Going on Soulogy with Todd Medina today at 3 pm EDT/Noon PDT to chat about the transformative astronomical alignment corridor we are in. Pleiades and Eclipses and Conjunctions Oh My!! You can join us live or here is the Replay !
Jupiter & VEnus, MErcury & Pleiades, Solar Eclipse - April 29 & 30, 2022We move into many astronomical alignments this powerful weekend Jupiter Venus Conjunction April 30 (close on the 29th too) Mercury with Pleiades April 29/30 (thru May 22) New Moon Solar Eclipse April 30 We have both Sunrise and Sunset Gateways to pay attention to MORNING GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS In the predawn sky look for Jupiter and Venus to merge as ONE in the sky They rise around 4:30 am EDT, and predawn for all time zones too EVENING GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS In the evening sky just at and after sunset, you can look for Mercury sliding in beside the Pleiades Star Cluster. Binoculars or telescope will help you see them, but some may get a glimpse with the naked eye. MORNING GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS EVENING GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS ECLIPSE GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS April 30 we have a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse. Visible from the southern tip of South America, and the southern seas Partial Solar Eclipse flows from 2:45 pm - 6:30 pm, with Max Peak at 4:40 pm EDT all times listed here are EDT - East Coast USA time zone See time and date website link below to get your local times... From TIME AND DATE website https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2022-april-30 ECLIPSE CETUS GATEWAY ALIGNMENTS The position of the Sun and Moon when they meet in the sky and the moon eclipses the sun is right near the throat of Cetus and M77 - CETUS A. Cetus, the Whale or Sea Dragon Constellation contains a barred spiral galaxy. This Galaxy (M77) is a strong radio source. It broadcasts massive codes from its supermassive black hole. This Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), positioned like it is in the throat of Cetus, codes like WHALE SONG.
This eclipse is going to be an amazing opportunity to SING YOUR CREATION SONG. What kind of life, what kind of world do YOU want to sing and speak into creation?? It's TIME!! Solar LogosThis 4 piece team is encoded to communicate directly with the animated intelligence of the sun - the SOLAR LOGOS.
Like the SUN embodied RA Sol Rishis Sun God/Dieties one and ALL Fabulous for grid keepers who work with the SUN, Solar Rays, Eclipses, Solar Activity - CME's, GeoMag Storms, Sunspots and Flares Ready to come your way to play for the upcoming and ongoing Eclipse corridor(s)! April 12, 2022Alignments for today
April 12, 2022 Moon in the Heart of the Lion Near Regulus in Leo Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction ARCHITECTS OF LIGHT : Metatron Creation Codes Andara ActivationARCHITECTS OF LIGHT : Metatron Creation Codes Andara Activation Metaron's Cube as Creation Code Space Light Code Transmission from Architects of LIGHT Metatron Speaks 4/5/22 Sunrise LightHouse ActivationLIGHTHOUSE BUILD yourself as a House of LIGHT |
May 2024