants to DO something. I get it. It is certainly HIGH TIME we dismantle racism. But what is there to DO? I myself have chosen to sit and BE. To observe, to allow a deep inner reflection, and to BE with all of this. There is a lot of inner turmoil and discomfort and confusion. My strong brave friend from Vancouver, BC – Tien Neo Eamas posted a real raw rant on Facebook. Tien writes.... "I am of colour, an immigrant, a transman. I've been a woman, I've been gay, I've been a lesbian, I'm bi gendered and have had experienced decades of abuse from family, community, societal systems, institutional racism and trans ignorance.... I now teach my wisdom from my unique life journey. I know tons of folks who have lived in these places, who wake up to face another day of hatred, fear, ignorance and stupidity from the main stream, from pervasively hetero normative culture from racist systems and from plain old annoying ignorance. If another white spiritualist tells me to namaste I just may puke on them. YES that is the pervasive way that ignorant racism works! Now for my dear white friends... I have much to teach you too!!! With loving kindness, and tapping DEEP..oh so deep... into my wise patience hahahah... I will (attempt to) NOT spew my anger at you for your ignorance an patronising ways. I want to bring my infamous playful wise ass #wizardry to this conversation. Cos there is core foundational work that YOU NEED TO DO! Keep watching my posts, open your eyes and ears and see what is actually going on. Before you thoughtlessly LOVE and LIGHT people... get super aware of what YOUR SKIN COLOUR represents on this planet at this point in time. JUST BE WITH THIS ALL RIGHT NOW. No need to react, no need to justify, no need to figure it out... just be with this discomfort for a bit - don't go mindlessly and reactionarily spewing your 'anti racism' stand, then pat yourself on your back..... JUST BE IN THE NEW uncomfortable, awkward, awareness for a bit. Yes we are all souls, yes we all matter, yes we are human, yes cut us and we all bleed. AND racism and oppression happens. How can YOU be in the face of this. What now can YOU do to bring the EVOLUTION forward. And I chose to get vulnerable and write him a response, this is part of it: “Thanks. It has felt all wrong to me. The response “avenues”. So I have been silent. Watching. Seeing. Observing. Yes, sitting with it. That feeling of posturing and being inauthentic. That’s how it feels when I get a “You should be doing this to be an ally” external nudge. Thank you for being you. And authentically sharing and inviting open dialog. We (meaning well meaning white folks) need help and guidance. The supposition that I should “know what to do” to make it better feels like part of the problem or projection. much as it sucks to admit...I’m dumb in this issue as I was raised white. I chose to defer to my friends who are experts for guidance.” From that comment exchange, I am honored to say he has asked me to assist him to hold space for the larger conversation, and we are holding a Zoom meeting on Wednesday June 10, 6 pm PDT/9 pm EDT. Please join us!! We had an amazing planning and prep chat on Saturday night. The conversation began to help me clarify and crystalize my own inner turmoil around all this. I got a preview of the material he wants to share with us. It is RICH and DEEP and INNER work. It will bring you into very uncomfortable places, and then help you shine the light of awareness into the deep dark crannies of your own racist tendencies. It is especially tuned for the Spiritual Community. Where there is a predominance of bypassing and cultural appropriation happening. (yoga teachers, yoga students, lightworkers, this means you, US). This is a place to come be authentic. To speak the deepest darkest human brain thoughts and reactions you have. For speaking them brings them into light. Come and ask your stupid white person questions. Share your inherited biases. It is also a place to listen and BE. I am going to be a mouthpiece and space holder for DUMB WHITE SPIRITUAL PEOPLE everywhere. I am going to LISTEN and observe my own reaction. Tien ran me through his alchemical work around