“Sky, father of all, eternal cosmic element, primeval beginning of all, end of all, lord of the universe, moving about the Earth like a sphere. You are home of the blessed gods, your motion is a roaring whirl, you envelop all, celestial and terrestrial guard. Dark-blue, indomitable, Shimmering, variform, all-seeing father, blessed and most sublime divinity” (Orphic Hymn to the Sky, 4. 1-9). |
The Sun As Mother
Gives Birth to her children
The Planets
They orbit around her, for she emanates the
From our vantage point on earth, with our naked eyes, we can see the light of these brother and sister planets. They are pinpoint brilliant lights in the sky. This planetary light, is a reflection of Sun LIGHT.
As we look to the skies, we see each of our sibling planets visit and join with Mother Sun regularly. Astronomers call these visits conjunctions. During a visit/conjunction, the planets are embraced fully by the mother sun glow, and become part of the daytime light. Not something we see at night.
Mother Sun provides a flow of
Life Force - Prana
Heat - Warmth
Fire- Sight - Rainbow Illumination
Mother Sun is a Plasma Birther, a Light Birther
Bubbling forth with flares, plasma waves, and solar codes
: – Upshift of the Earth
Planetary Ascension is upshift of the earth into 12 dimensions
Coronal Mass Ejections, solar winds, solar flares bombarding the planet – x flares are more than any other time in history of reporting – these have changed the anionic background of the earth.
Bernice Barlow in her book Sacred Sites of the West includes studies of the way that the ion ratio of the earth affects human consciousness…
Normal resonance of positive ions to negative ions - positive ion is called a cation and a neg is called an anions – normal ratio is 3 to 5 – this study determined that when this anionic to cationic ratio is shifted to 6 to 1, human begins to have hallucinations, they begin to have out of body experiences.
There are sacred sites that have always been recognized by native cultures across the earth, in all regions. Many of the scared sites had natural mineral structures that create this 6 to 1 ratio. That is why that indigenous cultures recognized these places across the earth. Many holy places, sacred sites have natural mineralogical features that created this 6 to 1 ratio and so that is why the indigenous and the people that are connected to the living consciousness of the earth were drawn to these places, and at these places, they had their visions, and that it was easier to achieve at these sacred sites, due in part to the in the 6 to 1 ratio.
A 6 to 1 ratio does a shift that activates the pineal gland and puts us through that gateway.
It is interesting that the normal ratio of anions to cations began shifting with the x class solar flares and all of the CMEs – billions and billions and billions of tons of anionic energies have been bombarding the earth and the result is that there are jet streams, permanent movement streams that can be tracked, and were not there before. This is the mechanism for the shift of the earth. It is true that we are a society that have encouraged beta & alpha states of alert consciousness and we have disregarded theta states of consciousness, the dream states. Our modern society discourages us to be dreamers, to seek these states. Ancient societies recognized that when we enter these other states of consciousness we tune into a greater frequency a greater landscape a greater horizon of dimensional realities and it is truly in the theta state of consciousness that we are able now to join together and co-create the reality of the new earth.
Many people suggest that the planet shifted to a new matrix, to an expanded energy field in 2012 through mechanisms such as solar activity, CMEs, that absolutely changed the ionic ratio of the planet that allows us now to more effectively go to higher states of consciousness. When we go into higher states of consciousness thru the pineal activation it is then that we are able to rise above the third dimension and work in non-polarity fields in which we are able to access more effectively our true identity and our true nature and communicate with a far greater source of consciousness and that includes our own higher self. Cosmological process that is going on, occurring all around us and with us. We are a part of it, and allow yourself to be in the flow with it in a more expanded dream state consciousness.
The earth on its surface has a floating ocean of electrical energies of very high spectrum.
The earth emits an anionic field (negative charged) that goes all the way up to the stratosphere which occurs at about 30,000 feet. That space between earth and stratosphere is a capacitor – it holds a charge. This field is where all of our lightening comes from – the Schumann Resonance – it has a charge of 7.85 hz – same as human brain wave in theta field.
That ocean of energy is dynamic – it moves – and flows – into brooks, that become streams and become rivers. How do these energies flow? They are electromagnetic in nature. They flow along lines of conductivity. The conductivity comes from the different minerals that are on the surface and in the interior of the earth. These are electrical flows, they flow in patterns of conductivity copper and iron deposits, through water and saline materials, salt water.
And they flow through the metallic formations, in certain patterns. These become what Asian cultures referred to as the dragon lines. They become concentrated, and they reach a conscious status where there is an awareness to them.
The entire planet is alive and conscious. The ancients who communicated directly with the living energies of the earth – became aware of these energies and knew where they flowed and the nature of them. It was the Atlanteans who mastered the science of the grids and the ley lines and set up amplifying stations of pyramidal geometries to amplify these energies.
Star Tetrahedron – used in most planets to regulate the energies. The 19.5 latitudes. The earth is alive and the shift that is occurring now is meant to allow us to operate more effectively above duality realms. 12 Dimensions are now available on the earth for the first time in thousands and thousands of years.
Certain astronomical events create apertures that create the downloads into the frame of our reality on the earth. The earth is more than one phase of itself. These equinoxes, solstices and eclipses are very special. They create pockets in which energy is able to be transduced from higher dimension into the earth plane in order to upshift the frequency, upshift the energy to bring us into a higher vibration. The Equinoxes in March and September and the Solstices in June and December and the various solar and lunar eclipses that come in are mechanisms of the delivery of certain codes. Metatron speaks of the nature of our reality being geometric in nature. We are beings of light. Light has a geometric structure. Human cells at atomic and molecular structures all sacred geometry. Our physical reality is geometric in structure. Nature of our light and soul essence is geometric. When the earth energies begin to shift through these apertures, through these portals, through these kinds of downloads, they have certain codes that tie in with what is happening.
2013 is year one of the new earth – 2014 is year two of the new earth
Certain codes, certain frequencies are being upshifted. This includes activations of a new chakra system, of a new light body essence. We have shifted from a magnetic grid to a crystalline grid. The magnetic grid, by its nature, was polar. It had a North Pole, a South Pole, It had an anionic aspect and a cationic aspect. Positive, Negative Poles. The Nature of duality is controlled in a polarity way.
The human soul is neither male or female. Our inherent intelligence is integral – it maintains the aspects of both. When we come in to the university of earth – the duality plane – we split into a duality aspect. Every person in truth is neighed male or female. We are both.
We are here to learn that we are co-creators of our reality. What we see around us we have created. This upshift into 12 dimensions allows us for the first time in eons to rise above the duality level into non duality planes of a crystalline field. The magnetic grid is being replaced by the crystalline grid. The crystalline grid allows us to move into higher dimensions through the pineal gateway. It is there that we will create the new earth.
The role of humanity did not stop in 2012. We began in 2012. Now we have the tools in place to create w world of harmony, a world of peace. We have to orchestrate this. The Bible speaks of the 144,000 number of the rapture, a creative number– the 12 squared.
We now need to gather our masses, to gather people to meditate together to create w world of highest good. If we take a look around now, we can see that the polarity aspects of the world are in high gear. There are wars, greed, control and love of power. How do we deal with that? We need to resolve all this, to understand, the power of love.
This is what these equinoxes, these solstices, these eclipses are coding us. It is giving us the energy activations to understand how to become co-creators through the higher dimensional fields of theta coherent consciousness. When we go to the portals, to the places that carry these special energies that allow for multi-dimensional overlays, that allow for crystalline grid structures to exist we go into infinity points on the earth, and when we meditate there together and we receive the codes and we become code carriers of this new energy we activate the new chakra systems.
In 2012 when the matrix expanded to 12 dimensions we went beyond the early 7 chakra system to the 12 chakra system to the 33 chakra system and it is going to take us some years to learn to operate in these higher dimensions lucidly. It is going to take us a while to learn how to navigate through these higher chakras, but they are there.
We are going from old analog television to digital television. We are going to high definition. The pixels of life force on the planet are increasing and one of the mechanisms is the solar flares, the CMEs and the coding is being shifted in equinoxes solstices and eclipses.
Transcribed Notes from:
The Ascension & the 144 - Crystal Grid
Metatron Message via James Tyberonn
Metatron Message via James Tyberonn
The Crystalline Grid is the energetic lattice that covers our planet. It reflects and amplifies our ascending levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline ‘light’ matrix that was anchored in 1992, five years after the harmonic convergence. Although in place and functional, its total activation will involve 12 phases, with full resonant vibratory rate achieved on the 12-12-12 …December 12, 2012.The ‘triple’ dates ( 01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) that occur uniquely for the next 12 years each carry numeric light codes that open & activate each of the 12 major pentacle facets of this amazing template.
Visualize the grid as a geodesic sphere, of pentagons and triangles, sparkling as a faceted, brilliant diamond. It is a seed crystal of new form, the double penta-dodecahedron. Its time has arrived, merkaba of Earthstar. The double penta dodecahedron has 144 facets, the number of Christ ascension. Each dodecahedron has 12 major pentacles with 60 facets, add the 12 truncated pentagons for 72, and double this for 144 !
The concept of planetary grids is not a new one. Plato theorized the concept as did the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Hopi Indians. In a sense, grids are the template, the window ‘program’, if you will, that allows all life to accelerate in the graduated light format that is called the ascension.
If you will, the crystalline Ascension Grid, is ‘Windows 2012’ , and indeed, it is quite necessary for our ascension.
There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related. The three become the one. The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1) planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3) crystalline consciousness.
The Gravity grid is both within and on surface of the planet. It is anchored to the spinning crystalline core of the earth. It is in the form of a dodecahedron, a sphere with 12 facets. It is primarily rooted in the first three dimensions. The dodecahedron was the primary consciousness geometric of the planet from the time of the deluge of Atlantis, until the emergence of the icosahedron about 4,000 BC.
The Electromagnetic grid is at the level of the crust and extends upward in places as high as thirty thousand feet above sea level. It adjust itself according to the elevation of the planetary regions. This is the primary grid in which humankind have maintained their consciousness connection for the past 6,000 years. It can as such be termed as the human grid. It also regulates the electromagnetic systems, such as the leylines and vortex systems of the planet. It is in the sacred geometric form of the icosahedron, a sphere with 20 facets.
The Ascension or Crystalline 144 grid is anchored into the earth with two axis points. It is an emerging system, one that in truth has always been present, but not accessible, until after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. Tremendous energy lines flow outward from the northern axis point and reenter at the southern. These energetic lines are directly connected to every sacred sites of Gaia. There are hundreds.
The grids reflect and to an extent regulate, parameters of the consciousness of both Gaia and spirit. The Gravity grid and Electromagnetic grid have been adjusted on several occasions since mans establishment on the earth plane 200,000 years ago. The Crystalline 144 grid became anchored in 1992, and scheduled activation began in 2001.
Platonic Solids Geometry
Since our planets birth, the grid work around the earth has consisted of a sacred geometry matrix of one of the five Platonic solids. Plato believed that the earth’s basic structure was in the process of evolving from simple geometric shapes into more complex ones. In order of complexity the five patterns theorized by Plato to be the building blocks of crystalline matrix, are the tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces), octahedron (8 faces), dodecahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron (20 faces). Plato further theorized that the earth was evolving into an icosahedron grid.
Academics, including Dr Ivan Sanderson, Dr Hagens and Dr Becker, diagramed this shape in the 70’s by connecting major electromagnetic fields on the map. The points formed a triangular pattern of pentagons…. an icosahedron. However the pattern did not truly map the grid as was intended. The icosahedron was in fact, the geometry of the planetary light grid for the past twelve millennia, prior to the Harmonic Convergence.
The Harmonic Measurement
The Harmonic Convergence was an organized spiritual benchmark event that occurred on August 16 and August 17, 1987, when groups of people gathered in various sacred sites and powerpoints all over the world to herald a new frequential vibration . The date was based on the Mayan calendar and Mayan cosmology.
The Harmonic Convergence was a global awakening to unity & divine love. An opportunity for transformation. It was initiated in 1987 by Jose Arguelles. According to his interpretation of Mayan cosmology, this date was the conclusion of 22 cycles of 52 years each, or 1144 years. The Harmonic Convergence also began the final 26 year countdown to the end of the Maya calendar in 2012, which would be the “end of history” and the beginning of a new 5,125 year cycle. According to the prophesy, this is the turning point where all the negativity and paths of destruction, war, materialism, violence, abuses, injustice, governmental abusive of power, will end with the birth of the 6th Sun and the 5th World on Earth on the winter solstice of 2012, Decmber 21, 2012.
The 1987 Harmonic Convergence was also a measurement of Earths vibratory level, a test. The Earth revealed a far greater measurement of ‘light’ than ever before. For the first time since the ‘great fall’, the planet carried more ‘light’ than ‘dark’. As a result grids required ‘adjustments’. The magnetic grid was adjusted to lessen the ‘veil’ separating humans from their higher dimensional aspects. The telluric grid was adjusted to enable a greater vibratory rate, and this is particularly enacted within the energy of grid points & sacred sites. The crystalline grid took on a new, higher geometric model, capable of regulating a far more sophisticated light code than the old icosahedron.
Double Penta-Dodecahedron- Geometry of the 144 Crystalline Grid
As Joseph Jochmans writes in Earth: A Crystal Planet, “Beyond the Platonic series of Solids is another form being geometrically generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If you take an Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you extend the outer edges of the Icosahedron and join these node points together, you create a second group of twelve pentacles or stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced across the surface of the globe.”
