Andara ActivationMETEOR SHOWERS, SUNRISE BLAZES & DRAGONS This light spectacular team is encoded with the orange blaze of sunrise, and the fire power of meteors. Unique colors and fire power with this set, cooled and balanced by the blue toned team members. Fire meets water, light meets air. Activated at the Atlantic seashore at sunrise in October of 2021. Lots of Dragon codes and Dragon breath fire power in these plasma wave beauties!! Available at our online Andara Shop - Live As Light
NEW Andara Activation VideoNEW Andara Activation Video sunrise by the Atlantic Ocean....with the Golden Light teams Aaaaahhhhh..... featuring this Coral Reef Team: Soulspeaks 5D I am scheduled to go on Soulogy LIVE on Facebook & YouTube with Todd Medina at 2 pm EST today Catch us live or click below to catch the replay! SeaFoam SeaDragons come online!Hello Friends I had an amazing synchronous magical andara moment just now that I want to share with you. Those of us that are Andara Stewards (those of us that reunite Andaras with their guardians, aka andara “salespeople” – I put in quotes, because those of us that do it “of the highest order”, it has zero to do with sales or $$) Andaras give VERY specific precise “instructions” on how to activate them, the timing of everything, whom they are meant to work with, how they want to team, when they are ready to be listed, what activation action they want me to preform before they are “ready”. For example, this year, the Aquatic Realm teams that I am a steward of, told me they wanted to first be assembled into teams for Gridkeepers, then brought to the ocean, activated in the sun and surf and sand. It was my utmost pleasure to do this, one of my most favorite things. It also involves a “photo shoot” as that is how the andaras transmit their soul call and codes to the new guardians. And how you can see which pieces you might want to connect with. In early October, over a long weekend, my family rented a cottage by the sea (as multi tasking gridkeeper mommas like to do). The teams that were ready to activate at that time came along on our journey. Each morning at sunrise I brought a few sets over to the ocean for coding. Super fun, for real my favorite kind of activity. Then, the sets/teams come home with me, and I have several activation/coding stations around my house and at inner space. Where the teams and pieces “code up” and integrate, until they are ready to be listed on the website and “call home” to their new guardian. Even though this team I am about to share with you coded ocean side in early October, I did not get the “go signal” to list it on my Live As Light Andara website until today. In fact, I had other plans for my workday today, but….when the call is LOUD, the stewards answer. SO – I have spent the better part of my day on my computer here at Inner Space, listing new teams/sets ready to go out to new guardians. Today -the aquatic teams are UP – specifically the Golden Dolphin/Cetacean teams. I listed many new ones. This last team, I had not yet named (or it had not yet named itself). And I kept hearing – Sea Dragon, Sea Dragon, Sea Dragon….SeaFoam SeaDragon, so that is what it is named. And then human Julie brain piped up and said….are sea dragons even a THING?? So I googled it. And, lo and behold, just a few days ago, “An astonishing fossil of an extinct 'sea dragon' discovered by a wetland conservationist one day at work has been hailed as the largest and most complete fossil of its kind ever found in Britain.” Say what now?? For real?? I had not heard this news story, but apparently the Andaras had, or they “knew” it was TIME. Humans were ready for them now. So much goes into the process of stewarding these amazing Andaras. From selecting the pieces I am meant to work with, to preparing them with love and affection, attention, to teaming them together, to activating and galactivating them, and taking them on adventures. Photographing, and overall loving them up. Listening with every sense to the process, heeding the calls. I also got a chance today to go back and look at my pictures from early October, when this set activated at the ocean, and you can see in the clouds how the sea dragons came forward then. Please click through and look at the pictures. They tell a TALE!! I even included a photo bomb from my son in there – he is very dragon connected. Here is a link to the article from this week about the sea dragon fossil being found in the UK this month: It is all AMAZING, fantastical, magical beyond words….AND also something that happens “on the regular” when you work and play with Andaras. I am one lucky ducky to have this in my life!! Is it your turn to play?? Click below to see these SeaDragon photos: Visit the online Live as Light Andara ShopMoon is with Hyades & PleiadesMoon is with Hyades & Pleiades
in the Taurus Constellation tonight Closely followed by Orion & Sirius Thanks for showing us the way Nikola….a man ahead of his time….or more aptly, a man who walks thru time…and space. Many associate Tesla with the planet Venus, in fact, he claims to have been communicating with Venus to receive many of his brilliant ideas. He describes how the technology would pop into his mind, fully formed. Then he would spend years, his whole lifetime working to build and manifest what he saw in this dimension, on the earth.
