Moons & MeteorsMoons and Meteors
Welcome Fall - a splendid season of lights and colors! I am here at Inner Space, listening to the sounds, watching the rainbow light dance, and tuning in to the energy palate of Fall 2017. We had quite the dynamic, tumultuous winter spring and summer so far in 2017! Astronomically speaking, we moved thru a series of eclipses, both lunar and solar. Energetically we have all been digging deep and brining up old engrained patterns. Bringing the deep dark up into the light, to clear and release. All this excavation has made some sweet open space inside each mind, body, and energy field. Great job friends! So, what does the rest of 2017 hold for us? Looking to the skies I offer some sweet “news” for Fall of 2017. It is time to relax, soften and receive. To ground, anchor, stabilize, and settle down to listen. The dynamic astronomical pattern has quieted down with the landing point of September Equinox. We have reached a collective zero point, aaaaaahhhhhhhhh…. Our guiding influences this fall are the Full and New Moons, sprinkled with a series of meteor showers. We have done so so so much inner work this year, and now we get to fill up that open space inside with LIGHT. The moon and the meteors will bring you exactly what you need to integrate the transformations. October 5 - Full Moon October 8 - Draconids Meteor Shower October 19 - New Moon October 21, 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower November 4 - Full Moon November 4, 5 - Taurids Meteor Shower November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower November 18 - New Moon December 3 - Full Moon, Supermoon December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower December 18 - New Moon December 21 - December Solstice December 21, 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower There is significance here how the moons and meteor showers interplay. The lunar light codes and the meteor activation light codes require more subtlety for their reception, they are not quite as “loud and in your face” as the solar codes. I will be exploring this more and tailoring the energy alignment offerings, classes, sound healing sessions for the fall to assist our community to receive these codes of light and energy. Stay tuned…
May 2024