Moon “Eclipses” Pleiades
Jan 9, 2025 Lunar Occultation of M45 Moon Passes in front of the Pleiades tonight Starting around 7 pm EST and completing around 11 pm EST- the Moon passes across the Pleiades Star Cluster (M45) When the Moon passes in front of the sun, blocking our view from the earth’s surface, we call it an eclipse. A Lunar Occult is the same eclipse type phenomenon- with a star or a planet. The path of the Sun (the ecliptic) passes between The Hyades & Pleiades star clusters in the Taurus Constellation. Ancient skywatchers referred to this stargate, this passageway as “The Golden Gateway of rhe Ecliptic” Most often the Sun, Moon & Planets pass inside of this Golden Gateway. During certain times of the Lunar Cycle - the Moon passes directly in front of the Pleiades. This Now is one of those special alignment times. The Pleiades spark within us the light of our Star Essence - our embodiment as light. Many find these stars part of “our Star family” and close to humanity. The Moon occulting these stars brings a special peek at boo hide and seek focus and awareness. From my location on earth- Northeast USA- this pass by begins around 7 pm. Moon will cover over Electra, then Merope, Alcyone (three of the seven sister) - then mom & dad stars Atlas & Pleione. With the moon brightness, it can be hard to see the stars of the Pleiades cluster - and binoculars or telescope really aid the view. Our clouds just parted here - so I will be braving the frigid winds to catch a glimpse. Seeing with your eyes is just one way to enjoy the energies of this special alignment. You can tune in vibrationally - from anywhere- under any weather conditions. What song is the Moon & The Pleiades singing to your soul tonight? Star Dance. Celestial Celebration. Eclipse of some of the “Seven Sisters” - dancing with the Moon.
INNER SPACE VOYAGE: PLEIADES GATEWAY - SPRING 2023Pleiades Gateway - Spring 2023
Explore the Pleiades Gateway, and the astronomical alignments and Celestial Gateways and Starcodes unique to Spring 2023 We are having a lot of fun flowing our way through this Pleiades Gateway on our Inner Space Voyage platform. I am sharing some live time intel on the grids and gates and the information coming through for us. This is a tremendously powerful time - and so so much of the old, old timelines, old narratives, old ways of beating oneelf up are getting the bye bye escort OUT! Allowing the deepest darkest content and memory to flow out of your field and body, and keep your focus on the LIGHT - the NEW - the what you want to create in this NOW! I am so grateful to have a private - off facebook - off social media place to share with you all - there has never been a more important time for free and full sharing. I have a whole bunch of free share stuff on the Voyages Course platform, as well as a few paid offerings, like this one. I have two price points for our current gateway voyage - to allow access to all who desire to be there with us for this gateway. You can pay $44 or $12.12, your choice, you will be given those options when you register. I host us on Thinkific - and you do need to one time make an account there - and then you will have instant access to all of my free content (more every day) - and you can support Inner Space by signing on board for the paid stuff too. We greatly appreciate each one of you! Onboard with us here - I just updated a bunch of stuff from the last few days - it has been a deep dive and expansive ride! You will also have access to a zoom link for live time or replay anytime after - we are meeting up on Zoom Monday May 22 at 12 pm Noon EST Today the codes were singing of the STAR LIGHT BODY - becoming the star you are! I am very excited to share about this, as well as the ongoing integration of the Sun & Moon Discs within and without, as that was massively sparked by the New Moon Sun meeting in the Golden Gate on Friday May 19. That day was also a penetratingly deep purge of old - so this session will support it all, help us integrate it all. UNLOCKING THE KEYS FROM THE SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADITHE GOLDEN GATE OF THE ECLIPTIC Unlocking the KEYS from the SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADI My ancestors are from Malta (my birth name is Bonnici). The temples on Malta have been calling me very loud for many years. I feel like my natural proclivity for sound codes come from this lineage and DNA line of mine. One Maltese Temple in particular started projecting codes my way and calling to me super duper loud during this Mars Pleiades gateway. Tal Qadi Temple. In the ruins and wreckage of this ancient star temple was found an etched stone, that is thought to be a star map. This stone is considered by some to be the oldest astronomical tool or sky map, dated around 4,000 BC. The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching open star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since all planets as well as the moon and the sun always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all these seven orbiting bodies are regularly passing through the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. Uncovered on the Island of Malta in excavations of 1927 was an etched limestone tablet. Now known as The Sky Tablet of Tal-Qadi, this tablet is an ancient star map and astronomy tool. Used around 4000 BC, this sky map/tablet shows us the passage of the Sun, Moon and the five visible planets through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate of The Ecliptic also serves as a moon “observatory”. As the Moon passes through the gate over the year, it moves through its various phases. In fact, if you watch the moon pass through this gate through the 12 months of the year, it will highlight and showcase the progression of the moon through its phases. I continue researching on the building of stone archeoastronomy calendars and tracking of Lunar Standstills and how our ancestors used this gate as a marker to design these lunar calendar sites.
