The Feathered Serpent ReAwakens
On Monday, May 25, a dear friend and fellow gridworker sent me this photograph. My immediate full field reaction was Quetzalcoatl !!! I myself had a close encounter of the communicative kind with a snake (or two) in my garden over the weekend. Either I had multiple snakes in my yard, or this one snake basically followed me around for several hours. He had a LOT to say to us. It was a Parseltounge moment for sure! We also saw the snake stalk, creep up on and swallow a HUGE nightcrawler worm whole. It was equally horrifying as it was amazing. The thing was like a third of the size of the snake. Gulp, down the hatch. This encounter, coupled with my friend’s light encoded light being in the clouds photo was a double sign, double confirmation. This is how we teamwork and download info and encoded wisdom from the Living Library of Light! Now, I have heard of this being Quetzalcoatl, and vaguely knew he was from stories from Central America and Mexico but did not know much more. Was he a bird turned into a snake? I quickly started receiving downloads on Quetzalcoatl, both energetic and light code info directly from source, and via some online research and reading. Yesterday the pieces all wove themselves together….and I want to share the intel with you! Points of my reading that grabbed my attention… The Feathered Serpent. The Rainbow. The Association with Venus. The tale of the two brothers, one as the Evening Star and one as the Morning Star. That Quetzalcoatl is the gatekeeper and conductor of Venus, as the planet transitions from a period of many months’ time being an evening star, bright in the night sky. To a period of us on earth not being able to see Venus. When Venus is “consumed” by the sun, when they are aligned in the same spot in the sky, also knows as a conjunction. Then Venus emerges as the Dawn Star. Many sacred temples in Mexico and Central America are aligned to the setting and rising cycles of Venus. There is power and importance here! The sacred site Teotihuacan, an ancient Mesoamerican city, on the outskirts of modern Mexico City, has a temple dedicated to Quetzalcoatl – the Feathered Serpent Pyramid. I reached out to another grid worker friend who has spent time in person grid working at many sites in Mexico. She confirmed and added puzzle pieces to the Teotihuacan and Feathered Serpent awakening story. We also noticed the lines of flow that run from the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, up through North America, to Niagara Falls, through the snake effigy rich fertile Ohio Valley, along the rivers. Niagara Falls was where this first picture was captured. The Snake effigy mounds in Ohio and the central plains of North America are all heavily involved in this current reawakening too. I saw the line of awakening light beam from the Feathered Serpent Pyramid site, up through the Arkansas crystal beds, up the side river valley towards the great lakes, in and through Ohio, and on up the way to Buffalo and beyond. There were many other rays and beams activating as well. The underground inner earth space energies are flowing so strong right now!! And VENUS. Venus is in the glare of the sun, and is in full conjunction, it’s orbital path passing between the earth and the sun on June 3, 2020.
