Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers – Starlight Food for Your Light Body Meteor Showers are a night sky phenomenon that sparks the human soul with awe and wonder. To catch a glimpse of the fleeting light streak across the dark sky – takes your breath away, brings a squeal of delight and opens your heart to playful joy. Part of that sparkle of joy from a “shooting star” is your human reaction to the influx of light nourishment your light body is receiving. Every particle of light you encounter interfaces with you and your light body. The rare special treat of seeing a meteor/shooting star is like a delicious treat, a morsel of yummy star light! We have to thank mom & pop comet for the brilliant gifts of the meteor showers. Comets give birth to meteors. Comets are dirty snowballs, a bundle of ice and dust left over from the formation of our solar system. They spend most of their time in icy cold deep space, where they exist in solid state. When they get closer to the sun, they begin to melt and change and break apart. As they propel through space, they leave a particle stream in their wake. That debris stream lingers long after the comet has moved on, in fact, the comet adds to it each time it visits the inner solar system. Our planet is also orbiting around the sun – and at certain points in our earth orbit we intersect comet debris trails. When the earth atmosphere grazes these chunks some of the rocks get enough friction to ignite and burn up. We see this as “shooting stars”, as a meteor shower. These meteors are light codes being delivered from the comet to us on earth. The light that is given off from this exchange showers us with photons, little bundles of light. These photons act as messengers, as information bundles. They deliver Light Codes. Right into your pineal gland, and your crystalline body, your DNA, your bones. How To Receive This Starlight Nourishment You are doing this right now. Opening your awareness to this phenomenon and energy flow is like opening a massive doorway, saying you are ready to receive. This light nourishment happens at a cellular and atomic level, within your physical body and your energy field. It is a quantum activation of your light body. Yes, catching a glimpse of a shooting star is a direct transmission. AND this process is still happening to everyone on earth, sightings unseen too. We are within the orbital debris field of the comet, so this particle grazing and light activation is happening during the daylight, and while you are asleep in your bed too. Your eye is not the only receiver. You have many. They are always operational. And they respond to your attention and will strengthen and expand as your turn your attention to receiving the flow of meteoric light. Perseid Meteor Showers - All Week – with Peak August 12 & 13
The Perseid meteors happen around this time every year, as Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. You can catch your best glimpse looking Northeast, after midnight, best in the few hours before dawn. All week, with peaks expected the nights and pre-dawns of Aug 12 & 13. Swift-Tuttle is about 16 miles in diameter. It orbits the sun once every 133 years and comes within 84,000 miles of Earth (closer than the moon). I also pay attention to the outer reaches of a comet orbit, as the comet acts like a “delivery system” of content from that part of space. Swift-Tuttle travels in a large oval shaped path from beyond Pluto, likely from the Oort Cloud (a theorized cloud of icy matter/space stuff surrounding our solar system) - spanning a path of connection between the Oort cloud and us here on earth! It brings with it codes and information from the outer reaches of the Solar System – from the Oort Cloud, and all the space along the way through the solar system, gathering particles and energy from the orbits all of the 6 closest planets to the sun, and codes of the dwarf planets too. Swift-Tuttle’s most recent visit to our neighborhood was in 1992, and as a result, the 1993 Perseids had a peak rate of 500 meteors per hour. The year 1992 was also then the last time its orbit was replenished with debris—the more recently a comet has passed through the inner solar system, the more dust particles it leaves in its wake (more dust particles results in a higher peak meteor rate). Swift-Tuttle was discovered way back in 1862. “This is one of the first comets that really convinced people that there was a direct link between certain comets and meteor showers,” says James Zimbelman, a planetary geologist at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Sources & Resources:
December 21, 2022
Dec 21, 2022
Solar Light Codes
Crystalline Activations
Three pieces (multi colored beauties) jumped off the shelf and into my travel bag, and out we went for solstice sunset.
As we all so often find in the flow of light and crystalline gridkeeping….pure magic unfolds.
I have lots of pictures, I will share some here…
As I was curating the pictures and writing a blog article today- writing about how the Sun today is with the Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae- an area of the sky rich with Star nurseries.
As I was reading up in nebula- I happened upon a picture of the Orion Nebula.
I was jaw dropped with amazement- seeing how much of a match this Andara and the pic of the Orion Nebula matched.
When we learn to deeply listen, to trust in the flow, and to honor the communications of the Andaras - these kind of things become our “regular”.
No matter how often or regular- every time I am utterly amazed and grateful and BLOWN AWAY.
I did not pick up these particular Andaras with - let’s code with the galactic center in mind. It was a much more organic unfolding.
And in retrospect, of course these beauties came out to play. To encode with me Nebula- Star Birthing- Star Nursery energies.
So perfectly aligned.
I am truly grateful, humbled, awestruck and continually amazed by the process and flow of Andara Guardianship.
So much light and love.
This contrast picture shows my “ah ha” connection moment this morning. Top is Andara activating at solstice sunset. Below image is Orion Nebula image from NASA
Bing bing bing!!
