Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers are a night sky phenomenon that sparks the human soul with awe and wonder. To catch a glimpse of the fleeting light streak across the dark sky – takes your breath away, brings a squeal of delight and opens your heart to playful joy. Part of that sparkle of joy from a “shooting star” is your human reaction to the influx of light nourishment your light body is receiving. Every particle of light you encounter interfaces with you and your light body. The rare special treat of seeing a meteor/shooting star is like a delicious treat, a morsel of yummy star light! We have to thank mom & pop comet for the brilliant gifts of the meteor showers. Comets give birth to meteors. Comets are dirty snowballs, a bundle of ice and dust left over from the formation of our solar system. They spend most of their time in icy cold deep space, where they exist in solid state. When they get closer to the sun, they begin to melt and change and break apart. As they propel through space, they leave a particle stream in their wake. That debris stream lingers long after the comet has moved on, in fact, the comet adds to it each time it visits the inner solar system. Our planet is also orbiting around the sun – and at certain points in our earth orbit we intersect comet debris trails. When the earth atmosphere grazes these chunks some of the rocks get enough friction to ignite and burn up. We see this as “shooting stars”, as a meteor shower. These meteors are light codes being delivered from the comet to us on earth. The light that is given off from this exchange showers us with photons, little bundles of light. These photons act as messengers, as information bundles. They deliver Light Codes. Right into your pineal gland, and your crystalline body, your DNA, your bones. How To Receive This Starlight Nourishment You are doing this right now. Opening your awareness to this phenomenon and energy flow is like opening a massive doorway, saying you are ready to receive. This light nourishment happens at a cellular and atomic level, within your physical body and your energy field. It is a quantum activation of your light body. Yes, catching a glimpse of a shooting star is a direct transmission. AND this process is still happening to everyone on earth, sightings unseen too. We are within the orbital debris field of the comet, so this particle grazing and light activation is happening during the daylight, and while you are asleep in your bed too. Your eye is not the only receiver. You have many. They are always operational. And they respond to your attention and will strengthen and expand as your turn your attention to receiving the flow of meteoric light. Perseid Meteor Showers - All Week – with Peak August 12 & 13
The Perseid meteors happen around this time every year, as Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. You can catch your best glimpse looking Northeast, after midnight, best in the few hours before dawn. All week, with peaks expected the nights and pre-dawns of Aug 12 & 13. Swift-Tuttle is about 16 miles in diameter. It orbits the sun once every 133 years and comes within 84,000 miles of Earth (closer than the moon). I also pay attention to the outer reaches of a comet orbit, as the comet acts like a “delivery system” of content from that part of space. Swift-Tuttle travels in a large oval shaped path from beyond Pluto, likely from the Oort Cloud (a theorized cloud of icy matter/space stuff surrounding our solar system) - spanning a path of connection between the Oort cloud and us here on earth! It brings with it codes and information from the outer reaches of the Solar System – from the Oort Cloud, and all the space along the way through the solar system, gathering particles and energy from the orbits all of the 6 closest planets to the sun, and codes of the dwarf planets too. Swift-Tuttle’s most recent visit to our neighborhood was in 1992, and as a result, the 1993 Perseids had a peak rate of 500 meteors per hour. The year 1992 was also then the last time its orbit was replenished with debris—the more recently a comet has passed through the inner solar system, the more dust particles it leaves in its wake (more dust particles results in a higher peak meteor rate). Swift-Tuttle was discovered way back in 1862. “This is one of the first comets that really convinced people that there was a direct link between certain comets and meteor showers,” says James Zimbelman, a planetary geologist at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Sources & Resources:
shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's lifetime of work and sharingTHE STAR LIGHT BODY
