Stargate Opening February 1 & 2, 2020On February 1st and 2nd, we are “gated” by two spectacular stellar risings, one just before Sunrise, one just after Sunset. The Eagle rises just before dawn (around 5:30 am EST). The Eagle Nebula (Messier Object 16) along with Aquila, the Eagle Constellation. At 5:30 pm EST, Monoceros, the Unicorn Constellation rises in the east. These stellar bookmarks sandwich a day which is already potent in earth keeper ceremony and significance. February 1st, Cross Quarter holiday. We have reached the cross quarter holiday!! Could you feel it yesterday? The light from the sun was extra bright, extra luminous. The night sky also was “extra texture” with the star light. The solstice and equinox divide the year into 4 “quarters” or season. Delineated by June and December Solstices, March and September equinoxes. The halfway point between a solstice and an equinox is called the Cross Quarter day. February 1, May 1, August 1, Nov 1. All Powerful days of earth keepers and earth based traditions. The Celts called this time we are in Imbolic. You can feel it in the sun light, in the air, how we have reached a tipping point to spring! (or toward winter southern hemisphere friends) I had a particularly potent and powerful sacred time in Andara Light Meditation yesterday morning. We have had a stretch of cloudy weather, and the blue sky bright sun morning was so welcome. I nestled into my “crystal chamber” and got to communing and tuning in with my andara team. They asked to be gridded and rearranged. One grid was for Unicorns. Very pink and brown and clear and rainbow (did not snap a pic of that one). Then I was rearranging and cleaning and the root beer browns wanted a grid display too. I set it all up and then sat in meditation….and kept hearing….”The Eagle and the Unicorn”. And my mind would go, do you mean Eagle and the Condor? Nope, kept getting “Eagle and the Unicorn”. Ok. Was in an eye closed section of contemplation, and then opened my eyes to THIS Spent some more connecting time, to the light, and reading and tuning into these light codes. I heard again "The Eagle and the Unicorn" and then “the Four Pillars of Creation”. Huh, interesting….that phrase…the four pillars has come up several times this week. In a session at Inner Space, in connection to Egyptian temples and obelisks. I had been nudged to dive deeper into this meaning. The Four Pillars. I decided to do some intuitive online research and searching around….and saw a page about The Eagle Nebula. Ding Ding. And the Pillars of Creation. Ding Ding Ding Ding. Well, that’s a match. Often with I get “Eagle” my mind goes towards Aquila – the Eagle/Hawk Constellation. We are “Star buddies”. Me and Altair and Aquila. But this was a new angle. And just look at the picture of this amazing active rich star producing region: It looks like this Andara crystal that was shining out the eagle holographs today as well. I then opened my Star App to investigate further. TO check the alignments of this nebula, M16 – Eagle Nebula. I scanned through to see when it rose, as I woke up well before dawn this morning, and often get called awake by stars during the night when they want to communicate. Lo and behold, this time was when the Eagles (BOTH nebula and constellation) were rising in my eastern sky. Good Morning! Following the inner voice of guidance for “the Eagle and the Unicorn” it is time for “The Eagle and the Unicorn”….I decided to look up another star friend….Monoceros, The Unicorn Constellation. Well, now…Monoceros rises just after sunset here, bookending this glorious light encoded day. The Eagle and The Unicorn indeed! Happy February Friends. May the light guide your way!! PS - We even have a theme song ;-)
Creating Neutral TogetherNeptune Venus Alignment Opposite Quantum Spin Discord and Disharmony Integrating Opposites Defining Inner Neutrality Feels “weird” A band of disharmonious discord waves moving through Experiencing lots of boundary setting “stuff” Like personal space Is not being honored, requests and communications not going smooth, and boundaries being crossed and violated Venutians Neptunians Have some stuff between them to clear Looking at the planetary bodies….we find polar opposites. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system It also spins counter direction from the rest of the planets Atmosphere is carbon dioxide and nitrogen Volcanoes and lava Neptune is the coldest planet It is the farthest of the eight Atmosphere is hydrogen and traces of helium Ice and Rock Compare their structure and makeup: Try this inner space vibrational exploration. Listen to the sound codes in these recordings from space. How different the two planets sounds are!!! (see links below) Do you feel more at home with one or the other? Can you bring yourself to a space where you can receive both stream of sounds?
