Sun aligns to AldebaranSUN ALIGNS TO ALDEBERAN
Sun moves in the sky next to Aldeberan, along with the new moon. Positioned at zenith, high point in sky at 12:34 today (in my time, EDT) A giant luminous star, also called Alpha Tauri, is the 14th brightest in our sky, and the brightest of any of the zodiac constellations. Aldeberan shines with an orange/red star light glow. Star Tales from northwestern Mexico speak of this star providing light for the seven women giving birth (The Pleiades).
Jupiter Aligned with MarsDawning on the morning of May 27, 2022 Jupiter Aligns with Mars As they rise, flanking due east horizon point (just after 2:30 am EDT) “and Jupiter Aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars…” This is the dawning of…. “Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true liberation” On the very same morning, the crescent moon rises with Venus (around 4:14 am EDT) Moon with Venus - Venus does "rule" the seventh house. A GREAT and powerful alignment to call forth PEACE LOVE LIGHT To the party style! with SAm SOlBright on May 24, 2022Had a fabulous chat with the lovely Samantha SolBright We chatted about... • Pleiadian Gateway • SOULar activity • Rainbow/Crystalline LightBody • The chakra/vortex systems • Our own personal shifts and changes • Upcoming offerings and more. WHAT ARE STARGATES & SACRED SITES? BY JAMES TYBERONN (TEXT VERSION)Star-Gates - Teachers & Gateways
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings Master, I am Metatron Lord of Light ! We greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love ! We welcome each of you, individually, as you read these words. 2014 continues to be an extraordinary year, and one of challenges and intensities. The solar reversal has affected many of you in manners not fully acknowledged, and this has been amplified with solar radiation. Masters all of this is purposed, and the 2nd half of 2014 will be much easier for all of you, relative to the first half. All of these astro-wave insertions are benevolent and with purpose...these are part of the crystalline shift. With the diminishing of the magnetic grid, and the emergence of the 144 Crystalline Grid, Arizona and Arkansas are now the most potent crystalline portals in North America. Arizona will be extremely active in the Harmonic Portal StarGate energies of 2014. The Aquarian Resonance during the Harmonic trigger aperture will combine the Grand Canyon energies with that of the Sedona-Sonoran and Sangre de Cristos Vortexial regions. What then will occur for the embellished phase is a triangulated matrix of some 300+ miles per side in oscillating harmonic reach. We emphatically tell you that the telluric energies that flow within this expanded Sedona-Vortexial region are absolutely laden with codes of the upshift. And are essential to the Aquarian Shift of the New Earth. And so we speak in this gathering on a most timely topic. The Vortexial energies of Arizona and the powerful energies of the Star-Gate Portal. We tell you that the energies of the Arizona vortexial portal complexes are extremely important from 2014 and beyond. These represent the receival point of new codes for the Americas in the crystalline shift. Now, we wish to share two important clarifications... First, our use of the term sacred site requires a brief caveat. To be clear, the Earth in all parts is sacred...but there are specific locations on the planet that carry far greater energy, far greater access to the higher realms. Humanity refers to these as sacred sites, perhaps a more accurate defining term is 'powernode' ...vectors of vortexial portals formed from a myriad of sources that are conscious teachers and extraordianry gateways. Second, there may be some of you that may feel the Sedona Vortexial area is no longer as potent as it once was in centuries past, because of the habitation of human populace within the vortexial frequencies. We tell you emphatically that this is not the case. This is a misunderstanding of the nature of such localities. We tell you in fact the vortexial points of Arizona are graduating to an utterly astonishing renewed potency...and even greater importance in the energies of the New Earth. So to further explain, the Earth is consciously multidimensional, and can be more accurately termed as the Omni Earth. Masters, the grand consciousness of the Living Earth exists in a vastly different modality & sequence of time than does humanity. The Sedona Vortex has been in place for many millions of years, geologically speaking. A linear sequence of human habitation of less than 2 centuries has little impact on its integral nonlinear multidimensional reality, even within chronological aspect. This is true for all powernodes...for indeed each 'Sacred Site', each powernode and stargate has a unique frequencial signature and sentient conscious, a succinct Spirit of Place that is above the duality realm of the third dimension. That is why one must be able to raise their vibration to unlock the key to such vectors. That is why what occurs in 3d duality cannot truly mal-effect the true nature and higher resonance of powernodes. Dense energies in 3d will always occur, it is the polar nature of duality...but dense 3d energies cannot rise into the crystalline higher dimension, and the Spirit and frequency of sacred sites and powernodes is absolutely above 3d. Master, nothing occurs on the Earth that is not under the conscious mastery of the Divine Living Earth. Although better understanding and wise stewardship is essential, humanity would not be in any area that is currently habited if it were not purposely granted for at least a period of time. There is indeed a reason for humanity having access to specific Living Cathedrals. Those areas on the Earth you term power points are apexes of infinity. These points are the primary dissemination mechanism of higher dimensional energies. The vortex -portal templates that occur on the Earth are uniquely varied, yet have many benevolent commonalities. Within specific powernodes that humanity terms as sacred sites, the door to sacred knowledge is opened, and a catalystic energy exchange occurs. The pilgrim & focal seeker can become imprinted with the code-keys of frequencial wisdom unique to each sacred site visited. In kind each pilgrim imprints their highest reverence into the energy of place. One may receive coded light energy from the site, and feed higher frequencial energy back into it. A synergetic transposition ensues as each seeker begins to manifest the impeccability & higher dimensional perfection of every sacred site visited, each melding and building upon the other. You carry with you the energy of every powernode you visit, and indeed each pilgrimage, each spiritual quest amplifies your energy coding. Powernodes can be defined in simplistic terms as areas that resonate at a higher vibration and are catalysts for spiritual experience. Such areas often radiate crysto-electro-magnetic fields of higher frequency. These locations can be naturally occurring or manmade. The latter are often temples or stone circles built over naturally occurring leylines or energy points. Temples, cathedrals and pyramids built to sacred geometry actually attract and amplify energies, especially when built over telluric hotspots that contain crystallized minerals such as quartz. Numerous sacred sites are aligned celestially, at specific angles to cosmic points. The Vortexial matrix of certain powernodes on the planet are what may be termed 'purification or crucible vectors'. This is indeed a rare and yet perfect blend of energies for revealing what is hidden. It is the 'Perfect Storm'. Not all vortexes are as such, each will vary, each will spin according to its purpose and design. In these locales, there is a purposed intensity that can be either a stepping stone or a hindrance. Sedona - The Alchemy Is There! Sedona is such a 'crucible' vector, it provides a matrix of purification. Its energy, its