Pole PositionConnect with your “North Pole” at the apex of your skull. When you were a baby this “soft spot” was open and pliable. Some traditions call this fontanel “the aperture of god” or the “portal to spirit” and describe the soul pouring into the form of the body via this opening when your human body forms. Energetically, the north pole of your electromagnetic field is your intake valve. Locate Your North Pole Sit in a comfortable yet alert and aligned way. In a chair, both feet flat on the floor, your sitting bones on the front section of the chair so your low back has a nice arch. Elongate your spine. Your “North Pole” is located 12 finger widths from the bridge of your nose. Place your 4 fingers together and tuck back your thumbs. Prepare both hands. Place a pinky finger at the bridge of your nose. Where your index finger lands measure your four finger widths. Then use your hands to measure out 12 fingers (same as three hands). You have arrived at this potent power point for your body and energy field. Make a soft fist, and place it on the spot. Press firmly down until you activate your spine to lengthen and ascend to meet the fist. Place a flat now on top of that fist, press a bit harder and actively lengthen up in your seat, lifting your crown to the sky. Hold for 10 – 30 seconds or so Remove your hands and sit comfortably Activate Flow Connect with your receptive north pole. Allow a flow of incoming energy to move into this round diameter energetic space, and flow down the core of your body. Relax your soft upper palate. Relax your jaw and throat. Flow the energy along the front of your thoracic spine and underneath your sternum (chest bone). Soften the opening in the diaphragm in the deep center of your body where base of rib cage meets the spine. Flow energy along the front of your spine and relax the abdomen and the abdominal organs. Relax your perineum (base of pelvic floor). Connect with the center soft spots of the soles of your feet and invite this universal life-force energy to flow through the soles of your feet into the earth. Flow it all the way down into the core of the earth.
Find Your True NorthThis equinox corridor, I feel a strong need to work with my electro magnetic energy grid, in particularly to the poles and the torus shaped flux field that flows through and around me and with recalibration. I know it is time to recalibrate myself to the shifting planetary magnetic poles. I feel a strong pull of the arrow of my inner compass that points “True North”. True North is your unified soul calling. It is your deep true purpose and longing of fulfillment/soul/heart/role. It is where your inner compass orients and calibrates to. It creates direction and attention flow. Electromagnetics Anything with electric charge either draws energy to itself (negative charge) or pushes energy out and away (positive charge). Recall playing with magnets and feeling two north pole magnets push each other away. Fields, Flow and Polarity Energy flows as liquids do, in flow lines or flux lines in different directions. Send energy/electrons/electricity though a wire and a magnetic field will flow around it. When a body (like a metal bar or a sphere or column) is charged at two ends, we call it polar or say it has polarity. A polarized magnetic field flows in the shape of the Torus. A torus field flows in through the top, down along the center of a hollow column, and then out and up and from the bottom and wraps up and around to the top. Visualize a doughnut shape. This style of polar flowing magnetic field encompasses the planet, the human body, every tree, every animal, every galaxy and star, everything that contains lifeforce energy. The Human and Planetary Bodies The human body has many magnetic shaped torus fields. The strongest is the heart field. The rhythmic pumping of the of the cardiac tissue and the action currents of the blood produce electrical impulses which in turn create a magnetic field. For the planetary body it is the interaction and flowing movement of the liquid molten core surrounding the solid metal core that drives the earth's magnetic field flow. The two fields are intertwined and affect each other and reflect and influence each other. Magnetic North Pole Due to the ever dynamic flowing molten metallic core, with tectonic plate movement (earthquakes), volcanic eruptions and many other influences, Earth’s magnetic poles are constantly shifting and moving. In the last several decades, the north pole has shifted significantly (see the image below). Scientists have noticed that this motion has accelerated in the last several years. Previously the World Magnetic Model (WMM) could be updated successfully every 5 years. This year we noticed that cell phone compasses and GPS navigation systems were acting “funny” and scientists decided to update the WMM earlier than scheduled to accommodate the changing moving magnetic poles. Truth is, this change also affects your human magnetic field too. We need to recalibrate our inner compass as well as the electronics we rely on! I have gathered several tools and techniques that are helping me recalibrate my own electromagnetic field. Doing this in my individual human field in turn helps to adjust and recalibrate the planetary body. The more humans that do this “work” together the more effective we will be. I will be offering a series of energy body recalibration exercises this week. Yesterday I offered an equipoise breath and a directional orientation experience with the rising or setting sun (for kids of all ages). Today’s offering is this write up! I am compiling access to this recalibration equinox work on my website: https://www.innerspacehealing.org/equinox-activities--alignments.html Thanks for being here with me and in the FLOW… Julie PS - Further reading on these topics, some shout out to my sources, and gratitude for photo credits....