dismantling racism from within, and I can tell you it is brilliant. I really want you to hear his wisdom. It is tangible, approachable and applicable to all of us. ESPECIALLY if you believe you are not part of the problem. ESPECIALLY if you believe you do not have any internal racist dialog going on (spoiler alert – YOU DO!!). I will give you an example of one that I shared with Tien in our chat Saturday evening. I notice a tendency of overcompensation with myself. I gave this generic example of being in a grocery store isle with an inconsiderate man plowing through. If it was a white man, I would be thinking FU bastard thoughts about him, and give him a scowl and mental “shade”. If said gentleman was a black fellow, I might go out of my way to be nice. To make eye contact, to make him feel seen and “ok”. But you know what, that is racism too. As in, well-meaning white guilt overcompensation. And who is that helping?? My own idea of myself….maybe…. But it is certainly not helping my community members of color. Because, my well-meaning trying to hard is a burden to my friends of color too. So….what is to DO?? First and foremost…we BE. We sit in the seat of self-awareness, no matter how comfortable that may BE. Our friends of color have been navigating massively uncomfortable positions for far to long. It is our turn. Tien shared that he has been trying to have this authentic dialog for YEARS with white people. To no avail. To deaf ears. I assured him there are some of us that are READY. Can you prove me right and join us in the conversation? I am willing to sit on the hot seat publicly and do my best to BE UNCOMFORTABLE and BE TEACHABLE and BE REAL. Will you join me? With respect for all, Julie JOIN US Wednesday June 10 at 6 pm PDT, 9 pm EDT Touching Zero Point, We are At Tipping PointToday, June 5, 2020 we have a Full Moon culminating at 3:12 pm EDT, closely followed by a Lunar Eclipse culminating at 3:26 pm EDT. Today's Eclipse opens our Eclipse Season, and is the first of three eclipses happening in the next lunar month. We have a solar eclipse on June 21, and another lunar eclipse July 5. Big doings friends!!
When tuning in to the energetics around this transformational eclipse passageway, it has shown itself to me as a major access point and opportunity for us to collectively hit a tipping point. A Zero Point. This access point, this zero point, is our doorway into the Unity Field. Into Unity Consciousness. Global events are pointing us there, we can all feel the tipping point we are at here in the USA. These eclipses will serve to heighten this awareness. Make it even more palpable and powerful. Defining Zero Point.... Shyunata – Zero Point "Śūnyatā" (Sanskrit) is usually translated as "devoidness," "emptiness," "hollow, hollowness," "voidness." It is the noun form of the adjective śūnya, plus -tā:
Shunyata emptiness the open vast field of existence the primal devoid the creation ground of being Shunya Empty Zero point Void Into the VOID we GO..... It is also important to note that this moon is stationed in the sky quite near the Galactic Center Point, in Sagittarius. As viewed from earth, the center of the galaxy is out in this direction. This moon is also in a powerful line up with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.....and is harkening the opening of the energy of the Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn coming up in December, and closing the gate or completing the work began on the January 12/13 Pluto Saturn Sun alignment. Fairy Queen of the WoodsLadyslipper, Venus' ShoesI had a magical sublime morning woods walk the other day, where I was greeted by a large stand of Lady Slippers. In my area, these special flowers are endangered, protected and a rare sighting. I have NEVER seen a full field of them like I did on this day. Usually there are on or maybe two together. They are elusive. An encounter is rare and special. After my own sighting, and posting a picture on Facebook, I had so many friends contact me with similar sightings. So many people have seen LadySlippers this June around here! And many have commented on how many there were together, unusually high numbers.
