Using Light Codes and Sound Codes to Integrate this Jupiter Saturn ConjunctionWe entered 2020 with the feeling of “clear vision”. The 2020 energy looked to many like it would bring us into clarity. Well, the year 2020 has been many many things, and what is has made abundantly clear is how much polarity is in the world right now. After a year of our polarities being acutely show in full display, we are being asked right now to bring polarizing forces into unity. All unification happens within. This year is concluding with a Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Traditionally Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion and holds the energy of “shine big and bright”. Saturn is known as the planet of responsibility and “time to be accountable”. These energies remind us of polar opposites, and when they meet in our evening sky, they inspire our souls to MERGE these two seemingly opposite energies into ONE. Easier said than done, right? How, oh HOW can looking at two points of light in the sky help me to find inner oneness, inner peace and unity? Explore what astronomical alignments do with your energy body, your light body. Humanity has long looked to the stars for inspiration, for a bigger picture. The geometries and alignments DO affect you here on earth! As I have delved deeply into this contemplation for myself, I have been pointed to pay attention to the corona or aureole of both planets. Obviously the word corona has been at the forefront of our global attention. Explore the deeper meaning of this with me… Corona/Aureole definitions:
For myself, March 2020 brought this energetic of the earth forward to play with…the aurora. Using this picture to meditate on and to activate me… We have been in a period of a solar minimum, where the sun undergoes very little activity, less solar storms and sunspots, less coronal mass ejections. Now that the sun is perking back up, as we enter a new active phase of solar activity, it is triggering a new round of aurora activity. This is true on our planet earth. It is true also for the other planets in our solar system. Reading and researching on this new coding of our solar system, I encountered something that made my soul sing and my heart flutter. These pictures of the polar “crowns” on Jupiter and Saturn. They are serving me as a tool to work with incorporating this Grand Conjunction Energy into my own energy field and light body. And want to share this intel with you so you can play with it too! Saturn’s “crown” is a hexagon shaped cloud formation around its North Pole. Jupiter has its own hexagon formation, at it’s South Pole. Jupiter has a set of cyclone storms formed around a central vortex, drawing the shape of the hexagon. For all of December, those of us that work with the planetary energy grids have been preparing for this Grand Conjunction. How can we maximize the activations and transformational properties of this magnificent and rare alignment? Both for ourselves individually and for our planet as a whole? When I contemplate the merging of the energies of Saturn and Jupiter, I have been using a North Pole, South Pole dual hexagon interlocking interacting visualization. Calling into my field the shape of a hexagon over my "North Pole" above my head. And conjuring a set of cyclone vortex storms at my "South Pole" at the base of my body. I then activate with both of these hexagons, feeling the effects on my field. There are lots of ways to play with this, and I encourage you to shapeshift it for yourself and make it your own. If you enjoy sound codes, I also have been using these sound recordings of the planets to listen to and code with. It is fun to listen to the sounds of Jupiter. Then the sounds of Saturn. They are quite different and produce very different effects on your human energy field. Listening to both of them back and forth assists with integrating the energies of the two planets, and this potent conjunction alignment we are living now.
Unity is an inside job. What parts of yourself are in polarity? At odds and tugging you in opposite directions? Where can you merge and find middle ground? The central core of you, who you are, is your Soul Center. The part of you that exists as ONE.
May this grand conjunction of these giant planets remind of the UNITY that is possible. Source articles for further reading:
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December 18 is Galactic Center Alignment DayToday, from our view here on Earth, the sun moves into the region of the sky where we see the Galactic Center, or GC. The GC is the rotation center of our Milky Way galaxy. Just as our planet orbits around the sun, our solar system and all the celestial bodies in the Milky Way orbit around the center of the galaxy. Our Sun has a Sun. Many folks call this the Central Sun. Our sun gets its light and energy from the core of the galaxy. From the GC flows the sustaining and animating energy of the universe. The light that streams from this core, flows out of the spiral arms of the galaxy, and is rebroadcast through every star that lives in that arm of the galaxy, including our sun.