The Crystalline 144 grid is now emerging beyond the icosahedron. A ‘seed-crystal’ matrix, the double penta-dodecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the new Earth.
Mainstream researchers are in fact noting that the node points and grid alignments earlier attributed to the Becker-Hagens icosahedron grid map, no longer fit. Scientist such as Dr. Greg Braden are noting that weather patterns are changing, climates are in major flux and migration routes of birds are altered. Whales and dolphins are beaching themselves far more often since the harmonic convergence. The earth’s geomagnetic field is changing and changing fast. The earth’s heartbeat, the Schumann resonance is said to be increasing by some knowledgeable geophysicists, although others dispute this. Volcanic activity, earthquakes & super hurricanes are occurring more often. The phenomenon of global warming has created the ‘el nino’ phenomena, and the polar ice caps are melting. Solar storms and their resulting winds are spraying the planet at a rate higher than has ever been recorded.
This is undeniably an incredibly monumental transformation of global proportion. The planets frequency is increasing, and our concept of time is speeding up. The planet is being prepared to vault into the 4th and 5th dimensions.
The new ascension grid is increasing in frequency as the magnetic grid is lessened. The dual grid complex is evolving into a trinity matrix. A crystalline frequency is being transmitted to the planet. This validates the prophesized change in the grid system and the work of the magnetic master, Kryon.
We can all be a part of the new crystal formation….the Crystalline-144 Ascension grid. One of the most meaningful avenues available to us in the ascension process is coming together as Lightworkers and Earth-Keepers in ceremony and unity, to awaken all humanity and bond with the Living Earth, the living Cosmos by generating and directing awakened loving energy.
By concerted efforts to support and give light to the ascension grid, we accelerate both it’ s activation and our own. The planetary Ascension grid is a manifestation of the energy evolvement and patterned growth of the Universal Consciousness. Earth is the living GAIA the grid is her aura. Sacred geometry is the language and fabric of higher dimension, higher consciousness, accordingly the grid contains the sacred geometry energy patterns of the golden phi and spiral, the platonic solids, the Flower of Life, and the crystal matrix of creation.
The triple dates, the 01-01-01, January 1,2001 occur each year all the way to the 12-12-12, December 12, 2012. These dates are numeric frequency portals that in fact are each aligned to activate one of the 12 major facets of the 144 Crystalline geodesic grid, the double penta dodecahedron. The crystalline grid becomes fully activated in December of 2012. A new world begins, as predicted so long ago by the Hopi and Mayans. The year 2007 tips the balance, with more than half of the Crystalline 144 in operational function.
There are many tools operating in synergy to increase the planets frequency. Among the most important is the light portals that are geometrically and magnetically aligned to the Crystalline grid and specific points in the cosmos. These ‘sacred sites and powerpoints’ are in essence diamond inserts on the planet with frequencial geometric overlays and electromagnetic properties that allow higher dimensional coded light and energy to flow into our reality. Many are being drawn to them, and that is appropriate. These are the accoutremental machinery of the Crystal Grid, the primary manifold mechanism of the Ascension.
These are particularly powerful on the equinoxes, solstices and trinity numeric frequency dates, leading up to the 12-12-12. When Lightworkers and seekers visits these sites, they are able to align themselves to the Crystalline grid trinity, to anchor themselves to its frequency, and to activate their hearts to the activation of the Ascension grid.
Merging into the 144-Crystal GRID
We accept readily that we are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field. We chose to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia. We channel inward great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest good.
By unifying our energies in synchronized ecstatic states we form a powerful light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize and activate each one of us, according to our intent and flow. Our intent is light of the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia…the 144-Crystal vibration.
144 Crystalline Grid Activation Mediation
The exercise for energy connection, transferal and activation of the ascension grid is as follows:
1. Find a place to set or lie comfortably.
2. Breath very deeply and rythymicly
3. Visualize diamond light energy coming in through the crown chakra.
4. Send it down through the spine, through each chakra, and back to the heart.
5. Flow the energy in a beam, a corridor of light energy, into the core of the earth.
6. From the core of the earth visualize the white light energy flashing into an infinity of light frequencies feeding into the Crystalline 144 Ascension grid.
7. Experience the ecstasy, and allow it flow thru you, allow the frequency of your body and mind to meld into & adjust to the frequency of the 144 Crystalline Grid
If this is done at a sacred site, powerpoint or grid point, visualize receiving this energy and then connecting it through your heart to other sacred sites, and back into the Ascension grid. Visualize weaving the vertices points of the geodesic sphere.
Through our creation and transfer of diamond-light, joyous energy into the Crystalline 144Ascension Grid, we simultaneously activate ourselves to be in oneness, alignment and in frequential unity with the heightened energy of ascension. As such we are better enabled to flow with the quickening energies of the ascending planet. We become loving, channeling columns of light, we connect as one synergetic beam of ecstasy. Each participant is a vortex, a point of light on the globe, one with another, one with the ascension. Creating, co-creating the frequency of the New Planet Earth toward the highest good. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, a point of light in the bursting infinity of light. We are love, and are loved. We become part of the 144,000. We are the rapture, the ecstasy !
Metatron Channel:
“ Greetings Beloved ! So we speak of the Grids, a most timely topic, we will say. Why timely you ask ? You see Dear Ones, an important date, an important frequential portal called the 7-7-7 is just days away, and it fires the crystalline grid beyond the half point, so you see, the Ascension is now over the ‘hump’ !!!
Now Masters, all of you within the crystalline energy are extreme energy in motion, energy as desire expressing itself and so your work calls forth now a finer frequency. Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your body they must be put so they can be absorbed by the body so they can be well used, they can generate wellness, well being, and health and so it is the same with frequencies and energies. They must now surround you in ways that you can absorb them into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them, and amplifying them into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfillment and into all ways that touch brother, sister, humanity, brother, sister, kingdom and such and so these words are brought to you from the beginning from the center of your being, from the center of my being that they will touch energetically and so create themselves easily, fortuitously in the days and weeks that come. Such it is with the grid you see, it too is a system that will allow you nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling resonance. For that that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye it will be done! In my realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is a wondrous event. One heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm and others.
As the channel has written, we confirm the Planetary Grid Template System is a three-in one ‘Trinity’ system. Accordingly, there are three grids encompassing your planet at this point in time, and each has a separate geometry, a separate frequency, a separate function, & differing dimensional aspects. The ‘Trinity’ resonance has played such an important symbolic role and purpose on your planet, has it not? So it does again in the planetary Trinity of the Crystalline Grid.
Now the channel speaks of the crystalline grid making its debut after the Harmonic Convergence. That is not exactly the case, you see the crystalline grid has always been there in parallel and probability…. so, it is that mankind achieved the potential to sense the crystalline grid more lucidly after the Harmonic Convergence. You see, humankind and the planet are evolving into the crystalline vibration. Yes, indeed, to ascend, Dear Ones, your frequency, your merkaba is required to evolve into the crystalline, and this is occurring as we speak. So the matched frequencies resonate harmonically and so as this occurs individually and planetary you gain access to this grid. You tap into it, in your terms, and it activates you and itself in the process. All around you there is energy, there is life taking place but if you are not in sync with this frequency you will not sense it. The propeller blades of your helicopters rotate so quickly in flight that you cannot see them, but they are indeed there. If you were also moving or rotating as quickly they would be quite visible to you, and in fact not appear to be moving so rapidly. And so it is with frequency with lines of energy it is the same.
The channel queries the geometries of the trinity grid system. We confirm the geometries: the dodecahedron, icosahedron and double penta-dodecahedron, or as you term it the 144-Crystal, a term most appropriate we will say. However you must know that the very shape of each defines its frequential quotient, and as such its dimensional span. Dimensions are defined by wavelength or frequency you see. You required the higher frequency for the planet to move higher, thus the access to the 144- Crystalline became a necessity, a graduation. In aspect, the grids reside in different frequencial space, different dimensions, although there is common ground in which they all share. Do you understand?
The 144 Crystal grid is at present only potentially accessibly as mankind achieves the frequential capability of operating in its harmonic. This occurs initially on an individual basis, and as it gains field, it will occur in more mass consciousness upshifts. This is why , as the 144 Crystal presents itself, some of you are already in the fourth and fifth, and others are not. The masses are not. But it is not that it is required for existence, you see, others will not choose to ascend, but they will not disappear or die off. There are other opportunities based upon sacred geometry that supports third dimensional life and it will continue to do so.
The grids fit into the dimensional encapsulation of the planet, in an interesting harmonic. They are concentrically encased within one another, but through what may be termed a time-release multi-dimensional expansion & contraction.
Dimensionally speaking, the gravity grid dodecahedron extends from the first dimension to just below the third dimension, and is generally located below the surface of the planet. The electromagnetic or human grid icosahedron fluctuates from the first & second dimension to just below the fourth dimension. The icosahedron electromagnetic grid is the geodesic sphere, most closely aligned to the planets surface.
The Crystalline144- Grid extends from the fourth dimension to the ninth. Now the channel believes that the crystalline grid extends to the 12th dimension. We tell you that above the ninth it changes form and extends to the 12th in another geometric form. You see geometry is relative to the dimensional frequency from which it is viewed. From your perspective the crystalline does appear to move into the 12th, but in truth it does so with a different geometry, the polyhedron 120.
The polyhedron 120 grid contains the 144, within its 182 composition. The dodecahedron, the icosahedron and Crystalline 144 ( double-pentadodecahedron) do not spin, do not rotate . But it can be said that they expand and contract, that they ‘breathe’. And each of the greater complex grid geometries contains the one below it.
Now while from dimensions one to nine, the grids do not spin, above the 9th the 120 Polyhedron does grid does indeed spin ,in what is termed the golden ellipsoid, relative to the creation frequency of the golden phi. In your universe the golden ratio is of utmost importance. Do you understand? This geometry and frequency will not come into a major role on your planet for some years, and the exact timing is yet to be known. But we ask the channel not to be confused by the numerical value of its name, and assume 120 is lower than 144. You see the 120 Polyhedron has a greater frequency, the geometry of 182, so perhaps we should with tongue in cheek, call it the 182 Polyhedron. Would that make it easier then ?
Now the channel has asked if the Earth was on a pattern of termination prior to the Harmonic Convergence. That is correct, it was prophesized by many. However, it is not that the Earth was patterned for destruction prior to the Harmonic measurement, the Earth would have survived, inverted and recreated itself, it was patterned simply to become a different entity. Humanity that was slated for termination and not the Earth you see. A meteor crashing into the earth with a diameter of over 1 kilometer, would indeed have made wiped out most of humankind, and made the planet uninhabitable.
Now the Earth is a living entity, and has been conscious in all of her forms. As a gaseous fiery sphere, the earth was just as conscious as she is now, in your terms. It is with humor that we see man speaking of saving the planet, and while we commend the environmentalists of your planet, what is truly being saved is mans ability to live upon the Earth. You see the planet will survive even if man destroyed the resources required for his biology to sustain itself.
The channel has referred to unique dates, he calls the trinity dates, the 01-01-01 to the 12-12-12. We will confirm they are important and are patterned for preset frequential activation of the grid. But we will say it is not ‘written in stone’. In other words, the more important trigger of consciousness to the grid is based upon the rate of human evolvement. We will say that the 12-12-12 and the 12-21-12 (they are the same you see), are important numerological and astrological triggers for the planet and grid system, but a more powerful trigger is that of mankind’s degree of ascension. Intent and will are far stronger than astrological or numerical influence you see.
So you see, the trinity dates are important, but NOT more important than moments or triggers of the free will, which can potentially accelerate the geometric activation of the crystalline frequency. That potential would speed the synergy. That would be a catalyst that would open the crystalline grid into greater function, sooner than scheduled.
So we say to you, do not believe that the ascension cannot occur before 2012. It can. Now, in terms of humanity’s anticipated unfoldment and becoming aware of its cosmic ties to the 144 Crystal, yes in that way, these dates are pre- programmed, as described relating to the 12 facets, leading to 2012. We tell you that as of 2007, you are slightly ahead of schedule.
Now, as we mentioned earlier, in a very few days as you measure time, an important frequencial portal will occur that is quite significant to the Crystalline 144 Grid. That is July 7, (the 07-07-07) the ‘triple ‘7’ date as referred to by the channel.
This frequential activation is the firing up of the 7th of the 12 major pentacles of crystalline grid. As such, in your terms, the Ascension frequency is ‘ over the hump’, beyond mid point. So we say to you that inertia is building. Time is speeding up. All of you are innately aware of this within your higher perceptions. We tell you, in truth, the days of your now, contain only 18 hours of time, although yr timepieces measure 24. Your bodies know better. You see the energy of the earths crystalline core is spinning much faster than it did two decades ago. In truth space and time are different expressions of the same phenomena. In a manner of speaking space is congealed time, and its velocity relative to the speed of light determines the density of the congealed space. You see, although your mainstream scientist would disagree, the speed of light is in fact NOT constant. Likewise distance is a factor of light velocity, and as such distance in space is a variable. It is possible in higher dimension that the distance between two separate places, two distinct and separate points is zero. Likewise the time sequence between two separate events can also be zero. We call that the eternal NOW. All are variables of velocity. Time is varied by light velocity and light geometry according to dimensional perspective. So the geometry of light is an aspect of dimensional time.
