LIGHT CORRIDORS (PART 2 of 2) I have been shown this travel corridor or bridge of information streams and in the night sky very distinctly this winter. It originates from the horn of the Monoceros (Unicorn) constellation and streams a rainbow light travel path up and over the constellation Orion directly to the Pleiades (The Seven Sisters). I made this crystal grid this morning to depict this unicorn rainbow star light code pathway . ![]() Unicorn Orion Pleiades Star Andara Grid If we look along the pathway of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, this light travel corridor makes good “astronomical sense”, as the Pleiades (Messier 45) are quite close to our solar system, close neighbors galactically. And the Rosette Nebulae and the Cone Nebulae (both part of the Monoceros constellation) are deeper towards the galactic center along the Orion Arm.
Many of us have been hearing a LOT from the Unicorns and from the Pleiades. And seeing and hearing a lot of Rainbows. I would love to chat with you about how this shows itself to you, what kind of info or memory this sparks in you. Follow the rainbow trail…from the unicorn horn over Orion to and through the Pleiades…right here to our Sun and through the sun’s light to us here on earth!
STAR CODES (PART 1 OF 2)Source Codes emanate from the core of our galaxy. If you picture a “big bang” and a whole slew of stars being birthed into light and existence…and if that core that “popped” in the big bang was spinning through space…the stars would distribute themselves in spiral lines. It would look a lot like this: Light is information. This light/info is transmitted down the arms of our spiral galaxy to our solar system star, Solaris, The Sun. You can think of it as the stars and celestial objects act like neighbors. They recognize and communicate with each other. They speak with common language. Our Solar System is located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Star codes are light codes, photon streams, light information from the stars themselves. I have been working with and receiving star codes directly from glowing bodies in the night sky. You too can “download” star codes by connecting with what you see above you in the night sky. Sit or lay down under the stars, let yourself be open with heart and mind, and relax into the flow. I do a lot of looking at star charts and constellation guides and studying the shapes and the flows of the stars and galaxies. Reading many space articles and news updates. I get a lot of information remotely through astral travel and in dreams. In the field I rely on an iPhone app called SkySafari (just the one I use, there are so many good star constellation apps). This one, you can point it up to the sky and you will tell you what you are looking at Star love and rapture and massive elation and happiness has been with me my whole life. In the last several years as I started becoming more conscious of the gridwork and gatekeeping skills I inherently posses, and as my roles started expanding and evolving, I have received info from a whole array and long list of night sky objects. Some influential communicators and personal favorites include: Orion (Rigel, Betelgeuse, Belt Stars) Orion Nebulae Sirius Hyades Aldebaran Procyon Rosette Nebula Monoceros Pleiades Beehive Cluster Cygnus North American Nebula A few years ago, I kept getting nudges about “our galactic arm”. I had seen the distribution system of energy/prana/light through the universe, re broadcasting itself through every galactic center and every star and nebulae. I had a super fun ah-ha moment when I looked up the “members” of the Orion Spiral Arm of the Milky Way. Here is the Wikipedia link: ALL of the list from above are in the Orion Arm. It confirms for me that direct knowing that the encoded information of life travels and distributes out along the cosmic photonic streams of stars. |
May 2024