frequency, its conscious resonance is purposely electro-magnetically imbalanced in order to accomplish this task. Sedona is an energy that bubbles up all that does not serve you. Although it can be said that Sedona was truly never meant to be an area of habitude, that is because it is an energy that can be very intense. In ancient days only those spiritual advanced were chosen to live within the potent frequencies, because these savants, these shamanic masters understood how to optimally merge with and communicate harmoniously with such living energies without being overwhelmed by them . Sedona is capable of great spikes of energy. That is why some of the residents of Sedona may appear to be eccentric or imbalanced. The electromagnetic frequencial in power sites can in itself create what we will term an energetic pressure differential with the human CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) or auric field. In the process and period of equalization, auric fissures can occur, until such time as the balance is recreated. As such, there are times when it is prudent for the human to not overstay in power sites, until their auric energy is better adjusted to the harmonic. Those who choose to live in such sites will in time either gain the equilibrium or experience imbalance. This is why the indigenous societies utilized the vortexial sites of the American west for a place of vision and introspection. But not for placing villages. Sedona projects a telluric energy prone to intense 'electrical' spikes, not always conducive to emotional tranquility or agreement. That is why many who reside within the core center of this energy are susceptible to erratic and extreme emotional highs and lows and eccentric behavior. Yet it is and remains a perfect energy for visioning, for spiritual purification and questing. And indeed, despite what some may feel, it has not lost that quality...quite the contrary. It is in truth more potent in 2014 than at any time in its matrix, and this frequency will grow annually through 2038. The Alchemy of the greater Sedona Vortex is absolutely still there !!! Indeed how could it be otherwise ? Sedona is quite beautiful in its red rock environ, indeed many are captivated by its visual allure. It is an extremely high energy, and while some are capable of adjusting to its highly charged voltage, others find that living outside the electric vortex is far more tranquil. It is indeed an energy of inspirational amplification, but not sustainable for all. Vortexes & Portals But be aware that the vortexial parameters of Sedona do vary. We will verify that the parameters are expanding, but there are cyclic phases in which a natural contraction will also occur. Depending on astrological and telluric measures, the circular diameter can be approximated from 20 miles to 95 miles. And the pattern can also shift from circular to ovalesque. There are points within this greater vortex that are stargates to infinity. But not all sites within the vortexial energy circulation are portals. And that is an important consideration, for portals are different in function than that termed a vortex. All portals have vortexes, but not all vortexes contain portals. Vortexes are complex, but may be crudely and simply defined as circulatory energies, usually formed when earth currents intersect, or where specific mineralogies occur. Portals however, are unique points of connection, of gateways of transmission and receival. Some portals are what is termed stargates, and connect what may be termed 'wormholes' to a specific point in the Cosmos, others are infinity points which are open gateways, offering unlimited connections to all dimensions, all realities. Some of these may lead to what is considered as external worlds, others as intra realities. Masters, there are Universes that exist in molecules! So to be clear, not every point within the greater vortex of Sedona is what may be termed an infinity point. And not every person who quests or meditates in the stargate of an infinity point within the vortex will be able to raise their frequency sufficiently to have the visionary experience. You see, the aperture of dimensional doorways within the energy of the portal points fluctuates through Cosmic and astrological forces. These are above the third dimension, and one must be in coherent clarity, frequencial purity & impeccability to truly enter in. It has ever been so. Impeccability is the crystalline vibration, you see. Access to stargates also varies with the specific vector of space-time continuum, as to how these powernodes, infinity points will define themselves according to where one stands based upon space and time. Does one stand upon the past, the future, the present; from which dimensional vector does one approach it? All of these influences change the physics & geometry with each variance. Experiential Variation Accordingly, verification of how an individual perceives and expereinces an infinity point will vary. A human primarily focused in third dimensional reality will perceive and interpret based upon their light quotient, their individual system of belief and level of awareness. The ability to raise ones vibration is essential, and this is only the beginning...the ability to rise into Crystalline light body is also an important part of full utilization of infinity points. And so another person may see the portal here or the transference of energy there, and they will interpret it differently from another. If one would approach the same portal from a coherent standpoint, it will define itself more clearly, and each place that you would stand, each varied stance, would offer to you a different perception and a different definition. One's purpose for questing, the attitude projected must harmonize in perfect coherency with that termed the 'Spirit of Place'. There are those, however well intended, that speak of visiting 'power points' for the purpose of activating them, aligning them and anchoring them. In truth it is the power point that activates, aligns and anchors the human. And each human will receive this in a way tailored and defined by their light quotient, attitude and system of belief. Infinity points involve all that you would term the crystalline codes... and much more as well that are not revealed. Much remains hidden from you in such vectors because humanity is not yet sufficiently perceptive. The ego brain attempts to apply 3d logic to a 12d experience. The 3d brain attempts to fit the new paradigm into what it already knows. But this cannot be done. The mathematics, the logarithms, the algorithms, of infinity points cannot fit into limited 3d concepts. And so those who would attempt to fit the new concept into the old cannot open the doors. . And of course it cannot fit because the New Earth and the up shifted powernodes are based upon a crystalline essence not yet understood by humanity who remained tied to polarity magnetics. The better understanding of the cosmic matrix and the planetary interplay within vortexial portals and infinity points on your Omni Earth are waiting for the human group mind to expand a bit more into comprehension of the greater reality of the New Earth. Once you expand fully into the 33 chakric Mer-Ka-Na system, this will be accessible to you, and indeed for many of you, this has already occurred. We tell you that by visiting the nodes of Arizona and Arkansas, you will expedite this ability. 