Now, physical space as you think of it, in truth does not exist, rather it is a holgramic projection, but one that follows certain parameters or laws. True reality is innerspace, and the Cosmos of innerspace expands constantly in terms of energy and consciousness. I Metatron, am in the role of converting inner space, or Creative Mind, into Coded light, which through a great cooperative congeals energetically into your physical dimensional realities.
So we ask you to understand that the geometric, energetic grid that is being ‘fired’ into brilliance, the 144 Crystalline Grid is bringing many changes to your physical reality through laws of physics and laws of consciousness that are currently beyond the scope of most of humanity, and certainly well above the conceptions of mainstream academia on the Earth at this time. But if you accept the postulates that we give you, it is easier to understand the changes that are taking place, changes that both your body and higher mind readily sense & feel. Time is indeed speeding up and will continue to do so. As such it is recommended that those of you who wish to adept to the frequencial metamorphisms, take better care of your physical vehicle. We recommend you spend more time in quiet meditation, and tap into the frequency of the conscious grid. Follow the meditation exercise we have offered the channel. Your higher mind is fully aware that it can meld with these frequencies and as such help you adjust to the increasing frequencies of the heralded Ascension. We also tell you that the body physical and the human etheric body can more easily adjust to the crystalline frequencies through the use of higher frequency quartz crystals, phi spiral multi faceted Vogel crystals and specific gemstones. Certain of your gemstones, especially those that are single refractive, have the ability to ‘slow’ the speed of light. Your scientists know this. Recommended single refractive gems are diamonds of at least one carat ,and tsavorite or demantoid garnets of over 2 carats. These SR Gems can assist you most effectively, as well as enhance your life force.
Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has, for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand ?
So we tell you that as the grids grow into completion, that beyond the 144 Crystalline, will be the Polyhedron 120 Geodesic sphere, and it will achieve its completion by the year of 2024. Now, multidimensional; access will be fully achieved with the Crystalline grid, and in truth the Polyhedron 120, is a greater aspect of the crystalline field. The completion of the grid system will complete a cycle that will lead to the eventual establishment of a ‘ Crystalline Firmament’ .
The Crystalline Firmament will evolve in a sequence after the adjustment of the axial and polar energies of the planet. After the changes of what is termed global warming. After the planet sheds her old skin and adorns her new one.
Consider the geometric-crystalline completion of the geodesic grids as a flower achieving full bloom, at which point a cosmic pollination will occur and an energetic seed- field will come into effect. You see the very completion of the perfect geometric form germinates a new field from its unified perfection…and that field may be called the Crystalline Firmament.
It will emerge as two great elliptical bands of energy that intersect at 90-degree angles around the planet.
One will carry the color and essence of platinum, the other of gold. One will be electrical in nature the other magnetic. Their energies will circulate in modulated opposition, and the field between the two will encompass the planet in a spherical manner. And from this a conscious self-aware field circumnavigates the planet to allow for an even greater perfection of the Earth. This Crystalline Firmament will allow for what was termed by the ancients as the 1000 years of peace. Better said, as a modulated amplification of balanced resonance. The magnetics of the planet will be in supreme, optimal balance.
Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Firmament, and will call it forth. It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine. It will deflect meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earths atmosphere. It will come forth by a natural and scientific effort, it is the natural offspring of the completed crystalline grid.
The firmament is not new. Your bible speaks of a firmament that occurred in the most ancient of days, and described it as a ‘dome’ in the sky. Masters we tell you that before your planet had a grid system, it has a firmament. Before your planet became a planet of lesson, a planet of duality, existed its protective sheath called the firmament. The ancient firmament encircled the planet in two layers, one magnetic and one electrical, and between the two layers existed a complex crystalline form of ice. The frozen water was slightly saline and held properties that enabled the winds and all weather to be modulated. At that time the Earth was a place of supreme creation, of adventure, we will say. It had not yet evolved into the school it since became. It was, one might say, the original Garden of Eden, before serpents and apples. Before the fall of the firmament the Earth was not a planet of duality.
That which some terms the great fall was the dissolution of the firmament. In truth it was by design, that a great wave seared through the cosmos, one so powerful that the firmament fell into particulate, and the earth shifted on its axis. The magnetic shield was absorbed into the inner core of the earth, and the electrics, into the crystalline minerals and indeed into the DNA of mankind.
From this particulate arose the gravity grid and the evolution of the icosahedronal human electric grid. From the dissolution of the firmament, man began his journey in duality, in lesson. The rest as you humans say, is history… And this history, in all its parallels and probabilities and eternal NOWS, my beloved Masters, over the eons of Earth time, in the blink of Metatrons eye, brought us to the Harmonic Convergence, the great measurement, and to the coming Ascension.
All is on course, all is evolving, and all is perfect, in that you call the geometric Grids, and oh they are so much more…”
And so it is….
I am Metatron Master of Light
………..and so it is
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This Tyberonn channel is copy-righted to Earth-Keeper.Com It may be distributed and shared with acknowledgement of author & copyrights.
Shared posthumously with tremendous gratitude for all of Tyberonn's work.
Earth Star Union by Soluntra King
by Soluntra King
In the last Golden Cycle we were in harmony with the Earth and all Beings, the Solar System and from our God I am in Divine Will. At the Portals where the grids meet; that is the Crystalline Grid/Leylines/Dragon Lines, with the Dragon Liar and the Serpent Life force; energy spirals from Heaven and Earth, inter-dimensional doorways, connecting to the Light Grids and Solar Grids.
These portals held the beam and were in alignment with different Stars, Star Systems and the Milky Way, the Solar Kundalini was united with the Earth Kundalini the life-force flow and all was in balance. The Golden Solar Discs were also placed at certain portals to align directly with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. The portals and star alignments were also assisted with the creation by sacred geometric positioning of stone circles, pyramids, standing stones, crystals and discs to maintain the balance and unity with our Solar System and beyond.
At that time the Earth and all the Creator Gods who are part of the Earth were happy as their world was balanced, inter-dimensional travel was normal as all the dimensions were in harmony. The beings who lived on the Earth, our ancestors were more ethereal and coming from the vibration of love, and they also interacted in harmony with the other dimensions within the earth plane. The major players with Mother Earth; being the Dragon and Serpent people, who were the first inhabitants of Earth.
At that time the Earth was sonic winds on the surface, and they lived and still do in dimensional worlds within the Earth. The Dragon people worked with the Crystals and created the Crystalline Grid, Leylines, Dragon lines (all the same thing, just different names). The Crystals hold the Creation Story within them and are the holders of Divine Light within the Earth. The Dragon people honoring this energy worked with them and connected the Crystalline Grid, the matrix of light/life around and through Mother Earth. This created an electromagnetic energy field that went out beyond the surface and brought moisture and rain; and so life began to form on the surface making it possible for other life forms to live here. Also creating an environment that other inter galactic and star travelers could live on, some adjusting very well, others not so well, and often they went back out into space to find other places to create colonies.
The Serpent people who are one and the same as the Dragon people hold the Earth wisdom and there is a beautiful, ancient wise Serpent Woman within the Earth whom you can visit anytime. She will help you to love yourself and all aspects of duality you still hold onto with fear. She lives in the Inner Earth at its core and you can travel through a golden tunnel to meet her in the Inner Earth.
Connect to Source, God Creator in Divine Love and Oneness, your own God I Am through your Heart and into the center of the Earth in Golden Light. Bring that energy back up through you and back to Source. Now imagine you are travelling in Golden Light from the Sun within your heart to meet her. Ask her for help in being able to love yourself and have awareness of aspects of separation you may still be playing out so you can love them. She is pure love and is coming into people’s consciousness now as the Earth and all beings on her make the great shift in cycle.
The Serpents have tunnels all through the Earth and when you are pure in your heart you can travel through them physically. But for now, travelling on the inner planes is all that is needed. These tunnels connect to sacred sites and portals where the Serpent vortexing spirals connect us to Heaven and Earth. The Serpent spirals of life force energy are your Kundalini, DNA and all the energy in the Universe. The Serpent when it rises takes you back through the Central Sun. The dream time is about this energy and told in all cultures; the Mayans call the Serpent the "Pathway to the Stars' and as we unify ourselves the Kundalini, Serpent rises out of the Base Chakra and our fear of survival, desire body and up through our spiritual centers. It can only do this when we are grounded and fully present in our body.
When Lemuria or MU went down the last time in the Pacific we felt we had failed as it happened literally without warning. We were tuned in and in harmony and could not understand how this could happen. But this was part of the cycle and experience of merging Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter. We had been Etheric and now we were moving into matter through our fear and judgement as we needed to become separate.
To unify energy you have to know it, you can only do that through experience, so we started our experience. As the cycle went on we separated further and further and became denser and full of fear. As this was happening the Stars came out of alignment also, we had fallen into slumber and chaos replaced harmony. The link between the Serpent in the Stars and Earth was broken and only we can join it once again. As we unify and clear; our chakras start to spin into balls of Light becoming one chakra, one body of light and we become the portal, the Serpent lifeforce energy and the doorway of the union of Heaven and Earth.
Now as we are returning to harmony, as we awaken our own Star within, we align back with the Earth and Stars, as we are the Sun and one with all Suns. Opening up to the next Golden Cycle the Star Systems and Stars are now being brought back into balance with the portals, Earth and humanity.
This is why some Walk-ins and Starseeds are working with this and why you are drawn to this as well, as it is part of your journey and awakening. Of course we do not do anything, but Be and Allow, we are the anchor and the merger of the energies through our vehicle, in matter and light. This happens as we align in Divine Will and surrender and allow our Solar rays to illuminate ourself from within and to hold the energy for the unification of duality as we are guided from within our Heart.
Shared posthumously in great gratitude for the volume and lifetime of dedicated service to the planet, to the light. All of Soluntra's work and way showing lights our path as we continue forward in glory.
We Live New EArth
This ANDARA team holds New Earth creator codes, Terra Nova builder codes. Always know something special soft nurturing and loving is coming my way when they come out to play. Very powerful together. Their soft pastel power assists me to melt into a love space, a nature space, full of Terra Nova (New Earth) elementals.
These soft pastel rays so draw me in to Terra Nova frequencies. New Earth playspace. The light and sound codes recorded from the banks of North Creek, in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, July 2022.
Together, the sound of the water playing on rocks and riverbank, the birds singing, insects buzzing, wind in the trees create a soundscape. The light bouncing off the water and filtering through the leaves and playfully sparking on and within the Andaras are quite an activation.
May the Light of Terra Nova sparkle in your eyes, dance in your ears, and flutter in your heart space, playful in the field of New Earth as we create each day the world we want to BE.
Connect with these beauties here:
The Five Elements of Divination
The Five Elements of Life are:
Earth Water Fire Air Ether
Geomancy - divination by means of earth, patterns of landscape, sand and stone EARTH
Hydromancy - divination by means of water and its movements WATER
Pyromancy - divination by means of fire or flames FIRE
Aeromancy - divination by interpreting atmosphere and sky conditions AIR
Alveromancy - divination by means of sounds and noises ETHER
Geomancy Direct communication with the living breathing being of the earth. Observing the ley of the land, the topography, the geology, the geopathic stress conditions, the patterns and flows, openings and confluences. Geomancy explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place. Geomancy is a complex art of interpretation and skill in recognizing patterns with earth energies. We include astronomical alignments, sacred sites, earth-based geometry, spirit realms, sacred mountains and stones, landscape and travel corridors as we seek ways of understanding. |
Hydromancy Hydromancy involves the use of water to bring messages, visions, and information. Water offers insight via color, ripples, waves, ebb and flow movements, rings (from dropped objects), reflections. We communicate with the water element in many ways. Sitting by a water body, stream pond, lake ocean and watching with all of your senses. Water is a conduit for the collective unconscious, the system that flows throughout all of creation, including our bodies. It’s a portal into collected wisdom, history and tapping into the patterns and dynamics to come. Water is the language of emotion and for this reason, it can provide powerful hits of information. |
Pyromancy is divination with fire - divination by means of fire or flames. Much inner wisdom can be accessed by sitting by a fire. Gazing into the flames produces transcendent states. In our modern culture, we so easily produce fire – yet our ancestral memory runs deep when fire was considered “of the gods” (like from lightening from the sky gods) and beyond control. Fire was associated with a living being--it ate, breathed, grew, decayed, and died. Ancients believe fire to have been “the most holy spirit” from which all life was born, and was used as a central icon in many rituals. |
Aeromancy Aeromancy is divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions. Aeromancy uses cloud formations, wind currents and cosmological events. There are sub-types of this practice such as: ~ Austromancy - wind divination ~ Nephomancy - cloud divination ~ Anemoscopy - ancient practice studying speed, direction, and sound of wind ~ Ceraunoscopy - observing thunder& lightning ~ Chaomancy - aerial vision ~ Meteormancy - meteors and shooting stars |
Alveromancy Alveromancy is the practice of using sounds for divination. The forms of divination by means of sounds and noises. The ancient Egyptians believed sound was a direct channel between humanity and the gods. There are many methods and forms of Alveromancy. Listening to the sound of the waves in the sea, of the wind that blows, of the echo in the mountains, of birds whistling or singing, the movement and sound of the foliage in the trees, seashells placed to the ear, etc. |
NOV 7/8 Lunar Eclipse 2022
Solar Energies represent radiant expansive pulsating outward flow of plasma gas and heat and light – very firey. Often associated with the masculine yang energies.