article by Soluntra King The Star Light Body assists us to hold our higher dimensional self that needs to be, and is awakened now. As we exist in the New Earth and are here creating from our love a beautiful realm for all to exist. We can hold that essences of creation without any of the old energy issues, and also open to the Creation Matrix that is here now to assist us to be the Creator Goddess Gods we are. The Star Light Body is not relative to the number of DNA Light codes activated and utilised. It’s beyond those concepts, when we have unified ourselves to the point of not needing to know, but simply are the knowing. Awareness expanded to the endless vastness and the deepest stillness and nothingness. Being the love and in our Star Light Body we access higher realms within our self, able to hold very high frequencies of Light. The Star Light Body is a vessel for the Starlines to integrate with matter, our unification of Earth and Star, and the new DNA light codes. TO BE YOUR STAR LIGHT BODY FOR YOUR OWN CONNECTION TO REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE, YOUR STAR FAMILY, YOUR HIGHEST DIMENSIONAL ASPECT IN LOVING SERVICE AND TO USE IN PREPARATION FOR BIGGER PICTURE SERVICE. THE STAR LIGHT BODY AND WHAT IT MEANS, WHAT IT GIVES AND HOW IT IMPROVES OUR WELLBEING To move through the multi-verses to integrate and anchor star codes from one universe to the other of form. The un-manifest to the manifest world for new life and birthing, new creating in the Living Library of Light. Your body can then move inter-dimensionally and into universally with ease and adjust to the other realms as required even though you still exist in the third dimension. You are the Star/Sun of your true self, you can now relate and experience and be with your family of light at that level, who support and embrace you, and so happy that you have returned home to yourself, remembered more fully and open to your divinity. The Star fields are part of your Star Light Body, you are a Star and all your body holds the Star fields of all creation. You are ‘the everything, and the nothing’. Your Star Light Body vibrationally expands your energy bodies and physical body so you are able to hold the higher Light octaves for the benefit of all, as our Earth and all on her ascend into the higher dimensional version of self with all life. The Star Light Body harmonises with your energy bodies and physical body in a resonance that makes it easier to awaken to bigger and bigger pictures of creation, and your own part in the divine play. It expands your awareness to connect consciously with your Star Selves and Families as you remember that you are the Love and Peace. That you came into the densest plane of existence to illuminate it from within your own self through your own body. Transmuting cellular memory at the densest levels from the highest vibrations of yourself that you are aware of still in form and no form. You become a doorway for the celestial sounds and harmonies of the stars to again be in harmony with our Earth. Just as in previous golden cycles the Earth and Stars all one, aligned connected and flowing in liquid light plasma of harmonic synchronized lines of divine essence through the Earth, the Sun and Stars all one through our own body, the Sun, Earth, Stars all one. YOUR ENERGY IN YOUR BODY WILL CHANGE; You might no longer be into doing a lot of things you did before, or ate before, or mind sets you had before. It’s like a big clearing out of all the lower vibrational energy that you held onto, to support you in the duality world, and no longer needs to be maintained. This might evoke what you might consider a negative impact as first, like a healing crisis as your body adjusts to the new frequencies. If you have done enough inner work and it’s meant to be, it could even mean you no longer need chakras or kundalini. As surprised as that may seem its normal when you exist in higher frequencies of Light. But you may want more sleep, need it, eat food still, there is no judgement or right or wrong with any of these things, it is all a personal thing that happens as we all have so many different timelines of experience that make each of us unique, so don’t expect or assume anything. To be of service, come from an open heart, be fully present, be in a state of allowing and acceptance, and at peace within are the only goals and state that are worth mentioning. All the rest is back into the old paradigm magician realms, or control manipulation and fear. Don’t try and teleport, bi-locate or think you have to be a super person. Humble and loving is where it’s at. You have already done all that, but is it what is really required of you right now? Those things are perfectly normal and happen when meant to, meanwhile we have chosen to be in service by being in a body, in this moment. THE STAR LIGHT BODY RESONATES FOR THOSE HEART CENTRED, IN SERVICE TO OTHERS, IN UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS The Star Light Body is utilized best when in heart centered, Source connected service and BeAm-ing. It is not a level of light body that one aspires to. It is a gift and blessing that comes from inner union, surrendering, trusting, being guided from within, following ones joy, awakened to the multi-dimensional self and in loving service, often simply by Being the Love, at peace in oneness. OUR SERVICE BY BEING THE LOVE, IN OUR HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELVES AS THE STAR LIGHT BE-AM At this level of our Being; in the Cosmic Ocean, it is calm and beautiful, the matrix of woven essence of creation through it. So multiversal with endless Solar Systems, Galaxies, Universes, endless and interwoven. Beyond