2014 And Beyond We would say to you that in 2014 and beyond there is even greater light that circles about your planet now, wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold 3d logic, it is not perceived in physical vision, and it is not the energy of pre 2012 magnetic Earth. Rather it is the light of coherent crystalline expansion. . And we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you will find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately, but this requires effort and intent. This subtle brilliance is available to humankind, to the individual who is dedicated to seek wisdom and growth. Wellness And Self Love One makes a quantum leap, a great surge unto Mastery when one releases self condemnation and guilt, by engaging the light of self love and wellness. Many of you in seeking greater knowledge do not always seek to include wellness and self love, but you are synergistically required to do so to achieve the crystalline vibration. Self Love and wellness are complimentary attributes of Mastery. 2014 Year for Pilgrimage, Questing & Re-Calibration And so we emphasize that the experience of the pilgrimage, vision quest, fasting, and shamanic journey is of great benefit, and that the New Earth Matrix of 2014 and beyond is especially poignant for such noble quests. No site is better for this opportunity in the New Earth in 2014 than the Arizona Vortexial Portal. It is the Crucible of Purification. Masters, Exploration of consciousness is requisite and the review of self through the lens of the quest is truly necessary. We encourage all to find time for this activity, and in so doing you will be offered a very potent opportunity of expansion. Indeed, the energies of the New Earth will absolutely amplify greater access to higher aspect and self-mastery. It has always been a habit of the wise soul to seek solitude for self examination, for clearing and release, for the lifting into higher states of consciousness. It is the groundwork, and mark of the serious seeker. It has always been so. The Harmonic Trigger & Star-Gate In 2014 there is a unique and powerful chain of astrological energies that occur between March and June, and again between mid October and December. This is an extraordinary timing for self growth. From the apexial window of May 23 - May 28 the Sedona Vortex will be particularly embellished, it boundaries vastly extended for this phase. 2014 and beyond is an incredibly beneficial time to pilgrimage to Arizona for Gatherings in Prayer, in Ceremony and Meditation. An anionic stream of plasma from Solar Radiation has collated in this and other areas. This has shifted the ratio of ionic resonance in a purposed manner that assists in opening the pineal. The Star-Gate Portal of 2014 and is a unique phase in which Coherency is increased, and one can merge more easily with the inner heart. The veil will be thinned and codes received. Codes received in powernodes are a unique reflection of your Divine pattern, for it is energy that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak, energy that you guide, and energy that guides you. That energy is crystalline light. . It is the energy of your Divine Self. It finds flight in Points of Infinity, for these are teachers that serve you growth. And although Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and offer accelerated opportunity...we remind you that the most important sacred site is within you, it is your heart, and your carry it with you wherever you go. I am Metatron and I share with you these Truth\s. You are Beloved. ..and So it is...and it is So Copyright Protected-All Rights Reserved The above article & channel is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receivor and include this entire copyright notice . THE LIVING LIBRARIES OF LIGHT by Soluntra KingTHE LIVING LIBRARIES OF LIGHT
by Soluntra King from the Diamond Light Workbook THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN IN 2010 AND THE THIRTEEN STAR LIBRARIES ARE ACTIVATED The Living Libraries of Light have been seeded by different extratesstestial races and beings and contain light codes that when we are ready to receive their frequencies will liberate us back into the cosmic beings we are. These Libraries have been placed on Earth at different locations and there are Light Workers who are also seeded with same light codes whose mission it is to unlock the Libraries when it is the appropriate time. This is done from within the Light worker and she or he trusts fully to go where guided. The extratesstestial librarys of light are one with the Greater Central Sun, the ones in the Earth are part of this vast Library of Light of Creation and there was a missing 13th Library and that the missing code is already within us and we have always carried it. For the activation of all thirteen Libraires to take place it is necessary that the lightworker/activator has awakened the 13th seed of light that resides in them and that is the key to the other 12 being fully activated. This does not require a journey to a vortex but a journey within and a soul journey to the Greater Central Sun when one is ready to awaken the hidden light codes within. Once this has happened and one or more can access these light codes, then humanity is ready to be awakened. THE THIRTEEN LIGHT LIBRARIES The thirteen Libraries are all connected through the Golden Solar Discs and have different ET lineages connected with each one. Like the 13 Rays, these 13 Libraries each have a map of light that is a template in each area to align the relevant stars and planets for the New Earth and New Solar System, the jump in the loop, the crossover point. As we unify inside out and back to front, up and down and round and round all life completes whole cycles in a blink of an eye when yeah are the creator of the show in liquid light. The Libraries are activated when a Lightworker is invited to be in that frequency in the particular space. The Key to access one or all is already within the particular Lightworkers who have created them on Earth before in other cycles. Those Light workers will know, and those that cannot access all, do not need to visit all Libraries but just one and it will unlock all of them. Each location of the Library’s was chosen when the Earth was a different shape of land masses to now and also some are under the oceans now and are linked to Sirian star bases. Many light workers over years have been guided to different locations and this is all connected in the light grid that also connects through the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun and the Solar and Lunar grids as well and so the Libraries have been getting accessed. The blocks that prevented us from accessing these light codes too soon are dissolving now that we recognise we are in the time for the revival of our Divine Blueprint. All the work that has been done by Lightworkers awakening themselves and of service to others has created a bridge to the Libraries that can be accessed at night on a soul travel. The important thing is not to wonder where they are located or how many as this is all relative depending on what dimension you operate from, but there are doorways into the 13th Libraries and then through to all the others. The Light Libraries that were built on Earth by the Dragons and Draco codes are saying that the time is now for them to awaken, but more than a location it is awakening within us and that those who have a connection with them and work with them have already visited places where they are located or serpent doorways to them and that on Serpent Day July 30th 2010 through a big inner planers link up a lot of energy was cleared from the underworld and the blocks that have hampered their work. So if you feel guided now is the time to start working more fully with the Councils of Light, Golden Solar Discs and the Dragon Guardians we are with the Libraries and that a lot of new information to help us out of our destructive world will come to Light as there are many Lightworkers around the world awakening to this mission now. Some have not been awake until now and those are ones with specialist skills and jobs that took all their energies, and they are now ready to implement the technological side of the free energy and light matrix templates that are anchoring through the Libraries. Some Living Libraries of Light have already been activated, one in Siberia by Anastasia. The Egyptian one had to be closed down