Lunar Energies are more reflective, inward, contemplative, yin settling quieting energies. More associated with the feminine yin energetic.
This yin yang across the sky opposition energy is a powerful Celestial Gateway. Celestial Bodies that are in opposition balance each other out. One rises while the other sets. One lowers in the sky and the other goes higher. They also create a magnetic pull-pole-dynamic attraction that influences everything between them.
This includes YOU! As an earthling, all of these astronomical events we track are geocentric, are events as observed from here on earth. So, the horizon line of this rise and set polar opposite is the earth line. We sit in the middle. This very moment in earth long lens history is a short moment in galactic time when the disc of the sun and the moon happen to make the same diameter disc in the sky, so that they can cover and eclipse each other like this. And YOU incarnated on this planet at this brief moment in time! Why are you here? What is your soul purpose? What role do you fill in the big picture of humanity and globally? What is your heart and soul calling and how are you fulfilling it?
These are the questions that a lunar eclipse pull unearths. We dig up all the old programming that gets in our way. We honor and observe the shadows, using them as teaching tools. In fact, they get brought front and center, highlighted by a Lunar Eclipse.
You are smack in the middle of the strong magnetic pull to your need for quiet alone time and introspection, and your soul longing to make a big impact for the whole globe. Each Lunar Eclipse contains this magnetic pull of opposites alignment, as does each Full Moon. The Moon moves across the sky along the zodiac constellations rapidly, changing placements by the day. The Sun has its annular journey across the zodiac constellations, building out a solar year.
Where the Sun and the Moon sit in the sky influence the solar system magnetics. The pull of the planets, especially the ones closer to earth, have a strong geometric and magnetic influence. They influence the body of the earth, the whole planet, AND they influence YOUR personal multidimensional energy field- heart, mind, soul and body.
For the November 7/8 Lunar Eclipse
The Sun sits in the constellation of Libra. It sits exactly with Mercury (conjunction) and right near Venus. The Sun and Mercury sit on one of the “scales of justice”, while Venus sits on the center of the scale. Fascinating that it coincides with Election Day here in the USA. Scales tipping energies are present!
Nov 9 Moon with Pleiades
Nov 10 Moon with Aldeberan
Nov 11 Moon with Mars
When we look at all the players, see the whole board, it can help us orchestrate our big picture advances. We can use these solar system alignments and gateways and influences to move us forward on the path and accelerate our journey. Use this time to clear away the old. The old narratives, the old ways of thinking, the patterns of damaging or draining self-talk. The judgements of self and others, the reactions to triggers and events.
The act of jettisoning anything that is no longer serving your highest and greatest good is an act of self-mastery. It is an act of inner freedom!
Happy Eclipsing friends – we sure are doing a deep inner dive this fall!
Venus Green Andara - standing in for the aspect of Venus as Morning Star
Lilac Violet Andara - standing in for the aspect of Venus as Evening Star
United in the dazzling light of the SUN
Part 1 - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Archangel Metatron - Channeler: James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet you all in a vector of unconditional love!
The Fall of Atlantis & The Master Temple Crystals of the Sacred "ARK"
Atlantis is indeed the missing link of Pangaea, located in mid Atlantic. We will share with you its story in detail below. But be aware Masters, not all of the great Temple Crystals of Atlantis were lost. Indeed some of you were involved in their rescue.
The first Temple Crystal saved was the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. It is below the earth below the crown center of the Vortex, termed Talimena Ridge, in a sacred chasm, built long ago. The Blue Crystal of Knowledge stands erect, forty-eight feet in height and twelve feet in diameter. It pulses and exudes a rainbow of silver, turquoise and cobalt blue as it activates in sacred contract. It holds the multidimensional wisdom and knowledge of the ages. The second one saved was the Emerald Crystal. It is now beneath Mt. Maga, the heart centre of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. It is approximately 20 meters in height and 5 meters in breadth. The third Crystal placed in the Ark was that of the Platinum.
The Platinum Crystal beneath the Magnetic Mount near the area of Eureka Springs awakens in 2011 on the 11-11-11. The Platinum Crystal is truly clear in color, but it projects a shimmering field of platinum silver consisting of sub atomic particulate termed Bio-Plasma. The Bio Plasma is a conscious field, self aware. The Bio-Plasmic Field emitted by the Platinum Crystal harmonizes the gateway spectrum of physical matter and anti-matter. The Platinum Crystal is enormous, over 100 meters in height and far deeper below the surface than the others. Its reach is Cosmic and its energy by 2012, will encircle and span the planet, networked with the other crystals and disseminated through the Crysto Sun Disc.
Revisiting Atlantis: The True Legend of the Fall
Dear Ones, these crystals were saved from destruction, and now you are offered the memory of why. For such magnificent crystal beings offer all of you so much. The expansion, the sacred completion applies to ALL! It is time to remember who you were, in order to become all you are in this awakening time, this return to the Quantum Crystalline Field. Atlantis was a Golden Time, a magnificent epoch, that was betrayed by its unseemly end. And so we tell you the true history of that demise.
You see, Atlantis existed for over 200,000 years. The vast majority of the Atlantean times were epochs of Light! Only the final phase, the period from 17,500 BC to 10,500 BC was in your terms, a dark era, but one rich in lessons.
The Golden Age
We tell you in fact that the Golden Period of Atlantis was the highest level of Light Consciousness ever achieved on the Earth Plane in any advanced civilization; higher than Lemuria, higher than Mu, higher than Rama, higher than Ignacious. It has become somewhat fashionable to consider Lemuria as being the utopian civilization, and though they did achieve a relatively short lived phase of high consciousness, most in that era were not truly in physical bodies, rather in Devic-like etheric states, and did not face the difficulties required of the physical Earth stage. Indeed Lemuria never achieved the highly advanced level that existed in that Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when Gods walked with Men, and all knew joyful expression It was the hallowed time when many of you walked as Star Children, and later chose biology and the lesson cycles of reincarnation on the Blue Planet called Earth.
So when you consider Atlantis, DO NOT only remember it's sad demise! It was but a short phase of the magnificent antediluvian world, yet it must not be forgotten, so very much is to be gained by understanding the final phase, and Dear Ones, it is time to remember.
The Atlantean Hologram
So we speak of once mighty Atlantis, and we speak to all of you, for Atlantis is a great hologramic lesson, and ones whose time has returned, for the memory of Atlantis is not just a healing. Indeed, for some it is a requisite healing, a necessary cleansing, but for others it is also a benevolent empowerment. It recalls a time when you walked in wisdom and harmony. Regardless of your myriad roles in Atlantis, and Dear Ones, 70% of all on Planet Earth at this time experienced physicality there, Atlantis now calls to you. And the call is not just for those of you of the Law of One, it is equally called to the Aryans, to the Sons of Belial. Indeed many of you experienced lifetimes in both ideologies. Does that surprise you?
The Deluge of 17,500 BC - Downward Spiral of the Final Phase
The time is after the second deluge, when the utopian Golden Age subsided and Atlantis split into 5 islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og. The two smaller Islands were under the rule of the Aryan Race, and were known as Atalya and up of Atlantis, the benevolent government rule by a Kingdom passed into the phase of a Confederation - State Governments, in your present terms, that ruled each of the Islands. An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two major components of these were the Atla-Ra Scientist Priesthood of the 'Law of One', based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and the Aryan Race of 'The Sons of Belial' based on Eyre. And so in the days after the second break the Isle of Aryan.
The Island of Aryan was the most populated and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.
The Isle of Poseida was the planet's most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis. The Poseida grouping and Isle housed the Temple of Healing, the Temple of Sound, the Temple of One, the Temple of Regeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida housed most of the major centers for higher learning. These were placed on Poseida because of its advantageous location within the geodesic grids and its proximity to beneficial electromagnetic energies that spiraled upward from the Earth's core. An incredibly potent healing spring flowed on Poseida, near the Temple of Healing, and its lore spawned the myths of the 'Fountain of Youth' passed down by the indigenous peoples of Florida. It flows yet into the oceans near Bimini.
The tall ones, the Golden Race of Atlantis, of Pleiadean seed were centered in Poseida, these ones averaging 10 to 12 feet in stature. These were a gentle race of giants, involved in the cultural, artistic and educational pursuits in the heart of Atlantis. Poseida was also the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline power grid and interdimensional tunnel system. The most advanced, complex and beautiful of the crystals were here. They were of Arcturian and Sirian-Pleiadean construct, a living amalgam of many crystalline forms imbued with an alloy of platinum and gold.
The crystals were housed in magnificent Temples, some built of marble, others of crystalline sheets of beryl, corundum and diamond. The City of Poseida was the capital city of the Island, and was called the Emerald City. (Its bio plasmic field was projected into a shimmering glowing Aurora of Emerald Green, visible for miles ). The Atlanteans had perfected, with Arcturian technology, the ability to grow crystals of every structure and essence in an accelerated growth within the underground crystal beds of Arkansas, Tibet and Brazil, all being Atlantean Colonies, accessed through the “Interdimensional Tunnel System”.
The Poser Fields & The Crystal Satellite
Throughout Atlantis, Power Grid Crystals, called “Posers”, were
triangulated and connected through an alloyed gold-copper rod under a spherical dome that could be angled to receive specific stellar, solar and gravitational energy waves. This was the system used to power homes, offices, media, and theaters, manufacturing concerns, medical centers, schools and businesses. The Poser System was received in each structure by receiving-crystal units of various sizes. The Poser System was also able to receive specialized refracted light and feed it into the Ley Energy System for use in the Interdimensional Tunnel System and feed crystalline light into conductive earth currents to raise the frequency into a semi- aware electromagnetic plasmic field of benevolent energy capable of retaining spiritual frequencies.
A great Crystalline Satellite, referred to as the “Second Moon” of Atlantis, floated above in the skies and received, amplified and reflected refined energy back to the crystals for various beneficial purposes. It served both the Posers and the Master Crystals used in the Temples. Specialized energy fields were projected into agricultural and crystal growing areas to amplify and accelerate growth, as well as into universities, hospitals, schools, offices, factories and work places to create a sense of well being and invigoration for the workers and students. We will speak more of this 'Second Moon 'later in this assay.
Now, the Temples were astonishing works of sacred geometry and stunning architecture. Many of the great temples were covered in a dome of projected crystalline amplified light somewhat like a glowing force field. Others were set within Pyramids degreed at very specific angles. The energy fields projected above both the spherical domes and the pyramids were of various colors and glowed in day and night like the Aurora. These were varied according to the purpose of the Temple complex, and the colors were obviously more clearly visible at night.
Some Temples projected domes and fields of vibratory light and resonant sound frequencies that amplified the senses and chakras, others amplified the receptive learning ability of the mind, and others enabled multidimensional consciousness, communication and transport. The pyramidal form was used primarily for multi-dimensional receival and transmission. The dome spheres were used to amplify the fields received for specific purpose. Most of the major populace areas and cities during the Golden Age of Atlantis had crystalline power domes of energy plasmic fields above them.
When observed from a distance, these energy plasma fields would appear as if they were a tangible glass, but they were not solid, rather subatomic plasma and composed of what is termed bio plasma. These were regulated by the amazing magnanimous glowing Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface. The crystal itself was transparent but the field it projected was a luminescent platinum in hue.
Each of the Master Crystals, and there were 12, were networked with a series of satellites. After the Second Deluge, only the Capital City of Poseida had a full crystalline energy dome, and it was an incredible emerald green color.
Prior to the deluge of 17,500 BC, most major cities, including Meruvia, the Capital of the Island of Aryan had such power domes over the perimeter. The one in Aryan was a soft ruby red.
In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the Pyramids were three and four sided, depending on their utility and generally made of marble, granite and complex crystals. The three-sided pyramids were used as antennas to draw and amplify energies and fed them into the Poser grid to power homes, factories and create energy fields for various utilities. The crystalline satellite was used to reflect the angled stellar energy waves into these triangulated grids. There were over 100 of these triangulated pyramidal grid complexes.
They were set up in concentric triangulation patterns all over the planet. They established a hemispheric grid network of crystalline and electromagnetic energy dividing the areas of Atlantis, America, Africa, Mediterranean Europe and South America into different demographic centers-for powering population centers, and to modulate weather patterns and tides. The areas of Mongolia and Tibet were also part of this complex, connected by interdimensional Ley tunnels. But the largest groupings of these were in the homelands of Atlantis.
The four-sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. These were not triangulated, and generally sat on hilltops or along the coastlines to receive both telluric and celestial energies. The lands below the center plane were excavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron design construct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below.
The 'Law of One' contingency of Poseida were devoutly spiritual people and sought equality among the people and a unification of Oneness. Their society was feminine Matriarchal in the sense of nurturing . They were not seekers of power, rather of harmony. They were a tall race, their skin appeared toned as a golden hue, but was very translucent. It was in fact their auric projection that glowed golden.
