Mother Sun ~ Cosmic Birther ~ Venus Conjunction ~ Rising as Dawn Star 🌟 Birth of LIGHT 💫MOTHER SUN
The Sun As Mother Gives Birth to her children The Planets They orbit around her, for she emanates the LIGHT of LIFE From our vantage point on earth, with our naked eyes, we can see the light of these brother and sister planets. They are pinpoint brilliant lights in the sky. This planetary light, is a reflection of Sun LIGHT. As we look to the skies, we see each of our sibling planets visit and join with Mother Sun regularly. Astronomers call these visits conjunctions. During a visit/conjunction, the planets are embraced fully by the mother sun glow, and become part of the daytime light. Not something we see at night. Right now, Venus is in the embrace of the Mother Sun. When Venus and Mother Sun get together, they beam brightly the codes of LIGHTBIRTHER Venus as Cosmic Mother Sun as Cosmic Grandmother Mother Sun provides a flow of Life Force - Prana Heat - Warmth Nourishment Fire- Sight - Rainbow Illumination Mother Sun is a Plasma Birther, a Light Birther Bubbling forth with flares, plasma waves, and solar codes Venus as Cosmic Birther Learns much from Mother Sun during this conjunction visit And the cycle begins again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` A Venus Cycle begins with Venus as a prominent evening star. It begins a period of retrograde motion that lasts for about 40 days, the midpoint a conjunction with the sun. It sets closer and closer to sunset until it joins the sun in the sky and becomes invisible to us for a period of 8 days. During this transformative 8 days in the dark primal creation field of the underworld, Venus makes a shift from evening to morning star. When seen again on the eastern horizon at dawn, she is rebirthed as The Cosmic Divine Mother aspect. For 9 months Venus rises before the Sun in her morning star phase. During this part of the cycle, we can consider her in Dawn Star Mother Mode. Gestating Life within. Note that the length of time of this phase of the Venus cycle correlates to the length of time of human gestation. As you embody this Venus cycle process, you may become “impregnated” with new LIGHT. Holding new light in your cosmic womb is a sacred act. The Rise of Venus as Dawn Star on the eastern horizon signals the go window to BIRTH your visions and inspirations, to birth your NEW LIGHT. LIGHTBIRTHERS are we!
Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers are a night sky phenomenon that sparks the human soul with awe and wonder. To catch a glimpse of the fleeting light streak across the dark sky – takes your breath away, brings a squeal of delight and opens your heart to playful joy. Part of that sparkle of joy from a “shooting star” is your human reaction to the influx of light nourishment your light body is receiving. Every particle of light you encounter interfaces with you and your light body. The rare special treat of seeing a meteor/shooting star is like a delicious treat, a morsel of yummy star light! We have to thank mom & pop comet for the brilliant gifts of the meteor showers. Comets give birth to meteors. Comets are dirty snowballs, a bundle of ice and dust left over from the formation of our solar system. They spend most of their time in icy cold deep space, where they exist in solid state. When they get closer to the sun, they begin to melt and change and break apart. As they propel through space, they leave a particle stream in their wake. That debris stream lingers long after the comet has moved on, in fact, the comet adds to it each time it visits the inner solar system. Our planet is also orbiting around the sun – and at certain points in our earth orbit we intersect comet debris trails. When the earth atmosphere grazes these chunks some of the rocks get enough friction to ignite and burn up. We see this as “shooting stars”, as a meteor shower. These meteors are light codes being delivered from the comet to us on earth. The light that is given off from this exchange showers us with photons, little bundles of light. These photons act as messengers, as information bundles. They deliver Light Codes. Right into your pineal gland, and your crystalline body, your DNA, your bones. How To Receive This Starlight Nourishment You are doing this right now. Opening your awareness to this phenomenon and energy flow is like opening a massive doorway, saying you are ready to receive. This light nourishment happens at a cellular