“Sky, father of all, eternal cosmic element, primeval beginning of all, end of all, lord of the universe, moving about the Earth like a sphere. You are home of the blessed gods, your motion is a roaring whirl, you envelop all, celestial and terrestrial guard. Dark-blue, indomitable, Shimmering, variform, all-seeing father, blessed and most sublime divinity” (Orphic Hymn to the Sky, 4. 1-9). |
The Sun As Mother
Gives Birth to her children
The Planets
They orbit around her, for she emanates the
From our vantage point on earth, with our naked eyes, we can see the light of these brother and sister planets. They are pinpoint brilliant lights in the sky. This planetary light, is a reflection of Sun LIGHT.
As we look to the skies, we see each of our sibling planets visit and join with Mother Sun regularly. Astronomers call these visits conjunctions. During a visit/conjunction, the planets are embraced fully by the mother sun glow, and become part of the daytime light. Not something we see at night.
Mother Sun provides a flow of
Life Force - Prana
Heat - Warmth
Fire- Sight - Rainbow Illumination
Mother Sun is a Plasma Birther, a Light Birther
Bubbling forth with flares, plasma waves, and solar codes
Aurora Borealis in GRaFton, Mass
My pictures of the Northern Lights ~ Aurora Borealis
From Grafton, Massachusetts
Sun EArth Connection - Nasa Article
To explain our current active sun plasma output.
“We rely on the Sun's energy to live on Earth and the aurora relies on the Sun's energy to drive the currents that make the aurora. The Sun is our nearest star. It is, as all stars are, a hot ball of gas made up mostly of Hydrogen. The Sun is so hot that most of the gas is actually plasma, the fourth state of matter.
The first state is a solid and it is the coldest state of matter. As we heat up a solid it becomes liquid. Liquid is the second state of matter. As we heat up liquid, the liquid turns to gas. Gas is the third state of matter. As we heat up the gas, atoms break apart into charged particles turning the gas into plasma. This is not the same type of plasma that is found in your blood: same name, different stuff.
The Sun's plasma is so hot that the most energetic charged particles can escape from the Sun's gravity and fly away, out into space. We call this plasma the solar wind because it blows out away from the Sun and past the planets, interacting with their magnetic fields and/or atmospheres. Along with the solar wind comes the Sun's magnetic field, which reaches from the Sun out to past Pluto and Neptune.
Charged particles and magnetic fields influence each other. So when the solar wind, which is made up of charged particles, blows past Earth's magnetosphere, the shape of the magnetic field changes from the dipole magnetic field - shown on Earth's Magnetosphere page - to a plasma-swept magnetosphere that looks more like someone's hair got blown in the wind. This interaction between the Sun's plasma wind and Earth's magnetosphere is known as the Sun-Earth Connection.
The side of the magnetosphere getting hit by the solar wind is called the "dayside magnetosphere" because it is facing the Sun. The part of the magnetosphere that stretches back as though it were streaming with the solar wind is called the magnetotail. The magnetotail is very important to the THEMIS mission.
The every day interaction between the solar wind and Earth's magnetic fields causes currents to flow between Earth's upper atmosphere and the magnetosphere, mostly the magnetotail. And just as currents flow through a neon light to light up the gas, the currents flow between the magnetotail and upper atmosphere light up Earth's gases to cause the aurora.
Sometimes the magnetosphere stores more energy than it can release in a slow manner and something inside the magnetotail "breaks" and waves and currents are generated that trigger the beautiful and mysterious dancing aurora that we've been talking about on these THEMIS science pages. THEMIS will solve the long standing mystery as to what triggers this energy release in the magnetotail that leads to an auroral substorm.”
Orion Mother sits prominently in the night sky, one of the most recognized and familiar constellation. Just below her belt/waistline sits the Orion Nebula. This Nebula is a birthplace of stars. Many of these young stars flow along our spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our arm/branch/star stream of the Galaxy is even named after her, The Orion Spur/Arm. One could say that Orion is the Cosmic Mother, the Womb Portal, the Birthplace to the stars in our sector of the galaxy.
Three Belt Stars (Ainitak, Ainilam, Mintaka), two peak shoulder stars (Betelgeuse & Bellatrix), peak head star (Meissa) and two base feet/leg stars (Rigel & Saiph).
Under the belt or waist, lies a band of light bright sky, that some call Orion’s Sword, but which I reframe here for us as Orion Mother’s Cosmic Womb. If you look at the image of the constellation, and view it as a woman standing. Under her waistline/belt lies the womb of stars. The Orion Nebula. Placed just where a human birth portal would be.
This luminous sky spot treats our eyes with several bright stars in a row, and a cloud of light. This Light Cloud is the Orion Nebula. A vast stellar nursery, where young stars are born. Within this nebula, there are 4 stars that depict a diamond formation, that we call The Trapezium. This Trapezium presented itself to me as a creation portal. A stargate of sorts for star beings to step into our universe through. Like a cosmic womb, nurturing and birthing new baby stars.
