PLUG INTO THE CENTRAL SUNHave you ever contemplated the galactic center? Take a moment with me now…. Here’s an imagine of our galaxy, the Milky Way. See that bright core of light at the center? That is the Galactic Center or Galactic Core (GC). The Galactic Center is a source of light. Light is Knowledge. It is universal, the source of all life and creation. It is the sustaining and animating energy of the universe. When I deepened my professional focus working with the light codes and the human energy and planetary energy fields, I began to contemplate much more deeply the concept, “Where does life-force come from?” and “What is the source of the energy of The CODE OF LIFE?” Quickly I reconnected with direct communication and wisdom from the SUN. I was shown this “distribution system” of energy and source codes coming from the center of the universe, being rebroadcast at the center of each galaxy and then that signal distributing itself along the cosmic streams of stars so that each star, each sun, was rebroadcasting the signal of LIFE along the space and time field of the universe. Just as our planet orbits around the sun, our solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy. Our Sun has a Sun. Many folks call this the Central Sun or the Great Central Sun, The Spiritual Sun. Our sun gets its light and energy from the core of the galaxy. The light that streams from this core, flows out of the spiral arms of the galaxy, and is rebroadcast through every star that lives in that arm of the galaxy, including our sun. The sun was birthed from a nebula near the center of the galaxy, as were the other stars. Due to the spiral nature of the galactic vortex, the stars spiraled away from the center along certain pathways, that we call the spiral arms of the milky way, galactic stream of light and energy. Astronomers have named these arms. Our solar system, as best as we can tell, is in the Orion Spiral. These source codes distribute from the Galactic Center down our particular arm of the galaxy, and to our sun and solar system. On earth, we pay attention to solstice and equinox times to mark the progression of our orbit. We see directly that where we are in relation to the sun governs our seasons and weather and these cycles are the driving force for our daily lives here on earth. The solar system, in it’s orbital pathway around the center of the galaxy, also undergoes similar “seasons” or cycles. The way our solar system is tilted in relation to the galactic equator sets us up for an annual alignment and “boost” of light and source codes from the galactic center. There are sections of the galaxy that are rich with cosmic streams and energy flows. We are in one of those bands right now. The Sun moves into alignment with the part of the sky that is home to the Center of the Galaxy December 16-18, which is like our Sun getting a chance to power up by plugging into it’s source sun, the Central Sun. The Full Moon happens December 18. The Solstice occurs on December 21, and for us in the Northern Hemisphere we turn the cycle of the year into gaining light. On December 22 the Sun also moves deeper into the band of the milky way, and conjuncts the Lagoon Nebula. Another source stream boost! The Lagoon Nebula is one of the most active star producers our human eye can see (without high powered equipment). Active Alignment Days: Sun Aligns with Galactic Center December 16 - 18 Full Moon December 18 Solstice December 21 Sun Conjuncts Lagoon Nebula December 22 in Sagittarius The Center of the Milky Way sits in the sky at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. There is a radio source transmitter there, Sag A* (Sagittarius A star). It is obscured from view by the clouds of gas and particles. Some things we can see in the sky neighborhood are the star S3, and the Butterfly Nebula. Also nearby in Sag are the Triffid and Lagoon Nebulas. Sagittarius is one of the zodiac constellations that live along the celestial equator. If you are interested in exploring what a conjunction means you can read more from me here: So, what does any of this mean for you, as an aware sensitive being residing here on planet earth? Why is any of this important? How can you harness or work with this knowledge? This Code of Life appears in the human body, in the musical scale, in the colors of the rainbow spectrum. These source codes animate the universe. Source codes spiral into existence. They form shapes and flows. The same way your human energy body distributes prana through the central channel to the nadis, via the spiral vortexes of the chakras to each cell. Prana is the force and flow of life. The flow of prana though your nadis (channels, streams) governs the health and vitality of your body and mind. This core galactic center is an emanation of the core/center/creation point of the universe. It is an energy well we can each connect to both as a “refueling station” for the life-force energy in the body and as a source of light and information, inspiration. And then use these codes, this info to spark our own inner creator self. In this alignment corridor of December, we get an amplification and multiplication of the message, the signal strength increases and we get to hear more clearly the light encoded messages of connection, light and life – the song of the universe. So in this alignment we get a “double dose” of light and energy – from both the sun and the galactic core. These alignments offer unique opportunities to receive certain light codes and bundles of photons and information. We tune our sensitivity to be able to receive these codes and hear the messages coming our way from the stars. We have been at this task of fine tuning awareness and training for years and many of us for lifetimes. Take some time to sit quietly with yourself and listen. Make a connection to your personal embodied core (your soul center, your solar plexus). Make a connection to the crystalline core of the earth. Make a connection to the sun. Create a column of light connecting these cores and sit or stand within it. Then connect to the core of the Milky Way, the Galactic Center. Picture it in your mind, check out images of space and other galaxies. I plan to gift myself with some time in quiet, in receptive mode. Under the night time sky. Watching the stars. Under the daytime sky, watching the clouds. At sunset and sunrise, watching the colors and listening to the messages. Let’s do it, and then compare notes later. Love and Light, Julie
