Brotherhoods & Sisterhoods of LIGHTMost years when I visit the seaside, I hear from the Whales, the Seals. This year, those aquatic friends were "quieter" and my beach visits are full of SHARK communications….this summer….it has been THE GREAT WHITE SHARKS 🦈 We have an abundance of Great White sharks that Grace our waters now. They have been communicating so so much! They came through in Andara Activation moments by the ocean, check out this smiling shark profile that showed itself to me sunrise seaside - so playful and oh so beautiful. Great White AndaraThis large temple piece Andara has been with me for several years. I call her Great White. After the sharks were so communicative with me last month here, I brought it back to the shore on this August 2023 day. Happiness and connection all around. 💫🤍🦈🤍🦈💫 This is a playful moment of music overlay on a video from oceanside just after sunrise Cue the music... (click over to youtube to watch a short, as i do not have right to the music) Connecting the Shark NebulaAs a Celestial Shaman, these sacred connections lead me to investigate the connection of the animal consciousness to the Celestial Sphere. Wondering - is there a constellation or a deep space object that connects to sharks? Investigating around a bit, I found the Shark Nebula. The Shark Nebula lies in the Northern Celestial Skies, in the Cepheus constellation, and sits quite close to the North Pole star. Tuning in the feels of GREAT WHITE and DUE NORTH i tuned into the Great White Brotherhoods of Light. And their counterparts the Great White Sisterhoods of Light. They came through integrated as one. I heard them as the GREAT WHITE ORDERS of LIGHT. Majestic tall columns of brilliant white light is how they present to me. I don't always "see" them with my human eyes, I can feel them in the field of light, and sense their enormous presence at sacred sites. These SIBLINGS of LIGHT are our family. Their LIGHT signatures feel like home. They emanate that wisdom and guidance of an older family member, illuminating your way. Brothers and Sisters of Light together. We Shine and RAYdiate. In LIGHT FAMILY playfulness, we show and reveal. In Nature, in Waters, in Clouds and in shimmering column form. My Communications continued as I prepared for Equinox and my trip to the Crystalline Convergence in Sedona (hosted by Sandra Walter). We drew to us a whole team of "baby white ones" to grid and play with. The flew with me to Sedona, and made some magical Crystalline Grids on my rental unit back porch. I made a few activation videos to share with you too....
ANDARAS as MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLSANDARAS as MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLS Silver Ray Andara & The Sasquatch The first time an Andara connected me with a spot on planet earth was this Silver Ray (clear) Andara. Using it as a contemplation tool- I had inner eye visions of a huge snow covered white mountain. Searching for a match I found this image of K2, which was a strong resonant match. This Andara and Mountain also sang the song and told the tales of the Silver Yeti. The Silverbacked Sasquatch beings. Interdimensional Beings of Light - they conveyed so much. (Still do). The correlation of Silver Andara and Silverback Yeti/Squatch continued to unfold. Meanwhile, the Andara was knocked off my bathroom shelf and shattered a piece off. My first time I had an Andara break (but definitely not the last, it is part of the coding). And then one day, in just the right light, I had this strong Sasquatch profile show itself in the Andara. This was jaw dropping fantastical, and the first time I had a light being “walk through” an Andara Portal. It has happened countless times since. Andaras are Doorways. They are portholes. Like a “peephole” into another dimension, another fractal of of multi verse. Beings use them too look through, like a porthole on a ship or a peephole in a door. They shove their faces up close. And then we on this side catch a glimpse of their faces, profile, eyes and features. This Silver Squatch and I opened a strong telepathic connection and communication pathway. He introduced himself as Barnabi. All still very "fantastical" and amazing, yet beyond the ordinary, the communications continue.* Another Sasquatch communicator friend named Kelly** posted this picture on facebook, and a wave of instant recognition washed over me - that's HIM - or one of his tribe. I went on to have a private session with Kelly - and she independently confirmed much of the intel I had been receiving. So vital to have a friend to compare notes with! Part of why I write this for you to read today. Below is a video share (it got cut into two pieces, they dovetail together)
The Sasquatch have been very prevalent for me and my family again this season! We are making tremendous "leaps of faith" in our house this September. Boldly forging forward, away from outdated systems and institutions and creating all NEW! I often find Sas presence with the children, around schools. Loving Nurturing Kind presence. Like Elder Guardians - beaming pure LOVE. Asking for a sign of connection this weekend, these clouds came through. A sign of sacred presence. This weekend, I was reminded of my yoga connection to Hanuman. Of course Hanuman is another presentation of Sasquatch Energy! Exploring more of the "Tales of Hanuman" and listening to Krishna Das and the Hanuman Chealesa - so grounding, so steadying, move out of FEAR and into LOVE - say the Squatchy friends! EXPLORE FURTHER ON THIS TOPIC
* If you would like to read more of my Sasquatch Stories - you can find them on my sister website The Soul Planet that is dedicated to "tales from the field - A GridKeeper's Journal" ** Kelly Rainbow Butterfly (Lapseritis) and SunBôw connected and collaborated to publish “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity” online to be shared with large audiences. Visit their page here: The Keepers of the DAwn: Sirius & VenusBoth Sirius and Venus are emerging from the Solar Light, and rising just before dawn on the eastern horizon. Sirius rises first, and is further south of east on the horizon line. You will see the distinctive constellation Orion above. The belt stars of Orion act like a pointer line to Sirius, below the 3 star belt and cloudy nebula. Venus is brighter, and rises close to due east. It is visible for longer as well, being brighter.