Matchy matchy
PS - All of these beauties are ready to come your way to play and are listed in our online Live As Light Shop
This Inner Space Group Journey is an immersion into Solar Rainbow frequencies for activation & illumination.
Plug into the SOURCE LIGHT of the SUN.
using Inner Space Light Body Technologies of
SOUND ~ Vocal Toning, Chimes, Crystal Pyramids, Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks
LIGHT ~ Light Codes & Rainbow Ray Andara Team
ENERGY ~ Octagon Rainbow Ray Grid
Venus Green Andara - standing in for the aspect of Venus as Morning Star
Lilac Violet Andara - standing in for the aspect of Venus as Evening Star
United in the dazzling light of the SUN
Light Body Activation Video
Your light body is your soul light, soul body. The YOU inside of YOU, that shines out into the world. The light body is your joy, your radiance, your luminous self, your life force. Activating your light body, infuses your form with a kind of light that is self sustaining. That emanates from deep within. It puts a spring in your step, it raises your mood and lifts your spirits. It brings you inspiration and liveliness. As Yoda said, “luminous Beings are we, not this crude matter” Your light body is Effervescence Joy Radiance Flowing Energy Inspiration Knowledge What lights you up?? What excites you? What makes you feel joyfully alive? What lifts your mood when you are feeling dark? What guides your way? These are things that feed and nourish your light body. You are a multi-dimensional being. You are human embodied, form of earth. You are also so much more… You are a field of energy You are made of living light All the information of your body mind soul field is vibration and energy The frequencies of life are encoded in your DNA Your DNA transmits and receives light codes via bio-photons Your LightBody is projected by your DNA Your LightBody is your holographic reality You create and recreate your own reality every day, every moment via your light body. Read complete blog here:
Join our Light Body Voyage (free online course) to explore more!
by Soluntra King
from the Diamond Light Workbook
The Living Libraries of Light have been seeded by different extratesstestial races and beings and contain light codes that when we are ready to receive their frequencies will liberate us back into the cosmic beings we are. These Libraries have been placed on Earth at different locations and there are Light Workers who are also seeded with same light codes whose mission it is to unlock the Libraries when it is the appropriate time. This is done from within the Light worker and she or he trusts fully to go where guided.
The extratesstestial librarys of light are one with the Greater Central Sun, the ones in the Earth are part of this vast Library of Light of Creation and there was a missing 13th Library and that the missing code is already within us and we have always carried it.
For the activation of all thirteen Libraires to take place it is necessary that the lightworker/activator has awakened the 13th seed of light that resides in them and that is the key to the other 12 being fully activated. This does not require a journey to a vortex but a journey within and a soul journey to the Greater Central Sun when one is ready to awaken the hidden light codes within.
Once this has happened and one or more can access these light codes, then humanity is ready to be awakened.
The thirteen Libraries are all connected through the Golden Solar Discs and have different ET lineages connected with each one. Like the 13 Rays, these 13 Libraries each have a map of light that is a template in each area to align the relevant stars and planets for the New Earth and New Solar System, the jump in the loop, the crossover point. As we unify inside out and back to front, up and down and round and round all life completes whole cycles in a blink of an eye when yeah are the creator of the show in liquid light.
The Libraries are activated when a Lightworker is invited to be in that frequency in the particular space.
The Key to access one or all is already within the particular Lightworkers who have created them on Earth before in other cycles. Those Light workers will know, and those that cannot access all, do not need to visit all Libraries but just one and it will unlock all of them.
Each location of the Library’s was chosen when the Earth was a different shape of land masses to now and also some are under the oceans now and are linked to Sirian star bases. Many light workers over years have been guided to different locations and this is all connected in the light grid that also connects through the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun and the Solar and Lunar grids as well and so the Libraries have been getting accessed.
The blocks that prevented us from accessing these light codes too soon are dissolving now that we recognise we are in the time for the revival of our Divine Blueprint. All the work that has been done by Lightworkers awakening themselves and of service to others has created a bridge to the Libraries that can be accessed at night on a soul travel.
The important thing is not to wonder where they are located or how many as this is all relative depending on what dimension you operate from, but there are doorways into the 13th Libraries and then through to all the others.
The Light Libraries that were built on Earth by the Dragons and Draco codes are saying that the time is now for them to awaken, but more than a location it is awakening within us and that those who have a connection with them and work with them have already visited places where they are located or serpent doorways to them and that on
Serpent Day July 30th 2010 through a big inner planers link up a lot of energy was cleared from the underworld and the blocks that have hampered their work.
So if you feel guided now is the time to start working more fully with the Councils of Light, Golden Solar Discs and the Dragon Guardians we are with the Libraries and that a lot of new information to help us out of our destructive world will come to Light as there are many Lightworkers around the world awakening to this mission now. Some have not been awake until now and those are ones with specialist skills and jobs that took all their energies, and they are now ready to implement the technological side of the free energy and light matrix templates that are anchoring through the Libraries.