Polar Opposites.. And they spin in opposite directions. And, if they were to be compared or modeled after electrons orbiting a nucleus- sun as nucleus, planets as orbiting electrons (solar system as model of an atom) – these two electrons would be opposite spin rates. Spin creates magnetism, and an electron pair is a neutral field, where the spins balance each other out to neutral. Today is a day to state clearly what works for you, and what does not. It is a day to establish clear steady boundaries for your personal space. It is a day to declare what you will tolerate and what does not belong in your field, your inner space. Then, call forth in your field zero point, balance point, harmonious relation. Within your space, establish balance and harmony. And in addition, create a neutral center place. From this neutral you can spin in either direction, you can be comfortable in either field. Up or Down Left or Right + or - You can hold a state of oneness and neutrality by embodying both at once. Holographic display of
💫☀️💛Light Codes 💛☀️💫 from my Crystal Chamber Sit for a moment in gazing meditation Soften yourself with your breath to receive Light Codes communicate directly to your Light Body Venus and Neptune Sky MeetUp on Monday January 27 Venus is a very bright silver diamond shimmery “star” in the early evening sky right now. Venus has been “speaking” to me, to all of us on earth, very loudly for months now, and is going to continue to be a powerful player in the next several months. Our night sky is like a dome, a planetarium. Although the dots of light we see are really millions and millions of miles and light years away, how they appear to us on the dome of the night sky has a huge impact. To us on earth. Always has. All earth races have been Skywatchers. We have the ancient stone structures and calendar site to prove it! Stars are far away, and move very little in relation to each other during our lifetimes, so they appear “fixed” in constellations. The planets in our solar system all orbit the sun like earth, and the planets dance and move in relation to each other all year long. The ones that are farter away move less and slower across our sky. The inner planets are more dynamic in our sky dome view. This is a good time to also remind you about the ecliptic. The sun and planets move in one basic “stripe” or line across the sky. This path is called the ecliptic. You can read more from me here on that: I mention now because, the farther slower sky moving planets like Jupiter and Saturn get regular “drive by visits” from the inner faster moving planets. Venus moves so much faster it essentially catches up to the slower ones as they all move along the path. These meet ups or catch ups are called conjunctions. Venus, being our close neighbor, does a very dynamic dance across the sky. In November 2019, Venus had a close approach to Jupiter (as viewed in the sky to us on earth). Then Venus buzzed by Saturn on December 10, 2019. We have had enhanced viewings also, as the moon has been involved in the dance too. The crescent moon in particular is a great “look at me” pointer in the sky, so easy to see and relate other light points to. Fuller moons are brighter, but can outshine the planets, so diminish some viewings. Venus is about to cozy up to Neptune. Monday January 27. The crescent moon is involved too. Here is a screen shot from my Sky Safari app. Monday evening alignment places Neptune just below and to the right of Venus. The recent moon is aways below the pair. (at least from where I live in northeast USA), You can do this tonight too (look for Neptune - too cloudy for me here) Tonight (Sunday Jan 26) Neptune is above and slightly left of Neptune. Normally we cannot see Neptune with the naked eye. Even this viewing tomorrow – to really see Neptune you might need binoculars or a telescope. If you have access and are so inclined, then great, let us know what you see!!
Even with your human eye, you might be able to glean a Neptune shine. I certainly plan to check it out myself!! Even if you do not see with your human eye Neptune, you can connect with the energy of it, especially now that you know where to look! Astrologers will have a lot to say about what a Venus Neptune conjunction is “supposed to” signify. I am actually not super “into” astrology. At least the old school this means this fixed approach. I AM super turned on by astronomy. And the link for me is the shape or design or geometric placements of the lights in the sky. I like the charts…they show the “spread” of how things are aligned. Personally, I am more of an astronomical alignment direct star light code download gal. Meaning, I am not so drawn to read about what it is “supposed to” mean. I like to feel for myself and sense for myself what the planets and stars are shining down to us in light language. For me – Venus right now is all about SILVER DIAMOND shaped light codes. Like a octahedron (double stacked pyramid). I can feel them so strong - I can see them pouring down from the planet light at night. Maybe you have felt or seen this too? I am so curious to see and feel how this close by to Neptune affects the light codes and the geometries. Let’s explore together and find out! If you want more astronomy type reading on this – this article is great! Orion has been very prominent in our evening sky! He has been speaking loudly this season to me, and I have been doing lots of research on the indigenous cultures and their star lore and constellations.