What is my Light Body and Why Would I Want to Activate it? Your light body is your soul light, soul body. The YOU inside of YOU, that shines out into the world. The light body is your joy, your radiance, your luminous self, your life force. Activating your light body, infuses your form with a kind of light that is self sustaining. That emanates from deep within. It puts a spring in your step, it raises your mood and lifts your spirits. It brings you inspiration and liveliness. As Yoda said, “luminous Beings are we, not this crude matter” Your light body is Effervescence Joy Radiance Flowing Energy Inspiration Knowledge What lights you up?? What excites you? What makes you feel joyfully alive? What lifts your mood when you are feeling dark? What guides your way? These are things that feed and nourish your light body. You are a multi-dimensional being. You are human embodied, form of earth. You are also so much more… You are a field of energy You are made of living light All the information of your body mind soul field is vibration and energy The frequencies of life are encoded in your DNA Your DNA transmits and receives light codes via bio-photons Your LightBody is projected by your DNA Your LightBody is your holographic reality You create and recreate your own reality every day, every moment via your light body. Light Bulb Imagine yourself as this light bulb. Your light is like your sixth sense. It is what allows you to see, through all time and space. The 5 base elements of life are Earth Water Fire Air Space/Ether Light is the 6th Element In a light bulb: The earth is the wire, the housing, the tangible physical parts The water is the current that flows through the earth parts (the wire) The fire is the heat that is generated by this flow The air is the magnetic field that the current flow produces The space is the glass, that contains and holds the whole thing The Light – is what shines forth from the bulb, it is the luminous part – the sixth element or feature. In short, your light body is the radiant part of you that is joyful, and delighted to be alive. Activating and Illuminating Your Light Body is a way to play the game of life with deLIGHT, joy and happiness. Isn’t that what we all want? To be happy, to be in free flow of life? LIGHT BODY ANDARA-VERSARYToday, October 20, 2019 is my two year "andara-versary"! I was reUnited with my first andara on October 20, 2017. This bright blue beauty was powerful from the first time I saw a picture online. It resonated throughout my sensory field and all through my multidimensional light body. I could feel it coming on it's shipping journey from the shop to my house. I could tell (from afar) that it was in my mailbox that day. I slept with it the first night, to stay enclosed in the energetic field it was emanating and delve deeply into the activation process. I knew from my friends and mentors who had worked with andaras and introduced me to them, that there was a calibration and activation phase folks would go through during the reUnion process. I write reUnion - as there is a feeling of familiarity, of "home" with the andaras you are meant to work with. They are alive with light and knowledge. They are trusted friends and allies and teachers. Andara glass crystals remain a mystery. Their exact origin and composition is elusive, as there are many tales in the collective. Ranging from intergalactic sources, riding to earth on comets and meteors, to lightning strikes on sand, or meteor crash impact creation. Some feel they are Lemurian or Atlantean crystalline technology, resurfacing in this now to assist with planetary ascension. They might be "merely" sourced from man made glass, yet we know that certain pieces have an amazing ability to receive, hold, and transmit light codes. Some of us have inkings and memories of them emerging from the sea. They for sure have an otherworldly feel. While their earth based origins remain "controversial" and the stories diverse, those of us that work with them know their impact is powerful and completely beyond human comprehension. For a certain group of human beings called to work with Andaras their quantum effect on is instantaneous. Those of us that are Andarians - a phrase I heard from Lisa Brown on her amazing website: I would highly recommend reading further if the subject interest you! Lisa Brown (on her page linked above) writes: "AndaRA" means to "Travel by light": Inter-Stellar (Star) Communications We are Andaras and they are us. Andarians was the word I received. Andaras work with increasing bio-electric energy for activating inner-dimensional communication with Elemental/Magical Realms/Star Realms through each achieving higher states of consciousness by consciously and intentionally raising vibrational frequencies through heart connection and non-linearity. Here are some photos from my activation day in October of 2017. The first time is always memorable and special. I knew I had to be alone in nature and sunlight to work with this special reUnion Activation. I chose an area woodland trail, and embarked on foot into the forest. This amazing cobalt beauty guided me to a spot that had a gigantic pyramid rock/boulder. I had walked this trail many times but never ventured off path and this stone was new to me. It was and is magnificent in its own right, and it became clear that this was the power spot to activate with the light codes in the andara. Below is a progression of photos that show some of the light codes and activations in action. I have not shared these with anyone. It was a new and very private special thing for me. After having worked now with a huge team of Andaras and mastering the art and science of working with Andaras, it feels time to share more fully and freely with you the possibilities that are here for us in this amazing now. Since this amazing day two years ago, I have been blessed to become the guardian of a vast array of Andaras. From small to large, each one is special to me and we have forged close working relationships and been through a variety of "jobs" and field work and grid work together.
