Gateway to Pleiades, Hyades, Aldebaran, Orion Belt Stars & Sirius FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE November 29/30, 2020 Gateway to Pleiades, Hyades, Aldebaran, Orion Belt Stars & Sirius Tonight and into tomorrow we will flow through the passageway of the Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse. It is a penumbral eclipse, meaning the moon passes through the earth cone shadow, and is not fully blocked by the earth. It will not have dramatic visuals in the sky. The moon will look more dim. And for my region (the Northeast of the USA) we have expected cloud cover and rain. So it will not be a visible event for us. Energetically this a “big one”. We enter the deep dive of the end of 2020. This Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon are opening the gateway for the Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020, and are working also with the annual gateway of the December Solstice, with the huge boost of the Grand Conjunction Planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn on the same day. In fact, from this day on, we are blessed by one strong alignment day flowing into another. The wild ride we have been on for most all of 2020 is culminating now. Many of us have been hearing more from the Pleiades for the last many weeks. Many friends who pay attention to these things have reported extra Pleiadian nudges, sightings, communications, waking at odd hours to see them in the night sky. This makes “human mind” sense because the Pleiades are most easily visible at this time of year. November they rise in the early evening and are dominant and observable in the early night time, when many of us are up and active and therefore we see them more often. Energetically, when a strong alignment is in the act of lining up, the information begins to flow. We each receive codes in a unique individual way. Some folks dream about them. Some are drawn to observe and commune with them under the night sky. Some personify and speak to them as star beings. Many of us awaken at night are nudged out of bed to look up and see, or stay in bed and relax and receive. Today/tonight/tomorrow the moon in in the constellation of Taurus. It enters the area of the sky where we see the orange star Aldebaran, and the star clusters of the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) and the Hyades. This lunar placement in the sky, coupled with the key codes from the eclipse acts as a powerful Stargate. In particular, it creates an Astronomical Alignment type of Stargate. For those of you with clear skies, here are some viewing helpers: The eclipse shadow begins to flow over the moon at around 1 am EST (Boston/New York time). Make the conversions yourself to your local time zone. It gets darker and the earth moves directly between the moon and the sun during the 2:30 am – 6:30 am hours.
At 5:55 am EST, the lineup of Sirius, Orion Constellation (Bellatrix in particular), Aldebaran, and the Moon are poised just above the horizon ready to set. As the sun rises around 6:45 on the eastern horizon, the eclipse is concluding with Sirius, Bellatrix (star in Orion Constellation), Aldebaran (the orange Eye of the Bull star in the Taurus constellation), and the Moon all set together on the western horizon. Making this a stargate that key activations at simultaneous rise and sets. Expanding our horizons and viewpoints. Would LOVE to hear how this eclipse flows for YOU. Eclipses are a chance to explore some shadow stuff. To dig deep into the oneself and sit with the dark nooks and crannies.
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