MOON RISES TONIGHT IN THE GOLDEN GATE OF THE PLEIADESMOON RISES TONIGHT IN THE GOLDEN GATE OF THE PLEIADES The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (a recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since the sun, moon and planets circle our sky along along the virtual line of the ecliptic, they are regularly passing through this Pleiadean Golden Gate. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. The November 19 Lunar Eclipse happened with the moon stationed in the sky at the opening of this Golden Gate. The Moon is in there right now, as I write these words on the afternoon of November 19, 2021 - and will be rising tonight (where I live on the east coast of USA) while it is within the GOLDEN GATE. As the moon emerges from the eclipse it will flow through this GOLDEN GATE. As I write this on the afternoon of November 19, the Moon is there now, in the gate. When sun sets the moon will rise (around 4:40 pm EST) within this GOLDEN GATE. Notice how Orion and Sirius follow, rising in a line as the evening progresses. May this golden light guide our way!! If you want to read and learn more about this Golden Gateway, and how I came to connect with it, I have a blog and a Voyage for you to read and explore:
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