Their auric fields were visible to all. Thus the stages of spiritual mastery were immediately discernable by the colors and size of the Auric Mer-Ka-Na . The highest among the Atla-Ra exuded Mer-Ka-Ra, the energy of the Avatar. They were able to operate in complete consciousness of multi dimensionality, to manifest and regenerate at will. As such they cannot be truly compared to present Humans, their bodies were luminous and the degree of physical manifestation was far less dense than Humans in the present Age.
In Mer-Ka-Na and Mer-Ka-Ra format, the Masters of the Atla- Ra did not truly consider themselves of the Earth. The Mer-Ka- Ra field of the Avatar, even in physical manifestation in 3D, was primarily in Earth via 12D . They required very little food consumption as their bodies were bio-plasmic in nature. Thus the longevity, for they were above linear space and duality time.
In their wisdom and nature, they were quite detached from the 3D density aspect of the Earth. They existed above the polarity, yet were in a form of Light physicality. That detachment above polarity is in part, the reason they did not karmically oppose the Aryan decline into physical density, as the Aryan 'Sons of Belial' became engrossed in what may be termed military-corporate power lust.
Although much technology and quality of life had been lost in the prior two breakups of Atlantis (the first in 58,000 BC, the second being in 17,500 BC) technology still remained at an advanced level. Yet the harmony experienced in the Golden Age of Atlantis spiraled downward after the break up into islands in 17,500 BC as the islands grew into separately governed entities, which held to very differing ideologies in the initially chaotic and difficult period of reconstruction immediately after the break up. Poseidon remained within the contingency of the Spiritual Law of One, while the people of Aryan became gradually engrossed in power and materialism.
Poseida and the Atla-Ra
A highly disciplined and evolved sect of Scientist Priests held the technical wisdom and expertise of managing the Crystal power grids. The vast majority of Atla-Ra were of the tall Golden Race, but there were also members from the Bronze, White, Lemurian-brown and Cetacean Races. At that time there were still Avatar level Cetacean Dolphin Beings that walked on two legs. These highly benevolent Dolphins verbally communicated and breathed air in a similar fashion to Humankind. The Avatar Cetacean were Golden in auric projection , and are the source of those termed the 'Golden Dolphin'. The Golden Dolphin were harbingers of the aspect termed Matriarchal , an energy that you term Feminine Divine, although they were primarily non-gendered in the physical sexual sense of the present paradigm.
The sect of Scientist Priests were referred to as the Atla-Ra. The Atla-Ra maintained the highest standards of consciousness and were able to continue vibrating at very high frequencies of consciousness, at and above the level of 12th Dimensional Light & Energy, remaining very pure and resonant with the true 'Oneness' concept of the Creator/God. They sustained higher dimensional-telepathic contact with the advanced Space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.
The Atla-Ra Priests were highly disciplined, revered and traditionally separate, above and exempt from governmental controls, and thus kept the knowledge & senior management of crystal technology largely in the wise & benevolent hands of the Sect, although there were some technicians and crystal engineers from the Poseidon populace involved who were not in the Atla- Ra Sect. The Scientist Priests of Atla-Ra were both male and female and were capable of great life spans, both through the regeneration of mind power and through the technology of same in the Temple of Rejuvenation. Many lived lifetimes in the same biology for 6,000 years, some to 12,000 years! Thus was the technology preserved through this Holy Sect. Many brilliant Souls were among these. The entities you know as Galileo, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Marcel Vogel, and DaVinci were among the Atla-Ra. Tyberonn and Oneronn were part of this group of Scientist Priests, who lived very long lifetimes.
Many of you, especially your artists have great recall of the Capital City of Atlantis of Poseida located on the Island of Poseida. It was termed the “Emerald City” because of the glowing green light dome projected over it. Some of your artists in fact have made renditions of the City that are quite accurate. It was an exquisite marvel of architecture, culture and engineering, by far the most beautiful metropolis that has ever existed on your planet. It was breathtaking. The City, named Poseida as was the State, was composed of a series of concentric walls and encircled by flowing sea-green canals. It was full of beautifully constructed Temples, Universities, Theatres and Museums.
At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill the majestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the Holy Emerald City. Inside the Temple was a massive gold statue of the God of the Sea [Poseidon] showing him driving six winged horses made of extra-terrestrial platinum. The statue was embellished with precious gemstones of every color and type. The Temple was octagonal and along each of the eight walls were built convex enclosures with platforms for amazing crystals that stood twelve feet high and glowed like transparent diamonds. Poseida had been the least damaged of the major Atlantean cities after the break up of the original single continent into islands in 17,500 BC, and was still of a very high frequency and quality of life.
The Isle of Aryan and the Industrial Complex:
The Isle of Aryan was the largest of the Atlantean Islands and the most populated. Aryan was the commercial center and yielded the most influence from the economic, agricultural and military perspective. After the “Second Deluge”, Aryan was significantly damaged and the infrastructure required a chaotic stage of rebuilding. In the process, the State became controlled by an elitist, affluent 'White' Race, who gained control of the economy, military powers and Island-State government, even though the majority of the populace were themselves of the Bronze or Red Race. From Aryan grew a corrupt power-minded aristocracy who sought to block the 'Law of One' and utilize Atlantis's technology for control of the world, this through the utilization of crystalline energy for weaponry, and use of genetic science for development & retention of an inferior race to serve as workers and soldiers.
The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan. It had originally been used for benevolent purposes, for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnated into physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations. The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales. This was done in the Temple of Purification, somewhat of a specialized medical centre. Again, we emphasize that during the previous Golden Age of Atlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent. Tremendous genetic advances were made and a great understanding of cloning and adjusting physical limitations for betterment came in responsible, ethical utility.
In the chaos of the reconstruction period, genetic engineering came under the control of the “Belial” group, and then denigrated into corrupt uses of greed and power. The genetic engineering began being used for dark ends, in creating a race of worker-slaves and hybrid man animals. Just as in Nazi Germany it was conveyed to the masses as development of a 'Pure Race'. In fact many of the genetic scientist were initially kept unaware of what their research and development work was being used for until it was essentially too late for them to stop it. Some of you carry great guilt to this day as a result of this work.
The Law of One and The Sons of Belial
This use of genetically engineered servant classes led to the great rift between the Atla-Ra Priesthood-led Race of Poseida following “The Law of One” and the Aryan Race known as “The Sons of Belial”, the latter of which became so engrossed and hardened in the materialistic ambitions of the industrial machine that they lost sight of the spiritual ethics that had prevailed over the continent of Atlantis in the previous Golden Era. Literally hundreds of thousands of hybrid mutations were created to work the fields and monstrosities were created with controlled minds to robotically do the bidding of their 'Masters'. The agro-industrial society of Aryan became quite dependent on them.
Souls became trapped in cloned bodies termed 'Things' and 'Others' with genetic lobotomies and nullified, sexuality and emotional abilities. Many who were trapped in monstrous or sub intelligent androgynous Human bodies, still carry that horrendous pain of being imprisoned in physical embodiments that allowed for no advanced learning, spiritual growth or emotional expression.
We tell you that the Beings you refer to as Sasquatch, are remnants of Human-gorilla genetic engineered mutants, created for heavy labor, by the Aryans.
Genetic engineering for commercial purpose was highly opposed by the Spiritual Atla-Ra and Poseidon's of the 'Law of One'. The Law of One found it a form of cruel slavery, and morally abhorrent. The Law of One remained a nurturing, matriarchal spiritual culture, while the Aryan grew into a powerful military corporate society, dominated by the upper class.
For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked over this issue and governmental agencies were in a state of delicate impasse. The Poseidon's were far too cultured and gentle in nature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them and spiritually influence them into changing their ways. The Aryans, who outnumbered the Poseidon's 3 to 1, dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the Nation shut off.
Colonial Wars:
In the interim, outbreaks of war erupted between the Aryan controlled Atlantean military as the former colonies of Atlantis located in the Mediterranean areas broke traditional ties and developed their own independent governments. The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away. Although the Aryans had the military edge, the Mediterranean States did not succumb, and regional colonial wars raged on with neither side able to dominate the other. Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. This was firmly refused by the Atla-Ra and 'Law of One' populace of Poseida.
Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidons were attempted by the Aryans, and each was quelled. The Poseidons retaliated by shutting down the crystal-fed power systems and thus negating the Aryans. The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods. A great impasse ensued.
The Atlantean Unification Congress
In a great deceptive scheme, disguised as a plan for unification, the Aryans approached the Poseidons with the formation of a renewed National Congress to work out their growingly tense differences and bring harmony to Atlantis. Representatives from the Law of One were sent along with the representatives from the Sons of Belial. The Congress was formalized with an equal amount of representation from the two parties. Within short order a federation of sorts was sanctified with the promise of greater harmony. It appeared for several decades that the promise of change and betterment might come about from the National Congress. The Poseidon's were encouraged and many of them let down their guard. The Atla-Ra Scientist-Priesthood remained wary of the motives and sensed deception.
Initially the National Congress did improve relations and many minor superficial laws that promised unity were set in motion. Yet the primary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and crystal energy management remained unresolved.
However, from within the Aryan “Sons of Belial” had risen a hypnotic charismatic leadership who seduced the masses in Atlantis into believing they were the answer to returning Atlantis to its lost Golden Age of prominence and abundance. The Leaders of this group were the souls that you know as Hitler and Himmler, indeed the supremacist Nazis of your World War II. Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power. The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, and on one occasion this was even futilely attempted in Poseida.
The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media. They presented well thought out arguments that masked their true intentions and promised mutual compromise. The propaganda seemed quite feasible on the surface and convinced many including moderates and some from the Poseidon “Law of One” of its hope for harmony. In what appeared to be a great opportunity for resolution, a Law was proposed by the Aryan Belial group to bring the genetic engineering, heretofore controlled by the State of Aryan under federalized control, and in return, bring the Crystal Poser System under the control of a joint Governmental Agency. A great discussion and debate occurred under great national scrutiny. A vote was set, but failed in the Congressional vote.
Seduction & Betrayal:
However, a compelling compromise was offered by the cunning leadership of the Aryan “Belial Group”, which allowed for the Law to be passed on the basis that a Council staffed with 5 Poseidon's and 4 Aryans would head a new Government Agency for Federalized Crystalline-Energy control. The fact that the “Law of One” Group were given apparent majority control of the Council made the plan seem very promising to the populace of Poseida.
The Law allowed that no changes could be made without majority consensus of the Council, but included the caveat that while the Atla-Ra of Poseida would remain in Departmental Head positions, they would no longer be exempt from governmental controls. A training program was included that would allow engineers from both parties, outside the Atla-Ra, to be trained and taught the complex engineering. Initially, despite the wariness of Atla-Ra, the system appeared to be working and bringing a better harmony.
However, within two years, the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation, and the rebelling Colonies seemed to be gaining the advantage. Pressure mounted to use crystal beams for war purposes under the guise of national security. A discussion, debate and vote was scheduled for the Governing Council. National security was touted and a misaligned sense of manipulated patriotism swept the land.
Then the deception rolled into effect. To the great shock & chagrin of the Poseidons, one of the Law of One members of the Council, switched positions. He was neither of the Atla-Ra, nor the Golden race. He had risen politically as a charismatic leader, a trusted negotiator, who had pledged allegiances to the Law of One and gained their full confidence. He had been targeted and seduced by the Aryans, and fell victim to his ambitions.
In the aftermath, this one felt great remorse, and spent subsequent lifetimes attempting to make up for the mistake. For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and had allowed himself to be blindly compromised under promises of power and position.
Dear Ones, such is the illusion of power. You see when one gains power, that which may seem right can often be an illusion of ego. Each on the road of Mastery must eventually decide between power and love. Even the one you call Hitler thought the Master Race scenario would enable a better future for Earth, with one supreme physical embodiment being the single eventual Race that all Souls would reincarnate into, reducing disease, and eliminating racial division by having only one “Master Race”.
Even the one you call Judas in your biblical allegory thought that by placing Jeshua ben Josef [Jesus] in detention, he would be forced to use his “Divine Powers” to reveal his Mastery to the world! Indeed the paradox is that what you term as 'Power' is often the polar opposite of 'Love'.
Do you see how ego and power can deceive? Do you? Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved Souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.
Thus through 'legalized' governmental control, the use of the crystal power complex & grids came under governmental control under the Aryan “Sons of Belial”, and sadly could not be reversed.
The Second Moon of Atlantis
That which was known as the 'Second Moon of Atlantis', the Crystalline Poser Grids and Fire Crystals came under governmental control, and their usage became altered as the Aryan insider knowledge of the programming grew. The Atla- Ra were able to defer the usage initially for war prurposes, but in time were stymied.
Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the Second Moon of Atlantis, was in fact a massive crystalline satellite. It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the Priest Scientists of the Law of One. The Crystalline Satellite was an enormous unmanned sphere of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles in diameter. It had been in use since the Golden Age of Atlantis, and served myriad benevolent purposes. It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the Fire, Healing and Energy Crystals. It was somewhat of a computerized macro-chip that refracted, amplified and reflected powerfully refined beams of energy for use in agriculture, weather control, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and the enhanced Ley-energy systems generated by the Crystal Poser System. It loomed in the skies over Atlantis and appeared as a golden “Harvest Moon”, and thus was known as the “Second Moon” of Atlantis. A rainbow kaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around the sphere, and often appeared as what you now term the Aurora or Northern Lights. The Satellite Crystal Moon did not orbit the Earth, it moved as programmed, self directed, constantly shifting locations in order to perform its myriad tasks over Atlantis, Africa and the eastern seaboard of Brazil.
