INNER SPACE VOYAGE: PLEIADES GATEWAY - SPRING 2023Pleiades Gateway - Spring 2023
Explore the Pleiades Gateway, and the astronomical alignments and Celestial Gateways and Starcodes unique to Spring 2023 We are having a lot of fun flowing our way through this Pleiades Gateway on our Inner Space Voyage platform. I am sharing some live time intel on the grids and gates and the information coming through for us. This is a tremendously powerful time - and so so much of the old, old timelines, old narratives, old ways of beating oneelf up are getting the bye bye escort OUT! Allowing the deepest darkest content and memory to flow out of your field and body, and keep your focus on the LIGHT - the NEW - the what you want to create in this NOW! I am so grateful to have a private - off facebook - off social media place to share with you all - there has never been a more important time for free and full sharing. I have a whole bunch of free share stuff on the Voyages Course platform, as well as a few paid offerings, like this one. I have two price points for our current gateway voyage - to allow access to all who desire to be there with us for this gateway. You can pay $44 or $12.12, your choice, you will be given those options when you register. I host us on Thinkific - and you do need to one time make an account there - and then you will have instant access to all of my free content (more every day) - and you can support Inner Space by signing on board for the paid stuff too. We greatly appreciate each one of you! Onboard with us here - I just updated a bunch of stuff from the last few days - it has been a deep dive and expansive ride! You will also have access to a zoom link for live time or replay anytime after - we are meeting up on Zoom Monday May 22 at 12 pm Noon EST Today the codes were singing of the STAR LIGHT BODY - becoming the star you are! I am very excited to share about this, as well as the ongoing integration of the Sun & Moon Discs within and without, as that was massively sparked by the New Moon Sun meeting in the Golden Gate on Friday May 19. That day was also a penetratingly deep purge of old - so this session will support it all, help us integrate it all.
shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's lifetime of work and sharingTHE STAR LIGHT BODY
article by Soluntra King The Star Light Body assists us to hold our higher dimensional self that needs to be, and is awakened now. As we exist in the New Earth and are here creating from our love a beautiful realm for all to exist. We can hold that essences of creation without any of the old energy issues, and also open to the Creation Matrix that is here now to assist us to be the Creator Goddess Gods we are. The Star Light Body is not relative to the number of DNA Light codes activated and utilised. It’s beyond those concepts, when we have unified ourselves to the point of not needing to know, but simply are the knowing. Awareness expanded to the endless vastness and the deepest stillness and nothingness. Being the love and in our Star Light Body we access higher realms within our self, able to hold very high frequencies of Light. The Star Light Body is a vessel for the Starlines to integrate with matter, our unification of Earth and Star, and the new DNA light codes. TO BE YOUR STAR LIGHT BODY FOR YOUR OWN CONNECTION TO REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE, YOUR STAR FAMILY, YOUR HIGHEST DIMENSIONAL ASPECT IN LOVING SERVICE AND TO USE IN PREPARATION FOR BIGGER PICTURE SERVICE. THE STAR LIGHT BODY AND WHAT IT MEANS, WHAT IT GIVES AND HOW IT IMPROVES OUR WELLBEING To move through the multi-verses to integrate and anchor star codes from one universe to the other of form. The un-manifest to the manifest world for new life and birthing, new creating in the Living Library of Light. Your body can then move inter-dimensionally and into universally with ease and adjust to the other realms as required even though you still exist in the third dimension. You are the Star/Sun of your true self, you can now relate and experience and be with your family of light at that level, who support and embrace you, and so happy that you have returned home to yourself, remembered more fully and open to your divinity. The Star fields are part of your Star Light Body, you are a Star and all your body holds the Star fields of all creation. You are ‘the everything, and the nothing’. Your Star Light Body vibrationally expands your energy bodies and physical body so you are able to hold the higher Light octaves for the benefit of all, as our Earth and all on her ascend into the higher dimensional version of self with all life. The Star Light Body harmonises with your energy bodies and physical body in a resonance that makes it easier to awaken to bigger and bigger pictures of creation, and your own part in the divine play. It expands your