This core galactic center is an emanation of the core/center/creation point of the universe. It is an energy well we can each connect to both as a “refueling station” for the life-force energy in the body and as a source of light and information, inspiration. And then use these codes, this info to spark our own inner creator self. So, what does any of this mean for you, as an aware sensitive being residing here on planet earth? Why is any of this important? How can you harness or work with this knowledge? This Code of Life appears in the human body, in the musical scale, in the colors of the rainbow spectrum. These source codes animate the universe. Source codes spiral into existence. They form shapes and flows. The same way your human energy body distributes prana through the central channel to the nadis, via the spiral vortexes of the chakras to each cell. Prana is the force and flow of life. The flow of prana though your nadis (channels, streams) governs the health and vitality of your body and mind. This core galactic center is an emanation of the core/center/creation point of the universe. It is an energy well we can each connect to both as a “refueling station” for the life-force energy in the body and as a source of light and information, inspiration. And then use these codes, this info to spark our own inner creator self. In this alignment corridor of December, we get an amplification and multiplication of the message, the signal strength increases and we get to hear more clearly the light encoded messages of connection, light and life – the song of the universe. So in this alignment we get a “double dose” of light and energy – from both the sun and the galactic core. These alignments offer unique opportunities to receive certain light codes and bundles of photons and information. We tune our sensitivity to be able to receive these codes and hear the messages coming our way from the stars. We have been at this task of fine tuning awareness and training for years and many of us for lifetimes. I am sending you this message today to serve as a spark, as a reminder to you. This core creation source light flow is yours every day and any day. And some days the pathway it LIT up bright, and the light flows more readily and freely. Today is one of those days. Plug in friends. Light it UP!! DECEMBER 14, 2020On December 14, 2020 we have a Solar Eclipse alignment. The New Moon moves in between Earth and the Sun. Eclipses happen in pairs and cycles. In 2020, we had two solar eclipses, both by the solstices. Our first one was June 21, and now this December eclipse. Solar Eclipses are also always accompanied by a lunar eclipse. This occurred on November 30, 2020. We have been "preparing" for the eclipse for these two weeks. Eclipses are potent times for humanity. Let's explore both the EARTH SKY paths for this eclipse. I am called to work with both of these for this eclipse. Maybe you are too? Check it out to see... Earth Map Paths: This Solar Eclipse is visible in the Southern Hemisphere, flowing from South America across the southern Atlantic to the Coast of Africa. (see here for more details and path). What is super interesting to me with these two eclipses, is that this December eclipse dovetails and continues the path right of the June eclipse. Coding along the Southern Hemisphere flow lines. There is a strong effect on the portions of the earth that experience the direct shadow of the eclipse. The temperature drops, things shift and change. Check out the sign wave curve the 2020 eclipse path flows along in the maps below... Sky Dome Eclipse Point:
We align for the eclipse today, December 13, with a Saturn Jupiter Pluto Sun Mercury Moon Venus line up. (first pic in gallery below). The pictures flow in time order by row. On the morning of December 14, Venus rises around 5 am (these times are all my local time in Boston, EST), followed by Mercury, the Sun and Moon rising together around 7 am and are up fully above horizon by 7:30 am. The Solar Eclipse begins at 8:33 am EST. It is at the peak at 11:13 am, and ends at 1:53 pm. While eclipses are always a reset point, and a chance to pause, release, and begin anew. This eclipse has special significance because of where it sits in the sky. At this time of year, the Sun is approaching the spot in the sky where we can see the Center of the Galaxy. It is at the tip of the bow of the archer in the Sagittarius constellation. The arrow of the Sagittarius archer is power loaded this year, with the planets Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, and the upcoming Grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (which i will speak WAY more about once we move through this eclipse). The sun aligns with the Galactic Center more exactly on December 18. We will be getting an influx of galactic center light through the sun that day. Which is Friday, the end of this week. Monday, the first day of the 5 day week is a big preparation for you and your light body. To release all the old structures and constructs within. To make room for NEW light and knowledge and energy. preparing to LAUNCH...The Inner Space elves are hard at work getting ready to launch our new online classes! We are also delighted to be featured in the illustrious Spirit of Change Holistic Online Learning Guide.
