OCEAN MIGRATION, CETUS CELESTIAL GATEWAY, WHALE SONG SOLAR ECLIPSEWhales, Whales, Whales Whales Why are we all seeing whales? Multidimensional Reasons abound! Let’s explore 3 of these multi-d influences…. OCEAN MIGRATION, CETUS CELESTIAL GATEWAY, WHALE SONG SOLAR ECLIPSE OCEAN MIGRATION Whales are returning to our shores, in their migration patterns northward for summer feeding grounds. Whales are on the MOVE! In my area, we are blessed to have the Right Whales return to our shores in April. They come to feed and frolic in our beloved Cape Cod Bay – a safe haven- comparatively to open ocean - and a great spring spot for Momma Baby whale pairs. With less than 400 of these beings left in our oceans, each pair is a treasure! CETUS CELESTIAL GATEWAY CETUS – The Whale Constellation The Sun is passing along the back of Cetus, the Whale Constellation right now. CETUS, the Whale, also referend to as sea monster or sea serpent, and is also known as the Dragon Fish. It is located on the Celestial Equator, adjacent to Pisces. Because the ecliptic (line of the zodiac) and the celestial equator are so close together near the equinox point – many planets and often the moon do move through Cetus. The sun grazes across the boundary line, as if it is riding the back of the whale! We bring special awareness to Cetus A/Messier 77 - a huge player in the Cetus Constellation. A barred spiral galaxy, like our Milky Way. Of major “note” Cetus A has an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and is a strong source of radio emissions. Not all galaxies do this, so this one is “broadcasting”. A galaxy that is “turned on” and broadcasting from its center, emits a huge jet that travel deep and far into intergalactic space. If we (earth) are facing this jet, we are on the receiving end of the signal, and then these AGN are called radio galaxies, quasars or blazars. There is a strong link here, the emitting active galaxies and the whale song. Even portrayed and coded for us in the Star Trek movie, The Voyage Home. Maybe the whales, in addition to all they do for us here on earth, are singing and communicating with distant galaxies. Whales awaken for us our own ability to “sing our soul song”. The broadcast our signals HOME – to our star systems of origin. Thank you whales, we LOVE you so!!!!
WHALE ENCODED SOLAR ECLIPSE IN THE CETUS GATEWAY Solar Eclipse on April 19/20 – Eclipse peaks at 12:12 am EST on April 20 12:12 is quite an auspicious time marker! 12:12 on 4/20 The position of the Sun and Moon when they meet in the sky and the moon eclipses the sun is right near the throat of Cetus and M77 - CETUS A. Cetus, the Whale or Sea Dragon Constellation contains a barred spiral galaxy. This Galaxy (M77) is a strong radio source. It broadcasts massive codes from its supermassive black hole. This Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), positioned like it is in the throat of Cetus, codes like WHALE SONG. This eclipse is going to be an amazing opportunity to SING YOUR CREATION SONG. What kind of life, what kind of world do YOU want to sing and speak into creation?? It's TIME!!
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VENUS WITH PLEIADES, The Hathors SingThe Ecliptic (the path of the sun and the planets across the sky) passes through the constellation Taurus, and right between two star clusters The Pleiades (M45) & The Hyades (M25) and Aldebaran. They form pillars or guardians on each side of the ecliptic, creating a gateway. In April 2023, Venus is moving across the sky through this gateway. Venus enters the Taurus constellation on April 7 Then moves closer to the Pleiades each night, making a close approach April 9 – 15 Look to the western sky at or just after sunset, and sparkling Venus will dominate the sky. As the twilight sky darkens, other stars will emerge into view. Further to the left you will see bright Sirius, and between Sirius and Venus is Orion. Best viewing of Venus and The Pleiades is after the sky turns dark, early evening. They set by 10:30 pm. You can see with your naked eyes, but a set of binoculars or telescope will enhance the details. I took these pictures with my iPhone on April 9, 2023. The Planet Venus transmits the codes of the Hathors. The Hathors are masters of sound and tone. They communicate through vibration and frequency. They made themselves known to me in 2017, and we have been spending time together since. They have guided me to expand my own vocal toning capabilities. When we remember about sound technologies used by ancient civilizations on our planet, we are remembering and revealing Hathor sound and light technologies. This channel of information came through me in my initiation phase with the Hathor Collective in May 2017: “We are the beings of pure light, radiance and luminosity. We live/originate in a universe far removed from your own. Removed in space and time and dimension. We entered your universe through the portal at Sirius. From there we traveled to your solar system and felt most at home vibrationally with Venus, so there we set up a base. We live there still, and have been waiting for you to notice, remember and communicate with us. As beings of pure light and vibration, it takes subtle skills for humans to see and hear us. We realized the interface between our light and your embodiment was through the sound current. We have several channels on earth at this time who can hear us clearly and send our messages. Seek them out. We are here for you and have been thru time and space for eons.” Read the full text, along with a sound code Hathor transmission here: https://www.innerspacevoyages.com/blog/the-hathors Tom Kenyon is a phenomenal Hathorian Communicator, and has paved the way for so many of us, I will direct you to his website for more amazing intel, and include an excerpt below from his page “Who Are the Hathors”. https://tomkenyon.com/who-are-the-hathors “We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart. We are your elder brothers and sisters. We have been with you for a very long period of your evolution on this planet. We were with you in eons past – even in the forgotten days before any trace of us is known in your present written history. Our own nature is energetic and interdimensional. We originally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceeded to your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus. In the past we have specifically worked with and through the Hathor fertility goddess of ancient Egypt. We also made contact with Tibetan lamas in the formative period of Tibetan Buddhism. Although we have interacted with some of Earth’s early cultures, we are an intergalactic civilization with outposts that span parts of your known Universe and beyond. We are what you might term an ascended civilization – a group of beings existing at a specific vibratory field, even as you have an energy signature. It is simply that we vibrate at a faster rate than you. Nonetheless, we are all part of the mystery, part of the love that holds and binds all the universe together. We have grown as you have grown, ascending to the One Source of all that is. We have grown in joy and through sorrow, as have you. We are, in terms of the vastness, a little higher on the spiral of awareness and consciousness than you are; therefore, we can offer you what we have learned as friends, mentors and fellow travelers on the path that leads back to remembrance of All That Is.” Read more: https://tomkenyon.com/who-are-the-hathors The very best way to connect to the Hathors is via their sound coding. This video conveys a video I recorded of the flashing rainbow light of Venus & the Pleiades (faint and above to the right) – set to vocal toning of the Hathors. November 11, 2022 |
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Polar Opposites.. And they spin in opposite directions.
And, if they were to be compared or modeled after electrons orbiting a nucleus- sun as nucleus, planets as orbiting electrons (solar system as model of an atom) – these two electrons would be opposite spin rates.
Spin creates magnetism, and an electron pair is a neutral field, where the spins balance each other out to neutral.
Today is a day to state clearly what works for you, and what does not.
It is a day to establish clear steady boundaries for your personal space.
It is a day to declare what you will tolerate and what does not belong in your field, your inner space.
Then, call forth in your field zero point, balance point, harmonious relation.
Within your space, establish balance and harmony.
And in addition, create a neutral center place.
From this neutral you can spin in either direction, you can be comfortable in either field.
Up or Down
Left or Right
+ or -
You can hold a state of oneness and neutrality by embodying both at once.
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