completely and lost with the sands of time as its use was too destructive and created a lot of disharmony and blocked energy. The Sirian Living Library of Light was reactivated at the Sun Disc at Abu Sir on the September Equinox 2006. The first Living Library of Light I experienced was when I lived in at a tiny village in the foothills of the Himalayas in 1981 where there is Golden Solar Disc. I did not realise consciously at the time, but I just knew how to meditate, do yoga after not having done these in this life and was totally focused on my mission. The first conscious work was with the Pleiadian Living Library of Light was in 1996 was assisting to re activate one up in the Himalayas on the border of Pakistan and Kashmir in the Glacier lakes and the waterways of the Himalayas. It involved going into war zones and dealing with the possibility of being killed at anytime, and on the June Solstice at the very source of the Ganges at the glacier wall Gurmak. All through the Himalayas this energy is there for anyone that can access it and through the Golden Solar Disc’s. I have experienced and worked with the Light Libraries; Arcuturian at Iona in Scotland, Antares at Moray in the Andes, Peru, the Pleiadian Mayan Pyramids of Coba and Becan, Orion Living Library of Light are Easter Island, Draco at the Mead Wall Mt Ruapheu New Zealand, Pleiadian Himalayas and the southern tip Kanyakumari, and now we will be in the zone of one at Magnetic Island, the thirteenth Library of Light of Wega the white hole and prism we came through. There is also a Sirian one in the ocean out from the east coast of Africa and also in Antarctica NEKKAR IN BOOTES Living Library of Light…….Spiralling down through vortexes into the world of Nekkar….. You are shown multiple starmaps each is being designed and activated in different stages for anchoring into the lower realms…… The reason you are shown this is that we hold these within us and will anchor them in stages when the time is right. Nekkar co-ordinates the grander cycles and the fabric of light that creates new worlds. The Galactic Federation of Light has its main headquarters here and the lightships travel with the codings through the Solar System, Galaxy and multiple Universes…..holding the beam and sending representatives to those worlds…..Ground Crew like you…... Be open to communicate to the Galactic Federation of Light now. Copyright © 2009, 2010 Soluntra King EARTH'S GRIDS & PORTALS FROM SOLUNTRA KINGTo continue Soulntra's rich legacy, I am sharing some golden nuggets of her work here in my blog....this is from her website, and from her book "Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity" EARTH'S GRIDS AND PORTALS
extract from the book Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity plus updates by Soluntra King THE CRYSTALLINE GRID There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth. Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and Earth to other dimensional worlds, Stars and Planets in the Galaxy, Solar System and Beyond. The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbours in space. Just us when the meridians are free and flowing and so we are in good health within our body and with other beings, so to with the Grids in the Earth. The Ancients were aware of this and so constructed Pyramids, Temples, Standing Stones, Stone Circles to align this energy with the Stars and Inner Earth and hold the beam as it were, as well as creating dimensional gateways for beings to travel from other worlds. These beings are from different Star Systems, Universes and Worlds, and all have an agenda with Earth. Many of them having been here for aeons, or actually starting the story of life on Earth. The Dragon people, who are part of the Reptilian story on Earth, along with the Snake and Lizard people, worked with the Crystals within the Earth to create the Crystalline Grid, this created life on the planet as we know it. They came to Earth from Altair when the Earth was still sonic winds, and so went and lived within the Earth, like many others in other Dimensions, generally 6th and 7th. The Dragon people connected the Crystals around the Earth and constructed endless tunnels with the Snake people. Crystals are electro-magnetic and the Grid that was created through their joining put out an electro-magnetic energy field around the Earth the drew moisture and then life started to gradually form as we know it. Because of the energy that this Crystal Grid gave off as Light, which is Life, life was able to be created with a more harmonious weather pattern, as the Earth stabilised and harmonised with the Sun and Planets. This created an environment that was then conjucent for many other Star people to travel to Earth to colonise here, as they were now able to handle living on the surface and cope with the gravitational pull. Some ET's have more of a story here than others but now everyone is back to sort it out as we merge with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, we are all completing this cycle and ready to move on, beyond duality and the old dramas. The energy vortexes, which power their civilisations, are in these tunnels, along with enormous stores of precious stones and metals. At major junctions in the Grid we have what you may call Dragon Liars or Serpent vortexes. This is the portal that holds the energy and has a great Guardian Crystal beneath it. These portals are spiralling vortexes that spin clockwise and anti-clockwise, this is how all energy moves in the universe and with anti-gravity from the Earth to the Heavens and with gravity from the Heavens to the Earth. This spiralling energy is Serpent Energy that is the life force; just as it flows up your spin as the kundalini or in your cells as the DNA that hold the codings of the creation story. As the Serpent rises within us so to does our DNA activate the memory of who we are and we become our Body of Light. We raise our frequencies to the higher dimensional worlds as the Earth is also raising hers to become a fifth dimensional planet. For some this is evolving way beyond the fifth dimension, at the portals are doorways into ancient civilizations that have moved into Light which are now becoming clear again as we make the dimensional shift. The Crystalline Grid known also as Dragon or Ley lines is working on all dimensions. In first density you have the physical Crystals and mineral kingdom, these same minerals are within our bodies and the Universe. So the Grid links all the major portals of the Earth, through the Crystalline Grid which resonates in Divine Light and as a window of Light and a doorway between the worlds, linking with the Light Grid on the higher planes. So creating a Gridwork on many dimensions, at major portals on this Grid Pyramids, Temples, Standing Stones and Stone Circles have been built. The Pyramids, which are all over the world, not just Mexico and Egypt hold a resonance of Crystal Light, even structurally Pyramids are built of Granite which has Quartz in it. The Pyramids once kept the harmonious resonance with the Earth and Universe, their energy working at higher octaves of Light and all of us who have parallel world connections with them are now like Pyramids of Light bringing back the harmony. As we become as clear as a Crystal we have a harmonised resonance with the Earth, each other and the Universe and Cosmos. So we become the Crystal or Pyramid holding the Beam, and creating a new Light Grid as we open our resonance to that of the Crystalline Grid that also runs through us. At this time on the planet a whole new resonance is being anchored through us as clear crystals and through into the Earth. As we become the transducer of the energy from Heaven to Earth, as we unify we marry heaven and earth within us. THE LIGHT GRID The Light Grid is in the Causal and Higher mental planes around the Earth as it links us all in our Higher/Inner Self, so this is fifth and sixth Dimensional. This