I'm Coming Out!I want the world to know, I got to let it show… I am a Gridworker. Gridwork is an ancient practice, a largely forgotten and re-emerging branch of earth science. It involves honoring the earth as a living being, with wisdom and knowledge. Open communication with the earth happens through open communication with “mother nature”. Paying attention to all realms of life here on earth. Connecting to the elements of life (earth, water, fire, air, space/ether). Watching the skies, the clouds, the sunlight, the bodies of water, the lay of the land. The living wisdom web of the trees. The rocks, oceans, mountains. The weather. The cycles of the seasons. The grids are the energy flow system of the earth body. Just like your human body has meridians and nadis, and a electromagnetic field and a crystalline light grid, so does the earth. A natural progression and evolution of my energy work with human bodies and fields was to delve deep into the alignments of and with the planetary body. For all of 2017, I have been in deep immersion study training mode to learn all I can about the art and science of Gridwork. I have studied extensively with Katie IndiCrow (a pioneer in the field). She is a trusted friend, a dynamic mentor and master instructor. You can see her work here - www.indicrowenergetics.com/ascension-materials - to learn more. I am taking a course with Sandra Walter (http://www.sandrawalter.com/ascension-path/). I have explored multidimensionality and the Light Body and Light Language with Susan Lie (http://www.multidimensions.com/learning-packages). And, the most informative and transformation part of my training has been self directed gridwork out in the field. On the trails, in my backyard, during my drives to and fro, with the ocean, the lakes, the rivers, the rocks. The animals and plants. And, as all is one and connected, I have been also studying the work of Liz Koch. She is a somatic pioneer and educator, her life's work is the psoas ( http://coreawareness.com ). Her work guides us to connect with the core of life, through embodiment. It feels like gridwork with the waterways of the human body. The gridwork I have been doing I have been keeping mostly to myself. I am part of a thriving online global community of lightworkers and gridworkers. This work is so very exciting, as it unifies and converges everything I have ever done, every path, every study. It takes my winding life path and converges it to the NOW. To the unity field. My early love of astronomy and all things space, to my aerospace & ecological engineering knowledge and passion, wrapped in the deep inner work of Yoga, and the sister science of Auyrveda, the principles of Core Living, and the sacred geometry of the luminous light field matrix, the ancient healing art of Sat Nam Rasayan – all of it!! It is time for me to shine – to show up fully and reveal and unify all the parts of me and my work in the world. Those of you who work and play with me here at Inner Space have already seen how this has impacted my offerings here. Expect more and more! I have been doing Gridwork for a long long time, with out the context I have now. Without knowing that other people do this too. Without a chance to expand, uplevel and practice my skills. Coming out in the open with this work, and bringing all parts of my world together as ONE is my mission for this November. I am working on finishing my online Gridwork field diary from my ongoing Blackstone River project. Will upload on my website soon and of course let you know. We have upcoming the astronomical events of the November 4 Full Moon, and another showering of meteors, this time the Taurids (more on both of these in future messages). And then the powerful opportunity of the 11/11 gateway and portal. The 1, the 11, and any repeating pattern of 1's or 11's are a unity, oneness opportunity and reminder. For myself, I am choosing to focus for this 11/11 on creating unity in my worlds. I have many avenues of study and interest. They are all deep and dynamic, yet radically diverse, and they all come together in me, as me. Sometimes, often times, I keep these part of my life compartmentalized and separate. I talk yoga stuff with my yoga peeps. I am involved in a global community of amazing light workers and grid workers, and am a contributing member of this community, but yet don't discuss it much outside those circles. I am a science geek at heart, and get illuminated by most any facet of space talk. I am a mom, and involved with the schools (on the board of trustees and parents associations). I have been feeling very strong about "coming out" fully and showing all of my talents and traits in all settings. This blog post that has been rolling around in my mind for months/weeks. I had a cool conversation at a school community potluck with another mom, someone who has come work with me at Inner Space for Energy Alignment. She asked me what I do, what is a typical work week like for me, and I shared freely about my ongoing grid work with the Blackstone River (way more on that soon too). It was so electrifying to share freely. I want more of that! Thanks for reading and being here! Julie
