May Freedom ReignToday is flag day in the good ol’ USA
One of my main lightworker gridworker “jobs” as of late is to anchor as much light and love and clarity into the earth and the energy grid system of the earth as possible. One way I have been using the landscape around me is to create use the existing structures, and create networks of light. The networks I have been connecting this spring have been the Sycamore trees, the tall pine trees, church steeples, water towers and now FLAGS. I was fortunate enough to host my friend and mentor Katie IndiCrow here in Massachusetts in January (her first in person trip to USA) . She noticed the preponderance and sheer everywhere ness of the American flags. On flagpoles, on telephone poles, on houses and graveyards. On memorials. Growing up with it, I was pretty used to it, so it was not something I thought much about. Seeing it through her eyes was cool and new. During ongoing gridworker private training with her this spring, she suggested I connect the network of American flags. Right away I saw how it could be done. Each one set to anchor light. And freedom and sovereignty for all! I have been doing that here for last few months. Every time I see or drive by a flag, I say “let freedom reign” or something like that that springs to mind. Sometimes out loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes a hum or a song comes along too. Will you join me today on Flag Day friends? Use any flag or flag pole you see. Every white or silver flag pole has it’s own light column. Draw in a beam of light from the sun and stars. Down the length of the flag pole. Direct it with your mind into the earth. The crystalline grid of the earth is open to receive the incoming codes of light and freedom. Each is both anchor of incoming light and a broadcast tower of freedom and sovereignty. And if you chose, you can also broadcast this message (or your own similar high vibe message of joy and freedom) May All Beings Be Happy May All Beings Be Free May All Know Peace and Joy One World Nation Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for ALL
May 2024