COAST TO COAST GRIDWORKERSCOAST TO COAST GRIDWORKERS Oct 28, 2020with Julie Dhara Roberts and Merissa Indigo
In this segment we are breaking down the INternal process of gridworking to make it tangible and clear. In October both of us were called within to work through from the inside out. This chat covers the universe within, womb work, embodiment from the foundation of self-love to embodying the entire planet in your own Torus field, lightbody practices for winter and more.
Mars Close Approach on TUESDAY Oct 6If you look up in the sky tonight and think, WOW - Mars is BRIGHT - you will be picking up on the face that Mars is at a close to point to earth today. It won't be this close again until 2035. It is made even more auspicious by this close approach falling on a Tuesday, a day considered to be "ruled" by the Planet Mars. Today Mars is also moving through the sign of Aries, the home sign of this planet. The "trifecta" of Mars being close, bright, and in it's home sign tonight means lots of EXTRA Mars light flowing our way.
To connect with the light codes/star codes of Mars, take a moment to observe Mars in your night sky. Be open to let the light stream into your eyes, and the light codes (the encoded Mars information) stream directly into your own light body. Mars rises around sunset, and is visible most of the night. When crafting the seven day week, the Babylonians chose names for the days based on the 7 most visible luminous bodies in the sky.... Day Planet Sunday Sun Monday Moon Tuesday Mars Wednesday Mercury Thursday Jupiter Friday Venus Saturday Saturn If we common some astrological lore, we learn that Mars is often associated with the muscles and physicality of the body. It is also associated with energy and action. Mars is currently also traveling in apparent retrograde motion, where it appears to be going backwards in our sky. Mars began it's retrograde on 9/9, and it will last until 11/13. A close planetary retrograde can signal and trigger energies on global and personal levels. I believe we can all feel how INTENSE this section of weeks/months is in our society. It is apparent and showing itself in obvious ways. From source article: we read that: "Mars will be triggering the things we have seen play out on the world stage in matters relating to politics, government, power, and control. 2020 was always destined to be a year that brought the breakdown and dismantling of darker, denser energies so we can shift the planet into a higher state of consciousness. During Mars Retrograde 2020, we can expect to see: Power struggles, Exposed corruption, General Unrest, Disruption, Protests/Uprisings, Fear-based attitudes. All that comes up during this Mars Retrograde are things that need to be exposed so we can shift and change them as a collective." and "Mars Retrograde is a time where we revaluate our life path and direction. It is a time where we are encouraged to think about our actions, and whether they are aligned with the life and world we want to create.. Mars Retrograde is a good time to re-write the script on our dreams and goals, and to think about what is really worth our time and energy. " Thanks for visiting us Mars. We set our intentions to integrate your energetics and light codes. To infinity and beyond..... Conjunction, October 2, 2020The Moon and Mars rise together tonight around 7:15 pm EDT. If you can, get outside and catch a glimpse. It is sure to uplift your spirits! Mars is known for it's feisty fiery aspects, and the moon is known for it's calming cooling influence. You can use this alignment to sooth the parts of you that feel angry, feisty, and feel like "going to war". For as the moon reminds us, we also embody the ability to reflect and to be magical, to radiate back the light of the sun in a softer way. This opens the month of moon pinging the planets...see the "schedule" below. October begins and ends with a Mars Moon alignment. The the moon sweeps past Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these planets represent a different aspect of YOU. They have correspondences with body parts, they rule certain emotions and soul aspects. These outer space alignments influence your inner space. Anything happen this week to get you all riled up, or your bile boiling? Could you use a bit of soothing and softening? Let the Moon and Mars assist you in this inner process!! October Moon Planet Alignments: Conjunction of the Moon and Mars FRI, 02 OCT 2020 23:25 EDT Conjunction of the Moon and Venus TUE, 13 OCT 2020 19:56 EDT Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury SAT, 17 OCT 2020 14:34 EDT Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter THU, 22 OCT 2020 13:12 EDT Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn THU, 22 OCT 2020 23:42 EDT Conjunction of the Moon and Mars THU, 29 OCT 2020 12:16 EDT This (near) Full Moon conjunction of Mars is also the culmination of a run up of prior conjunctions all year long, with crescent, half and waning moons. Jan 20, Feb 18, March 18, April 15, May 14, June 12, July 11, August 9, September 5 all saw Moon Mars alignments. This Full Moon mars moment feels like the coalescent point of all of that inner work you have been doing, to keep yourself balanced all year, Source Articles: Full Moon Oct 1, REgulus Conjunct Venus, Moon Conjunct Mars Oct 2/3October comes in with some powerful astronomical alignments guiding the way. We begin the month with the Harvest Full Moon on October 1. The next day sees a double conjunction of Regulus & Venus, as well as Mars with the Moon.
I had a really highlight on the equinox, getting up before dawn, and finding the perfect vista to see both Venus and Mars across the sky from each other. It pointed me to some inner balance work, with my own fiery Mars tendencies. Supported my my loving Venus nature. These pictures (see below) capture some of the vibration of the moment. It was "epic" to Venus has been a guiding force for all of 2020, with all of it's alignments - especially the diamond coded "squeeze" we initiated in March when Venus aligned with and entered the Pleiades. And looking forward I see that Mars will be ruling the upcoming year, making it's own alignment with the Pleiades in the spring of 2021. |
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