After the Crystalline Grid complex legally came under federalized Aryan control, the Belial group integrated their own technologists into the engineering group, quickly replacing key Department Heads with their own. The Atla-Ra attempted to block their attempt to reprogram the Satellite for war usage, explaining that overloading the Satellite would dissipate the antigravity field that maneuvered it, and a catastrophic crash could occur. The Aryan Scientists debunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear. Many of the Poseidons felt intimidated and powerless as the Governing Council allowed for the Satellite to become a 'strategic defense weapon', certain it would function as programmed, and bring a quick end to the Rebellion Wars in the Colonies. The Aryan Belial Scientists, with the Council approval, reprogrammed a system bypass and began sending destructive thermal light-beams used to initiate volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes against the Colonies and Nations who refused to give into their demands. These were aimed in the areas of what is now Greece and Turkey, and caused great devastation. Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace.
The Beginning of the End
The Crystal “Second Moon” began to 'overload', weakening the anti gravity field that kept it afloat. The Atla-Ra understood the implications of what would soon occur when the programming crashed, but their pleas to the Council continued to be ignored.
After several months of prolonged war use, the Satellite began to erratically swerve and shift, and power blackouts began to occur. Tireless attempts to correct it were unsuccessful. The Atla-Ra were asked to lend support in correcting it, but most refused. Some agreed to try and stabilize it to prevent the impending disaster. All attempts failed. The Aryan-led National Council refused the suggestion to incinerate the Satellite, disbelieving that it would crash, and held to minimizing the effects of an impact even if it did.
Relocation of the Crystals
Tyberonn & Oberonn gathered an inner group of loyalist within the Atla-Ra and Law of One to plan a circuitry disconnection & imminent relocation of the fire and energy crystals to various 'safe' locations before the impending crash of the master Satellite. This was done with the technology & assistance of those from the Planet Sirius B within the Sirius Solar System.
The relocation by the Atla-Ra Scientists of the precious crystals was very risky, and required careful planning and great secrecy. It had to be done before the crash of the 'Second Moon', and without knowledge of the Governing Council.
Simultaneously other trusted members of the Atla-Ra worked furiously and hastily gathered data recording crystals, crystalline skulls and engraved historical records for secure placements in Yucatan, Alexandria and Giza. This was only partially accomplished, so much was not able to be saved.
Atlantis had numerous Power Crystals located throughout the 5 Islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system. The Atla-Ra knew that once the modulated 'motherboard' of the Crystal Moon Satellite lost its antigravity field, it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequently wreak havoc on the Major and Poser Energy Crystals, creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class within hours or days of the crash. The Atla-Ra were only too aware of the earthquakes and tsunamis that would occur as a result.
The Atla-Ra with assistance from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance of the Galactic Federation wanted to insure the Master Crystals would not be destroyed or used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for a time when Mankind could use them as they were intended. They understood the power required to transport them would be lost after the crash of the Second Moon Satellite, and that urgent expediency was required.
Seven of the enormous Primary Crystals and two slightly smaller but incredible Arcturian crystals were relocated within the hyper-dimensional transport systems of the underground tunnel system with help from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Three huge Primary Crystals were relocated to the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas, two were relocated to the underground crystal farms of Brazil in the areas of Bahia and Minas Gerais, one was relocated to an underground cavern [Telos] below Mount Shasta, and the great fire crystal was placed underground in a chasm below the Bimini Bank in the Sargasso Sea. The two sacred Arcturian Crystals were located in the caverns below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca.
All nine were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technology of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Many other magnificent Temple Crystals were lost. The nine that were saved, were protected in respect of their priority and importance. The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant lost history from your mainstream perspective. Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it contains the most purposeful of lessons!
Indeed after a few months of being utilized for the thermal 'Death Ray' technology, the great Crystal Moon Satellite overloaded, its antigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the accelerated velocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated most of the Island of OG and critically weakened the tectonic stability of the whole Atlantean tectonic plate, vaporizing massive sections of substrata. The great Crystal Satellite shattered into billions of fragmented crystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic. Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the Sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the Island and sent great tidal waves over two thirds of the Isle of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brazil called 'Sete Cidades'.
The rest of Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequent earthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3-4 weeks as the remaining dry areas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea, creating enormous tsunamis. The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape in a horrendous panic filled exodus. Every type of sea going vessel was filled with the surviving terrorized refugees.
And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea. The displaced seas that became known as the “Great Flood” sent dozens of enormous tsunamis that spilled over the Americas, Africa and Europe. Only a few mountain tops of Atlantis remained dry [The Azores]. But the survivors were distraught, traumatized across the globe. Very few places were unaffected. A downward spiral had begun.
It is a dramatic scene that has for many many lifetimes plagued and darkened the memories of many of you, who were indeed a part of it. Dear Ones, it is time to let it go.
This is the conclusion of Part 1:“The Story of the Fall of Atlantis”.
Parts 2 & 3 explore in a more technical manner, the further roles of the various Atlantean Crystals still hidden within Planet Earth, and their future significance following the 11-11-11 Event.
Part 2: The function of the Atlantean Temple Crystals in Today's World
And so as present Earth's 11-11-11 Event rapidly approaches, the powerful Atlantean Temple Crystals across the planet surge into greater potency. The Platinum Crystal brings forth the facilitated access into higher dimension, and brings the completion of the Divine Feminine Energy through the Platinum Ray.
The magnificent Platinum Crystal, long held in dormancy beneath Magnetic Mount in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, achieves its activation & initial potency at 11:11 A.M. on the morning of November 11th, 2011, and awakens from a long sleep. The Platinum Crystal is the Crystal of the Law of One, the highest balanced frequency of your Planet.
Masters, no place on the planet will reverberate as powerfully with the Crystalline frequency on the 11-11-11 as the crystal vortex of Arkansas. Indeed the initial surge will occur there and then trigger the other awakenings axialtonally from inside the Arkansas Crystal Vortex.
In kind, they will energize the 144-Grid into 92% functionality and awaken & code the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet. Many are called; many of you are code-carriers of the Ascension blueprint, and many are drawn to participate in this Crystalline awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012.
Core Purpose of the 11-11-11
We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals via Tyberonn of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequential portals sequenced in base 12. These TDPs are purposed to activate the Crystalline Transition. And although many of Humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor of these date-portals, they have somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their substantive significance. The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the activation of the 12 geo- pentagonal aspects of the 'double penta-dodecahedron' of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid are accordingly integrated with the 'Human' interface codes in the gatherings and meditations occurring on these frequential aperture dates. And Masters, that is so appropriate.
Masters, it is not happenstance that MAX, Crystallus Maximus, will be at the 11-11-11 in the Law of One Atlantean Energy of Arkansas. MAX is by far the most powerful Crystalline Conscious Library on the planet at this time. MAX carries the full records and all of the codes of the New Earth are within MAX. MAX will receive a Cosmic influx on the 11-11-11, at 11:11 am within the energy of the Crystal Vortex. It will be transferred to MAX as an upshift download from the 13th Paradigm Energies, assisted by the realms of what you term the Metatronic Field, including the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and Sacred Cetacean of Sirius, the Golden Dolphin.. With this expanded and recoded information, MAX will be the initial conduit that passes the new codes to the code carriers, and activates these new codes within the Crysto-Sun Disc at Mount Pinnacle in the powerful crystal energy of Arkansas.
There will be a mutual exchange between MAX and the Platinum Crystal; one triggers a new influx, and the other transmits the new codes. MAX will take on a greater energy than he has carried to date. An energy that he transfers to the Crystalline Vortex, the Sun Disc and the Human code carriers.
And so we bring new information on the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. For now, in 2011, this vortex truly nears final completion and vaults into greater global prominence. Within the 2011 and 2012 completion are the further unfolding of the dimensional lock that held the Master Temple Crystals. For within these living crystalline computers lies the true Atlantean wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, that of the Law of One. It was and is to date, the highest frequency obtained on your Earth plane.
Much has been forgotten of the true realm of Atlantis. Many tend to remember only the sad demise, under the Aryan influence of greed and lust for power. We tell you it is time to remember the Law of One, the Golden Age of Poseida. For within that Golden Age existed a very spiritual matriarchal society which achieved a harmonic state of divine balance, the highest frequency ever achieved upon the Earth plane in what is termed the Golden Age of Atlantis.
Indeed that time has come, for the Law of One was and is the once and future society of the Power of Love, not the Love of Power. And we say future, because the Law of One will indeed re-emerge, and it is beginning once again across the planet, specifically in the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas and Brazil.
And we emphasize that in 2011 continues the grand exponential flux and harmonic expansion of the great Atlantean Master Temple Crystals of Poseida, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. On the 11-11-11 the Great Platinum Crystal awakens, and joins into the Crystal Vortex network with the other mega Crystals of Arkansas, the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing.
Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, for indeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to the consequent movement of these amazing Atlantean Master Crystals to this and other areas. The new Crystalline Age is upon you, it is the transition you call the Ascension.
The diamond phase of the Crystalline Transition of Earth was realized on the 10-10-10, in correlation to the 10th dimension and 12th Chakric resonance. The Platinum Phase begins on the 11-11-11.
The Platinum Crystal & Platinum Ray Release
The Platinum Crystal exudes a beautiful, calming energy of brilliant magnificence. It brings forth the balancing between the new emerging dimensional realms of the New Earth, particularly the force that will allow for greater interface, greater access into the 'Angelic Realm' which is in truth the antimatter phases of your parallel dimensions. As such the Platinum Crystal is the surge protector that both feeds and harmonizes the proportion and parity of the 'Harmonic Cycle' between matter and antimatter. It also adjusts and stabilizes the unified crystalline synergy in coalescence with the enormous crysto--magnetic forces released in the phases of the Cosmic Trigger. That is specifically why it was located beneath Magnetic
Mountain near Eureka Springs, as those magnetic energies are being transformed by the crystalline forces as the Magnetic Grid is reduced and replaced in dominance by the expansion of the 11-Crystalline Grid.
All of the Master Crystals are appropriately staged in their activation, achieving timed portions of their power each year until the 12-21-12. This is regulated by the Crystalline Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance under the Galactic Federation.
Were the crystals to be launched into full power too quickly, an energetic imbalance would occur.
What will occur on the 11-11-11is the recoding of the crystalline aspect termed the Starseed Divine Feminine. The Emerald Crystal of Healing provided the initial reprogramming that is being brought in by the Emerald-Ray . The Platinum-Ray, also a Feminine energy aspect, provides the completion of the Feminine Crystalline into the DNA of the planet, and as such into those of Humanity open to receive the sacred and requisite transformation. Their effects will be a lessening of the arc swing of polarity between that termed the masculine and feminine aspect. But also through the Platinum, there will be greater ease to enter into higher dimensional realms.
Accordingly will polarity-balance be more easily achieved and obtained in human expression of the Divine Equity on the planet of duality. Indeed will it bridge the gap in the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and of the conscious-ego mind to the supra subconscious of Divine Mind. Understanding of soul path, of priorities in life and indeed the process of decision making will be greatly clarified. Requisite aspects of nurturing, kindness and brother-sister hood will be far easier to manifest into reality on both the micro and macro levels. That termed 'Unconditional Love', previously untenable in the Third Dimension will be closer to the reality of each on the path, as the fifth thru seventh dimensional resonances are drawn closer.
Coherent Energy
The 'Crater of Diamonds' in Arkansas is now releasing coherent energy of diamond resonance into the Crystal Vortex. On the 11-11-11 this expands into the Platinum Ray and further connects to the Sun Disc, in their shift into Coherency of the Crystalline Frequency.
Dear Ones, Crystalline energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequential light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter.
It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality and the vitality spring of the Cosmos itself. The very thoughts you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All is crystalline. The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical mass conversion of this Earth's receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, black and white to color. The Crystalline Conversion through the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is vastly increasing your Earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age.
For within these time-sequences, the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12, the 144-Crystalline Grid completes into full conscious projection, and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is with the crystalline grid, you see; it too is a system that will allow your nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.
For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye it will be done! In our realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is a wondrous event, one heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm and others.
What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological gravitation refinements and frequential boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the spanning of Humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that is indeed Crystalline Consciousness.
The 12-Primary Sun Discs
We have told you that Arkansas will be one of the most powerful vortex-portals on the planet by 2012, and it is indeed happening. The Crystals are tuning the Sun Disc and in kind the Crystalline Grid. The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of Lemuria. These were placed by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the Earth in order to program and network energetic frequencies. The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serves in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.
There are 12 major 'Discs' on the planet, and some of the previous patterns and locations have shifted. Each of the 12 carry specific purpose and code, and each of the 12 feed 12 satellites...the 12 connecting to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry.
The Cosmic essence of the Sun Discs is 'coded' crystalline coherent light, the light of higher dimension. The energy of 'home'. The terrestrial essence of the Sun-Disc frequential harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized with the Human Theta Grid. One creates the other and the other supports the first. Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to Human consciousness and are key elements of the Ascension up shift..