https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/world-magnetic-model-out-cycle-release https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication/ https://phys.org/news/2016-07-magnetosphere-large-intake-solar-energy.html https://haradimension.wordpress.com/the-torus-the-zero-point-energy-field-and-the-creation-story/ http://haradimension.blogspot.com/p/the-hara-line-and-torus.html Equipose DayToday, the sun rose here at 6:55 am and will set at 6:55 pm. Today is the day that has 12 equal hours of day and night. Equinox is a whole sequence of astronomical events and alignments. There will be other days of this equinox corridor that will be about sunrise and sunset alignments. Today is about Equipoise. Today is a pivotal part of the equinox "equation" and important to connect to. The Equal sided breath is a great way to access this Inner Space of Equipoise and embody equanimity and balance, in tune with the earth and sun. Take a comfortable seat or recline on the earth/floor. Tune into the rhythm of your breath. Notice how long you exhale for (you could count or just mark the beat). Tune your inhale to match this exhale length. Do this in a way that is soft smooth and gentle, never hurrying or forcing or being aggressive with your breath. Let it FLOW. This equal inhale and exhale is a great technique to find balance. Inhale daylight, sunlight, exhale into darkness of night. If you would like to expand and try an additional technique, you could also add a focus on the pause space in between the breaths. Notice how at the top of your inhale there is a pause point, as well as at the bottom of your exhale. Keeping with the soft and gentle breath approach, begin to linger in the pause space between each breath. You can expand this equal sided breath until you are breathing in a 4 sided equal square. After just a few moments of this technique, you will feel the equipoise in your field. Especially today, this day of equal length day and night.
Equinox Family FunYour Home Base as Astronomical Calendar Infuse a sense of earth and sky based wonder and awe in your kiddos by introducing this fun easy technique this equinox. At the equinoxes, the sun rises at due East and sets at due West. This only happens at the equinoxes (as at the solstices the sun rises far north or south of east and follows a different path across the sky), so just twice a year, so it makes for a fun special family way to find and orient to the 4 directions! Our ancestors lived in rhythmic tune to the seasons in a way many of us have lost in modern life. Using your home base as your sacred site brings us back to these ancient practices, in an updated modern way. Chose Your Vantage Spot Wisely (remember, repeat, good access, long term steadiness)
You can turn this activity into creating a year long solar calendar, so chose your location wisely. It needs to be somewhere that you can remember and repeat (in all seasons). Pick a place that has an obvious place to stand For instance, we are using the corner of our deck, where we can stand with our back right up against a wall so we have a place holder for repeating this in June, September and December. You can choose sunrise or sunset, depending on your family schedule. The days leading up to equinox and just after equinox are “close enough”, so give your team some flexibility in case of evening plans or cloud cover. Take note of the spot the sun sets (or rises) on the horizon. Use a landmark (like a tree or a signpost or a neighboring building). You can snap a picture, you could also make a drawing. If you have the space and inclination you could stack some stones or place a marker. Leave space in your mind for being able to repeat this in June, when the sun will rise or set considerably “right or left”, or more accurately north or south, of this due West/East equinox mark. My kids have had a lot of fun tracking the sun set position from our yard. It is a tangible hands on way to learn earth sky science and explore the wonders of the seasonal changes we experience here on earth. Finding the 4 Directions Now that the SUN has shown you due west (or east if you did sunrise), orient yourself to the four directions. Stand with your right hand facing east, your belly button and nose facing north, your left hand/arm facing west and the back of your body facing west. Take note of the directions from your child’s bed or bedroom or favorite place to play. You could mark the walls or draw pictures to go with the directions. You can chat about what each direction feels like (like the north feels coolest and south is so warm and sunny). There are loads of references to what ancient cultures used as symbols or colors for the 4 directions. I find it fun myself to let the kids find their own answers to these questions inside, but it is all personal preference, so you could chose to do a bit of research and direct some of the conversation. It all really depends on your kids, their interests and proclivities, and ages. I have one kid who makes big poster board charts and got up for 4 days before and after equinox to chart the exact times and locations of sunrise and sunset and sun position at noon time and was very scientific and exacting about it. I have another kid who just might chose this year to do an interpretive sun dance