Mercury and New Moon and Meteors, OH MY!We sit now on the threshold of an amazing opportunity to align with and anchor in tremendous light. Our planet, our solar system, our galaxy are all in alignment astronomically to receive another powerful transmission of light and knowledge. Light is information. It is knowledge. It is a stream of photons, bundles of energy. It is a wave, a flow, a river of data through time and space. Most likely the computer you are reading this on is powered by fiber optics, signals transmitted by light. Light codes are just that, information & energy transmissions. We get light codes daily from the sun. We get light codes reflected off the moon, off the waters and clouds. From raindrops and rainbows. From the stars and planets. There are particular astronomical alignments that place the earth in just the perfect way to receive light code transmissions from within our solar system, from other starts in our Milky Way galaxy, and from further away - near and distant star systems and galaxies. This summer, and in particular this week, we are experiencing these alignments in our solar system. Wed August 8 – Sun Conjuncts Mercury While moving in retrograde, backwards, mercury flows over the face of the sun, to remind us to recalibrate our communications systems, both in thought pattern and with the world around us All Week – Sun and the star Sirius rise together at dawn An amplification of light codes, one of the brightest stars in our galactic neighborhood, Sirius, is in line with the sun and mercury in the dawn sky. When these stars rise together on the horizon, we get a “boost” of energy we can use to upgrade. Saturday August 11 - New Moon with partial Solar Eclipse New Moon this month is aligned is such a way that earth receives a partial solar eclipse. Visible in Artic and Northern latitudes, and felt by all. This is the close of our eclipse cycle which began in July, the third in this lunar month. Very much affecting us all. Inner cleanout and re-examination of all that you may have “kept in the dark” from yourself. Also another supermoon! Supermoons happen when the moon is at closest point to the earth (perigee). All Week – with Peak August 12 & 13 – Perseid Meteor Showers You can catch your best glimpse looking Northeast, after midnight, best in the few hours before dawn. All week, with peaks expected the nights and pre-dawns of Aug 12 & 13. The Perseid meteors happen around this time every year, as Earth in its orbit crosses the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. Bringing us codes from far beyond our solar system. When the earth moves through a debris field, some of the rocks touch the atmosphere and burn up. We see this as “shooting stars”, as a meteor shower. The light that is given off from this exchange showers us with photons, little bundles of light. These photons act as messengers, as information bundles. They deliver Light Codes. Right into your pineal gland, and your crystalline body, your DNA, your bones. In addition to these solar lunar earth alignments, we have a galactic alignment unfolding at the very same time. Just as our planet orbits around the sun, our solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy. On earth, we pay attention to solstice and equinox to mark the progression of our orbit. We see directly that where we are in relation to the sun governs our seasons and weather and these cycles are the driving force for our daily lives here on earth. The solar system, in it’s orbital pathway around the center of the galaxy, also undergoes similar “seasons” or cycles. The galactic center is a source of light. It is the birthplace of stars. You might even say every star in our galaxy is a transmission of this central light (including Solaris, our sun). Our sun is the core of our solar system, how all life and light and warmth are provided via its rays. Life on earth depends on it. In a similar way the galaxy depends on the Galactic Core, for source light and life. The way our solar system is tilted in relation to the galactic equator sets us up for an annual alignment and “boost” of light and source codes from the galactic center. We are in that gateway of alignment now. The ancient Egyptians referred to this gateway as Lion’s Gate, as the Sun moves into Leo, the Lion. It happens around mid July – mid August. These alignments are not a single day, they span several weeks, as you feel the influence as we move into and out of the alignment corridor. So friends, play, enjoy, download, frolic, and remember, you are building a better world, from the inside out!!