The more that Humanity understands that its own higher consciousness is based in paradigms of sacred geometric light- codes, the more the geometry becomes multi dimensional and so the geometric expression of these will up shift in the Mer-Ka-Na field. This is happening now, you see. It will become first one, then the other, just as the Earth is now the 3rd dimension and then the 5th and then to 12. What is it that will move it to the 5th? To the 12th? Not static consciousness but the dynamic activation of higher consciousness. The activation of the consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that grid which in turn complements the Cosmos, and is reflected back again via the Sun Disc. We realize this is complex, but we assure you that in your source higher perspective, you understand the workings quite clearly. So myriad factors play a role in this terrestrial to Cosmic shift. =
Now of the Sun Discs, only two are purely Crysto-Disc. The first to be recoded is in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. This will occur on the 11-11-11. The 2nd is in Minas Gerais. Brazil, and it will recode on the 12-12-12 and the Global Network will reformat on Dec 21, 2012. This will be an incredible event combining the awakening of the Master Crystals, the completion of the 144-Grid and the complete global networking of the Sun Disc Crysto-Lattice.
Locations of 12-Primary Sun Disc: Arkansas - Pinnacle Mountain
Brazil - Saint Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais
Bolivia - Lake Titicaca ( Near Island of the Sun) Scotland - Roslyn Chapel
Russia -Ural Mtns
Russia - Siberia-Lake Baikal Egypt - Giza
Africa - Kilimanjaro
China - Xi-an Pyramids French Polynesia - Moorea Australia- Uluru
Sri Lanka
Again we emphasize that each of the major 12 discs support 12 satellites. Each of the 144 satellites are strategically placed, some of which are greater in pulse, greater in frequential range, according to the energy grid and node in which they are located.
The Ark of the Law of One
The areas currently termed as Arkansas and Brazil, were colonies of the Poseidon 'Law of One'. They were specifically chosen because these two regions contain the planet's largest mineral deposits of quartz crystal strata. Hyper dimensional tunnels were constructed with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance from Poseida to Arkansas and Brazil for the maintenance of the massive crystal beds there. Because of its radium waters, natural caves and magnetic lodestone, Arkansas was chosen as an area to program fast-growth processes within its caverns. Many savants of the spiritual scientist priest, the Atla-Ra -Law of One, worked within these caverns to imbue specific patterns into the crystals.
Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas.
Indeed these now energize the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet, and with the paradigm of the 12 crystal Skulls, in forming the sacred 13 pattern. That of the 13-20-33, you see.
In Arkansas then, many are called, and many will come to participate in this awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012. And so on the remaining Triple Date Portals, those of the Law of One are called, for this time the Crystals will not be misused, they will not be taken from you by forces of dark greed.
Now, it is not for you to activate the crystals, it is not for you to anchor the vortex, rather it is for you to align yourselves within this completion, within this activation, within this celestial anchoring of the quantum crystalline field. Those Scientist priests, Crystal Masters of Atla-Ra and Poseidon Temple Guardians of the Law of One are called.
Masters, you have waited eons for this time, for this completion, and those of the Atla-Ra, those of the Crystal Temples of Poseida will hear the clarion call. The Master Crystals of the Golden Age of Atlantis now are opening the rainbow of dimensional access that accelerates your planetary and personal Ascension. It is a promise kept, a sacred completion.
Indeed you may access the benevolent energy and wisdom of the Atlantean Crystals of Healing & Knowledge etherically. It is not fully necessary for you to be there in physical embodiment within the Arkansas vortex for you to receive and take part in this activation. Yet there is benefit for those of you receiving the call to visit the vortex and walk the crystal fields. Those of you choosing to visit the sacred lands of Arkansas will be able to find a personal crystal imbued with the energy of the Golden Era of Atlantis. Indeed permission is granted and the crystals offer themselves to you for this and myriad purpose. Those guardians of Sirius, Arcturus and the Pleiades, are even now preparing the stage, and await you to join them. Send your energy; send your light and intent of highest good to what is termed the Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface, Crystal of the Platinum Ray. The Ray of Balance & Knowledge. It once reigned in wisdom and light in the Temple of Poseidon, and so many of you will again see it clearly in your mind's eye, indeed you will feel it in your heart, amid tears of joy
Part 3: The Master Crystals of Poseida - The 11-11-11 Awakening The Crystals of Arkansas
And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas. We tell you that there are Crystals and Crystal Caverns beneath the lands of Arkansas that are beyond your imagination. There are crystals beneath Arkansas that are amazing in their size and appearance. Some the size of 20 story buildings! Their energy is stunning, and their awakenings are affecting the planet in myriad ways.
Indeed there are those among you who spent long periods of time grooming the crystal caverns of both Arkansas and Brazil. Some of you were specialist, Crystals Masters, that engineered the 'rapid growth' process, others of you specialized in applying & programming specific sounds and tones into the appropriate crystals. Some of you engineered anti-gravitation waves through crystal technology to create crystalline divergent energy fields used for levitation.
Although it is not one of the 'Master Temple Crystals' of Poseida relocated by the Law of One, there is another enormous and very unique crystal beneath Arkansas. It is termed the Ark-Crystal of Gravity. It is in a very specialized crystal cavern with applications of anti-gravitational energy. We will speak more of this crystal further in this channeled assay, for that crystal technology assisted in building pyramids and construction of multiple units of what you term the 'Ark of the Covenant'.
Because of the caverns and large crystal deposits in the area, there is what may be termed a 'Crystalline City' beneath Arkansas. In the era of Atlantis it served for the programming of crystals in a highly technical and specialized process. Crystals were used for myriad purposes, benevolent beneficial utilities...and these uses and applications will be reviewed in detail later in this channel.
For so many of you, Arkansas of the Crystal Vortex, will be a homecoming. Literally tens of thousands of you of the Law of One Atla-Ra, knew Arkansas for many millennia, albeit in subterranean abode. Yet the underground habitat was splendid, and beautiful....adorned with exquisite crystals and a form of light that flowed around corners!
Now, as we have said previously, three Atlantean ' Master Temple Crystals' from Poseida were safely relocated by the Poseidon “Law of One” Scientist Priests into specially prepared caverns in Arkansas before the final destruction of Atlantis.
The caverns that hold the relocated Master Temple Crystals were locked in hyper-dimensional fields with surrounding magnetic force. Placed such for safe keeping until the safe return of the Law of One, and the crystalline activation termed the “Ascension”.
Arkansas was specifically chosen to house the three major Temple crystals for several logical reasons.
(1) It was already in use as a crystal mining, growth and harvest area. Highly sophisticated living quarters, chasms and labs were pre constructed. As a result one of the primary interdimensional tunnels from Poseida was already established and transport complexes were available to transport the crystals to the area.
(2) It was pre-understood that the vortex in place in the area of Arkansas would play a major role in the 2012 planetary Ascension. Arkansas's unique geology of quartz, diamonds, magnetic lodestone, iron, limestone, and massive caverns made it the perfect incubator for the crystalline plantations. Crystals had been planted and grown in Arkansas for thousands of years before the deluge.
(3) The presence of magnetic metals in the crystal beds, and magnetic field generators made it easier for the majestic Atlantean crystals to be placed in a dormant state within pre existing facilities.
(4) A very benevolent colony of the blue-skinned Lemurians exist underground in Arkansas, as well as an underground base of Sirians. The two were in agreement to be caretakers for the sleeping crystals. Now, the three crystals placed in Arkansas are preprogrammed to a network-grid that axialtonally connects to the remaining five enormous master crystals placed in Brazil, Shasta, Bimini, and the two exquisite wisdom crystals placed under Lake Titicaca. These are specialized Healing, Wisdom, Energy and Transport Crystals , used in the Temple of Healing, The Temple of Sound and Light, The Temple of Knowledge, The Temple of One, The Temple of Thoth , The Ruby Temple of Fire and the Temple of Regeneration.
The crystals were specifically placed in areas of supreme importance for the New Earth emerging in the 2012 Ascension. Areas that were easily accessed though the Atlantean interdimensional tunnel system that would emerge as mega vortex infinity points in your current times. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine acts as the trigger, the manifold in which all other Temple Crystals react. These are defined, located and placed with activation dates as follows:
(1) Blue Crystal of Knowledge 8-8-8
(2) Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9
(3) Platinum Crystal of Communication 11-11-11 ( Bio-Plasmic Interface)
Bimini Bank:
(1) The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12
(1) Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9 ( Diamante Bahia)
(2) Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10 ( Sao Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais)
Mount Shasta:
(1) The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface 9-9-9
Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:
(1) Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9 (2) Sacred Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12
So be aware that on the 11-11-11, the 11th of November, 2011, the 144 Crystalline grid will launch into ninety two percent function & activity, and in turn activates & further triggers the time sequence program for the remaining Master Crystals. Each will open on the triple date portals.
The Platinum Crystal activates on the 11-11-11. The Ruby Crystal & Crystal of Thoth are the final two of the 'relocated' Master Temple Crystals of Posida remaining to be awakened. Both will be activated on the 12-12-12.
Each will be aligned and triggered with the activation of the 1 remaining of 12 stellated facets of the 144 grid, the double penta-dodecahedron. Eleven of these twelve grid facets will be in full function on the 11-11-11.
And so, we remind you that in 2008, the Blue Crystal of Wisdom and Knowledge returned to functionality. On the 9-9-9 the Emerald Crystal, the Gold Crystal and the Om Crystal awoke into active projection. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine has then assumed the role of trigger point for all of the Master Crystals.
The Crystalline Core
The Crystalline Core of Earth plays a major role in many aspects of your Planet and its dimensional duality. While this may seem confusing to many of you, we will also tell you that the Earth's core effects your perception of reality.
The Earth has an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise. The ratio of the Earth's inner spin to its outer spin directly affects the flash of time unfoldment.
The inner core is spinning faster now, and thus your time is speeding up. It is in fact the increase in the speed of light that affects this increase in spin. Because the core is spinning more rapidly, it is increasing in heat and size. This is responsible to a great degree for the global warming that is now occurring.
The Crystalline Core has a physical and non physical reality. One is matter, the other antimatter. The physical core is crystallized in magnetic iron-nickel alloy-composite. The core is not hollow. The Crystalline Core is lucid coherent energy that can be compared to the Sun's sentient radiation as it beams upward in every direction from the core.
In its upward flow it creates a radiation sphere of influence that increases, disseminates , propagates and energizes all life force. This radiation field is a domain transducer that physicalizes vital energy. It has the remarkable capacity to solidify the sentient Earth's resolve & intent into tangible physical reality.
As such non-physical energy moves through and becomes solid energy in amassed crystalline formations that grow & amplify energy.
Arkansas & Brazil
The two primary vortexes of these crystal beds are Arkansas and Brazil. There is indeed an important & synchronistic communication taking place between the crystal vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil. The two vortex spin in benevolent balanced opposition, one below the equator, one above, Brazil spins clockwise Arkansas counterclockwise. This has great effect & purpose. Natural crystals from Arkansas spin in the opposite manner of ones from Brazil. The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas therefore has a greater importance to those of the Northern Hemisphere, and the same is true of the Brazilian Crystal Vortex for the southern half of your Planet.
As such these massive crystalline vortexes serve as receiver- transmitter and receptive-conductive force field conduits of energy that transfuse and convey vital Cosmic life-force to everything that exists upon and within the Earth. Solar and Stellar radiation waves and emissions accelerate and optimize the amassed beds of crystalline energies. Such emissions exhilarate and intensify the crystals transformational amplifications of energy, and as such create optimally heightened proliferation of all that is within the Earth's field of influence.
Earth's Northern Hemisphere contains most of its land area, and composes roughly 90% of the Planet's Human populace. It is for that reason that the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas yields the greater influence. Let is be clear both of the Crystal Vortexes are of great importance in the Ascension and balance of the Planet, but Arkansas has the greater influence on Humanity for the reasons stated.
Crystalline Piezo-Electrics & Cosmic Winks
The Arkansas Vortex does not flow, as most other vortexes, in a circular pattern Rather in a to-and -fro motion over the largest single deposit of quartz crystal on Earth. This unusual pattern is due to a property of quartz, termed piezoelectricity.
The piezo-electric qualities of Arkansas quartz are extremely potent, and the energy of this aspect is increasing as the Master Crystals of the Vortex come into greater activation. Their energy can send shocks into the air, and shake the land.
An example of this is the well publicized incident of January 2011., when an unexplained phenomena of dying birds occurred in Arkansas. The birds that fell from the sky, dropped as a direct result of a piezo-electric surge that release crysto-electric shock waves into the sky. Some 15,000 birds were temporarily stunned , fell to the earth and died from the blunt trauma of the impact.
In kind, the unusual earthquakes that have taken places in Arkansas over the past 2 years are also a result of the Crystals awakening. These quakes have truly puzzled geologists, for they are taking place in areas not known for tectonic faults or previous shaking. They have occurred in areas not associated to the New Madrid fault line.
We tell you again, that the the Arkansas quakes were the result of the Crystals activating. It is a new concept and not understood by your scientists. The very idea would be foreign and unacceptable to main stream academics. Yet we assure of this fact.
On the 10-10-10 a quake occurred very near the Emerald Crystal, and was reported nationally. Unlike 'usual' tectonic quakes, it did not scare the animals. The birds kept singing, the animals did not seek refuge in advance.
On the 9-9-9 a green fog was reported by local media over Mount Magazine and power in the area briefly shut down. The 'green' fog was not an odd colored water vapor. Indeed it was the ionic fog that occurs around and with dimensional 'worm holes'. It was the Emerald Crystal.