Many of the pieces of my collection reside at Inner Space, in the Light Laboratory we have co co-created and designed. I have moved my rainbow octagon grid out into the gathering space. It is large enough to host 8 of us in sacred circle together. The anadaras and I make new grids and arrangements with each new energy corridor. On September 9, I was drawn to "gather up" the team and set out spaces for us to gather. It has been a while since I hosted folks at Inner Space in groups, and I am delighted to be working that way again! I will be holding "Illuminator" gatherings both here in person in Grafton, Massachusetts at Inner Space, as well as online on a video chat platform called Zoom. As the light body is quantum, this works amazingly well both in person and remotely. It is a grand age we live in where we can each be at home in our cozy spaces and work together effectively in the field of LIGHT. I feel I've Never Told You....The Story of the GhostOn July 12, 2018, particle physicists published their findings of detecting a long sought after cosmic particle which was labeled “the ghost particle”. A ghost neutrino is a neutral charged particle, that passes through most matter undetected (hence the term ghost). There are many neutrinos flowing through your body right now as you read this. Some come from the sun, and some are of a much distant cosmic origin. These are often referred to as Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays have positive, negative charged particles and neutral particles. The charged ones move and bounce and bump and do not have useful paths for source detection. The neutral particles do. These Ghost Neutrinos are able to travel great distances, and in a quantum way they are able to flow right through planets the same way they flow through open space, using the open space on a molecular level. Meaning, picture the space between the earth and the sun. In this 93 million miles, so many objects can flow along and not “hit” either the sun or the earth. Same is true in your cells. The distance between your cell nucleus and the electron that orbit around, quantum particles pass through without a “hit” or even being noticed. This is what makes these particles so useful as source pointers, and so hard to detect and interface with. Scientist have had theories about the existence of such particles since their discovery in 1912, and have designed and built labs to detect and thereby verify and study these particles. The labs are generally deep deep underground, and they use a tower of water and (equipment list here). Last year, in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory deep underground in Antarctica, at the South Pole a Ghost Neutrino was detected. This Ghost Neutrino hit the earth on September 22, 2017, after 4 billion year journey from it’s source, Blazar TXS 0506+056. Blazars are “a huge elliptical galaxy with a fast-spinning supermassive black hole at its heart.” (1) Looking out from earth, this blazar is located in the sky area just over the left shoulder of Orion (the star Bellatrix) (2) The findings were released to the public on the morning of July 12, 2018. It was a “big deal” and made a wide splash over science news sources covering the discovery. Geek that I am, I was reading tons of articles and learning much about the Ghost Neutrino. Then, on July 12, 2018 at 12:12 pm – my friend Dana of Elemental Ascension, posted a picture of a beautiful powerful pink Andara. I saw it online and was immediately full vibration field lit up and connected to it with the strong message - “that’s the face of ghost neutrino!! That is a connector to the particle physics lab in south America. That is the Ghosty Pink One!” Andaras are crystal glass light encoders. They are vehicles and transmitters of certain light codes. They facilitate communications with light beings. They are portals and windows. And, in this exchange I was learning that they worked with quantum particles directly. Cool! I have a wide collection of andaras, and we move through cycles of working together actively. One of the amazing features of andaras is the way they sparkle and speak and “come to life” and indicate they are ready to work with you. In a collection of pieces, all sitting on the same shelf in the same light conditions, one or two or three will light like fire. Illuminated from within, and enhanced by the sun’s rays in a vibrant way. Often, this happens in a room that no sunlight is shining in also, hence the lit from within. It is fully amazing to me that this crystal did this “I am ready activation” on Dana’s shelf at Elemental Ascension headquarters, and then activated ME via photograph to make this connection on this potent day. Not knowing exactly what any of this meant in my human mind, I proceeded by “adopting” this crystal. It has lived with me here for a year. It has taught me much, and offered lots of lessons and we have done some great light bright things together. I have enclosed a gallery of pictures from our work and play together below. A few points are real “standouts” as important and significant to point out to you, for those of us on an ascension pathway. This blazar had to be pointing directly at the earth for us to receive this particle. Of the vast possible directions this blazar could be pointing, there is a very specific window of alignment that would reach us here on earth. It took a global human collaboration to make this discovery. “Within 1 minute of the detection, the facility sent out an automatic notification, alerting other astronomers to the find and relaying coordinates to the patch of sky that seemed to house the particle's source.” (1) This kind of global network of team of explorers and scientist working together, across disciplines is key. We are in this amazing ascending age of communications and collaborations and this teamwork is the way we will accelerate our journey of knowledge and illumination. And, that this “message” comes from the Orion Constellation section of the sky feels quite significant too. Many of us identify with Orion and feel this as “home base”. Maybe this message is one you sent to yourself billions of years ago, and now it is the time to receive and decode this. And it is time for us to work in collaboration and team to bring the parts of the cosmic puzzle together. AND – the andaras are here to help us make these kind of connections and inner discoveries and be team mates on this light encoded journey into both inner and outer space!
