Fire BAlls from the EYES of the DRAGONThe “Green Comet” aka Comet 21P/Giacobini–Zinner is a comet that orbits periodically through our solar system. Looking at the oval shaped orbital path of this comet, it travels just beyond the orbit of Jupiter and then swings quite close to earth’s orbital path. So, it bring with it codes and information from the gassy giant Jupiter, and all the space along the way through the solar system, gathering particles and energy from the orbits all of the 6 closest planets to the sun. These planets have also been very visible to the human eye this summer. Both of these inputting info to our earth and human collective. Comets capture the imagination and the wonder and awe of humanity. They give us a common focus. They deliver particles of life, dust, gases, pieces of star stuff. They illuminate both a path in the night sky, and a neural pathway of inspiration and knowledge in the human collective consciousness. There are three activation possibilities from these inner solar system comets. (1) Meteor Showers - They leave behind a trail of debris that the earth ends up moving through each year as it orbits the sun. During this passing through the debris field small particles burn up as they graze the atmosphere and we get a meteor shower. These meteors are light codes being delivered from the comet to us on earth. (2) Catching a Glimpse - The comet itself is visible. For this Comet 21P we need high powered binoculars or a telescope to see it. The visible light emitted from a comet transmits light codes. Catch a glimpse if you can! (3) Following the Path Through the Sky - The comet as seen from our vista here on the earth surface moves along the night sky and looks like it is traveling through different constellations. In effect, it illuminates or lights up, and brings our attention to those stars and planets and constellations it is moving through. It does this for us energetically even if we cannot see the comet with our human eyes. In my experience, those of us that spend time under the night sky, we will be drawn to look at a certain part of the sky or a certain constellation. We might not even know why, and then later we research and find this comet may have been the reason. This happened for me this summer. I kept seeing the North American nebulae, which site in the constellation Cygnus the Swan. During this research, I round out that Comet 21P was cruising right by that nebulae this summer. So my natural free attention was drawn there. And it just may be thanks to the green comet! And to be clear - the comet is not physically near any of these stars, as they are far away from our solar system. It is just how it looks to us on “planetarium earth”. Comet History Comet 21P was fist observed in 1900. During this epoch, it was widely believed that all the stars we could see where part of the milky way. For centuries it was common thought that earth was the center of the universe, and all other bodies revolved around us here on earth (geocentric model). Of course many if not all ancient cultures knew the truths of the galaxies, but that is a conversation for another write up. Folks like Copernicus, Kepler, Newton and Galileo influenced and changed our human view to a model where the sun was the center of our solar system and the earth and the planets that orbited around the sun (heliocentric). Comets expand human awareness of the universe. As they are “different” and change the night sky from the usual sights. They, just by there very existence and the way they travel in the night sky teach us how the universe works. Comet 21P has a period of 6.5 years, meaning it comes back around to the same spot on its elliptical orbit every 6.5 years. Here is a good read on the comet: Recent Activities The comet came very close to earth and the sun on September 10, 2018. The comet close approach to the sun (perihelion) and the time when it makes its close approaches planet earth are two different and distinct alignments that this year (2018) coincided on the same day. Very rare. There was a significant moment of exchange that happened on September 10, 2018 Comet 21P to planet Earth. And, interestingly enough, on September 11, 1985, the Spacecraft ICE (International Cometary Explorer ( ) flew right into the plasma tail of the comet to collect info and data. So this September green comet communication is a “thing”. If the close encounters of this comet and earth interest you, this website lists the years ( There is a lot to be correlated about the visit of this comet and the awakening of our human experience. The Draconids Meteor Showers is activation possibility number one from above. When the earth passes thought the comet trail debris field from the pathway of the Green Comet, we see the Draconids Meteor shower. Meteors are named by the radiant point - where the meteors seem to project from as they streak across the sky. Draco – The Dragon is the radiant constellation. Tales and myths speak of these meteors coming right from the red eyes of the Dragon. Because of the close approach of earth to the comet this circle around, we have an opportunity for a big meteor storm this year. The Draconids general are at max viewing potential from October 6 – 12, with a peak around October 8. We are in a good viewing moon mode as the new moon this month is on October 9, so the night sky will be dark and good for meteor viewing. Read more at: Exploring further activation possibility (3) Following the Path Through the Sky (listed above) let’s look at