Some Living Libraries of Light have already been activated, one in Siberia by Anastasia.
The Egyptian one had to be closed down completely and lost with the sands of time as its use was too destructive and created a lot of disharmony and blocked energy. The Sirian Living Library of Light was reactivated at the Sun Disc at Abu Sir on the September Equinox 2006.
The first Living Library of Light I experienced was when I lived in at a tiny village in the foothills of the Himalayas in 1981 where there is Golden Solar Disc. I did not realise consciously at the time, but I just knew how to meditate, do yoga after not having done these in this life and was totally focused on my mission.
The first conscious work was with the Pleiadian Living Library of Light was in 1996 was assisting to re activate one up in the Himalayas on the border of Pakistan and Kashmir in the Glacier lakes and the waterways of the Himalayas. It involved going into war zones and dealing with the possibility of being killed at anytime, and on the June Solstice at the very source of the Ganges at the glacier wall Gurmak. All through the Himalayas this energy is there for anyone that can access it and through the Golden Solar Disc’s.
I have experienced and worked with the Light Libraries;
Arcuturian at Iona in Scotland,
Antares at Moray in the Andes, Peru,
the Pleiadian Mayan Pyramids of Coba and Becan,
Orion Living Library of Light are Easter Island,
Draco at the Mead Wall Mt Ruapheu New Zealand,
Pleiadian Himalayas and the southern tip Kanyakumari,
and now we will be in the zone of one at Magnetic Island, the thirteenth Library of Light of Wega the white hole and prism we came through.
There is also a Sirian one in the ocean out from the east coast of Africa and also in Antarctica
NEKKAR IN BOOTES Living Library of Light…….Spiralling down through vortexes into the world of Nekkar…..
You are shown multiple starmaps each is being designed and activated in different stages for anchoring into the lower realms……
The reason you are shown this is that we hold these within us and will anchor them in stages when the time is right.
Nekkar co-ordinates the grander cycles and the fabric of light that creates new worlds.
The Galactic Federation of Light has its main headquarters here and the lightships travel with the codings through the Solar System, Galaxy and multiple Universes…..holding the beam and sending representatives to those worlds…..Ground Crew like you…...
Be open to communicate to the Galactic Federation of Light now.
Copyright © 2009, 2010 Soluntra King
Today We BEar Witness to the Three Fold Flame
Your inner TRIAD - your soul trinity - your triagulations - are stepping forward.
In Deep Honor we melt into the inner heat, knowing it is the FIRE of transformation
Inner Space Alchemy in Progress!!
In Spiritual Literature there is a Sacred Fire that comes from your I AM Presence . This fire enters into your Soul Star chakra that is located just above the top of your head. Then descends into your Soul Matrix located behind the Heart Chakra. Within your Soul Matrix this Fire is split into what is called your "Threefold Flame". This is often depicted as a physical flame that springs from a small white spark of divine fire and has three “plumes.” These three plumes are:
• Blue, which corresponds to the Willpower of God. This Fire has the qualities of the Father. The Blue flame gives us the faith and the ability to get things done. Gives you the strength to overcome the must difficult obstacles to achieve your goals. People with a tall blue flame tend to have more physical energy and have more of a mechanical intelligence... Mind over Matter .
• Pink, which corresponds unconditional love and understanding that is the very nature of God. This Fire has the qualities of the Mother. The pink flame relates to the emotional feeling body within the auric field. People with tall pink flames tend to have more emotional intelligence. They intuitively understand the impact of their thoughts, feelings and actions upon others.
• Gold, which corresponds to the Power or Christ Consciousness. This is what is produced when Love and WillPower come together. This is fire has the qualities of the Son or/and Daughter of God. The gold flame combines love with wisdom to give you power
The flame manifests as our ability to learn, understand, process information and reach an enlightened state of peace. It is about learning when to guide, use the right words, not to judge, and not to discriminate. The gold flame directly correlates to the mental thinking body within the auric field. People with a tall gold flame tend to be very stimulated intellectually and are intelligent in a traditional, mental way.
Most Spiritual Teaching stresses that you can not get beyond a certain level on the spiritual path until you have balanced your threefold flame. If you misuse one of the three flames (willpower, wisdom or love) your power from the Holy Spirit into your 4 body system is reduced, until you have just enough light to keep your physical body alive.
For example, some people have determination and will power, but don't have the wisdom of how to use it for the greater good or to use it without hurting or controlling others. Others have great intellectual understanding, but who lack the ability to get anything done . You also see some people who can easily express love, but end up in codependent relationships because they do not have the power or wisdom to say no.
Once your threefold flame is balanced between power, wisdom and love, you can expand your threefold flame into a sevenfold flame that expresses the full potential of your I AM Presence on all seven sacred fires of the Holy Spirit.
It is recommend that you do certain exercises designed to open the chakras in order for you to receive a higher frequency of Sacred Fire. For example, Yoga or Tai Chi moves correspond to different chakras, so people may do these exercises while intending to take in a sacred fire color."
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