When a star is close in the sky to the sun, we are not able to view it. When it moves out of the light sphere of the sunlight, and we can see it rising on its own again before dawn we are witnessing the Heliacal Rising. This revelation moment, the Heliacal Rising, is an age old important noted time by sky watchers. In Ancient sky watching cultures (which is all ancient cultures) the heliacal rising of stars was used a marker of time and a way to seat seasonal and annual calendars. The ancient sky watchers and shamans were the ones who guided and informed the people of the important dates and were "keepers" of the calendars, set by the skies. An important role would be the Keepers of the Dawn - to awake in the darkness and watch the skies. A clear open vista to an eastern horizon line was a precious potent important point of observation. Many a sacred site included a observatory temple space and often stone structure monuments to accentuate and highlight these celestial body rising - stars and planets, sun and moon risings. Modern devices (calendars, moon charts, observatories) have made the role of rising and watching somewhat redundant. We can use the phones in our pockets to connect with many charts and data sets. The task of being the Watcher, the Keeper of the Dawn is less critical to village life and has largely faded. Yet, so many of us are remembering and re-awakening our innate skillsets as Celestial Shamans. Many of us have this sky watcher tendencies encoded in our being. Where we feel the call to rise as Keepers of the Dawn. It is truly why some of these traditions of waking and connecting in the cosmos have permeated so many sacred practices and rituals. Because this time of the day has a potent opening or gateway quality which is precious and pure. the light that shines as day breaks is called brahmamuhurtha, the ambrosial hours, the amrit vela, the nectar of the gods, the honey of immortality. A similar ambrosial gateway exists at sunset. As modern day Celestial Shamans, we rise at this hour for the love, the light, the joy of it. To connect with the cosmos. To receive inspiration and illumination. To uplift the soul! In early September, The Keepers of the Dawn are graced with TWO important celestial bodies rising before dawn. Sirius and Venus. Both became potentially visible mid/late August. This visibility depends on your location, both longitude placement and sightline specific, as well as clear sky and weather influenced. My region has been blessed with much moisture this summer, which includes copious cloud cover. I myself got my first clear glimpse of these celestial light beauties on September 1. The pictures above I took on that special first sighting morning. September 3 is of note as Venus & Sirius Cosmic Rising. Cosmic Rising is when two celestial bodes rise together. Venus completes a period of retrograde motion, and turns direct on September 3, so like a pendulum swing, that Venus turn direct point is as close as these two (Venus & Sirius) get together in the sky. These two Celestial Beauties will grace our low east horizon early morning skies for the first few weeks of September. Get up early to catch a glimpse. This week Venus is rising around 4:20 am. Venus is brighter. Take note of Procyon, which triangulates between them. Use the pointer stars of Orion's Belt to track your way to Sirius. Venus in her diamond light will be obvious. Procyon is between them. WHITE WINGED ONES - THE PEGASUS WHITE WINGED ONES - THE PEGASUS
Many of us received visits from White Winged Ones during this special Full Moon. Pegasus, Feathered Serpents, Dragons When so many “reports” of winged horses riding in on the winds and the clouds and the soft white moon light rays, I turned my Celestial Shaman eyes to the skies and noticed that the moon itself, on its path through the sky, was riding along the wings of the Pegasus Constellation on August 29, 30, 31 & Sept 1. It’s so amazingly cool and awesome how the Celestial field is reflected in our dreams, our connections and our inner visions. As well as in the sky, water and clouds. Invite the white winged ones to gallop and prance through your field of awareness. They spring forth creativity, magic and wonder! New ways of thinking, creating and being. |
May 2024