BECOME A STAR - ACTIVATE YOUR STAR LIGHT BODY Central Sun at Core of the Galaxy – delivers source codes, light codes and they get distributed and rebroadcast by the stars along the spiral arms of the galaxy. Our spiral arm info flows through Sirius, Orion, Monoceros, the Hyades and the Pleiades. What is a star? It broadcasts LIGHT. In most every mythology around the world about the Pleiades Star cluster – the tales involved women or children, humans becoming stars. Their human form ascending into a being of LIGHT. Follow the lead of these “sisters” and pursue a path of light embodiment. Where you become part of the star broadcast network. LIGHT IT UP friends!! Let’s take a moment to discuss the Geometrical Shapes that govern the different Light Body phases/aspects. The Light Body is more than “one thing” – it is an evolving, complex, light structure. It has different aspects, phases, dimensions. Each one is shaped by a certain pattern, or underlying blueprint. Each is associated with and governed by a geometrical structure. Here I will outline three basic shapes, aspects or phases of the LIGHT BODY. TETRAHEDRON is a geometric shape also called a triangular pyramid, 4 equilateral triangles, one as the base, three as sides. Pyramids are electricity flow conductors, and generate torus shaped magnetic fields. This aspect or phase of the light body is often illuminated in the initial activation stages. When you have well developed and connected to your electromagnetic energy body, (nadis and chakras) – you are pointed to or shown another subtler level. The LIGHT BODY. Like the analogy of the light bulb. These fields are all nestled within each other. Read more here: DOUBLE TETRAHEDRON two tetrahedra stacked base to base, making a double. Associated with the DIAMOND LIGHT BODY phase and aspect. Like a jewel or gem, this takes the form of lattice crystalline structure. Under immense pressure, deep inside the earth, diamonds are formed. This phase of the LIGHT BODY, the DIAMOND light body is associated with multi-faceted crystalline diamond light, and a lot of rapid transformation, due to extreme “pressure” and molecular bonds. STAR TETRAHEDRON is formed when the two tetrahedrons interlock, merge and unify. The Upward facing triangular pyramid acts as the “incoming” receptor of universal, galactic and solar flow. The Downward facing pyramid is the outgoing radiant projector of the earth energy out to the cosmos. STAR LIGHT BODY
Your star light body geometrically is a star tetrahedron. Interwoven spinning tetrahedra. One Tetrahedron directs energy down from the universe to the earth plane (involution current) and one draws and directs energy up from the earth and broadcasts outward and upward (evolution current). One is yin/feminine/inward flow. One is yang/masculine/outward flow. Your Star Light Body is your Light Body vehicle. Using the energy and shape you can activate an energy field to transport your consciousness directly to higher realms. The word Merkaba comes from a Hebrew word which means "chariot", and when we look phonetically it means "light, spirit, body" from an ancient Egyptian translation. Mer = Light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = body. Another inspiring translation yields: Mer: rotating fields of light, Ka: spirit, and Ba: soul. Short form definition: Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals of energy (as with a strand of DNA), which transport spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another. Great additional reading and sources: Stargates and Star CodesWHAT IS A STARGATE?? STARGATES have multidimensional capabilities. They have many descriptions and uses. Stargates are many things to many people. Simply put, they are openings or corridors of light, information, and pathways of star codes. STAR CODES are light codes that come from a star. Most light codes ARE inherently star codes. The distinction is that codes that come from our home local star, Solaris, the sun are most often referred to as solar codes or sun codes or “just plain” light codes. Ya’ know, rainbow encoded sunlight! Our daily dose. The term Star Codes most often refers to light from stars that are far. Light from any other star that is not our sun. Connecting to star light codes is another aspect or “branch” of working with light codes. Solar Light Codes from our sun are descended from the sun to planet earth with the coding of the colors of the rainbow. We see these sun rays by day, and we work with the codes when the light shines through a cloud, or dances on water ripples or shines through a prism in the window, through raindrops. We work with light codes shining through glass or reflecting off a mirror or illuminating a crystal or Andara. Many of us use the diffusion filter of our own eyelashes to play with light codes. As well as our own bodies physical, energy and light bodies as conduits for conducting light. Star Codes are brought in a bit differently, or more subtly than sun codes. As the light is more of a pinpoint in the night sky. Simply gazing at the stars initiates a Star Code download. Spending time, in awe and awareness under the stars gets the job done. The stars tend to flash or sparkle extra when they are "talking" to you. Their coded language can include the visual of the star itself moving, or spinning, or pulsing and flashing. You might be called to investigate, to consult a star chart and learn which star being you are communing with. To read about the mythology or astronomy of a star. Ancestors would gather at night under the stars to dance and share stories. Many stones would be dedicated as the star watching rock. Blanket on the lawn at night is modern option. Any way you do it is the right way! Your awareness is the gate opener. Let the star light stream in! Types of or Uses of Stargates: Star Code Light Pathways Conjunctions and Alignments (of celestial bodies) Sacred Sites used to connect with Star Wisdom Locations for Star People to land/arrive to earth Travel Pathways (like wormholes) Places that you can use your light to receive star codes (and broadcast back) Some are “established” and relatively permanent and dependable (location wise). Some open and close as you work with them. Some are YOU, inside you, part of your Inner Space. Trees function as stargates. As do some temples, buildings, light-posts, church steeples, towers, flag poles, tall buildings, stone structures, etc. Stargates are used to work with Star Light Codes and multidimensional communication and travel. We HAve 15 more Evenings with Venus this SeasonVenus has been a dominant light in our evening sky since late last fall. The Diamond Light Codes have been SPECTACULAR. Inspiring so much in each one of us. On April 4, Venus moved into conjunction with the Pleiades, and that enacted the "diamond squeeze". I was shown that alignment date was going to be pivotal and important. And we would experience an incredible force and pressure of transformation. How is has unfolded for humanity this spring 2020 - well, it is safe to assume that ALL of humanity has experienced unprecedented in a lifetime amounts of pressure. This incredible squeeze is making a shift, as we can read in the nighttime sky and astronomical alignments.