There is a correlation between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and this temple on Malta. All three sites sit around the 36th longitude parallel. They all hold some crystalline coding along this parallel, and there is a correlation between the astronomical observation point of the Tal-Qadi temple on Malta, and the astronomical alignment stones set to mark the lunar standstill cycles in Chaco Canyon. SUN WITH THE PLEIADES : CONJUNCTION & STAR CODESThe Pleiades, or “Seven Sisters” is a star cluster of hundreds of stars that has captured humankind attention since ancient days. Because of where it sits on the ecliptic, it is visible for much of the year. The brightest 7-9 brightest members of this star family trace out what looks like a "little dipper" - seen best through binoculars or telescope. When the sun moves into the constellation Taurus every spring, the Pleiades become invisible to us on earth, as the stars are lost from sight into the glare of the sun - in conjunction. The stars rise and set with the sun like this for about a month (30-40 days). The last evening where you can see the Pleiades setting in the twilight darkening sky is called the heliacal setting. Similarly, the morning that the Pleiades are visible rising in the morning sky is the heliacal rising. (Helios = Sun, heliacal = with the sun). These stars are now conjuncting, or lining up with, the sun in the sky. That means, that the sun gets a “boost” of light from these stars, and that the light coming to earth from the sun also contains light and codes from this star cluster. Energetically during this time the Pleiades star are merged and delivered on and with the Rays of the Sun. Those of us that work with, anchor and conduct light and light codes onto planet earth, know that this time of sun aligned with celestial body is an extra special potent time to work with the information and light codes from the stars. The Pleiades with Sun Gateway runs from early/mid May until early/mid June. It varies slightly depending where on earth you observe from, and your local surrounding matter too - light levels and landscape factor in. Here at my longitude and latitude the period of Sun and Pleiades alignment in the sky began this week, around May 13 and runs through early June, when the Pleiades rises before dawn and becomes visible again. We are here in the Pleiades Gateway Now Drink it in, rise up to meet it, pay attention to the messages. It is a potent time! The Sun moved into the Taurus Constellation on Monday May 15 - and will flow along the section of the sky demarked as Taurus the Bull. Within Taurus, is a Gateway, very recognizable in the sky. The Golden Gate between the Pleiades & Hyades Star Clusters. May 18 - Moon Conjuncts Uranus - Sun enters Pleiades Gateway May 19 - New Moon & Sun with the Pleiades - Sun & Moon within the Golden Gate May 20 - Sun inches closer to Pleiades, dark Moon visits horns of the Bull of Taurus May 21 ~ Sun with the Seven Sisters ~ Sun Conjunct Pleiades May 22 - Sun Conjuncts Pleiades ~ Crescent Moon near Venus May 23 - Sun with Star Mother, Earth Father: Pleione & Atlas May 24 - Sun in The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic: Between The Pleiades & Hyades May 25 - Sun with Hyades & Aldebaran VENUS WITH PLEIADES, The Hathors SingThe Ecliptic (the path of the sun and the planets across the sky) passes through the constellation Taurus, and right between two star clusters The Pleiades (M45) & The Hyades (M25) and Aldebaran. They form pillars or guardians on each side of the ecliptic, creating a gateway. In April 2023, Venus is moving across the sky through this gateway. Venus enters the Taurus constellation on April 7 Then moves closer to the Pleiades each night, making a close approach April 9 – 15 Look to the western sky at or just after sunset, and sparkling Venus will dominate the sky. As the twilight sky darkens, other stars will emerge into view. Further to the left you will see bright Sirius, and between Sirius and Venus is Orion. Best viewing of Venus and The Pleiades is after the sky turns dark, early evening. They set by 10:30 pm. You can see with your naked eyes, but a set of binoculars or telescope will enhance the details. I took these pictures with my iPhone on April 9, 2023. The Planet Venus transmits the codes of the Hathors. The Hathors are masters of sound and tone. They communicate through vibration and frequency. They made themselves known to me in 2017, and we have been spending time together since. They have guided me to expand my own vocal toning capabilities. When we remember about sound technologies used by ancient civilizations on our planet, we are remembering and revealing Hathor sound and light technologies. This channel of information came through me in my initiation phase with the Hathor Collective in May 2017: “We are the beings of pure light, radiance and luminosity. We live/originate in a universe far removed from your own. Removed in space and time and dimension. We entered your universe through the portal at Sirius. From there we traveled to your solar system and felt most at home vibrationally with Venus, so there we set up a base. We live there still, and have been waiting for you to notice, remember and communicate with us. As beings of pure light and vibration, it takes subtle skills for humans to see and hear us. We realized the interface between our light and your embodiment was through the sound current. We have several channels on earth at this time who can hear us clearly and send our