and draw a lovely picture for each direction. Be free, have fun, follow the kids leads and we would love to hear how this goes for your family! Here are our favorite 3 books on the subject: Sunshine Makes the Seasons by Franklyn M. Branley & illustrated by Michael Rex What Makes Day and Night by Franklyn M. Branley & illustrated by Arthur Dorros The Shortest Day by Wendy Pfeffer & illustrated by Jesse Reisch (and here is a you tube video of a mom reading the book What Makes Day and Night out loud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2y69y4pcN0 for instant access to this book) EQUINOX CRACKS ARE OPENINGThis afternoon, I looked at the clock, and saw that it read 3:33 pm I had this zig zag wavy line quality to my energy field, like the way a signal would show up on an old TV screen, zig zag wavy lines of fuzzy light I connected in, asking what these wavy buzzy lines were about and heard “the equinox cracks are opening” Ah - ha At the equinoxes, the tilt of the earth lines up in just such a way with solar winds that the winds effectively cancel out the protective magnetic field of the earth and a fissure or “crack” open to allow more high energy particles and photons and plasma inside our atmosphere and onto the surface of the planet, where we earthlings dwell. Doing a bit of research, I read that these equinox cracks (also know as the Russel- McPherron effect) begin about 10 days before equinox. That, my friends, is today. Maybe you felt this kind of magnetic portal open for yourself today, so wanted to mention it here for your illumination. These equinox cracks made themselves known to me last March in an expanded way. I connected with them, used them as access to photonic light and cosmic streams. It is so cool to greet them as a familiar friend this year, as we work in these cycles of expansion and ascension. EQUINOX CRACKS
(compiled info from online sources listed below) March is the most geomagnetically active month of the year, followed closely by September-October--a direct result of "equinox cracks." Research has revealed that during weeks around equinoxes cracks or fissure openings form in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind pours through these cracks. “The cracks are opened by the solar wind itself. South-pointing magnetic fields inside the solar wind oppose Earth's north-pointing magnetic field. The two, N vs. S, partially cancel one another, weakening our planet's magnetic defenses. This cancellation can happen at any time of year, but it happens with greatest effect around the equinoxes. NASA and European spacecraft have been detecting these cracks for years. Small ones are about the size of California, and many are wider than the entire planet. While the cracks are open, magnetic fields on Earth are connected to those on the sun. Theoretically, it would be possible to pick a magnetic field line on terra firma and follow it all the way back to the solar surface. There's no danger to people on Earth, however, because our atmosphere protects us, intercepting the rain of particles. The afterglow of this shielding action is called the "aurora borealis." (spaceweather.com) The solar wind is a fast-moving stream of electrically charged particles (electrons and ions) blown constantly from the Sun. The wind can get gusty during violent solar events, like coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which can shoot a billion tons of electrified gas into space at millions of miles per hour. Earth's magnetosphere generally does a good job of deflecting the particles and snarled magnetic fields carried by CMEs. When a CME impacts the Earth's magnetosphere, it temporarily deforms the Earth's magnetic field, changing the direction of compass needles and inducing large electrical ground currents in Earth itself; this is called a geomagnetic storm and it is a global phenomenon. CME impacts can induce magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetotail (the midnight side of the magnetosphere); this launches protons and electrons downward toward Earth's atmosphere, where they form the aurora. CMEs are not the only cause of space weather. Different patches on the Sun are known to give rise to slightly different speeds and densities of wind depending on local conditions. In isolation, each of these different wind streams would form a spiral with a slightly different angle, with fast-moving streams moving out more directly and slow-moving streams wrapping more around the Sun. Fast moving streams tend to overtake slower streams that originate westward of them on the Sun, forming turbulent co-rotating interaction regions that give rise to wave motions and accelerated particles, and that affect Earth's magnetosphere in the same way as, but more gently than, CMEs. (forbes surprise show article) Sources: https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2003/03dec_magneticcracks https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericmack/2021/03/01/aurora-borealis-puts-on-surprise-show-with-a-possible-encore-tonight/?sh=558858a433d7 https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=11&month=03&year=2018 https://spaceweather.com/glossary/bsubz.html?PHPSESSID=n4og40f7lvbsvfl1k2mqlj5nd4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind#Observations_from_Earth |
May 2024