awareness to connect consciously with your Star Selves and Families as you remember that you are the Love and Peace. That you came into the densest plane of existence to illuminate it from within your own self through your own body. Transmuting cellular memory at the densest levels from the highest vibrations of yourself that you are aware of still in form and no form. You become a doorway for the celestial sounds and harmonies of the stars to again be in harmony with our Earth. Just as in previous golden cycles the Earth and Stars all one, aligned connected and flowing in liquid light plasma of harmonic synchronized lines of divine essence through the Earth, the Sun and Stars all one through our own body, the Sun, Earth, Stars all one. YOUR ENERGY IN YOUR BODY WILL CHANGE; You might no longer be into doing a lot of things you did before, or ate before, or mind sets you had before. It’s like a big clearing out of all the lower vibrational energy that you held onto, to support you in the duality world, and no longer needs to be maintained. This might evoke what you might consider a negative impact as first, like a healing crisis as your body adjusts to the new frequencies. If you have done enough inner work and it’s meant to be, it could even mean you no longer need chakras or kundalini. As surprised as that may seem its normal when you exist in higher frequencies of Light. But you may want more sleep, need it, eat food still, there is no judgement or right or wrong with any of these things, it is all a personal thing that happens as we all have so many different timelines of experience that make each of us unique, so don’t expect or assume anything. To be of service, come from an open heart, be fully present, be in a state of allowing and acceptance, and at peace within are the only goals and state that are worth mentioning. All the rest is back into the old paradigm magician realms, or control manipulation and fear. Don’t try and teleport, bi-locate or think you have to be a super person. Humble and loving is where it’s at. You have already done all that, but is it what is really required of you right now? Those things are perfectly normal and happen when meant to, meanwhile we have chosen to be in service by being in a body, in this moment. THE STAR LIGHT BODY RESONATES FOR THOSE HEART CENTRED, IN SERVICE TO OTHERS, IN UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS The Star Light Body is utilized best when in heart centered, Source connected service and BeAm-ing. It is not a level of light body that one aspires to. It is a gift and blessing that comes from inner union, surrendering, trusting, being guided from within, following ones joy, awakened to the multi-dimensional self and in loving service, often simply by Being the Love, at peace in oneness. OUR SERVICE BY BEING THE LOVE, IN OUR HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELVES AS THE STAR LIGHT BE-AM At this level of our Being; in the Cosmic Ocean, it is calm and beautiful, the matrix of woven essence of creation through it. So multiversal with endless Solar Systems, Galaxies, Universes, endless and interwoven. Beyond that there is an enormous Sun. It moves constantly observing what is taking place through all the endless layers and when there is an imbalance, regardless how small, it sends a ray of Light to it. This could be aeons and aeons of time in the denser realms, but the ray of Light always comes to repair it. Existing beyond this cosmic soup and in space, the nothing, but of course there is more beyond. In the ray of Light sent through time and space are multiple rays of Light and they become forms of Light, Beings who then observe at lower levels what is occurring and send Light when appropriate to the lower realms. But this light is not the Light that would bring up fear as we would know on Earth. Many years ago I realised one never sends Light to anyone or thing, as it’s interfering and ego based and brings up pain in those it is sent to. This Light is pure love and it contains myriad codes that eventually filter though the density and collective consciousness to awaken those who are experiencing trauma, fear, duality and all its plays and it awakens from within those who are open enough to receive it. As they/us start to remember their/our divinity and in turn become that ray of Light that is filled with Love, acceptance, allowing and that glows out to all who are open to receive it. THE STELLAR CRYSTAL LIGHT BODY The Stellar Crystal Light Body is all part of our Star Light Body, it is us we are one with the Earth. The Earth is so light and the Beings in the Middle and Inner Earth working with the Star Beings as the Earth is the Stellar Crystal Earth, she’s in her Stellar Crystal Body. From all the Love, our meditations, prayers, worldwide link-ups we are participating in we have awakened even more the