Orion as Star Mother to the Pleiades sibling stars…STAR FAMILY
This holds especially true for her star children, the cluster we call M45, The Pleiades. This star cluster is one of our nearby galactic neighbors. So we “hear from” this cluster a lot more than from stars that are far far away. The feel familiar, like people from our hometown. This star cluster has played a large prominent role in ancient earth cultures all over the globe.
The Pleiades is a cluster of stars. A cluster is a group of stars that travel together. That have the same space trajectory, direction, speed and properties, and are believed to be birthed in the same nebulae or region. Star Siblings!!
While the Pleiades Cluster has around 1000 stars, there are seven that are bright enough for us to see easily on earth with our naked eyes – no telescope needed. Nine if you are under a very dark sky, away from city light. This fixed star cluster is easily recognizable, as its grouping and placement make it distinct and easily recognized. It sits just past the powerful bright alignment of Sirius and the Orion Constellation. In fact, Sirius, Orion Belt Stars and the Pleiades make a direct alignment line across the sky. They even set together along the horizon line.
As such, many stone calendar and stargate sites around the globe are built to catch and mark and interact with the seasonal timekeeping qualities of their highly visible setting and risings. Many cultures have used the Pleiades as “time keepers”.
Upgrading our star myths to include the tale with Orion as the Cosmic Mother, keeping after her “flock” of doves, flock of seven children, keeping them safe, cozy and peaceful.
Orion Nebula, Nursery of Infant Stars -
And, it is nice to see others getting this vision and message about Orion:
Telsa Coil Light Show
When I went back in to the room to begin, this was waiting there for us.
I know I build Light Body Technology for folks. I feel it and sense it and connect deeply with it. I see it in my minds eye, my inner eye. This was “next level” amazing.
Things are becoming much more tangible, much more palpable. These are amazing times we are living in. I am grateful for everyone who brings their light to the field at Inner Space so we can play and code. It is a supreme honor and pleasure. And so much FUN!!
You are the Tesla Tower, A Plasma Generator!
DJED PILLAR Above Image Source: Images below drawn by author, Julie Dhara Roberts | The last many days, Nikola Tesla has been "everywhere" for me and with me. Seeing him in my dreams, working with the site of his lab on Long Island, reading about his towers, coils, inventions and free flow energy and plasma "ideas". He has always been on "my team" - and has been communicating extra loud last few days. As I was researching and reading, I noticed his death was on January 7, 1943, which makes yesterday, January 7, 2020 the 77th anniversary date of his death. Ah - ha, well, that makes a lot of sense!! Master Wayshowers and "teachers" are often more present for us during a window of their death or birth dates. Like their soul passage leaves a trail or trace we can follow, a thread, a link. I have also been delving deep for myself into why my body has had some low back/sacrum communication sensations. That part of my body has been speaking loudly. It is one of those "this is an energy thing" rather than an injury or physical "issue". It is almost like my spine is being rewired (again). And when I tune in to my spine I see the symbol of the Djed. I also recall one of my mentors/teachers Lisa Brown talking about how the spine is really a place that we download plasma energy. And the spine can tend to feel weak or feel like it is recalibrating and cannot support us upright during times of big plasma downloads and energy streams. Drawn to re-explore the connections between the Djed Pillar and the Tesla Tower (a tower Nikola Tesla attempted to construct in his lab, on his land in Shoreham, Long Island in the early 1900s. He was seeking to provide the world with free flow energy. Free for all! The Djed Pillar has always reminded me of a tesla tower. And I see (via intuitive internet research, see some links below) that I am in good company with that association. Your Spine Djed Column Conductor of Plasma Energy Your Lightening Rod You are the Generator of Free Flow Elecrticity and Power! Ok, major deja-vu, did I write this blog already??? HAHAHAH - just found it - It was a Facebook post, from me on May 16, 2019, that said.... You are the axis that holds center Body, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe Meru Dhanda Djed “Lightening Rod” Your Spine 33 Vertebra 33 Codons Solar Disc Receptors Plasma Code Broadcasters Solar Discs Happy Passage Nikola! Thanks for all you offered the world. We follow in your path, illuminated and inspired. 77 years on January 7, 2020. Much gratitude for showing us the way!!!! PS - Telsa worked closely with the Violet Ray, and has a similar energetic signature to St Germaine. He is said to be of and from Venus, so the silver light of Venus in our evening sky this month enhances the transmissions from Tesla. |
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Andaras & Crystals
Astronomical Alignments
Blackstone River
Celestial Shamanic Messages
Crystalline Gridkeeping
Emotional Body
Energy Body
Equinox & Solstice
Golden Solar Discs
High Heart Center
Inner Space Convos
Key Codes
Light Body Technology
Light Codes
Light Rays
Live As Light
Multidimensional Bodies
Photonic Light
Pineal Third Eye
Pineal - Third Eye
Rainbow Connection
Sacred Sites
Silver Lunar Discs
Solar Source Codes
Solar System
Soluntra King Articles
SoulSpeaks 5D
Sound Codes
Star Codes
Stone Structures
The Hathors
The Pleiades
Time Walking