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To Infinity and Beyond...August 8, 2018
To Infinity and Beyond….. I am embracing this hot summer day and the way the solar rays have been pounding us here on Earth. How you feelin’? Feeling HOT HOT HOT! Today is a numerical code day August 8, 8/8, eight day of the eight month. I am calling today a double infinity portal. The energies of today support activating your pineal gland to receive a supercharged flow of photonic light codes. Here is a light language drawing I made last night. I keep seeing the double eights in two directions intertwined with each other… The Sun Conjunct The Beehive ClusterThe Sun Conjunct the Beehive Cluster – July 27, 2018 When the sun moves through the Zodiac Sign of Cancer during late June through late July, it encounters and lines up with our closest star nebulae neighbor. The Beehive Cluster is a group of over 1,000 stars, connected by gravitation pull to each other. This star cluster is one of our nearby neighbors. In the Orion spiral Arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Right down the road in galactic terms. I have been working closely for the last year with a local sacred stone chamber site. It’s origins remain mysterious, but the info that has been gathered points to it being an astronomical alignment calendar site. The chamber is aligned to the setting summer solstice sun, as well as other stellar setting alignments. I have been doing a lot of fun “field work” with this chamber this summer season. This stone chamber is of classic “beehive” domed construction, much like the beehive chambers in Ireland. I use some modern technology - like apps on my iPhone such as the Google Earth, the compass, and a sky watching app called Sky Safari - coupled with energy awareness, meditation and contemplation, and deep respect and honor for the builders, ancient users and guardians of the site – and of course some good ol’ paper and reading research, books, local libraries and particularly illuminating google searching. With this combined multi-dimensional research and field work, I encountered the awesome info - via my sky app on my phone – and being in the right place at the right time with the right tools. I noticed that the Beehive Star cluster (in the constellation Cancer) was very very close to the sun. The Skyfari App has this awesome “time” feature where you can fast forward or rewind through time and watch the sun and stars and planets move across the sky. Standing at the mouth of the opening of this chamber, looking through time and space, I found that the Beehive Cluster was going to exact conjunct the sun on Friday July 27, 2018. Same day that lots of other exciting astronomical alignments were also happening (that day we had a lunar eclipse and full moon and Mars Moon Earth Sun alignment). Wowza. Knowing somehow that this is VERY significant for this sacred site, for me personally, for the region I live in, and the planetary energy grids as a whole, and the global collective consciousness, I dug much deeper into the “what, how and why”. As an astronomy geek from way back, I was at first surprised I had not ever really heard of this star cluster. It first came into my awareness last year. So I went into research mode, trying to find out particularly what the Native star watchers and shamans might have known about this cluster. I have a ton of info, and would be so glad to elaborate and share much more with anyone who wants to chat about it…but knowing you have busy lives and only so much time to read this, I will summarize the important points….. The Beehive Cluster is associated with the pineal gland in the human body. This association comes from the fact that in the midheaven (or top of the circle) of a traditional astrology wheel or chart, we have the zodiac sign of cancer. Also, the location of the star cluster in relation to the body of the crab (as drawn by the stars) appears to be in the “forehead” of the crab. I have also deduced that these beehive stone chambers were used as temples of sound. For vocal toning and chanting. The monks in Ireland built many temples and dwellings and spaces of worship out of this corbelled dry stack stone beehive shape. One article I read talked about them being able to hold 10-12 monks standing shoulder to shoulder in a circle. While the article did not state this, I got the strong and clear message that these chambers were used for (among other things) chanting. Vocal toning. Sound healing resonating chambers. I decided the most potent thing I could do was go to the chamber and tone, on the 27th, when the Beehive Star cluster was in conjunction with the Sun. To honor this sacred site with a return to its intended use (one of them, for it has many many functions). In doing so, I have recorded a few things to share with you. One is a recording of the toning I did on Friday July 27. Click below to listen.... The other is an audio recording I did back at home…when I realized that I have a beehive chamber I carry around with me everywhere I go. My SKULL. And the chanting, while fun to do at the chamber, is meant to be done for everyone everywhere. Done by anyone that wants to re-activate their pineal gland. Open their third eye and their sense of intuition and inner knowing. Their ability to see (and hear) through multi-dimensions. I am in process with designing some in person and on-line gatherings to share this awesome illuminating fun activity. So look for that in the near future. Wanted to introduce this topic, share some insight, and these tones and frequencies with you today. For your use and enjoyment and re-activation.