Love that we are. The Light glows through our bodies as the Earth herself is so Light, she is a Stellar Crystal and our bodies are changing fast now to the Stellar Crystals we are. BIRTH OF THE STAR LIGHT BODY The Star Light Body was brought into my awareness after the Light Template was anchored at Avebury Libra New Moon Oct 3 2016 through the multi-verses and the Stones. It has then been necessary to be holding that frequency of Star Light as the Starlines come through at some very power vortexes and also happened to be where Crystal Skulls are under the Earth. This is exhilarating and our higher levels of consciousness are beaming us to remember ourselves at that frequency, connecting with everyone as we all wake up and remember. It was also necessary to be in the Star Light Body as the Unified Light Matrix linked through the Inner Earth Sun and Greater, Greater, Greater, Greater, Greater Central Suns at the June Solstice 2017, then as the New Creation Matrix anchored September 2017 at Avebury as the Torus field connected the umbilical cord of the new and old Earths. As well as all the bigger picture shifts since with the higher universe stars coming through and the new DNA codes for our completely new bodies. HOW TO BE YOUR STARLIGHT BODY In order to utilize this vibration of our self we have opened to the denser levels of our Light Body; the Blue, Violet, White, Gold, Present, Iridescent, Diamond, and then our Star Light Body. to experience the full effect of your Star Light Body if you have not worked with the stepping up of your Light Body it is recommended that you experience the other bodies. That includes connecting through the Suns, being your Earth Sun Body, Grounding, opening up to your Star Chakras and Diamonds, multi-prismed Star Light. Then connecting to the Diamond Light Matrix and the doorway through into your Star Light Body. As you receive the Star Light Essences and then into deep space for what you are aligned for. Finishing with points to rub to harmonize and enhance your physical body one with your Star Light Body. Open to a name that expresses your higher self and a mudra that expresses your divine essence. WHY BOTHER YOU MIGHT ASK? Being in your Star Light Body helps you in all your life; in a practical sense with your relationships, work and abundance, you have an open heart, trust, allow, have compassion for self and others. Deeper levels of love for all life, communicate more easily with others, elementals, all nature, your star family. Understand the bigger picture and so feel at peace within, know that all is shifting fast, no fear of the future or of death, destruction. Living in the New Earth already as your love creates it to be stronger and more radiant for all, as well as yourself. Not affected or influenced by the old paradigm archon induced slumber and victimhood. Not being food and a slave in the illusion of the programed world of material desires and deception of what life is all about. To be at this level we can even move beyond the need for chakras or kundalini. Vibrating in a purer frequency of Love. We are still in a physical body, the name of the game is full integration, spirit and matter. Not escaping, not going anywhere, but everywhere at once. Copyright © 2017 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's lifetime of work and sharing EARTH-SHIFT - MULTIDIMENSIONALITY - THE LIVING UNIVERSE – WITH JAMES TYBERONNThese are my transcribed notes from a video presentation by James Tyberonn. : – Upshift of the Earth Planetary Ascension is upshift of the earth into 12 dimensions Coronal Mass Ejections, solar winds, solar flares bombarding the planet – x flares are more than any other time in history of reporting – these have changed the anionic background of the earth. Bernice Barlow in her book Sacred Sites of the West includes studies of the way that the ion ratio of the earth affects human consciousness… Normal resonance of positive ions to negative ions - positive ion is called a cation and a neg is called an anions – normal ratio is 3 to 5 – this study determined that when this anionic to cationic ratio is shifted to 6 to 1, human begins to have hallucinations, they begin to have out of body experiences. There are sacred sites that have always been recognized by native cultures across the earth, in all regions. Many of the scared sites had natural mineral structures that create this 6 to 1 ratio. That is why that indigenous cultures recognized these places across the earth. Many holy places, sacred sites have natural mineralogical features that created this 6 to 1 ratio and so that is why the indigenous and the people that are connected to the living consciousness of the earth were drawn to these places, and at these places, they had their visions, and that it was easier to achieve at these sacred sites, due in part to the in the 6 to 1 ratio. A 