and atomic level, within your physical body and your energy field. It is a quantum activation of your light body. Yes, catching a glimpse of a shooting star is a direct transmission. AND this process is still happening to everyone on earth, sightings unseen too. We are within the orbital debris field of the comet, so this particle grazing and light activation is happening during the daylight, and while you are asleep in your bed too. Your eye is not the only receiver. You have many. They are always operational. And they respond to your attention and will strengthen and expand as your turn your attention to receiving the flow of meteoric light. Perseid Meteor Showers - All Week – with Peak August 12 & 13
The Perseid meteors happen around this time every year, as Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. You can catch your best glimpse looking Northeast, after midnight, best in the few hours before dawn. All week, with peaks expected the nights and pre-dawns of Aug 12 & 13. Swift-Tuttle is about 16 miles in diameter. It orbits the sun once every 133 years and comes within 84,000 miles of Earth (closer than the moon). I also pay attention to the outer reaches of a comet orbit, as the comet acts like a “delivery system” of content from that part of space. Swift-Tuttle travels in a large oval shaped path from beyond Pluto, likely from the Oort Cloud (a theorized cloud of icy matter/space stuff surrounding our solar system) - spanning a path of connection between the Oort cloud and us here on earth! It brings with it codes and information from the outer reaches of the Solar System – from the Oort Cloud, and all the space along the way through the solar system, gathering particles and energy from the orbits all of the 6 closest planets to the sun, and codes of the dwarf planets too. Swift-Tuttle’s most recent visit to our neighborhood was in 1992, and as a result, the 1993 Perseids had a peak rate of 500 meteors per hour. The year 1992 was also then the last time its orbit was replenished with debris—the more recently a comet has passed through the inner solar system, the more dust particles it leaves in its wake (more dust particles results in a higher peak meteor rate). Swift-Tuttle was discovered way back in 1862. “This is one of the first comets that really convinced people that there was a direct link between certain comets and meteor showers,” says James Zimbelman, a planetary geologist at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Sources & Resources: Click the white box above to dive deeper into this topic, utilize our alignment charts and get all the details and information about the Gateways of 2023 - August Gates, as well as previous months. 2023 Celestial Alignments The Dog Days of Summer (Northern Hemisphere)CYCLES OF SIRIUS Sirius, the twinkling bright disco ball star is prominent in the winter evening northern hemisphere sky, It dips lower and lower every night of spring, until it begins to join the sun, rendering it "invisible" to us, as it comes close to the sun in the daytime sky. We are in that part of the cycle now, Sirius is a "daytime star" - and thereby not visible to us humans here on earth. The last time we can see Sirius, low in the western sky just after sunset is early/mid May. This last time you can see a star (or planet) in the twighlight sky is called the Heliacal Setting. Heliacal means "near the sun". The date varies by your latitude - and for the whole globe it is Mid May this year. At my 42 degrees, this year it was around May 3-5. Other poignant Celestial Stargate of note are the Cosmic Setting and Cosmic Rising. This is when two celestial bodies set or rise at the same time. On August 4, 2023 - The Sun & Sirius rise together !! (the day I am writing this blog). The Sun & Sirius set together May 28, 2023. Heliacal Rising is the moment we can see a celestial body (star/planet) rise just before sunrise on the eastern horizon. Just like the setting - this is subjective to your location and vistas - and most of the globe sees them within a week of each other. In 2023 - the Heliacal rising of Sirius takes place during the window of August 14-17 ish. For my location, i have my target date of August 16 to being to look. While some of this can be "predicted" it is a real time moment, you being awake and looking at a clear line of eastern horizon - and weather and could cover and such. It is a sacred special moment of connection right to the Star itself.