Plug Into The Source of Light and Life, the SUNWhen our human vessel is feeling depleted and in need of a recharge, we can make a direct connection to this solar stream of energy and light and plug ourselves in to this source stream. This is what happens here at Inner Space, and what I designed the octagonal rainbow grid to help us do. Anchor in and conduct the Rainbow Rays of Solar Light and Source Codes into the cells of your body, into your energy field and your light body matrix. How do we “plug in”? There are many ways, the most direct, easy and powerful way I have found is to go outside, and stand in the sunlight. And breathe it in, and drink it into your pores, and make a conscious connection to the sun itself. Make each breath fueled with your intention to pull in sunlight to your body, to your cells. This sunlight comes encoded with the Rainbow Rays. Just like a prism diffracts the sunlight into the rainbow spectrum, your crystalline energy field does that same thing. You can think of your chakras as doorways or receiver sites for the solar rainbow energy. Red Ray enters your field through the doorway of the Earth Chakra (tailbone) Orange Ray flows through the Water Chakra (sacral) Yellow Ray blazes through the Fire Chakra (Navel and Solar Plexus) Green Ray breathes into the Air Chakra (Heart and Lungs) Blue Ray enters the portal of the Ether Chakra (ears, mouth, throat) Indigo Ray is transmitted to the Light Chakra (3rd Eye, Pineal Gland) Violet Ray enters the Crown (source spirit portal, fontanel) And the Rainbow Rays merge into the oneness of the White (Soul Star Chakra, 8-12” above the head) I’ve included some pictures of myself doing this (anchoring in and plugging into the Solar Rays). This Sound Tuning also opens you and assists to receive the solar rainbow codes, through the musical scale. Your Light Pillar – Your Ascension ColumnYour core is a filament for energy flow. It is a column of light. This column can be as thin as a gossamer strand, or as wide and magnificent as you create it and empower it to be.
The ancient yogis called this strand of light the sushumna nadi (sushumna = she who is most gracious, nadi = stream or flowline). This central nadi is the main flow line for the energy field of your body. It is the major central river of life of the human body. This central channel works a lot like the wire filament of an incandescent light bulb. The more prana/energy/electricity you pour through this filament, the brighter your light shines. The doorway to your core is your belly, your navel and solar plexus. Bring your attention into this core door (your upper abdomen) and access this central light channel. Do this by feeling your skin and surface of your belly (with a helpful notice of your breath moving the belly, or the feeling of your clothing on the skin there). Then take your attention into the depths of your belly, deep deep into the core location of the spine. Once you “hit” the central channel you will feel a “zip” line of energy awareness from tailbone to top of skull. Run your breath and your attention down to the tip of your tailbone as you breathe out, and up to the crown of your head as you breathe in. Get your life force flowing in your central channel. Turn on your inner light bulb! Connect again to your core, your soul center. Then make a connection from your personal human body core to the core of the earth body. Run your energy down through the soles of your feet, through your energy roots, deep into the soil of the earth, through groundwater pockets and bedrock, through layer after layer until you feel warmth. This warmth leads you to the molten core of the earth. Breathe in this liquid fire light, and offer your inner sunlight and warmth back to the earth in a feedback loop, belly to earth core. Once you get that running, make an intention to connect with both the solid iron inner core of the earth (for strength and stability, for magnetic spin). Then make an intention to connect to the crystalline core of the earth (a geometric lattice work of crystalline light). Keep running this loop of your body core to earth core with every breath. Keeping that connection, extend your awareness up up up to the sun. It can help to reach your arms overhead and/or cast your gaze upwards. With open arms, call in the light and warmth and full spectrum light from the sun. Pull it with each inhale into your belly, and with each exhale extend your inner light up to greet the incoming sunlight. Visualize and feel a huge column of light, from earth core, through and surrounding your body and up on into the sky and extending up to the sun. Step your feet a bit wider apart and open your arms a bit wider than shoulder width. Visualize this as a magnificent column of light, with swirling energy flowing up and down and all around in flow. Though these instructions are detailed and your first few times of doing this may take a bit of time to focus on, once you get the hang of this it can be done in a quick instant at any time anywhere with your attention to connect to core, earth core, solar core and invoke your light column. A quick easy fun way to raise your vibration and increase your light quotient! Today is a code Day
Light Body |
May 2024