6 to 1 ratio does a shift that activates the pineal gland and puts us through that gateway. It is interesting that the normal ratio of anions to cations began shifting with the x class solar flares and all of the CMEs – billions and billions and billions of tons of anionic energies have been bombarding the earth and the result is that there are jet streams, permanent movement streams that can be tracked, and were not there before. This is the mechanism for the shift of the earth. It is true that we are a society that have encouraged beta & alpha states of alert consciousness and we have disregarded theta states of consciousness, the dream states. Our modern society discourages us to be dreamers, to seek these states. Ancient societies recognized that when we enter these other states of consciousness we tune into a greater frequency a greater landscape a greater horizon of dimensional realities and it is truly in the theta state of consciousness that we are able now to join together and co-create the reality of the new earth. Many people suggest that the planet shifted to a new matrix, to an expanded energy field in 2012 through mechanisms such as solar activity, CMEs, that absolutely changed the ionic ratio of the planet that allows us now to more effectively go to higher states of consciousness. When we go into higher states of consciousness thru the pineal activation it is then that we are able to rise above the third dimension and work in non-polarity fields in which we are able to access more effectively our true identity and our true nature and communicate with a far greater source of consciousness and that includes our own higher self. Cosmological process that is going on, occurring all around us and with us. We are a part of it, and allow yourself to be in the flow with it in a more expanded dream state consciousness. The earth on its surface has a floating ocean of electrical energies of very high spectrum. The earth emits an anionic field (negative charged) that goes all the way up to the stratosphere which occurs at about 30,000 feet. That space between earth and stratosphere is a capacitor – it holds a charge. This field is where all of our lightening comes from – the Schumann Resonance – it has a charge of 7.85 hz – same as human brain wave in theta field. That ocean of energy is dynamic – it moves – and flows – into brooks, that become streams and become rivers. How do these energies flow? They are electromagnetic in nature. They flow along lines of conductivity. The conductivity comes from the different minerals that are on the surface and in the interior of the earth. These are electrical flows, they flow in patterns of conductivity copper and iron deposits, through water and saline materials, salt water. And they flow through the metallic formations, in certain patterns. These become what Asian cultures referred to as the dragon lines. They become concentrated, and they reach a conscious status where there is an awareness to them. The entire planet is alive and conscious. The ancients who communicated directly with the living energies of the earth – became aware of these energies and knew where they flowed and the nature of them. It was the Atlanteans who mastered the science of the grids and the ley lines and set up amplifying stations of pyramidal geometries to amplify these energies. Star Tetrahedron – used in most planets to regulate the energies. The 19.5 latitudes. The earth is alive and the shift that is occurring now is meant to allow us to operate more effectively above duality realms. 12 Dimensions are now available on the earth for the first time in thousands and thousands of years. Certain astronomical events create apertures that create the downloads into the frame of our reality on the earth. The earth is more than one phase of itself. These equinoxes, solstices and eclipses are very special. They create pockets in which energy is able to be transduced from higher dimension into the earth plane in order to upshift the frequency, upshift the energy to bring us into a higher vibration. The Equinoxes in March and September and the Solstices in June and December and the various solar and lunar eclipses that come in are mechanisms of the delivery of certain codes. Metatron speaks of the nature of our reality being geometric in nature. We are beings of light. Light has a geometric structure. Human cells at atomic and molecular structures all sacred geometry. Our physical reality is geometric in structure. Nature of our light and soul essence is geometric. When the earth energies begin to shift through these apertures, through these portals, through these kinds of downloads, they have certain codes that tie in with what is happening. 