Today is Assembledge Point![]() Today is Assemblage Point I woke up today and I was…..dis-assembling. To disassemble is to take apart, to take to pieces And I got the message – We have reached Assemblage Point While translating and flushing out this message, research pointed me to The Human Assemblage Point (coined by Carlos Castenada) Galaxies, stars, planets, molecules and atoms are all energy systems that oscillate and, because they are oscillating, they all have a center of rotation, the epicenter. Energy systems are assembled from this epicenter. We can call the epicenter of the human energy system the assemblage point. The position of the assemblage point, the epicenter of energy within the human energy field, is central to our psychological as well as physical existence and determines our physical health and state of mind. Its location also influences the state of other energy vortices within the body, the chakras, and the state of the glands and organs they are associated with, and the immune system, the posture and even the complexion. Ok – cool info to receive and investigate….however something was nagging, this was on the track, but not quite “it”. Further research revealed a distinction between disassemble and dissemble. Dis-assemble is the opposite of assemble, it is to take apart, to return to pieces. Dissemble is to conceal, cover up, cloak, mask, obscure Today is the day of revelation, of disclosure, the day to allow all of you to be revealed. I am repurposing the word “Assemblage Point” for the energy of today, where truth is revealed, where full disclosure happens. It is a beautiful day to be ALIVE and on EARTH.
May 2024