messages. Seek them out. We are here for you and have been thru time and space for eons.” Read the full text, along with a sound code Hathor transmission here: Tom Kenyon is a phenomenal Hathorian Communicator, and has paved the way for so many of us, I will direct you to his website for more amazing intel, and include an excerpt below from his page “Who Are the Hathors”. “We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart. We are your elder brothers and sisters. We have been with you for a very long period of your evolution on this planet. We were with you in eons past – even in the forgotten days before any trace of us is known in your present written history. Our own nature is energetic and interdimensional. We originally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceeded to your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus. In the past we have specifically worked with and through the Hathor fertility goddess of ancient Egypt. We also made contact with Tibetan lamas in the formative period of Tibetan Buddhism. Although we have interacted with some of Earth’s early cultures, we are an intergalactic civilization with outposts that span parts of your known Universe and beyond. We are what you might term an ascended civilization – a group of beings existing at a specific vibratory field, even as you have an energy signature. It is simply that we vibrate at a faster rate than you. Nonetheless, we are all part of the mystery, part of the love that holds and binds all the universe together. We have grown as you have grown, ascending to the One Source of all that is. We have grown in joy and through sorrow, as have you. We are, in terms of the vastness, a little higher on the spiral of awareness and consciousness than you are; therefore, we can offer you what we have learned as friends, mentors and fellow travelers on the path that leads back to remembrance of All That Is.” Read more: The very best way to connect to the Hathors is via their sound coding. This video conveys a video I recorded of the flashing rainbow light of Venus & the Pleiades (faint and above to the right) – set to vocal toning of the Hathors. Seven hathors ~ seven Sisters ~ The PleiadesTHE SEVEN HATHORS OF THE CELESTIAL HERD (aka The Pleiades) THE SEVEN HATHORS ~ THE SEVEN SISTERS ~ THE PLEIADES The ancient Egyptians were master astronomers and observers of the night sky. Tracking the movements of the sun, moon, stars and planets they developed a calendar system of timekeeping. They based this calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius and devised a method of telling time during the night, a method based on the heliacal risings of 36 stars, a star for each 10-degrees segment of the 360-degrees zodiac circle. One important seasonal marker in this zodiac was easily recognizable by its distinctive star clusters, the V of the Hyades and the bright red orange Aldebaran, and the star cloud of the Pleiades/Seven Sisters (looking like a mini big dipper). The ecliptic, the path of the sun & moon in the sky, passes right between these clusters, through what we now refer to as the constellation Taurus, The Bull. In ancient Egypt the Pleiades Star Cluster was known as "The Celestial Herd". Seven Goddesses, represented by seven cows, composed the celestial herd that provides divine nourishment to humans. This herd is observed in the sky as a group of stars, that we now call the Pleiades, close to Aldebaran & the Hyades in the Taurus constellation. This Celestial Herd was linked to the Goddess Hathor. In Egyptian mythology, Hathor is the goddess of the sky, and in her form as the celestial cow provides sustenance and life to humanity. Cosmic Womb, Cosmic Mother Hathor is actually two words, Het-hor, which is commonly translated as “house of Horus“. The first part--Het, translated as “house”, has a deeper meaning…. COSMIC WOMB the womb as a Matrix within which something originates, takes form, and develops into full maturity. The womb provides nourishment and protection. As such, Hethor provides both nourishment and protection. She is also worshipped in the form of "Seven Hathors”: these seven goddesses are the Pleiades shining in the sky, usually represented by seven cows, often associated with a bull, as a heaven herd providing the nourishment, milk, bread and beer, in the Underworld. As the Seven Hathors, she was the goddess often present at birth and when the soul leaves earth for the afterlife. The Egyptian book of the Dead names these Seven Hathors, and we have placed them in the grid of the star cluster, associating one with a “sister” – one with each of the 7 primary stars of the cluster. The Seven Hathors of the Celestial Herd (as named in the Egyptian Book of the Dead) Lady of the Universe Sky-storm The hidden one, presiding over her place You, from Khemmis Red-hair Bright Red Your Name prevails over the West Associated with both the Goddess Hathor, and “The Hathors” – the milk symbolized the stars in the milky way, and as the seven cows pour their nourishing milk, represents the seven stars streaming the light of the milky way down our galactic arm to our solar system. Milky Way as source of Life!
Resources and Sources: (1) The Pleiades: The Celestial Herd of Ancient Timekeepers Amelia Sparavigna Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy (2) WATCHERS OF THE PLEIADES: ETHNOASTRONOMY AMONG NATIVE CULTIVATORS IN NORTHEASTERN NORTH AMERICA by Lynn Ceci Department of Anthropology C.U.N.Y. Queens College (3) Gods of Egypt: (4) Egyptian Wisdom Center |
May 2024