that there is an enormous Sun. It moves constantly observing what is taking place through all the endless layers and when there is an imbalance, regardless how small, it sends a ray of Light to it. This could be aeons and aeons of time in the denser realms, but the ray of Light always comes to repair it. Existing beyond this cosmic soup and in space, the nothing, but of course there is more beyond. In the ray of Light sent through time and space are multiple rays of Light and they become forms of Light, Beings who then observe at lower levels what is occurring and send Light when appropriate to the lower realms. But this light is not the Light that would bring up fear as we would know on Earth. Many years ago I realised one never sends Light to anyone or thing, as it’s interfering and ego based and brings up pain in those it is sent to. This Light is pure love and it contains myriad codes that eventually filter though the density and collective consciousness to awaken those who are experiencing trauma, fear, duality and all its plays and it awakens from within those who are open enough to receive it. As they/us start to remember their/our divinity and in turn become that ray of Light that is filled with Love, acceptance, allowing and that glows out to all who are open to receive it. THE STELLAR CRYSTAL LIGHT BODY The Stellar Crystal Light Body is all part of our Star Light Body, it is us we are one with the Earth. The Earth is so light and the Beings in the Middle and Inner Earth working with the Star Beings as the Earth is the Stellar Crystal Earth, she’s in her Stellar Crystal Body. From all the Love, our meditations, prayers, worldwide link-ups we are participating in we have awakened even more the Love that we are. The Light glows through our bodies as the Earth herself is so Light, she is a Stellar Crystal and our bodies are changing fast now to the Stellar Crystals we are. BIRTH OF THE STAR LIGHT BODY The Star Light Body was brought into my awareness after the Light Template was anchored at Avebury Libra New Moon Oct 3 2016 through the multi-verses and the Stones. It has then been necessary to be holding that frequency of Star Light as the Starlines come through at some very power vortexes and also happened to be where Crystal Skulls are under the Earth. This is exhilarating and our higher levels of consciousness are beaming us to remember ourselves at that frequency, connecting with everyone as we all wake up and remember. It was also necessary to be in the Star Light Body as the Unified Light Matrix linked through the Inner Earth Sun and Greater, Greater, Greater, Greater, Greater Central Suns at the June Solstice 2017, then as the New Creation Matrix anchored September 2017 at Avebury as the Torus field connected the umbilical cord of the new and old Earths. As well as all the bigger picture shifts since with the higher universe stars coming through and the new DNA codes for our completely new bodies. HOW TO BE YOUR STARLIGHT BODY In order to utilize this vibration of our self we have opened to the denser levels of our Light Body; the Blue, Violet, White, Gold, Present, Iridescent, Diamond, and then our Star Light Body. to experience the full effect of your Star Light Body if you have not worked with the stepping up of your Light Body it is recommended that you experience the other bodies. That includes connecting through the Suns, being your Earth Sun Body, Grounding, opening up to your Star Chakras and Diamonds, multi-prismed Star Light. Then connecting to the Diamond Light Matrix and the doorway through into your Star Light Body. As you receive the Star Light Essences and then into deep space for what you are aligned for. Finishing with points to rub to harmonize and enhance your physical body one with your Star Light Body. Open to a name that expresses your higher self and a mudra that expresses your divine essence. WHY BOTHER YOU MIGHT ASK? Being in your Star Light Body helps you in all your life; in a practical sense with your relationships, work and abundance, you have an open heart, trust, allow, have compassion for self and others. Deeper levels of love for all life, communicate more easily with others, elementals, all nature, your star family. Understand the bigger picture and so feel at peace within, know that all is shifting fast, no fear of the future or of death, destruction. Living in the New Earth already as your love creates it to be stronger and more radiant for all, as well as yourself. Not affected or influenced by the old paradigm archon induced slumber and victimhood. Not being food and a slave in the illusion of the programed world of material desires and deception of what life is all about. To be at this level we can even move beyond the need for chakras or kundalini. Vibrating in a purer frequency of Love. We are still in a physical body, the name of the game is full integration, spirit and matter. Not escaping, not going anywhere, but everywhere at once. Copyright © 2017 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's lifetime of work and sharing OPENING AND UPGRADING YOUR PINEAL RAINBOW STAR LIGHT VISION We collectively cleared a big thing in our dream states last night.