This week, Venus Conjuncts Mercury. The sheer amount of incoming information, both on a human communication level (calls emails etc) and on a light code energetic level. The light the light the LIGHT from the sun is pure incredible these last many weeks!!! Venus conjuncts Mercury, the same day as the Sun conjuncts the Pleiades star cluster, and the New Moon joins them all in the constellation of Taurus. Taurus influences the human body, the muscles and joints, the "working grids" of the body. Many of us have heightened body sensations right now as part of this. If this is you (kind of intense random word body "stuff", please know this will pass and integrate, and you are in good company. Then as May moves along, Venus will set earlier and earlier. It will eventually (around June 3) catch up to and set with the sun. Venus conjuncts the Sun on June 4. One of these nights, in the next 15 nights, will be the last night you see Venus in the evening sky for quite a while. We have all gotten so used to the bright light of Venus. It might feel like a "whole new sky" when that Venus light is not with us at twighlight. Rest assured, Venus will return again. And in the meantime we get some transformative eclipse action (three in a row between June 5 and July 5 - more on that soon). Jupiter is slated to bring on a big night sky showing. And the ever prevalent Saturn Pluto alignments will unfold, culminating in December. We have a lot of waves to surf! I can only speak for myself, and say, I feel pretty "squeezed out" and welcome another phase. Thank you Diamond Coded Venus. Thanks for squeezing us so hard we feel like polished gems!!! We will enjoy you the next many nights, and look for you in the predawn sky in a few weeks. Have a nice cozy warm time in the sun glow! Sun Conjuncts Pleiades May 22Ancient cultures used this easily visible and distinguishable star cluster of the Pleiades to signify important seasonal markers, such as the spring equinox, the time to plant crops or the opening to seafaring season. In ancient myths, this was a time that these stars would descend into “the underworld” or below the horizon. Astronomically, we know that the Sun has caught up with the Pleiades on its annual path across the ecliptic, the travel path of the sun and planets. On May 22 the sun moves to conjunct the Pleiades Star cluster in the constellation Taurus. Pleiades are moving into the bright glare of the Sun, and rise and set with the sun, and for those of us viewing from planet earth they are not visible at night. When a star or planet lines up with the sun in our sky we say that they conjunct each other. During this time, the sun amplifies and sends codes from this star system to us on earth. We as gatekeepers conduct and welcome this energy and light and star encoded information into our own bodies, and then birth it onto earth and deliver it into the earth grids. I am sharing this info with you, so that if you are called, you can actively work with this PLEIADES STARGATE AND GATEWAY energy. Each of us will be called to work with the energy and star and sun light codes in different and unique ways. Simply sitting out in the sun, and making an intention to connect with the Sun and Pleiades is "doing it". You do it by being YOU. If you are called to draw, dance or move, sing or tone, work with crystals or andaras, all that is amazing too. Connect in, from your core, to the core of the sun, the core of each star. Amazing things will happen friends. You are the light conduit. You are the light anchor and pathway. You are a light conductor. Conduct away!!! From the Source of ALL - to the core of our galaxy, out to each star, including or sun, to you, into the earth. For those of us that are called to work with this Pleiades Stargate – here are the significant dates. (and always remember, we work with quantum light and energy grids, so dates are less important than intention)
