Planetary Crystalline Grids
Join us....
Guardians of Planet Earth, Crystalline Gridworkers and Galactic Gatekeepers, as we explore the planetary electromagnetic and crystalline light grids. This involves field work, energy work, remote work with mapping and research, as well as crystalline grids.
As Earth is indeed a Soul Planet, we are also deeply connected to the grids of the solar system, galaxy and universe as a whole.
Galactic GridWorking, GateKeeping, Light Code Reading and Writing, Light Body Technology & Working with the Crystalline Communication Network and Building the Cities of Light,
Guardians of Planet Earth, Crystalline Gridworkers and Galactic Gatekeepers, as we explore the planetary electromagnetic and crystalline light grids. This involves field work, energy work, remote work with mapping and research, as well as crystalline grids.
As Earth is indeed a Soul Planet, we are also deeply connected to the grids of the solar system, galaxy and universe as a whole.
Galactic GridWorking, GateKeeping, Light Code Reading and Writing, Light Body Technology & Working with the Crystalline Communication Network and Building the Cities of Light,