I have been doing a bit of research about why or how this is happening this spring. Was it the long cool wet season we had that made just the right conditions? Maybe. But you know me, I like to dig a bit deeper and uncover any spiritual or energetic significance as well. When I saw my field of pink beauties, I had an immediate stellar feeling. Like they were a constellation, like the Pleiades or Seven Sisters. Like they were a sign or a message for me somehow. The art and skillset of reading the signs is called decoding. Reading and interpreting the codes, the signs you are presented with on your path is a huge exciting thing. Following that proverbial trail of breadcrumbs is an exciting adventure. The color and the shape and the overall signature of the Ladyslipper is certainly reminiscent of Venus. The juicy lush rich pink of the goddess. Since we are in a strong time of Venus Codes and in an important layer of the 8 year Venus synodic cycles (layers of 8, 13, 584 and 5 - pentagram as Venus dances with the sun and earth) - I had a contemplation, a feeling sense that maybe the strong showing of the Ladyslipper this spring was associated with the Venus energy. How do I confirm or "back up" an inner knowing and a hunch like this? With a little online research, I had a jaw drop amazed confirmation moment yesterday. Another name for Ladyslipper Flower is Venus' Shoes. Well alright much more of a confirmation would I need than THAT?? Woo Hoo! Cypripedium reginae, known as the showy lady's slipper, pink-and-white lady's-slipper, or the queen's lady's-slipper, is a rare lady's-slipper orchid native to northern North America. Although never common, this plant has vanished from much of its historical range due to habitat loss. Names: The genus Cypripedium is derived from several Greek words that mean "Venus's shoe" - the slipper. The species name reginae is Latin for "of a queen". Common names also include fairy queen, white wing moccasin, royal lady's slipper, nervine, and silver-slipper. "The greatest prize of the swamp is our state flower, the showy Cypripedium, the pink and white Lady’s-slipper, a member of the orchid family. No flower, wild or cultivated, is more magnificent than this. The plant is the tallest of the genus and has the broadest leaves and the largest and most beautifully tinted flowers, often bearing two on one stalk. Only North American Indian ladies wear slippers of this style, and the precise always call them moccasins. Goddesses, also, must have approved of this kind of footgear, for the scientific name, Cypripedium, means Venus’ shoes." Published June 18, 1911, Sunday Minneapolis Tribune A Native Legend - A Chippewa brave had a beautiful sister who always wanted to go along on hunting trips with him. He always refused and if she followed he would send her back. At last, as he was leaving on a lengthy trip, she hid on the trail until he was out of sight, then she followed. In the woods she became lost and could not find her way back. When her brother returned, he and the village set out on a search for her. Villagers started fires to send smoke signals, but a strong wind fanned the flames into the woods and burned a large area, including where the maiden was lost. When spring came and the snow melted the people found a new flower of pink and white on the hill side, shaped like a shoe or moccasin. The flowers led in a path into to the woods where the remains of the maiden were found. Where ever she had stepped, a flower had formed and they have continued to bloom since. Thank you sweet Ladyslipper for showing me so much! You are pure magic and delight! Fairy Queen INDEED!! I am off to go frolic in the woods and encounter more...if they so chose to bestow upon me their grace. Nice to see you AgainThis morning marks the first potential day of Heliacal Rising of the Pleiades! Welcome "back" dear Seven Sisters. So nice to see you shine again. How was your visit with the Sun? We look forward to seeing you earlier and earlier in the deep dark hours of night, as your path changes your rising time each day.
