Coding with the MOON - Lunar Alignments & The Lunar Eclipse Corridor Coding with the MOON - Lunar Alignments & The Lunar Eclipse Corridor
A Lunar Eclipse occurs on November 19, 2021 Leading up to the eclipse, the moon moves along the ecliptic path and meets up with many planets. The waning sliver crescent moon meets Mercury, and the New Moon visits Mars. The Moon then flows along nightly to visit in the sky with Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and then Uranus, all in preparation and code exchange prior to the Lunar Eclipse! A “close encounter” of two celestial bodies in the sky is called an Appulse. “When two human beings, human souls make a connection, they share codes with each other. They spark and ignite each other to discover and uncover new things. Same thing happens with sky objects, celestial bodies. When they are near to each other in the sky, there is a way they code share. I found there is an astronomical term for this "code exchange", when two bodies are near each other - but not quite at conjunction, which is an exact technical alignment- it is called an APPULSE.” ~ from: The Moon moves swiftly across the sky, in comparison to the other planets and stars. This dance of moon and planets is a regular monthly flow. This particular corridor of lunar alignments is standing out to me as a significant code exchange. The Moon has a reflective energy to it. It receives light codes and reflects or bounces them back to our eyes. The moon moving to visit and highlight and code exchange with each planet – prior to the Lunar Eclipse on November 19. It is offering us an opportunity to GO DEEP. Deep into the energies of each planet that we embody. Deep into the old stories, the old patterns, some inherited, and deep within our DNA – and CLEAR THEM with the cycle of the eclipse. November is cross culturally a time to honor the ancestors. This year, it has been “next level” – the amount of family line DNA clearing that has been coming up for us to work through!! Holy Moly – this is BIG inner soul work friends! It can show up as or as disagreements or miscommunications – with the flip side as deep rich conversations and breakthroughs. It can be intense to navigate our way through, and personally I find it super helpful to step back and consider the bigger picture, and the deeper soul learning and lessons. It is also presenting with so many family members leaving their bodies. The amount of soul transitions and soul cycle terminations (death) on our planet currently is significant. One of the impacts of these soul crossings is on the family line, they clear the way for us as they go. And so often the conversations and transformations across the veil are much “easier” and deeper than they ever could be when that soul was in the body. All the ancestors that have gone before us, we walk in their footsteps – AND we trace new pathways of possibility with every NEW step we take. Eclipses in general give us pause, focus point, dark introspective moments. We can use this current building eclipse moment to continue the work so many of us are doing – of clearing Ancestral lines, clearing debris from the family field. The planets are a Solar Family, and just like your family, each member has a different characteristic, a unique personality signature. How we code exchange with each one is different. They each bring out different personality traits, different facets of our own being. What is happening on a deeper soul level, is that every member of this “soular family” represents a different aspect of SELF, of your OWN SOUL. Moon Planet Alignments for November 2021 Nov 3 Moon with Mercury Nov 4 New Moon Nov 4 Moon with Mars Nov 7 Moon with Venus Nov 9 Moon with Pluto Nov 10 Mars and Mercury Conjunct Nov 10 Moon with Saturn Nov 11 Moon with Jupiter Nov 13 Moon with Neptune Nov 17 Moon with Uranus Nov 19 Full Moon 3:57 am EST Partial Lunar Eclipse 2:18 am – 5:47 am EST If you want to learn more about working with this Eclipse Corridor, I have a free online Inner Space Voyage you can take to dive deeper: An Inner Space Journey (individual session) is also a perfect way to get support for yourself during this process – we work directly with your light body and DNA coding to reveal, clear and re-write this patterns! Book yourself a journey here, it would be my honor to assist you and support you in this process. Together in Light, Julie
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