This is Your Mother's Blessing...Live As Light Live As Light is my online shop for Andaras It has its own Facebook page and website - to showcase and distinguish the Andaras that are ready to connect with new Guardians! Website is: I take them in, love them up, polish them, bring out their sparkly light codes and activate them fully so they are ready to come play with YOU. The Andaras told me a year or two ago, that they wanted their “own space”- their own website, their own Facebook page, a Facebook group for friends to share about Andaras and Light Codes. Please pop on over and “follow” if this calls you in. Everything I post on Live As Light is “for sale” and ready to come out and play! My personal collection, that I use for my Light Body upgrades and out in the field for Crystalline Gridkeeping and Galactic Gridkeeping - those pics and activations are “free share” here on this page. This pinky orange opaque heart Andara started singing my this song last night, at sunset, watching Venus & Jupiter dance together in the sky. Mother’s Blessing By Snatam Kaur Oh my child, This is your mothers blessing May you never forget God Even for a moment Worshipping for ever The Lord of the Universe Retoño mío Esta es la bendicion de tu madre Recordando a Dios Todos los errores son purificados Y todos nuestros ancestros Son acogidos y salvados Siempre canta el nombre de Dios Har Har This Andara, with it's soft pink light exudes
Divine Universal Cosmic Mother’s Love you can connect with her and purchase her here:
Book Your Inner Space Journey Today!Every time I open this door and enter this space…I feel like the lucky person on the planet. It is fuel, nourishment, and a soothing balm for my soul. Sound Temple corner, set up For Illuminate group journey. Activation Station window for the Andaras And the Rainbow Grid Light Body Team for Inner Space journeys - “Goldie” the huge golden yellow source “team leader” And a 14 Ray set 8 Rainbow colors + 6 deep earth tone rays & galactic rays And guess what…..this space is open for YOU to come play. Book yourself an Inner Space Journey Nourish Yourself Feed your Light Body Plug in to source codes to sustain your flow! Live As Light
May 2024