Orion takes Sasquatch form among the tribes of Ontario, Canada. In Anishinabe (Ojibway) and Cree, he has several names; Nanabush Anung, Wesakaychack, Misabe, and Mistapiw, all of which loosely translate to the Giant. They say he is a teacher, but also a trickster and shapeshifter; often taking the form of a furry giant.…/the-sasquatch-constellatio… Orion is “The Giant One” - with lots of interpretations, including Wesakechak, The ShapeShifting Trickster, as well as The Tall Giant & Sasquatch “Wesakechak is a trickster and stories begin, move forward and end with him. Stories about Wesakechak are to be told only in the winter when he stands tall in the sky. Today we call that constellation Orion. In the Ininewuk or Cree language, he’s called Mistapiw, also translated as the Giant. The stories of Wesakechak are tales about a shape shifter who can be a big furry creature or sometimes are rock or small animal. He teaches through his mistakes and many of his stories are very funny. “…/c…/first-nations-skylore/orion There's more than one way to see the constellations. Here's a look through Native American eyes. Biboonkeonini, The Wintermaker (also known to us as Orion) “We know and love the traditional constellations. Many of us have formed lifelong associations with their seasonal arrivals and departures. But sometimes it's nice to switch lenses and see how others see the sky. It's not only fun to connect the dots to make new patterns; at the same time, we broaden our understanding of another culture. No matter Greek, Polynesian, Chinese, or Ojibwe, each civilization imbues the starry heavens with their own unique vision of life. Instructive stories, moral guidance, and lessons in human fallibility have been heaped upon the stars for you and I to ponder on the next clear night.”…/make-way-wintermaker1112…/ The SQUEEZEAs we receive the diamond light codes
As we evolve and ascend into diamonds And ReActivate the Diamond Light Body We, as hunks of earth, carbon based lifeforms, go deep within our own Inner Earth, Inner Space to undergo this beautifully intense transformation. If you feel like a lump of coal, being squeezed with tremendous force. Under a tremendous load. Under intense heat. Then you are in the right place doing all the right things. Just as from the intense earth squeeze Diamond emerges. We emerge as Diamond Light Bodies 💠💫 An Exact Transit ConjunctionToday, the Sun, the Earth and Saturn are in an exact transit direct conjunction alignment. Remember a few months ago when Mercury did the visible transit across the sun as that little black dot? There were lots of photos and videos sharing around. Saturn is doing that same thing today, however it crosses behind the sun from our view, as it is an outer planet, not between earth and sun. Today feels astronomically important to me, as this year the Sun Saturn and Earth are in a somewhat rare direct line up. we collectively have been paying more mass attention on the 1/12 Saturn Pluto conjunction that clicked in yesterday. As that is a more rare (like every 34 years or so rare). And Sun and Saturn meet up every year. But this year, still is “special”. In its exact-ness. I see Saturn Sun affecting each of us more personally, more in the core/gut, and our digestive cycles . And the Pluto Saturn influencing larger global cycles. The sun and all the planets in the solar system travel on the same “line” as seen from earth- as if you could point up and trace a line from east horizon up and over to a west sunset location. How high up from horizon line the arch goes governs the cycle of the seasons. Every year, the sun catches up to the various planets on this travel arc line (also called the ecliptic). So, the sun does conjunct Saturn every year. Often the alignment come close, but do not overlap or transit. This year is an exact year. I did use my SkySafari app and scroll through many years forward and back for as did not find another point like this is recent history or in soon future. That tells me it is a more rare and significant alignment. And I have been paying a lot of my attention to Saturn and today’s sun Saturn Transit alignment. And to Saturn’s Rings
Is feels like the bright alignment of the Sun & Saturn is bringing forward a lot of stored Saturn Ring codes and knowledge. For us right now. Like sun melts ice, and water flows. Sun carries strong powerful Saturn Codes today. Tune into them, and see what deep knowledge is melted inside you, your inner crystals oozing liquid in the solar light. Flowing free for you to receive and integrate. Embodiment and DecodingOk....Uluru is in Process of connecting up to the Mountains on Venus.
What makes me say this? How could I possibly know this? Here’s how it was shown to me. You may have heard the term “embodier” or “embodiment”. On feature of an embodier is to be one who writes and reads planetary grid and ascension codes with their body. Here is how this process worked for me today, and it all “clicked in” when I was driving home. Alone in car =mommy meditation The Venus Mounts on both hands have been “erupting” for a day or two. Just really intense itchy intense heat eruptions. Hard to describe. No visuals or anything on skin. All my fingers have been tingly and intense actually. So I sat in self awareness connect in, and heard/felt/intuited that they connected to volcanoes. Which at first I thought it meant somewhere on earth, like many of us embodies do, we feel earth things with the mandala of the body and in the sensation field of the body. Then I remembered the ancient wisdom that links each finger with a planet, and each mound or Mount at the base of each finger with mounts of planets. When I got home and looked it up I was like, oh, of course, Venus Mont. Venus has really been speaking to me/us with it's twighlight twinkle dances each evening. Read more on this: Many gridworkers and lightworkers are called to work with Uluru in Australia this weeekend. With the Saturn Pluto Sun conjunction. Some in person. Many of you are supporting from home. One component of that work is going to be connecting Uluru to Mounds/Mounts on Venus. Someone doing this work is going to read this, and needed to hear this or know this. 💜🦄🙏🧬🐉✨☔️ Thanks for everything you are doing. The Venus Mount pictured below is Maxwell Montes, on Venus. It is the highest mountain chain in the solar system. Read more here: I also shared some of the process I went through to decode this info. I am called to start doing way more of that. Sharing the process. Everyone has and develops their own decoding methods, so mine are one of many and may not match yours. The hearing how others do it can be a spark to ignite your inner knowing and rememberance of your unique way. And some of us are meant to help and show the way. You are the Tesla Tower, A Plasma Generator!
Sources & REference REads: Earth PerihelionPlanet Earth is at its closest point to the sun over the next 12-24 hours (January 4 - 5, 2019)
The sun can look and feel a bit larger in the sky. This proximity allows us an opportunity to commune and communicate and exchange with the sun. So so so much plasma energy and light streaming our way!! ☀️💛💫 Enjoy! |
May 2024