2013 is year one of the new earth – 2014 is year two of the new earth Certain codes, certain frequencies are being upshifted. This includes activations of a new chakra system, of a new light body essence. We have shifted from a magnetic grid to a crystalline grid. The magnetic grid, by its nature, was polar. It had a North Pole, a South Pole, It had an anionic aspect and a cationic aspect. Positive, Negative Poles. The Nature of duality is controlled in a polarity way. The human soul is neither male or female. Our inherent intelligence is integral – it maintains the aspects of both. When we come in to the university of earth – the duality plane – we split into a duality aspect. Every person in truth is neighed male or female. We are both. We are here to learn that we are co-creators of our reality. What we see around us we have created. This upshift into 12 dimensions allows us for the first time in eons to rise above the duality level into non duality planes of a crystalline field. The magnetic grid is being replaced by the crystalline grid. The crystalline grid allows us to move into higher dimensions through the pineal gateway. It is there that we will create the new earth. The role of humanity did not stop in 2012. We began in 2012. Now we have the tools in place to create w world of harmony, a world of peace. We have to orchestrate this. The Bible speaks of the 144,000 number of the rapture, a creative number– the 12 squared. We now need to gather our masses, to gather people to meditate together to create w world of highest good. If we take a look around now, we can see that the polarity aspects of the world are in high gear. There are wars, greed, control and love of power. How do we deal with that? We need to resolve all this, to understand, the power of love. This is what these equinoxes, these solstices, these eclipses are coding us. It is giving us the energy activations to understand how to become co-creators through the higher dimensional fields of theta coherent consciousness. When we go to the portals, to the places that carry these special energies that allow for multi-dimensional overlays, that allow for crystalline grid structures to exist we go into infinity points on the earth, and when we meditate there together and we receive the codes and we become code carriers of this new energy we activate the new chakra systems. In 2012 when the matrix expanded to 12 dimensions we went beyond the early 7 chakra system to the 12 chakra system to the 33 chakra system and it is going to take us some years to learn to operate in these higher dimensions lucidly. It is going to take us a while to learn how to navigate through these higher chakras, but they are there. We are going from old analog television to digital television. We are going to high definition. The pixels of life force on the planet are increasing and one of the mechanisms is the solar flares, the CMEs and the coding is being shifted in equinoxes solstices and eclipses. Transcribed Notes from: UNLOCKING THE KEYS FROM THE SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADITHE GOLDEN GATE OF THE ECLIPTIC Unlocking the KEYS from the SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADI My ancestors are from Malta (my birth name is Bonnici). The temples on Malta have been calling me very loud for many years. I feel like my natural proclivity for sound codes come from this lineage and DNA line of mine. One Maltese Temple in particular started projecting codes my way and calling to me super duper loud during this Mars Pleiades gateway. Tal Qadi Temple. In the ruins and wreckage of this ancient star temple was found an etched stone, that is thought to be a star map. This stone is considered by some to be the oldest astronomical tool or sky map, dated around 4,000 BC. The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching open star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since all planets as well as the moon and the sun always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all these seven orbiting bodies are regularly passing through the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. Uncovered on the Island of Malta in excavations of 1927 was an etched limestone tablet. Now known as The Sky Tablet of Tal-Qadi, this tablet is an ancient star map and astronomy tool. Used around 4000 BC, this sky map/tablet shows us the passage of the Sun, Moon and the five visible planets through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate of The Ecliptic also serves as a moon “observatory”. As the Moon passes through the gate over the year, it moves through its various phases. In fact, if you watch the moon pass through this gate through the 12 months of the year, it will highlight and showcase the progression of the moon through its phases. I continue researching on the building of stone archeoastronomy calendars and tracking of Lunar Standstills and how our ancestors used this gate as a marker to design these lunar calendar sites.