A deep old dark somethin' or other - was up for reVIEW and now is clearing off the grids, of the planet, and us earthlings too. Your human body and energy field reflect and act as microcosm to the planetary body and field. There is a "scortched earth" parched dry post alchemy fires burn feeling to today. Plus feeling of the skull being terraformed - eyes, forehead, skull plate bones, and all the energy centers, protals and chakras in around and within the skull. The fire clears the way for our upgrades - Pineal - Inner Eye - Intuition and Direct Knowing You can support your body today in this process. ~ Hydrate - drink, electrolytes (lemon squeezed in clean water, with some sea salt) ~ Get in water - Shower - Salt Bath - Swim ~ Cool compress to the head - wet hair seems to be helping a lot Flowing into our next Celestial Gateway - The Golden Gate of the Pleiades this week. This feels like a preparatory alchemical fire and a "controlled burn" for our collectives. We got this! The Golden Gate opens the flow for Opening and Upgrading your Pineal Rainbow Star Light Vision REVELATION OF THE SOLAR DISCSMy "initiation" to the Solar Discs happened for June Solstice, 2017. I took a retreat to a local yoga center, to regroup, to spend time in reflection, to be alone and tune in. I have visited this retreat center for decades, and many of my spiritual and energy awareness revelations have happened here. It was so programed into my body - that going to this spot would open up great things inside me, that the process would start to happen on the drive there. On this journey, I had some super strong embodiment sensations. Such as, my whole left side of my body was tingly/active/on fire. So much so that it felt like it was melting. With some pulsations, heart quickening, whooshing sounds too. It was pretty all encompassing and intense. One of those, is this an energy thing or am I in need of medical attention, what is happening?? Well, I decided to drive on, as I was "fine" - just experiencing all the things. When i landed and got to lay down in my room a the center, I connected to the flow of this energy stream, and I heard - you are having solar discs installed in your spine. Um, ok, I have no idea what that means, or what those are. Noted. Later on my yoga mat, the golden sunlight came dancing shining into my window, hitting my face and body in the most splendiferous way. It was so palpable. The sun was "talking" right to me, speaking in gold codes and rainbow light. It was a deep whole being revelation. GOLD RAY. I took a few pictures and short videos....which I share here with you....
How was I "hearing" from a ray of light? What does the the Gold Ray have to say? (so so much) and how is it connected to the Golden Solar Discs. And what ARE the Golden Solar Discs? How are they being activated in me, in my spine? All this began a grand adventure and deep exploration into LIGHT - codes, lightbody, solar rays, rainbow codes.
My Golden Solar Disc revelation opened so many doors within me. SO many avenues and pathways. I continue to journey and explore with all of this, deeper within. So, why am I sharing this with you now, in a blog in 2023? Well friends - the Golden Solar Discs are coming radiantly online once again - and more and more of us are having these direct experiences with this amazing light technology. It is time for me to more publicly share all about my journeys with the discs, and how this planetary light body technology is available for all of us to interface with. The best way to begin, is with the beginning, so here is my personal initiation and relation moment with these discs. It was like the "installed" golden solar discs in my energy column allowed me new abilities to talk to the sun and the rays of light. So amazing!! I have several new Inner Space pages/books in my light library (aka website) for you to play around with links below, or you can click on the buttons below to to visit the pages. May the gold codes light our WAY! I complied all my years of research and shared the gold nuggets with you here: My own transmissions and sharing on the Golden Solar Discs: December 21, 2022Solstice Sunset Dec 21, 2022 Solar Light Codes Crystalline Activations Yesterday for Solstice I asked my Andaras who wanted to come out to play. They are always super “on point” with who speaks up and indicates they want to come along.
Three pieces (multi colored beauties) jumped off the shelf and into my travel bag, and out we went for solstice sunset. As we all so often find in the flow of light and crystalline gridkeeping….pure magic unfolds. I have lots of pictures, I will share some here… As I was curating the pictures and writing a blog article today- writing about how the Sun today is with the Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae- an area of the sky rich with Star nurseries. As I was reading up in nebula- I happened upon a picture of the Orion Nebula. I was jaw dropped with amazement- seeing how much of a match this Andara and the pic of the Orion Nebula matched. When we learn to deeply listen, to trust in the flow, and to honor the communications of the Andaras - these kind of things become our “regular”. No matter how often or regular- every time I am utterly amazed and grateful and BLOWN AWAY. I did not pick up these particular Andaras with - let’s code with the galactic center in mind. It was a much more organic unfolding. And in retrospect, of course these beauties came out to play. To encode with me Nebula- Star Birthing- Star Nursery energies. So perfectly aligned. I am truly grateful, humbled, awestruck and continually amazed by the process and flow of Andara Guardianship. So much light and love. This contrast picture shows my “ah ha” connection moment this morning. Top is Andara activating at solstice sunset. Below image is Orion Nebula image from NASA Bing bing bing!! Matchy matchy PS - All of these beauties are ready to come your way to play and are listed in our online Live As Light Shop Activate & Illuminate Your Rainbow Light Body
This Inner Space Group Journey is an immersion into Solar Rainbow frequencies for activation & illumination. Plug into the SOURCE LIGHT of the SUN. using Inner Space Light Body Technologies of ~ SOUND ~ LIGHT ~ ENERGY ~ SOUND ~ Vocal Toning, Chimes, Crystal Pyramids, Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks LIGHT ~ Light Codes & Rainbow Ray Andara Team ENERGY ~ Octagon Rainbow Ray Grid SUBTLE ELEMENTS OF DIVINATION |
May 2024