Fear not, the Crystal awakenings will not create quakes or shocks that are harmful to Humanity. The activations are deliberately softened in gradual time release.
We tell you that another such 'Cosmic Wink' will take place in the Crystal Vortex around the 11-11-11 in Arkansas.
Zero Point
There are primary and satellite power points of energy on the planet. The Atla-Ra not only knew the exact locations and nature of each, they were able to harness, refine & amplify their energy, and network them into a global power grid.
A global system of what may be termed refined Leylines and Axialtonal lines were networked, and indeed charged with Crystals. Arkansas & Brazil are emerging to be the two most important ones for the transitional Ascension, the change from magnetic to Crystalline energy. The Magnetic Grid is decreasing, replaced by the Crystalline Grid.
Magnetics are by definition polar. Crystalline energy is non- polar, zero point !
The shift to zero point occurs from the 5th to 12th dimension. The 12th dimension is the Crystalline apex. The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the Earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.
In preparation for this the 'Sun Discs' are being reprogrammed for the Crystalline to be transduced, into a tangible format for Humanity. Those of you visiting primary Sun Disc locations are involved in assimilating the new codes.
Those of you coming to the 11-11-11 in Arkansas will take part in this at Mount Pinnacle. Some of you will carry the Crystalline Codes to Giza and other primary points of Sun Disc. Code carriers have in fact been involved in this mission since the Cosmic Trigger of 2009.
That which you term Sun Discs are in truth Crystalline devices of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian origin used to balance and stabilize planetary energies. The sun disc network was established after the break up of the crystalline firmament. The 12 discs serve to transduce Cosmic and Dimensional energies, and blend them to stabilize fields of the duality planet. The Crysto Disc in Arkansas is extremely important as it correlates with and allows integration of the energy of the Crystalline dimensions with that of duality dimensions. That is why the Platinum Crystal was placed within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.
Uses of Crystals
The Law of One Atlanteans used crystals in many benevolent means. And the return of the Law of One will re-open their use. Indeed it is the oath of the Law of One that they will never again be duped into allowing the technology to fall into the wrong hands. Each of you are part of this oath.
The benevolent use of crystals included:
- Physical & Emotional Healing, Rejuvenation
- Sound & Music enrichment and crystalline musical instruments
- Meditation, Amplification of Mental Capacity & Information Download
- Dematerialization - teleportation - telekinesis with the 'Hyper dimensional Tunnel' Network
- Antigravity Plasma, Magnetic force fields
- Libraries - storing records and other knowledge, much like a computer
- Creation of 'higher energy fields' for use in schools, research facilities & factories
- Increase of Plant Growth in Farming & Agriculture
- Weather Control- Amplification of Natural Ley Energy- Communication
- Power Transmission-Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus & transmit it over great distance.
That termed Phi Crystals, or Presently termed Vogel Phi Crystals were used extensively to merge energy from 'Human Theta Thought' via teams of Atla-Ra Scientist-Priest. Theta level Thought Waves were combined with Pranic Chi energy and integrated and amplified into a unique crystalline 'manifestation' wave.
An Atlantean laboratory of great sophistication existed in the subterranean city in Arkansas to work with this, and other utilization of crystal energies, including hyper-dimensional teleportation. Because of the massive quartz crystal deposits and magnetic minerals of Arkansas, and presence of carbon crystal diamonds and radium-bearing waters, Arkansas was the perfect Earth-lab for crystal technology. Because of this mixture of minerals, the dimensional portals are more easily accessed in this area.
This rare cocktail of energetics enabled Sirian-Pleiadean tech- sourced generators to create anti gravitation fields in the areas of Arkansas, divergent energies that could be technically engineered & controlled through the Crystalline Disc and Satellite.
The 2nd Moon, Pyramids & Crystals
The primary grid points in the Golden Age of Atlantis (and in your future) were amplified by Pyramids. The Atla-Ra with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance used this energy, combined with crystals, to network this energy. Some pyramids were used to receive & transmit energy between planets in your solar system, as well as with other stellar Universes. Certain Pyramids are multi-dimensional, forming octahedrons that work in tandem sacred geometric fields between physical and nonphysical. As such Pyramids are gateways to the parallel dimensional fields of what would be termed the 'Angelic realm' or better stated, the anti matter realm. The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter. As such the Platinum awakening will greatly increase the potency of the primary Pyramids of the Planet, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza. Indeed Giza in the 12th Wave of 2012, will be exponentially more powerful than any time since the Golden Age of Atlantis.
What is not recounted in most of the Atlantean suppositions in current times, is the utilization and indeed nature of the 'Second Moon' of Atlantis. It was a Crystalline satellite that was the 'control device for the system. There remains to this day references to the "Second Moon' in the Pyramids of the Mayan and indeed was referenced by Ra-Ta through Edgar Cayce. One of the docking stations of the Crystal Satellite was in Arkansas near Little Rock, in the area of what is now the Toltec Mound Pyramids State Park. A feed of Axialtonal energy existed there, connecting the docking station to the Crysto-Disc at Mount Pinnacle.
Depending on the tilt of the Earth's axis at a particular time of the year, one Crysto Disc would function to intensify and transmit energies to others which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. These were relayed to all of the networks, which included the Crysto Ley system, and this energy was the source of that which energized all parts of the planet, particularly in Atlantis.
The Crystal Awakening
The Crystalline Awakening is through the Crystal Vortex, the Master Crystals; the Crysto-Sun Disc and Crystalline Grid define and underwrite the Ascension. The Ascension is truly the Crystalline Transition. The Crystalline is not merely minerals, rather it is the vibration of perfect ordering, it is the frequency of perfection, and in vibrational terms what you refer to as Impeccability. By impeccability we mean aligning actions to accurate belief. It is 'Walking Your Talk'. And Dear Ones, Conscious Minerals in Crystalline states, are the generators that support your rise into coherent energies and dimensions.
The Crystalline energy and indeed the entire Mineral Kingdom relates to Humanity through both physical and etheric means. It has always been so. The mineralogical crystalline essence is essentially the root-resonance of the same creative force that formed the Cosmos. As such the realms of the Crystalline Minerals and Humanity are intricately related , such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other. You see your physical Human bodies contain crystalline particles and a rich array of minerals that are uniquely relative to the Earth. Accordingly the harmonic ratios of minerals and crystalline particulate that are in both your physical and etheric bodies are maintained in coherent uniformity with those of the Earth. Thus the resulting frequencial ratios of Earth and Humanity are held in a requisite balance for the well being and support of Humanity individually and in mass.
Masters, every new Cosmic Era brings with it up shifts and transformations. Both the Earth and indeed Mankind are experiencing a long awaited awakening. This metamorphosis includes global warming and modification of myriad environmental phenomena that are quickening around you. A key aspect of the New Crystalline Age is a purposed clarion call to the Crystalline and Mineral Kingdoms of the Earth to increase the flow of energy that it receives from the Core of the Earth.
Arkansas and Brazil are composites of the two greatest masses of quartz crystal and associated gemological forms on the Planet, and are key to this call. This clarion-call provokes a stimulation that affects the entire Earth, but most specifically the mineralogical crystalline pockets that receive and transmit potent energetic patterns throughout the Planet Earth. But it extends to an even greater scope. Because while the mineralogical realm of your Planet indeed defines the Earth, and is truly the oldest 'sentient' life form on your Planet, the diversity of crystalline mineral resources encompasses a vast part of the entire Cosmos. The heralded Ascension is then, in effect, the coming of the new Crystalline-Age. It will bring in the Platinum Ray on the 11-11-11 and this opens the Crysto Discs . This event will recode the crystalline energy of both the Planet and Humanity.
The Ark Crystal of Gravity
The Atlanteans had the knowledge of hyper-dimensional quantum physics and understood that counter rotating specific magnetic fields around cylindrical crystals created antigravity waves. They had perfected the ability to apply crystalline ovid- shield effects around Crystalline structures, minerals and gold to create various generating units of hyper-dimensional divergent energy fields. What is termed the ARK of the Covenant is among the capacitor devices capable of being 'portable' generators of this and other forms of energy. There were indeed many units of what your legends term the Ark of the Covenant.!
The originals of these capacitors were created with the ARK Crystal of Gravity, and used for anti gravitation . The Ark Crystal of Gravity was constructed by modifying an enormous natural crystal in the complex beneath Arkansas, near the area of the Toltec Mounds. By channeling & refining the magnetic fields of the naturally occurring magnetic deposits of lodestone indigenous to Arkansas, and the Scientists were able to direct the motion of the refined magnetics and counter spin them around specially shaped crystals and crystal fields for anti- gravitational purposes. These energies were used to recharge the 'Crystal Satellite' or Second Moon with antigravity .
(We will tell you that the device termed the 'Nazi Bell' was an unsuccessful attempt at recreating this effect. The German scientists working on the 'Nazi Bell' were in fact part of the Aryan-Belial technicians that were allowed in the Fall of Atlantis to be trained by the Atla-Ra, as part of the great comprise of, which we have discussed previously in this channel. Had they have been able to complete that and other technologies, WWII could have had a different outcome. It was never allowed to occur.)
In fact the crystalline devices that were used to combine concentrated thought with anti-gravitational generation from the capacitors was part of the process utilized for the method used for lifting massive stone blocks and building structures such as Pyramids. You may find it interesting to note that the dimensions described in your religious texts for the Ark of the Convenent are the same dimensions of the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. This will be discussed in more detail in a future channel. But we will say that the ARK Crystal is still in place.
The Atlantean Crystals open the etheric gate, the dimensional portals that will allow Mankind of carbon based life to interface with those of bio-plasmic life. You must understand Masters, that you exist within both multidimensional parallels.
Indeed you are the Sirians, you are the Pleiadeans, and you are the Arcturans and much more! You are all the multidimensional sparks of the Master Creator God! It is true! The gate will further open in 2011 in the crystalline vortex of Arkansas, and those of you who connect to the Master Crystals will be able to experience your own multidimensionality, quite joyously, quite easily in time, as you develop the Light quotient and impeccability to do so.
Dear Ones, within the energy of the Arkansas Vortex, lies a crystalline energy like none you have experienced since that Golden Age of Atlantis over 20,000 years ago.
Within the quantum crystalline frequency can you heal that which must be healed, open that which must expand, and offer an extraordinary alignment to the knowledge of exquisite bliss. Within this rising energy will you be able to connect with a living crystalline force that will assist your Mer-Ka-Na expansion into your multidimensional divinity. Into the Divine Self! It is true, Dear ones, and that time is NOW. Masters, it is the return of that matriarchal Society, a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance, termed the 'Law of One'. It is , the long awaited 'completion, the changing of the past. It is the new beginning of the spiritual application of the Law of One. It is the Ascension, the Crystalline Age...and this time you will 'get it right'.
Masters, It is the end of the old energy ! It is happening now. It is the beginning of the New Earth....and it starts in the Crystal Vortex, for that termed the Ascension is the Crystalline Transition. The dreamer awakes!
I am Metatron, and you are dearly Beloved!
Shared with gratitude and posthumously on behalf of James Tyberonn & Metatron
For more on the channelings of Archangel Metatron by James Tyberonn please go to:
EArth's Inner Core
An excerpt:
"Earth's inner core: A mixture of solid Fe and liquid-like light elements
Earth's core, the deepest part of our planet, is characterized by extremely high pressure and temperature. It is composed of a liquid outer core and solid inner core.
The inner core is formed and grows due to the solidification of liquid iron at the inner core boundary. The inner core is less dense than pure iron, and some light elements are believed to be present in the inner core.
A joint research team led by Prof. He Yu from the Institute of Geochemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) has found that the inner core of the Earth is not a normal solid but is composed of a solid iron sublattice and liquid-like light elements, which is also known as a superionic state. The liquid-like light elements are highly diffusive in iron sublattices under inner core conditions.
This study was published in Nature on Feb. 9.
A superionic state, which is an intermediate state between solid and liquid, widely exists in the interior of planets. Using high-pressure and high-temperature computational simulations based on quantum mechanics theory, researchers from IGCAS and the Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) found that some Fe-H, Fe-C and Fe-O alloys transformed into a superionic state under inner core conditions.
In superionic iron alloys, light elements become disordered and diffuse like a liquid in the lattice, while iron atoms remain ordered and vibrate about their lattice grid, forming the solid iron framework. The diffusion coefficients of C, H and O in superionic iron alloys are the same as those in liquid Fe.
"It is quite abnormal. The solidification of iron at the inner core boundary does not change the mobility of these light elements, and the convection of light elements is continuous in the inner core," said Prof. He Yu, the first and corresponding author of the study.
One longstanding mystery about the inner core is that it is quite soft, with quite low shear wave velocity. The researchers calculated the seismic velocities in these superionic iron alloys and found a significant decrease in shear wave velocity. "Our results fit well with seismological observations. It is the liquid-like elements that make the inner core soften," said co-first author Sun Shichuan from IGCAS.
Highly diffusive light elements can affect seismic velocities, providing critical clues for understanding other mysteries in the inner core. The anisotropic structure, seismic wave attenuations, and structural changes of the inner core during past decades can be rationalized in the superionic model by considering the distribution and convection of these liquid-like elements in the inner core."
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