Grid is used often when you meditate to connect with others who are 'Lightworkers' or whatever name you want to give to those beings who are here in service to assist in the change in cycle and are either placed around the Grid at different locations synchronistically to anchor in higher energies at particular cosmic events. Or who through meditation link and in their higher state of consciousness see and know all beings as whole, healed and divine. Thereby creating a higher level of consciousness to assist all humanity to make the shift. The shift is happening regardless of whether anyone wants it or not, just as day follows night, it is a cyclic event, a rather a grand one. This Grid connects everyone in their Higher/Inner Self level of being and often they are not conscious of what is happening as they work together often while asleep or through trusting in their hearts to go where guided on the Crystalline Grid to hold the energy. The Light Grid is also where you travel in your Body of Light on a Soul Level and can move through higher dimensional doorways and through Stargates and different doorways to accelerate your own growth. As well as for service to others and the bringing in of higher octave codings of Light to be anchored on the Earth plane. This is where even on a personal level you can communicate to others Higher Selves for the resolution of conflict or difficulties or to give them assistance to heal themselves, as once their Higher Self receives the energy it can be downloaded to them on the lower planes. This is where you work on what you may call the Inner Planes. THE DIAMOND LIGHT MATRIX The Diamond Light Matrix that connects the great Diamonds placed around Earth by Sirians/ Greater Central Sun aeons ago to be activated when we were ready to open as a collective, to our Multi-Dimensional Self. This has happened and the Diamonds really started to activate since 2009. To the point that on the September Equinox 2013 ; nine months after the Great Shift, a birthing occurred and the diamonds are now through the Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Grid is linked by all the crystals in the Crystalline Matrix of Light that we are too, with the chakras through us and the Earth, the doorway vortex points for inter dimensional travel and the serpent, kundalini, life force flow. For the crystals to now appear on the inner at the fifth dimension as Diamonds in the Crystalline Grid shows we have integrated the higher dimensions through to the firth dimension, the new physical for many, we and the Earth have birthed our Star self in all our radiance. This is real for those resonating at the fifth dimension. For those not it is still a process of integration mostly still happening in sleep state. THE SOLAR GRID The Solar Grid links the Golden Solar Discs around the planet, they hold the energy of the Central Sun and codings of Light that create life as we know it. They are also working at the frequency of us when we are unified and being the Creator Goddess/God of our true self, creating Heaven on Earth and working with the higher dimensional aspects of self as a member of the Council of Light, as the Golden Solar Disc is within our Heart, our Solar Self, one with the Central Sun. These Golden Solar Discs are still in higher dimensions hidden to the third dimension while humans still see Gold for power and greed, but are now activating around the planet, some have always been active and are linked in the Solar Grid that brings in the Golden Rays of divine love essence to the Earth plane. Since September 1997 the Solar Grid has been activated from Tiwanaku, ancient Lemurian site in northern Bolivia near Lake Titicaca that anchors the Sun God/Goddess. This has been able to happen since the Golden Solar Discs, one at the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca have been activated over years. They were fully operating in the last Golden Age and assisted the Earth to be aligned through its centre to the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. At that time everyone was their Divinity, but still in more Etheric bodies, we are now doing this again, but this time in full physical bodies, and so able to complete our sacred mission, the marriage of Heaven and Earth through our body, our Body of Light. In 1995 at the October Solar Eclipse the Councils of Light agreed to up the vibrations through the Discs, to the point where the Grid linking them world wide could be activated two years later. This is now the case, so the Solar Grid, which is a very high frequency Divine energy, is now operating again around the Earth. We also have the Crystalline Grid, Ley lines as mentioned that are linked with crystals, rocks, standing circles or pyramids. As well as the Light Grids that link our Higher Selves to the Etheric Diamonds around the Earth that has been well in place long before we were ready to open to the frequencies of the Solar Grid. This of course is running in conjunction with the fact that we are almost completely at zero point, no magnetics and the higher frequencies. Into No Time as we move fully into the 5th Dimension and beyond. Once we had to go to a major vortex portal for example the Pyramids, or Himalayas to move dimensionally and become activated and awakened. Now days because the Grids are flowing again, the energy is charging around the whole Earth and even sitting in your living room you are experiencing the higher energies. In the late 70,s early 80's I was in India up in the Himalayas at an active Golden Disc. I did not know it at the time, but loved living there in a small village with a hot mineral pool in a temple bath. I was not into ashrams or gurus so just walked and sat all day in the mountains. When I came back to the west I became a vegetarian, taught myself to meditate and do yoga, as well as deciding to train as a Naturopath and fully getting onto my spiritual path, instead of wandering. I was activated without even realising it, simply by being at this place. When I first started doing Grid work consciously years ago, my intention was that everyone would be able to experience that energy no matter where they lived. This is now very much a reality; by being in the higher energy field we naturally shift into that frequency. PORTALS - DIMENSIONAL DOORWAYS Portals are vortexes of spiralling energy points, like chakra or acupressure points in a human, this energy moves clockwise with gravity and anti-clockwise with anti-gravity. There are Crystals within the Earth there that receive and transmit energy, assimilate it and send it through the Grids, as well as storing, amplifying and focusing energy. They are aligned to our Solar System, Galaxy and the Cosmos, often aligning to a particular Star System and are Electric, Magnetic or have both qualities. The Electric vortexes are male energy, giving emotional and physical charge and stimulating the consciousness. The Magnetic are female energy, which enhances psychic perception and the sub-conscious, or Electromagnetic vortexes that combine both energies providing balance. There are major portals such as Uluru in Australia, Mt Kailash in Tibet, Macchu Picchu in Peru, the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, Sedona in Arizona USA, Stone Hedge in England as well as many other major as well as minor portals. Many of these are classed as chakra points for the Earth or for the particular countries that they are in, there is sometimes differences of opinion on this, but regardless it is better to stay in your Heart and trust what feels right for you. It is not necessary to visit any of these places, but often you may be drawn there in a Soul Travel or in dream state. These places do hold incredible energy, activate, and awaken those who travel either physically or in Soul Travel to them. This can often be the case when people are not spiritually awakened but go there, then years later when they wake up consciously they