I also got a strong message that the work I have been doing quietly for the last year with this site is ready to be publicly talked about and shared. I posted my first “public” thing about it from the field in front of the chamber on Friday July 27. And on that same day I got tremendous feedback from so many directions. It was and is astounding. I have a lot more fun and powerful stories to share about this. For now I leave you with this “juicy nugget” of connection, between a neighboring cluster of stars, our sun, and our planet, sweet Mother Earth. May light and truth and awareness and clarity reign for all!! And if you are looking for a few reference points, here are a few good articles. I also wrote up a blog post about what it means for the sun to conjunct something. Also dated August 1, 2018, so the one right before this. :-) The Sun & The Ecliptic PAthThe Sun travels on a predictable path, as seen here from the surface of earth. This sun pathway is called the ecliptic. This 360 degree circle is divided into 12 pieces (like a pizza pie). Each “slice” or section is associated with one of the constellations of the zodiac. These constellations have been deemed important by every ancient culture on earth. When people spent more of their time outdoors, and under the night sky, the movements of the stars and planets was an integral part of how they kept track of the passing of time, and the seasons. Tracking the stars and the planets and the sun and moon functioned as a “calendar” and the cycles of seasons and how the stars told of these cycles functioned as signals and markers to every ancient culture on earth.
Each culture came up with their own stories and myths about these constellations. Told in parable form in oral history, so wisdom was preserved and passed on the the next and future generations. Although our modern indoor artificial light influenced lifestyle does not have us gathering by the fire to share stories every night, there are many of us that still cherish and find importance in these traditions. Although we have the luxury of beds and houses, we can still gather with friends and family and celebrate the night sky. The sun, since it is so much closer to earth than all of the other stars we see, seems to move faster along this pathway than the other stars and celestial bodies. The strongest link we have in this day to this ancient wisdom is astrology. It is widely used and “accepted” in society. We each most likely know our Sun Sign, which is the position along the ecliptic the sun was at at the exact time of your birth. Your natal chart is really a still snapshot of all of the planets, comets, moon, sun, etc at the time of your birth. The position of the planets and other bodies creates a strong “symbol” of the energies that were in play at the time of your birth. Sacred geometry meets gravity meets light and sound code transmissions. When the sun moves right in front of one of the celestial bodies it is said to conjunct that body. Or, another way to say that is that in lines up directly on that same spot on the ecliptic as the body. Because this sun is so bright, when the sun conjuncts another star or planet, we cannot see it here on earth. In effect, the sunlight “swallows up” the other body, and it disappears from the night sky. Ancient cultures not only noticed these annual cycles of sun and star constellations, they used them in a predictive calendar way to portend the coming of seasons. Of times where it was safe to take to the seas in ocean going vessels. Time when the frozen ground would be possible to till. And when it was safe from frost to plant crops. These were very important, as the life of the tribe and the families of the village depended on it for food and survival. When the sun conjuncts another star, or goes very close to aligning with it (as seen from here on earth) it can be though of as these two stars are combining power and light and force to shine extra brightly to earth. Lightworkers (folks who work with light and conducting it and anchoring it on earth) can use these time of conjunction to conduct and anchor light codes from each specific star and star system the sun lines up with. It is a major influence of what energy is streaming toward the earth on any given day. It is a “big deal” and will be influencing you daily and seasonally either in the background or in the forefront of your awareness. Why not work these energies in an aware fully conscious way to make the most out of them for your own evolution and spiritual journey, as well as for the collective consciousness of the planet? It’s also fun and inspiring! A great way to engage! |
May 2024