There is a correlation between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and this temple on Malta. All three sites sit around the 36th longitude parallel. They all hold some crystalline coding along this parallel, and there is a correlation between the astronomical observation point of the Tal-Qadi temple on Malta, and the astronomical alignment stones set to mark the lunar standstill cycles in Chaco Canyon. SUN WITH THE PLEIADES : CONJUNCTION & STAR CODESThe Pleiades, or “Seven Sisters” is a star cluster of hundreds of stars that has captured humankind attention since ancient days. Because of where it sits on the ecliptic, it is visible for much of the year. The brightest 7-9 brightest members of this star family trace out what looks like a "little dipper" - seen best through binoculars or telescope. When the sun moves into the constellation Taurus every spring, the Pleiades become invisible to us on earth, as the stars are lost from sight into the glare of the sun - in conjunction. The stars rise and set with the sun like this for about a month (30-40 days). The last evening where you can see the Pleiades setting in the twilight darkening sky is called the heliacal setting. Similarly, the morning that the Pleiades are visible rising in the morning sky is the heliacal rising. (Helios = Sun, heliacal = with the sun). These stars are now conjuncting, or lining up with, the sun in the sky. That means, that the sun gets a “boost” of light from these stars, and that the light coming to earth from the sun also contains light and codes from this star cluster. Energetically during this time the Pleiades star are merged and delivered on and with the Rays of the Sun. Those of us that work with, anchor and conduct light and light codes onto planet earth, know that this time of sun aligned with celestial body is an extra special potent time to work with the information and light codes from the stars. The Pleiades with Sun Gateway runs from early/mid May until early/mid June. It varies slightly depending where on earth you observe from, and your local surrounding matter too - light levels and landscape factor in. Here at my longitude and latitude the period of Sun and Pleiades alignment in the sky began this week, around May 13 and runs through early June, when the Pleiades rises before dawn and becomes visible again. We are here in the Pleiades Gateway Now Drink it in, rise up to meet it, pay attention to the messages. It is a potent time! The Sun moved into the Taurus Constellation on Monday May 15 - and will flow along the section of the sky demarked as Taurus the Bull. Within Taurus, is a Gateway, very recognizable in the sky. The Golden Gate between the Pleiades & Hyades Star Clusters. May 18 - Moon Conjuncts Uranus - Sun enters Pleiades Gateway May 19 - New Moon & Sun with the Pleiades - Sun & Moon within the Golden Gate May 20 - Sun inches closer to Pleiades, dark Moon visits horns of the Bull of Taurus May 21 ~ Sun with the Seven Sisters ~ Sun Conjunct Pleiades May 22 - Sun Conjuncts Pleiades ~ Crescent Moon near Venus May 23 - Sun with Star Mother, Earth Father: Pleione & Atlas May 24 - Sun in The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic: Between The Pleiades & Hyades May 25 - Sun with Hyades & Aldebaran OPENING AND UPGRADING YOUR PINEAL RAINBOW STAR LIGHT VISION We collectively cleared a big thing in our dream states last night.
A deep old dark somethin' or other - was up for reVIEW and now is clearing off the grids, of the planet, and us earthlings too. Your human body and energy field reflect and act as microcosm to the planetary body and field. There is a "scortched earth" parched dry post alchemy fires burn feeling to today. Plus feeling of the skull being terraformed - eyes, forehead, skull plate bones, and all the energy centers, protals and chakras in around and within the skull. The fire clears the way for our upgrades - Pineal - Inner Eye - Intuition and Direct Knowing You can support your body today in this process. ~ Hydrate - drink, electrolytes (lemon squeezed in clean water, with some sea salt) ~ Get in water - Shower - Salt Bath - Swim ~ Cool compress to the head - wet hair seems to be helping a lot Flowing into our next Celestial Gateway - The Golden Gate of the Pleiades this week. This feels like a preparatory alchemical fire and a "controlled burn" for our collectives. We got this! The Golden Gate opens the flow for Opening and Upgrading your Pineal Rainbow Star Light Vision 2022 ~ Silver Lunar Discs come more fully online2022 ~ Silver Lunar Discs come more fully online! January 2022 - this silver ray andara activated on a brilliant snow kissed day. The reflective nature of fresh snow really invites a lunar experience - the white coating over the world, and how brilliant even a reflection of the sun can be. There is great power in Lunar Energy - and this silver ray lunar andara shows us this light power on January 31, 2022. See more photos and video activations from this lunar light moment. This andara, since this day, sits in for the moon in our Inner Space Solar System girds. Crystalline Gridkeeping - Lunar Disc - Lunar energy style! These pictures and videos show a progression of "dark moon" to fully illuminated. An Andara Activation in process - so spectacular! 