Hridayam - The I AM Center - The high HeartGreeting Friends and Light Beings! I am writing to you today to talk about the current energetic gateway into the heart. I have been feeling for myself an increased activation of the cosmic heart center. This heart space has been called the Spiritual Heart, the Universal Heart, the high heart. The month of January was very active for incoming energy codes and information to planet earth. The moons and then the partial solar eclipse at the end of the month completed a cycle that began last August with that solar eclipse. The light that is streaming in now activates us to this universal cosmic heart energy space. I myself have been experiencing both energetic and physical awareness of this. Some of which include tingling in the skull, in the ears, down the neck into the back wall of the ribcage, scapula and heart – some tingling in the fingers and a feeling of energetic fullness in the nadis down my arm and in the pocket of the elbow and in the wrist as well as the knuckles of my left index finger. How you feel and experience this will be unique and all your own. I share my experience of it not as a map but as a door opener for you to recall how this has flowed through you. As those of us who teach or work with clients or hold space for families or workplaces know – the folks that come on your path have a way of reflecting and mirroring back the pattern from other perspectives. Back in the days where I was running a yoga studio it always delighted us to compare notes at the end of the week, and see that many of us had taught a similar sequence or chose the same pinnacle poses for classes that week. We were tapping into that collective stream of consciousness to determine what movements would align and benefit us the most at that time of season and under that energy. Likewise I have been blessed to work with clients the last few weeks who are also delving into the sacred space of the heart. I pay close attention to threads that show us feedback from the collective consciousness. The high heart is calling us – and I have spent time opening and re-opening my own personal embodied gateway to this space. I have researched and synthesized some information from a variety of sources. I present it to you below for your use and illumination. In hridaya love, Julie Hridayam – The High Heart Activating the emerald jewel of the inner heart gate We are currently in a time of high heart chakra awakening The events of the outer world are driving each of us to a choice point What are we going to hold vibrationally deep within the magnetic torus field pump of the heart? If the events of the world send your energy outward, to what is wrong and how to take up a battlefield posture, you will dwell in the realms of fear and scarcity, of anxiety and dread The darkness will be encroaching and the pull will engulf you You have the choice to use the outer darkness to blanket you while you soften into the inner core of your own heart. Using your human heart as the doorway, you move in to deeper and deeper layers of self, through your inner space into the sacred heart, the secret heart. The tantric Himalayan masters spoke about the hridayam, the high heart. The lotus within the lotus. The Hridaya linguistically breaks down into hrid = center and ayam = this or “I am”. So, your Hridayam is your I AM CENTER. I will offer some of the scholarly and ancient writings for reference, but as slways the best way for you to gather information is from your own experience, your own body and energy field. I just recorded a intro to using Sanskrit bija mantras (seed sounds) to bring yourself to the spaces of the heart. Sanskrit is a vibrational language, and just hearing and more potently making yourself the sounds will bring you right to the vibrational state and frequency. The Human Heart Center (Anahata) is accessed via the sound YAM (pronounced yum) The I AM Center (Hridaya) is accessed via the sound HRIM (pronounced hreem) Listen here: The sage Ramana Maharishi called the Hridayam *
“the seat and source of consciousness, identical with the Self, the very Core of one’s being, the Center, without which there is nothing whatsoever”. The Hridayam is that which attracts everything to itself; it is the place where the “ultimate Divine” dwells in each human. Light originates here and then flows upward to the crown chakra and down to the other energy centers. It is not an organ nor does it correspond with one, It is pure consciousness, beyond space and time, transcending the Mind. The Heart is the Self, - the Heart, which is pure consciousness, includes everything; it is indivisible” *Sourced from Richard Leviton’s book The Emerald Modem: A User’s Guide to Earth’s Interactive Energy Body In the writings of by T. K. Sundaresa Iyer we read,** "Just as there is a cosmic center from which the whole universe arises and has its being and functions with the power or the directing energy emanating therefrom, so also is there a center within the frame of the physical body wherein we have our being. This center in the human body is in no way different from the cosmic center. It is this center in us that is called the Hridaya, the seat of Pure Consciousness, realized as Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. This is really what we call the seat of God in us. It is this Hridaya that is said to be different from the physical heart, regulating the blood circulation. The Hridaya has its being on the right side and is not commonly known or felt. The primary thought in us arising as 'I,' when traced to its source, ends somewhere in us and this place, where all thoughts die, where the ego has vanished, is the Hridaya. From this center is felt and enjoyed the Pure Consciousness. Hridaya described as 'the literal, actual, physical seat of the intuition of the Self' has the meaning explained above. Perhaps the words 'physical seat' may create some confusion. What it really means is that there is a center of Pure Consciousness in the physical body. It is related to the physical, but is not itself physical. The word Hridaya is a composite of hrid and ayam - "center, this". It is the center on the right, which we reach as a result of meditation (Samadhi). From the Hridaya, consciousness arises to the sahasrara through the sushumna and from there spreads out to all the parts of the body through the several 'nadis'. Then alone we become conscious of the objects around us. Man, due to the illusion that these have real existence, experiences suffering, as he strays far away from his Self. The seat from where all these arise and manifest is the Hridaya.” **Sourced from
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