realise that by going to these places it had an affect on their energy field and consciousness and would have been part of their awakening process. Some portals are aligned to different Star Systems and it is easy to access these when you are at one of these; for example the Mayans Pyramids at Palenque are a doorway to the Central Sun Alycone, at Coba to the Pleadian Star System on many different dimensional levels and also a starmap of this Galaxy. At the pyramid in Lake Coothraba in Queensland a doorway to Andromeda, the Giza Pyramids to Orion and Sirius. The Nasca Lines to many different Star Systems, at Kuringal Chase National Park, Sydney to Ophiuchus and Serpentine National Park, Western Australia to the Southern Cross. So accessing these doorways is very easy at the locations they are mapped onto the landscape on Earth, but when you are clear enough you can travel through these Stargates regardless of where you are. Most portals will call you when the time is right, and if you honour this you will receive an amazing shift in conscoiusness, one place I wanted to go to; Armanath Cave in Kashmir, where Shiva and Pravati come down and anchor immortality on the earth plane never happened. I was in Kashmir in 1994, 95, 96 and each time I asked my inner self if it was apprioate to go, each time I got NO. The militants shot dead pilgrims the first two times and the last time they allowed the pilgrims to go, but a great storm came and landslides killed 600, the place definitely wanted to be left alone. Or like Uluru the first time I went in 1989 I was totally transmuted in the way I did my healing work with others. Then on the Blue Full Moon and March Equinox 2000 I was invited by the Guardians again, made the star essence of the Southern Cross with some of the rock on the rock, then went walking over to the next location on it and all the tourist had gone, I was there all day on my own, these beautiful flowers growing on the rock called me over to go in the essence as well. Then the Aboringal Woman on the inner planes called me over to this pool of water (it had been raining out there, which was very rare) and I was naked in the sacred water on Uluru for the Blue Full Moon and Equinox all on my own, I felt so incredibly blessed to be given this gift by the Guardians. So if you listen and go when guided it can have a profound affect not only on your life but also with your planetary service. Some portals are doorways to Light Cities and on the Wesak Full Moon May 2000 I was called to Mukinath 5,000 metres high in the Himalayas in Nepal bordering Tibet, as the Shambala energy came into the planet, this was a doorway for this to anchor on the earth plane. At other portals it may be time to return things for example one experience I had in 1996 was returning Moses Staff to the Sirian Light Ship in Kashmir at Moses Tomb. This was a very tricky situation as tourist were not allowed to go there due to the war going on, but I knew I had to, all my Kashmiri friends were convinced I would be killed or taken, but of course I got there against the odds with ease as I was supported fully with this mission in the higher dimensional worlds. Sometimes the energy may need to be closed, like the Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle that was sucking in all the aeroplanes and ships into it. When on any of these missions it can only succeed when done in alignment with Divine Will, allowing and in total connection to Source and the Guardians of these places, Councils of Light and all others involved on all levels. There are also portals that are reopening like the Light City in Antarctica and being reactivated for the earth changes, or ones that are anchoring in vast energies for the changes like Tikal in Guatemala. Often there are Councils of Light that work at these portals, as they are dimensional doorways that the ground crew can access the energy and it can be downloaded. Often there are codings that need to be activated like the top of the Himalayas in Kashmir with the border of Pakistan and the Source of the Ganges with the Living Library of Light, these activations happen at Solstices and Eclipses and times when the energy from the Greater Central Sun can illuminate easily through the doorways to the Earth plane. Often codings from one place will be required to be linked to another by a ground crew person travelling the Grids doing this. There are also new portals being made very active as we are now aligned to the Second Sun and the Galactic Centre such as at Rainbow Beach Queensland and Lake Waikaremona in New Zealand. Portals will also often have Light Ships or Mother Ships over them or they are doorways for ships to come out from the Inner Earth. Then there are the Serpent tunnels and these can only be travelled through when we are vibrating at a higher Light octaves, there are doorways into these tunnels at special locations such as the Potala at Lhasa, or through the Andes, or through India to Australia which are in a higher dimension and one can travel the tunnels through the Earth and into the Inner Earth. There are also cities and civilizations under the Earth at certain locations such as Mt Shasta, these portals are often at sacred rocks or mountains. So these portals are doorways for many dimensional worlds that interface with the third dimension. Some of the very old portals are also now transferring their energy to other new energy places; this is particularly true of the Northern Hemisphere ones as the Southern Hemisphere is bringing in the new energies. A lot of these old portals are still being fought over by beings still hooked into the duality dramas of Light and Dark, like the Sinai Desert or Iran - Babylon. Whereas the new energy portals operating in oneness and are hidden to most, as some people are still seeking to get something rather than being of service, trusting and holding oneness, so there is a major reshuffle going on at present and many astral dramas as this game of duality has its final throes. A lot of these new energy portals are not even sensed by people unless they resonate in unity with their being and all creation. STONE CODE KEEPERS AND GATEWAYS. The codings of the Living Library which illuminates from the Central Sun of our divine selves at that level of frequency is stored in our DNA, the full codings are 40,000 strands, rather than 2 strands as an enslaved human body, they are also found in our bones and the stones and crystals of Earth. The Crystalline Matrix of Light that we are as we awaken to our Divinity, and come from Love rather than Fear, we get Clear like a Crystal. The more we are clear the more we are able to access the full spectrum of the colour coding of DNA to our Christ Light Body. We remember our multi-dimensional selves and higher purpose for being here on Earth. We open up our consciousness and expand our awareness, having inner vision, telepathic connection, awareness of other dimensions and worlds, and clear perception of the energies we are working with or are moving towards. The rocks and stones also hold the codings of the Divine Blueprint, as do we. Earth was seeded from countless galaxies and civilisations and all the information was stored in Earth, in rock and bone, and we as humans hold the key to the gateway of our own Divinity. We are very incredible beings and our genetics when activated are amazing, when we come from the love that we are we realise we are a Hologram and we have created myriad Holograms of ourself as we experience the furthest extremes of our love in a human body on Earth. We realise we are the Earth, there is no separation and what is the earth is us, even the Earth Changes are our changes so as we become at peace and unify in love the Earth also shifts in peace, its all up to us. Many of the rocks, and this includes mountains, rock outcrops or hills, standing stones and steleas are often very active already, or are becoming activated again, as we