2020 - THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCAs we turned the calendar page to 2020, I tuned into the energies, alignments and celestial stargates governing the upcoming solar cycle. In a particularly potent tune in session, I heard very strongly - THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS The Solar Discs had presented themselves to me several years prior, so I had been exploring their technology - both in the planetary grids - and in my body grids. In my area, 2020 came in with the most crystalline magic - in the form of an ice storm, which coated every tree, rock and surface with a beautiful crystalline coating of ice - and then on Jan 1 - the sun came out and the sky cleared blue and it was pure magic! 2020 also began with a powerful Celestial Stargate Alignment - Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunctions on January 12-13, 2020. These pictures from the field during this gateway convey the power, particularly the flashing sun video below! In Crystalline Gridkeeping ceremony out on Gaia - under the Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunction Gateway, these Silver Gold Platinum Andaras activated and transmitted the Solar Disc Power. Watching the video, seeing the pictures, is an attunement for your lightbody, and assists you with being able to receive from and communicate with the Golden Solar Discs. 2021 - establishing Peaceful GroundJanuary 2021 - began with an eruption of polarity - made evidenced via a visible and violent display leaving each of us on the path of light to seek a peaceful resolution - to embody peace grounds within. A collective epiphany of sorts - to find and seek more light. Can opposite sides of a pole, can the duality of Sun & Moon find a middle ground? REVELATION OF THE SOLAR DISCSMy "initiation" to the Solar Discs happened for June Solstice, 2017. I took a retreat to a local yoga center, to regroup, to spend time in reflection, to be alone and tune in. I have visited this retreat center for decades, and many of my spiritual and energy awareness revelations have happened here. It was so programed into my body - that going to this spot would open up great things inside me, that the process would start to happen on the drive there. On this journey, I had some super strong embodiment sensations. Such as, my whole left side of my body was tingly/active/on fire. So much so that it felt like it was melting. With some pulsations, heart quickening, whooshing sounds too. It was pretty all encompassing and intense. One of those, is this an energy thing or am I in need of medical attention, what is happening?? Well, I decided to drive on, as I was "fine" - just experiencing all the things. When i landed and got to lay down in my room a the center, I connected to the flow of this energy stream, and I heard - you are having solar discs installed in your spine. Um, ok, I have no idea what that means, or what those are. Noted. Later on my yoga mat, the golden sunlight came dancing shining into my window, hitting my face and body in the most splendiferous way. It was so palpable. The sun was "talking" right to me, speaking in gold codes and rainbow light. It was a deep whole being revelation. GOLD RAY. I took a few pictures and short videos....which I share here with you....
How was I "hearing" from a ray of light? What does the the Gold Ray have to say? (so so much) and how is it connected to the Golden Solar Discs. And what ARE the Golden Solar Discs? How are they being activated in me, in my spine? All this began a grand adventure and deep exploration into LIGHT - codes, lightbody, solar rays, rainbow codes.
My Golden Solar Disc revelation opened so many doors within me. SO many avenues and pathways. I continue to journey and explore with all of this, deeper within. So, why am I sharing this with you now, in a blog in 2023? Well friends - the Golden Solar Discs are coming radiantly online once again - and more and more of us are having these direct experiences with this amazing light technology. It is time for me to more publicly share all about my journeys with the discs, and how this planetary light body technology is available for all of us to interface with. The best way to begin, is with the beginning, so here is my personal initiation and relation moment with these discs. It was like the "installed" golden solar discs in my energy column allowed me new abilities to talk to the sun and the rays of light. So amazing!! I have several new Inner Space pages/books in my light library (aka website) for you to play around with links below, or you can click on the buttons below to to visit the pages. May the gold codes light our WAY! I complied all my years of research and shared the gold nuggets with you here: My own transmissions and sharing on the Golden Solar Discs: |
May 2024