Sparks, Traces and trailsThis month the earth is passing through the debris left behind in the path of Halley’s Comet. When the earth moves through a debris field, some of the rocks touch the atmosphere and burn up. We see this as “shooting stars”, as a meteor shower. The light that is given off from this exchange showers us with photons, little bundles of light. These photons act as messengers, as information bundles. They deliver Light Codes. Comets, and any deep space body, is usually in such a deep freeze that the materials are quite literally frozen in time and space. Why we see a tail off a comet is because the orbital path of the comet takes it close enough to the sun for things to heat up, and gas and heat and light escape as a trailing cloud. This gives us a ton of information about the nature and composition of the “space rock”. As I have been contemplating what it means for us earthlings to see a comet or a meteor shower sparked by the trail of debris left from the comet, it leads me to wonder and investigate where that comet travels to and fro. The long elliptical orbit of Halley’s Comet takes it far into the outer rings of our solar system, past Neptune and into the Kuiper belt. One way to think of it is a comet or asteroid delivers little particles of information from deep space right to our area, our ring, of the solar system. I got wondering when exactly Halley’s Comet last visited us close by earth, and after a research trip thru google, I was reminded it was 1986. I remember it well. It was quite exciting! I was thinking about what my life was like in 1986, and got to thinking about what other “big stuff” was happening then. I had an inkling that it was the same year the space shuttle Challenger met its explosive fate in our atmosphere. Turns out the Challenger explosion and the sightings of Halley’s comet were both in early 1986. (Challenger launched Jan 28, 1986 and Halley made its closest approach on Feb 9, 1986). Just to be clear - I am not saying those two events were inter-related, or that one caused the other. I am noticing that they both happened for me in very very big ways in the same month. Over 30 years later and I still remember both clear as day. This is the effect big astronomical events have on us humans. They leave big grooves in our memories. Because as we look at the sky, these sparks of light will appear to come from the area of the constellation Orion, scientists call them the Orionids. These peak on October 21/22. In addition, Jupiter, Saturn and Sirius are forming a triangle in our sky right now, and will show well an hour or two before sunrise. So there is a lot to lure you out of bed on a cold early morning… Building on this platform of “hard science” – if we look closely at what these astronomical events mean for us energetically and spiritually, we see some cool connections. You may have noticed in the media that Uranus was visible to the naked eye a few nights ago, as it was sitting opposite the sun and got a big dose of sunlight bouncing off it, and coupled with the dark sky under the new moon, this rare sighting was possible. There is a connection to the information and codes that Hailey’s Comet delivers, as it travels out in Uranus’s neighborhood as it orbits the sun. There is some overlap of info and some significance there. What does the planet Uranus mean to you? Astrologers say the energies of Uranus are electric and encourage change and freedom. It is the planet open possibilities, revolutionary vision, and celebrates originality and individuality. Use these incoming light codes to spark your self this way! As you might recall, the Challenger malfunction was caused by a faulty O-Ring. I read a NASA article that described the O-Ring as a torus (a doughnut shape). This was a big “ah – ha” connection moment for me. This torus is also the shape of the magnetic field of the earth (and your body). This magnetic field is the polarity of the planet (North South Pole). We as a planet are undergoing some polarity “adjustments” right now. The electric spark of Uranus and the Orionids are helping our planet adjust. (more on this later on) What this means for each of us individually is unique. Some of you who are reading this were sitting in your classroom in 1986, when they wheeled in the TV on that big black cart so you could watch the challenger launch – only to watch it explode 73 seconds later. That forever changed the nature of human space travel. Some of you were maybe just an egg in an ovary when Hailey flew close by last time, so now every year with in October you get a micro-dose of what that comet delivered to us back then. How these alignments and events affect you are personal and unique. I leave you to receive your own self selected codes and info from this alignment. This will be happening to your energy field even if your eyes don’t see the planet or meteor light. I will be sharing a lot more about the nature of light, photons, how we as humans along with the planet earth receive light, and how it raises and changes our vibration. Enjoy this gift of a weekend friends, and look forward to connecting again soon!
And a good short science video on meteors, and my favorite band playing a song called Halley's Comet
And, here are some good links if you want some more reading on this: http://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-orionid-meteor-shower https://solarstory.net/comets/halley Today is a code Day
May 2024