This year - we have another celestial light player - the bright planet Venus - adding in the cosmic dance party. Venus is with the sun in the sky now too - and conjuncts close on August 13. The Sun, New Moon & Venus rise together (Cosmic Rising) on August 16. The early mornings before dawn through the end of August - we will be able to see BOTH Sirius & Venus low on the eastern horizon (and higher every day) - a very special celestial treat! Cross Quarter Aug 1 Full Moon Takes us Into the Leo GatewayCROSS QUARTER AUG 1 FULL MOON TAKES US INTO THE LEO GATEWAY I went out to watch the moon rise last night...and the orange pinky salmon glow of the Lunar Disc and the sky had me looking at the solar and lunar alignments for this Full Moon. Every Full Moon creates an "opposition alignment gateway" where one celestial body rises as another sets. Moon Rises in the East as Sun sets in the west plays out every full moon evening. On this moon, the horizon rising spot was well south of east (a natural part of the Lunar Standstill Cylcle alignment fluctuations). Finding the moon so far South of East, coupled with seeing many cardinals (the red birds) pinged me to pay attention to the cardinal directions - and the seasonal cross quarter point - the "southwest" qualities of the seasonal marker as we tip from high solstice to halfway point to equinox. Tipping point! That very south of east rise of this "out of bounds" moon had me looking at my sky charts, and looking what other celestial players were up in the sky with the Sun & Moon. The Moon had Pluto nearby. And the Sun was just leaving the Beehive cluster in Cancer, and moving towards Leo the Lion. What came through was the trinity of Venus Mars and Mercury, and recall of the transmission I received from these planets during the August 2021 Gateway - and the "Embodiment of the Lion" as Head Heart Core. We are here again, sun poised to enter the Mouth/Head/Skull of the Lion and the Lion's Gateway. Here is an excerpt from my article in 2021....perfect for our now... This summer, the light codes are speaking to me about... The Embodiment of the Lion HEAD, HEART, & CORE There are three seats of awareness, 3 power centers for us as humans. Our Head Our Heart Our Core HEAD The thought field, The mind field. The head is a busy place. It acts as both a receiver and projector. Its fabulous function is to to scan for info, to collect info, to organize info, and to project information back out. Head rules SOUND & SIGHT As far as vantage points and inputs placed on the head, it a multi sensory area. Mouth, Ears produce and receive sounds. Eyes receive light, depth and color...sight. HEART Heart rules your energy flow. Your magnetic. Your electro-magnetic field. Your heart rules emotion. E- in motion. The flow of your emotions resembles electricity flow. And this flow induces a magnetic field, which is shaped like a torus. Your heart magnet is programable, and can be set to attract what you want directly to you. CORE Soul Center Merged state of ONEness Where you are centered in your inner power, quiet and calm. Steady and Strong. The home, the residence, the temple of your soul. Your source of inner knowing, your gut. Working with Solar Zodiac Gateways We use zodiac constellations as markers to define and “section” the sky as the sun moves on its path across the sky. The Sun’s path Is called the Ecliptic. Along the ecliptic are 12 Constellations – that we call the Zodiac. Anyone who has dabbled in astrology will be familiar with their names…Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each constellation has its own boundaries (like a city or town) on the landscape of the night sky. Just like you drive by an “Entering Grafton” sign when you drive into town, there are divisional markers that act like Zodiac Gateways along the sun’s ecliptic path. In one Solar Year, the Sun passes through them all, returning around the circle to the beginning again. Every June, July & August, the Sun passes through the Solar Zodiac Gateways of the Cancer and Leo constellations. The constellation Cancer is home of the Beehive Cluster, and this is its own Gateway, preceding the Leo The Lion’s Gateway. The Sun crosses over into Leo on August 11, 2023. During the Lion Gateway of 2021 – we had the triad of The Lion’s Roar – Head Heart Core content come through strong. During this gateway I identified three sectors of the Lion Energy – that define and distinguish the Leo zones HEAD HEART AND CORE. I chose marker stars in Leo – that are close to the ecliptic (Sun’s path) and also close to the depiction of these areas of the Lion shape drawn by the stars. We have demarked: Head/Skull Leo Star – 8 Leonis Heart of the Lion – Regulus (Alpha Leonis) Core Leo Star – Rho Leonis (ρ Leonis) Star Fact Corner: You can read more about these stars here – I chose these beauties, you are to play with this and make it yours! Regulus is a well know, bright “popular” star, and folks are well acquainted with this associated with the Leo the Lion Heart. The other two were selected for their location and ecliptic proximity, they are not very bright or visible without a scope. THE LION'S ROAR: HEAD HEART CORE There is a corridor or gateway of astronomical alignments that take place in the constellation of LEO the LION. The celestial bodies involved this year are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury. The chart below outlines the many alignments that take place over the July/August gateway. It could be interesting to note or chart for yourself how each of these stargate alignments impacts your own field. For example, Mars in the Lion Core on July 20 had many of us experiencing both power surges and belly/gut "stuff". The alignments with Regulus, the heart of the Lion, are always impactful. We grow a lion's courage in our heart space. And our inner planetary gateways. The head of the lion is near the star 8 Leonis The heart of the lion is the star Regulus The core of the lion is near the star rho Leonis |
May 2024