Today opens the Helical Rising of Pleiades - the morning that the Pleiades are visible rising in the morning sky is the heliacal rising. (Helios = Sun, heliacal = with the sun. I say "opens" and "potential" for this event today, as the exact heliacal rising is a visible phenomenon, which varies for your location, your horizon line, your latitude. While ancient sea voyager cultures would use your heliacal rising view as the "signal" that ocean going voyages were now "safe" again, and agricultural cultures would use this first view before dawn as a sign that it was planting season, we, in our modern culture have lost connection to your deeper meaning. Let's bring back, together, some of this star wisdom long cherished by our ancestors. Let's create, together new ways to celebrate and renew these astronomical wonders. What do the Pleiades mean to you? What significance do they hold? In what ways can you mark the occasion and allow this star light and these transformative star codes into your light body? Dark Star VenusVenus becomes Dark Star today, as it conjuncts with the Sun. that we cannot see it. However, the transmissions of Venus Codes are HIGH and strong. Remember how bright and captivating Venus has been in the evening sky? Today the Venus Light, the Venus power joins with the sun. So the Sun is “boosted” energetically as Venus light shines within the sun beams in this close alignment. Yesterday, last night, to me felt very much like Liminal Space. Threshold or transition. And I can phrase it no better than Jerry Garcia.... “Shall we go, you and I while we can Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds?” Venus and it’s diamond light codes. Transitive time. Transformative time. Diamond Squeeze continues globally. Also from the palpably appropriate lyrics of Dark Star .... “Reason tatters, the forces tear loose from the axis”. Into the Dark Star we go!! Venus is in exact alignment with Sun at 1:44 pm EDT today. Dark Star by The Grateful Dead Dark star crashes, pouring it's light into ashes Reason tatters, the forces tear loose from the axis Searchlight casting for faults in the clouds of delusion Shall we go, you and I while we can Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds? Mirror shatters in formless reflections of matter Glass hand dissolving in ice petal flowers revolving Lady in velvet recedes in the nights of good bye Shall we go, you and I while we can Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds? The Venus Transition: Evening Star, Dark Star, Morning Star On June 3, 2020 Venus is in inferior conjunction with the sun as seen from earth. This means that Venus is moving in its orbital path between the earth and the sun. This is a powerful, powerful alignment. It is “boosted” by the fact that two days later, on June 5, 2020 – we have a lunar eclipse. So, this week, Sun, Venus, Earth and then the moon joins in to make an exciting “line up” in the solar system.
Venus is now invisible to us on earth. It is so close to the sun’s position in our sky, that it gets lost or “swallowed up” in the bright glare of the sun. In ancient cultures, this was a very important cycle to pay attention to. It heralded many changes and was so important that many cultures build huge markers and temples to honor and co-participate in this dance of Venus. Some ancient cultures believed the “god or goddess” associated with lights in the sky would visit the underworld during such periods of invisibility. Many myths and traditions are rich with tales of these descents and ascents into and back out of the underworld. Transformational things would happen for the culture and the beings in these myths around these times. Venus has been such a constant bright light for us in the evening sky for the end of 2019 and all of early 2020. The last Sun Venus alignment was August 14, 2019. It then climbed higher and higher into our twilight and evening sky. The planet has had some speculator alignments with the crescent moon, always timed right during or before a big gateway. It “visited” and code exchanged with many solar system buddies. It conjuncted with Jupiter on November 24, 2019. Then cruised by Saturn on December 10. Made a spectacular showing with the Crescent Moon on December 28, and again Feb 27. Flowed right past Neptune on January 27, again with the Crescent Moon. Venus joined Uranus in the sky on March 7. Reached greatest elongation on March 24. Venus joined the Pleiades in the sky in a diamond display on April 3, 2020 – a once every eight years position. Venus was at its greatest brightness on April 27. Then nestled into a horn of Taurus the Bull with Mercury on May 22, as the Sun aligned with the Pleiades during a new moon. We are in THE MOST powerful global realignment and recalibration and transformation in recent history. When folks look back at our present moment, it will be the stuff of great stories of transformation and rising up, reemerging from a time of deep darkness into the light. Just as you have all year, let Venus guide your way. The Rainbow Feathered Serpent was the Mesoamerican deity who was said to “midwife” and represent the rebirth and ascension of Venus back into light. As the Morning Star. Dawn Star. Heralded as a very powerful one. Venus and its cycles and star light were very important and present for our ancestors. Transcending the “fear” that we would be consumed in darkness, or that the world was falling apart or coming to an end. Sound familiar? The return of Venus as a star in the morning sky gave some cultures a “relief” and a chance at rebirth. For now….the next three days in particular…we are on the descent. Moving with Venus into the depths, and the darkness. Into the caves of creation within. Remember that you will, we will emerge again. INTO and AS the light. |
May 2024