merge into the higher dimensions and the veils begin to disappear. They are gateways through into the higher octaves of Light, Light Cities, Councils of Light, Light Grid and dimensions. SOME EXAMPLES OF ROCK GATEWAYS: ULURU in the centre of Australia is one such rock. It is the Heart of Australia, and the Solar Plexus Chakra of Earth. There is a Mothership there on the Inner Plane Planes, and many soul travel there to clear their emotional bodies, open up to the higher frequencies, and receive new codings of Light. It is a major point on the Light Grid, focus and doorway for many beings in the dimensional worlds. Uluru is also a major focus for planetary healing and a portal that links all the Grids, it is the sort of place that calls you. If visiting in a conscious way of honouring and surrendering, with a willingness to change and open up to higher Light codings, then you will experience a transformation. To experience the healing and transformational energies of Uluru, as well as assisting in the earth/gridwork and merging into the next dimension, you may not be able to get there physically but can visit anytime you like on the Inner Planes. This is called Soul Travel and you can go there in your sleep, or while meditating or being still within. You simply go there, your intention takes you straight there, open up your awareness by simply trusting what you intuit is happening. You can do this as you go there awake, or the next morning after you have gone in the night. By meditating, simply align to Source through your Heart and Earth and see yourself there, trust what comes. Or if you choose to go in your sleep then see all your Chakras spinning and Light, and have the intention of where you are going before you go to sleep. You may want to ask your Inner Self to assist or other Divine Beings. In the morning or when you get a chance, tune in and see what comes up for you about your journey. You can travel wherever you choose in this way, be it to the pyramids, a planet or star, Council of Light or Light City. OLLANTAYTAMBO is an Inca sacred site in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in the Andes, Peru. There are many incredible examples of the power of these rocks, at one place on the site is a natural rock that is a doorway through into the Light City of AN. Which was a civilisation from another cycle, that is operating at higher frequencies of Light and Love. AN uses the symbol of the Sun and Moon, and all civilisations using these symbols are connected to AN. As the energies got denser AN went beyond the veil, into the higher dimensions that appeared separate from third density Earth. Now as the veils are disappearing, as we once again merge with the higher realms, it is becoming easier to step through into these higher dimensions, or worlds within the Earth. The dimensions are no longer so separate, and we can walk through. Also at this site is a Cosmic Computer Rock, it has been laser cut like all the others that make up the site, but is now away from the site and so not disturbed. When two friends and myself connected with it, having all remembered coming in from the Stars at one point when the site was created. My friends remembered building the site, and the knowledge of how all the water was channelled. There was a stone channel of water next to the rock that came down the hill. As the rock was activated the water started to flow uphill with antigravity! It stayed like that and felt incredible to stand in. Next I laid down on the rock, my friends were standing on the hill above watching, and they said my body was moving, my head aligning to all the mountains around it. I felt completely stationary the whole time, but after making an attunement was shown the last cataclysm with the words very clear of how important it was that humanity get clear. Then I saw all the power places on Earth, one at a time, as they were realigned with the Cosmic Computer Rock. So called because on the higher levels it is a Golden connector of sacred geometry, and just like a Cosmic Computer, and major link in the Grid. Some other examples are rocks that have been specially carved into code keepers, aligners and unifiers of Solar, Lunar and Stellar energies and their cycles, and of Divine Energy. Like the Sun God/Goddess at Tiwanaku in the Andes, Bolivia. Stonehenge in England, the Stelaes and Pyramids at the Mayan sites in Mexico and Guatemala. The statues of the Gods at Easter Island. Every country has pyramids and standing stones, a lot of these have been hidden by time and deteriorated, more recently still hidden by politics and power dramas. Crystals both physical and on the higher levels in mountains like Macchu Picchu in the Andes, Mt Kailash in Tibet, the Crown Chakra of Earth, and home of Shiva and Pravati. The Himalayas, Abode of the Gods, and the Andes, which are also doorways to the Councils of Light. You will find in your own locality a hill, mountain or rocks that hold higher frequencies of Light, and are doorways and links in the Grid. These places you feel drawn too, and just being in their energy is a transforming experience. We all have a strong connection to these inter-dimensional doorways; there will be a place on the planet where you actually came in the first time, and a portal you will leave from. Your Higher Self uses these energies for your purpose on Earth. Even when you were birthed into this body your Higher Self was able to utilise the energy of the local vortex near where you were birthed to anchor in your Higher Self and multi-dimensional energies. This portal is linked up to your own soul story and has the energies that are in harmony with your vibrations. CONNECT TO A PORTAL AND TRAVEL THE GRID This is a meditation to do at a place that feels energising or special to you. If you dowse you can check it out to see if it is a doorway, and if so which way the energies run, and where it is connected to on the grid. Most importantly just trust if you feel a certain place is right, it could be on top of a hill, at a river mouth, a certain place on the coast or in a valley or forest. You may wish to take Crystals with you and make a circle, medicine wheel or any other sacred shape you feel guided. You may also feel to take, candles, incense, water, flowers, any other crystals or feathers, herbs, essences etc. Always trust what you feel to bring, if any thing at all. Connect to Spirit, Earth, your Divine Self, the Source within your Heart, and the Guardian of the place, Guides, Golden Beings, and all Divine Beings in the One Heart, the Devas, Elementals.............. Sitting with the spine straight, on the earth is preferable. Relax and deepen....... The spiralling Rainbow moves up through your centre and other chakras.......feel and sense with it awhile......... As it reaches to the top of the head it flows out the Crown as sparkling White and Golden, Effervescent Light.....Keep your awareness on the spiralling rainbows of Light still coming down from spirit all around you to the Earth and Base Chakra, then up through your centre and out the top.....Be with this vortexing energy as it moves down through you and around you, then up through your chakras and Central Channel as you merge into the vortex.... Now become aware of the vortex within the earth you are sitting on as well....You open up to all the vortexing energy through you, and through the Earth where you are.....This vortex takes you into the Crystal deep in the Earth where you sit.....You merge into the Crystal and become radiant with Light through all your you open to the crystal clear Light within the Crystal...the Crystal is singing and vibrating in harmony with you and the Earth..... Connected to other Crystals through the beautiful Crystal Grid..... You become aware of the crystalline energy as it moves out through the Grid around the Earth....the Earth is surrounded in this beautiful Crystalline Grid.....This Grid links into all the Grids within the Earth and beyond the Earth, circling it in the ethers...all the dimensions and grids are linked.....sparkling Light throughout all.....You allow Peace to be through the Grids and see all beings on all levels and dimensions open to their Divinity, Love and Peace............. Then your Higher Self takes you to a special portal vortex somewhere on Earth.... Trust what ever comes to you as you travel the Grid.........Be aware of coming up through the Grid and into the portal your Inner Self has brought you to........Notice the geography and what type of portal it is. Is it a pyramid, stone circle, temple, standing stones, rocks, mountain, in the ocean, in a forest, at the coast, in a forest or by a lake or river?.......It is familiar to you, how does it feel?....This place has a special connection for you, it maybe at your home, nearby, a place you have visited before, or somewhere that you may not have been in this experience....... Become aware of the place you have been taken too...feel the energy, sense your connection...allow yourself to merge and let it take you or show you what you need to experience now................ How is this place connected to you? Does it have a gift for you, or is it helping you to remember something?............... Do you need to be open to its healing energy and allow it to flow through you?.............. Is it important for your service on Earth, your mission in some way?................ Do you need to take on the codings and share them elsewhere?.......How is it connected with where you are now?................. When you have completed be aware of giving thanks to the place and Guardians and be aware of yourself back where you are seated........ Feel the connection to where you are now, be open to whatever you are receiving, giving, remembering, completing.................. Be aware of yourself fully present in your body, or body of Light.................... Now imagine spiralling Rainbows of Light, with all the colours of the Rainbow. The Spirals are moving both clockwise and anti-clockwise, but do not be concerned if you cannot see this, just know that it is happening. The spirals of Rainbow colours move down and around your body. When they reach to the Base Chakra and connect to the earth, the spiralling energy then moves in through the Base Chakra. Feel, sense or know all the colours as they move up through the chakras, from the Base up to the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Thymus, Throat, Third Eye, Crown. Copyright © 2001 Soluntra King All rights reserved Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. WE ENTER THE PLEIADES GATEWAYThe Pleiades, or “Seven Sisters” is a star cluster of hundreds of stars, with 7-9 bright and visible to the naked eye, that has captured humankind attention since ancient days. Because of where it sits on the ecliptic, it is visible for much of the year. When the sun moves into the constellation Taurus every spring, the Pleiades become invisible to us on earth, as the stars are lost from sight in the glare of the sun. The stars rise and set with the sun like this for about a month (40 days). The last evening where you can see the Pleiades setting in the twilight darkening sky is called the heliacal setting. Similarly, the morning that the Pleiades are visible rising in the morning sky is the heliacal rising. (Helios = Sun, heliacal = with the sun).
These stars are now conjuncting, or lining up with, the sun. That means, that the sun gets a “boost” of light from these stars, and that the light that is incoming from the sun also contains light and codes from this star cluster. Those of us that work with, anchor and conduct light and light codes onto planet earth, know that this time of sun aligned with celestial body is an extra special potent time to work with the information and light codes from the stars. The Pleiades with Sun Gateway runs from early/mid May until early/mid June (approx 40 days). It varies slightly depending where on earth you observe from, and your local surrounding matter too - light levels and landscape factor in. Here at my longitude and latitude the period of Sun and Pleiades alignment in the sky began this week, around May 8-11 and runs through early June, when the Pleiades rises before dawn and becomes visible again. We are here in the Pleiades Gateway Now Drink it in, rise up to meet it, pay attention to the messages. It is a potent time! Today We BEar Witness to the Three Fold FlameReactivation of the Inner Three Fold Flame of the heart initiated today. Your inner TRIAD - your soul trinity - your triagulations - are stepping forward. In Deep Honor we melt into the inner heat, knowing it is the FIRE of transformation Inner Space Alchemy in Progress!! Three Fold Flame Cocoon
In Spiritual Literature there is a Sacred Fire that comes from your I AM Presence . This fire enters into your Soul Star chakra that is located just above the top of your head. Then descends into your Soul Matrix located behind the Heart Chakra. Within your Soul Matrix this Fire is split into what is called your "Threefold Flame". This is often depicted as a physical flame that springs from a small white spark of divine fire and has three “plumes.” These three plumes are: • Blue, which corresponds to the Willpower of God. This Fire has the qualities of the Father. The Blue flame gives us the faith and the ability to get things done. Gives you the strength to overcome the must difficult obstacles to achieve your goals. People with a tall blue flame tend to have more physical energy and have more of a mechanical intelligence... Mind over Matter . • Pink, which corresponds unconditional love and understanding that is the very nature of God. This Fire has the qualities of the Mother. The pink flame relates to the emotional feeling body within the auric field. People with tall pink flames tend to have more emotional intelligence. They intuitively understand the impact of their thoughts, feelings and actions upon others. • Gold, which corresponds to the Power or Christ Consciousness. This is what is produced when Love and WillPower come together. This is fire has the qualities of the Son or/and Daughter of God. The gold flame combines love with wisdom to give you power The flame manifests as our ability to learn, understand, process information and reach an enlightened state of peace. It is about learning when to guide, use the right words, not to judge, and not to discriminate. The gold flame directly correlates to the mental thinking body within the auric field. People with a tall gold flame tend to be very stimulated intellectually and are intelligent in a traditional, mental way. Most Spiritual Teaching stresses that you can not get beyond a certain level on the spiritual path until you have balanced your threefold flame. If you misuse one of the three flames (willpower, wisdom or love) your power from the Holy Spirit into your 4 body system is reduced, until you have just enough light to keep your physical body alive. For example, some people have determination and will power, but don't have the wisdom of how to use it for the greater good or to use it without hurting or controlling others. Others have great intellectual understanding, but who lack the ability to get anything done . You also see some people who can easily express love, but end up in codependent relationships because they do not have the power or wisdom to say no. Once your threefold flame is balanced between power, wisdom and love, you can expand your threefold flame into a sevenfold flame that expresses the full potential of your I AM Presence on all seven sacred fires of the Holy Spirit. It is recommend that you do certain exercises designed to open the chakras in order for you to receive a higher frequency of Sacred Fire. For example, Yoga or Tai Chi moves correspond to different chakras, so people may do these exercises while intending to take in a sacred fire color." from: |
May 2024