Lots of great content to surf through in this guide, plus DISCOUNTS (including a 20% off coupon for sessions with ME). Check in out at this link. So many fun ways to brighten your winter!! December 10, 2020I am deLIGHTed to share that I will be on live with Todd Medina on Soulogy today at 12:30 pm EST. You never know where a dynamic organic conversation with Todd will flow... My plan is to cover the December energies and alignments. In particular this powerful weekend of the 12:12 Gateway and the potent solar eclipse on Dec 14, aligned with the GALACTIC CENTER. I also plan to “decode” Stargates and Gateways, how to practically work with them. The role of gatekeeping in general. And OF COURSE the Jupiter Saturn solstice alignments and the affects on our light bodies. If you have a particular question or aspect you want me to cover, comment below and I will do my best to include. Join us live (I’ll share the live vid on my wall when we begin) or catch the replay later (I’ll post the link to replay here when it is ready). December 8, 1620On December 8, 1620
400 years ago The Mayflower Pilgrims had their “first encounter” in person, on land, face to face with members of the Naucet native tribe that lived on Cape Cod in 1620. Over the summer, and again on the September equinox, I traveled to this beach. I did some “work” with the land, the ocean, and the energy grids here at this important site. Pictures say 1000 words, which is lucky as words are elsewhere today. I had spent time on the morning of Dec connecting in with this thread again. And on my way to Inner Space for a client session, this ginormous pair of moving trucks were parked in this “random” Grafton parking lot. Exchanging goods. Signs are so awesome. HUGE confirmation. Like really, Mayflower moving trucks (first pic)” below. Well, alright alright!! Rest of the pics are from First Encounter Beach in Eastham, Massachusetts. Seven heavenHappy Seventh reBIRTHday Inner Space!
Our first seven year cycle of creation is completed. And today we begin year 8 of Inner Space. We have come so deep, so far in our journeys and inner transformations. I am honored to have spent time with each Soul and Light being that has graced this space. Both in person and remote style. The light within shines BRIGHT friends. And so we remind each other. Our natural state is one of free flow and joy and codes with LIFE. May each soul, each pair of eyes who reads this be touched by the self sustaining light of source/soul/life. Eight is GREAT. To infinity and beyond we voyage together. Inner Space was “born” December 8, 2013 And this year of 2020, we begin again. 333 Codes
It’s 33 degrees Fahrenheit here at 3:33 pm Here’s 33 second video snow codes. And 3 Andaras in the snow Get your crystalline creator mode on with me friends. We have arrived at a new crystalline “level” of possibility. December Codes and Gates WIDE open for you. PS- these pics are light charged, so if your human mind says “I don’t know how to do that”. It’s easy peasy. Look at one or all of these pics/vid. And let your awareness drift and flow. And become more and more aware of what you think/feel/see/sense/hear. Be more present. Trust your inner knowing. Your soul voice. Your Core. You have arrived. Crystalline Creator Mode is pure FLOW. THE PLEIADES as WAYSTATION THE PLEIADES as WAYSTATION
As SoulStars move out into the world from their galactic core nursery, they travel along the spiral arms of the galaxy, Which path they chose is a version of "soul sorting". Some may say random, much like the roll of the dice. But those that read the energy behind the scenes see that souls travel in packs. In groups. In family clusters. You all reading this, your soul chose the spiral path of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. In that way we are all family. The star particles that make up your bones and flesh and DNA were born in the center of the galaxy. Along the journey down our particular spiral arm of the galaxy we encounter the Pleiades star cluster. A cluster, a family of thousands of stars. We can easily see 6 – 9 of them with the naked eye from the surface of earth. How many of the stars you can see depends of the darkness of your sky, and the keenness of your eye for star light. 7 is the most often number visible for us, so our ancestors labeled them The Seven Sisters. The Pleiades star cluster acts like a way station for galactic travelers. Like an oasis in the desert. It offers shelter and a stopping and refueling point. It is important and influential to our solar system, as it is one of our closest stellar neighbors in this spiral arm of the milky way galaxy. All travelers, light codes, and information pass though this “station”. With the Seven Sisters as the primary space holders, they each have a different energy signature. They each attract magnetically certain energy, and broadcast on a unique channel. Here is a representation of The Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, in Light Code drawings. |
May 2024