the path the green comet will be traveling for September and October. Thanks to the work of and several other researched sources I can tell you that: “It could even be visible to the naked eye (obviously with very clean and clear skies) towards the end of August and remain like this throughout September. Its path will be very interesting not only for its expected brightness, but also because it will pass prospectively close to some open clusters.” Dates where comet visibly passes celestial objects: July 4 it will in pass the open cluster M39 August 27th the NGC 1502 cluster September 13 we will see it near M37 September 15 close to M35. September 23 it enters the constellation Monoceros, the Unicorn September 26 pass Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster (NGC 2264) At the beginning of October, it will touch the NGC 2301 cluster and a few days later M50 and NGC 2343. Finally, at the end of October it will pass NGC 2362. So, you might be asking, so Julie, why does this matter? Why is this important? How can this assist me with living a good life? For myself, gaining a larger view of the universe always helps me transcend the day to day struggles. I know I could use more energy, more awareness, more insight and inspiration. Star light and star codes and this universal wisdom feeds me energetically at very deep levels. These stellar light codes also communicate directly into your body, via the pineal gland. Via photons right to your DNA and cellular structure. These light encoded opportunities give us all an opportunity to updgrade and recalibrate the DNA. They deliver right to your doorstep, your windows, your eyeballs, your human energy field vital life force, prana. Engaging with this is a knowing on purpose way multiplies the benefits and effects. Plus, it’s just plain fun to geek out and read about uplifting things!! Thanks for reading all the way to the end here. You must indeed be a galactic conductor of LIGHT!! If you want to know some of my sources or desire further reading, see resource list below. Julie Resources and further reading:
In The Face Of FEarThere are some STRONG forces of fear afoot right now flowing around the human collective consciousness. Our “job” as people who work with, conduct and anchor the light – our job is to be stable. To find the calm grounded energy that secures the highest for all.
The news is full of “evacuations” – storms, explosions, natural and man made disasters. That “news” can send a ripple of unstable panic and fear. Projecting yourself, your hearts, your attention into these situations, with a feeling of “that could happen to me and my loved ones at any time” and ensuing panic and ripples of heart strings being tugged, it has a way of destabilizing the ground you stand on. For, it is true that anything could happen at any time. Storms, floods, gas main pressure and explosions, all these are out of our hands. HOWEVER – you do have your awareness field to manage and this is your interface, your “holo-deck” on which you project and experience the world. If the room or house that you are in is flooding or on fire, take immediate corrective action. If the room that you are standing in right now is strong and stable – then become that yourself. If you project yourself and fill your energy field with an event that is not immediately in front of you, then you are in fact draining your own precious life-force, and bringing to you the exact thing that you focus on. My personal practice in this area is to train and actively stay alert in my attention field. If indeed you are about to get on a plane that might crash, or in the path of danger, or driving the wrong route, your body will tell you. You will feel it in your gut, in your core. Your human sensory field is as finely tuned as any animal who migrates out of the path of an incoming storm. All the “data” and information you will ever need is constantly being signaled in your field. Truth is, our minds, nervous systems and energy fields are so under constant bombardment daily – that we all need “practices” that clear the field. That hit the “reset” button. So that your awareness field instrumentation is finely tuned and in good working order. And that you are slowing down and quiet inside long enough to really listen to the signal. Take a breath, close your eyes. Take another 10 or 50 or 100 breaths and feel yourself. Feel yourself settle into the chair. Or better yet, lay down on the floor and take a “reset” position of laying on your back with your knees bent and the feet set up right under the knees. Breathe into your body. Feel the belly rise and fall with your breath. Do this for a while. Relax into it. Feel the floor under the back of your skull. Let the weight of your head get heavier with each breath. Feel the ripples of your spine, where your body hits the floor under you, and where the spine arcs up and away from the floor. Feel your feet. Direct your breath all the way to the feet. You are safe. You are secure. You are here. y... GRIDWORKING With The Blackstone RiverHello Friends!
One year ago I began a grid working project with the Blackstone River, as part of an ongoing Girdworker Traning Program with IndiCrow Academy. I wrote up a report including project mapping, a field journal with pictures & videos, techniques and methods, observations and revelations. I am sharing here with you today... Would love your feedback and welcome questions and inquiries. May all the rivers and waterways on our planet flow clean and free!! |
May 2024