PLEIADES GATEWAY Spring 2020 Significant Pleiades Alignments April 4: Venus Conjunct Pleiades – Diamond Activation – The Squeeze May 10-13: Heliacal Setting of the Pleiades The last visible setting of the Pleiades. The Pleiades “goes dark” or becomes invisible from earth from May 13 – June 4 MAY 13 - LAST HELIACAL SETTING OF THE PLEIADES MAY 13 - JUNE 4 PLEIADES SOLAR GATEWAY Pleiades are inside the glare of the sun and not visible for this time MAY 22 - SUN CONJUNCTS PLEIADES NEW MOON NEW MOON CONJUNCTS PLEIADES VENUS CONJUNCTS MERCURY JUNE 3 - SUN CONJUNCTS VENUS - Inferior Conjunction of Venus with the Sun is Exact on 3 Jun 2020 1:43:29 pm EDT in Gemini JUNE 4 - HELIACAL RISING OF PLEIADES - The Sun, Venus and Pleiades are in a line up - as Venus dances onto the other side of the solar plane - and at 4:07 am on June 4, the Pleiades peeks over the horizon in the predawn sky. JUNE 19 - MOON CONJUNCTS VENUS - The Moon moves between Earth and Venus, making a transit, and the moon is the sliver crescent moon, effectively "cupping" Venus as it rises at 4 am (EDT time). It happens within the Hyades, near Aldebaran. LAST HELIACAL SETTING OF THE PLEIADESGOODBYE PLEIADES......SEE YOU IN 40 DAYS
LAST HELIACAL SETTING OF THE PLEIADES MAY 13, 2020 (here in Massachusetts) From my westward viewing back porch, I noticed that here in my location, the Pleiades slipped out of view, and into the splendid haze of our sun. We will not be able to see the Pleiades for about 40 days in either or dark night or predawn sky. This astronomical alignment is called the last Heliacal Setting of a Star (or in this case a cluster of stars). This time of Sun Conjunct Pleiades I have labeled the Corridor of Pleiades Power. I noticed it began here on May 13. It is a very location specific thing. It depends on your longitude, latitude, and the lay of the land that you are looking from. This is a common and important alignment that many astronomical calendar sites are designed and built to mark. (like the one I live near in Upton, MA). Ancient Mediterranean seafaring cultures would use this setting to mark the start of safe ocean going journeys. Some cultures would mark the safe time to plant crops by this. And it is certainly and important Star Gate and Pleiadian Code "delivery" gateway. I have a blog post from last May that explains this in more detail: May 4, 2020 - Mercury Conjuncts SunMercury is moving into superior conjunction with the Sun today, and into tomorrow.
Seen here from earth, Mercury is lining up in the sky with the sun, and sliding behind the sun and out of view. This astronomical alignment is called a superior conjunction. So, for a day or two it is like the sun engulfs and consumes the other planetary body, and obscures and blocks us from seeing it directly. Mercury is the plant closest to the sun. It is “quicksilver”, as it moves fast, and orbits the sun in 88 days. Mercury has been associated with messenger energy, known in some cultures as the “messenger of the gods”. It is also associated with the mind, perception, learning, thought and reason, communication, wit, wisdom, expression, intellectual adaptability, eloquence, mental flexibility, easy integration of knowledge, diplomacy. The areas of the body Mercury is associated with are traditionally the lungs, the central nervous system, blood, arms, hands. Conjunctions offer us a strong flows of energy and communication. When two celestial bodies align in the sky, they amplify each other. The boost each other. Expect more Mercury energy and codes coming through the sun rays today and tomorrow. |
May 2024