What a great sync that our Venus conjunction with the sun, also aligns with this Tesla anniversary date this year! I wonder if he departed the earth also under such a conjunction…. NIKOLA TESLA, THE NATURE OF LIGHT, THE HUMAN EYE THE SOUL SHOWS ITSELF IN THE EYE NIKOLA TESLA – January 7 - EYES AS WINDOWS TO THE SOUL When a SOUL is born to earth, and when a soul departs the earth for other planes, they live a corridor, a window or doorway. Today is the “death-aversary” or death date mark for the passing of Nikola Tesla. He died on January 7, 1943. He was a visionary, a man who could see the inner workings and codes of energy and information flow. He left us many many treasures, many technologies, and intruging breadcrumb trails to follow. I myself have been on one of those trails, following his work from Niagara Falls , through upstate New York and Hudson River Valley. His research in NYC, his lab in Colorado Springs, and his Wydencylffe Tower and Lab in Shoreham, NY – on Long Island. I have read much of his writings, and many modern writings about him. He tends to the dense yet flowery and meandering language. Honestly, his stuff is brain battering to slog through. A sign of a busy full mind. He was fluent in 8 languages. Maybe he was writing in them all at the same time in his own mind. It is ornate sentence structure. One of his works that caught my attention and pinged me LOUD a few years back was his presentation, “Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena”. Delivered in 1983 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and the National Electric Light Association in St Louis. Now, thanks to our technology, that Telsa paved the way for, we have it in pdf form. I will link it below. I reread this work it last night, and culled it for the juicy nuggets to share with you today in his honor. It particularly caught my EYE, as he opens in metaphysical leanings, about the wonders of the human eye, and what an amazing mechanism it is. He opens many doorways in this presentation. The parts that stand out for me to work with today, this month, this year, and to share here with you follow in block quotes…. Enjoy! Thank You Nikola – for LIGHTING the WAY! PS – one excerpt I highlighted to share reads: “at times, when a sudden idea or image presents itself to the intellect, there is a distinct and sometimes painful sensation of luminosity produced in the eye, observable even in broad daylight.” Below are three highlighted sections of text I would like to draw your attention to. I hope they are as intriguing and illuminating to you as they are to me!! On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena by Nikola Tesla “The saying then, that the soul shows itself in the eye, is deeply founded, and we feel that it expresses a great truth. It has a profound meaning even for one who, like a poet or artist, only following; his inborn instinct or love for Nature, finds delight in aimless thoughts and in the mere contemplation of natural phenomena, but a still more profound meaning for one who, in the spirit of positive scientific investigation, seeks to ascertain the causes of the effects. It is principally the natural philosopher, the physicist, for whom the eye is the subject of the most intense admiration. This divine organ of sight, this indispensable instrument for thought and all intellectual enjoyment, which lays open to us the marvels of this universe, through which we have acquired what knowledge we possess, and which prompts us to, and controls, all our physical and mental activity. By what is it affected? By light! What is light? We have witnessed the great strides which have been made in all departments of science in recent years. So great lave been the advances that we cannot refrain from asking ourselves, Is this all true; or is it but a dream? Centuries ago men have lived, have thought, discovered, invented, and have believed that they were soaring, while they were merely proceeding at a snail's pace. So we too may be mistaken. But taking the truth of the observed events as one of the implied facts of science, we must rejoice in the, immense progress already made and still more in the anticipation of what must come, judging from the possibilities opened up by modern research. There is, however, an advance which we have been witnessing, which must be particularly gratifying to every lover of progress. It is not a discovery, or an invention, or an achievement in any particular direction. It is an advance in all directions of scientific thought and experiment I mean the generalization of the natural forces and phenomena, the looming up of a certain broad idea on the scientific horizon. It is this idea which has, however, long ago taken possession of the most advanced minds, to which I desire to call your attention, and which I intend to illustrate in a general way, in these experiments, as the first step in answering the question "What is light?" and to realize the modern meaning of this word.” “I would say a few words on a subject which constantly fills my thoughts and which concerns the welfare of all. I mean the transmission of intelligible signals or perhaps even power to any distance without the use of wires. I am becoming daily more convinced of the practicability of the scheme; and though I know full well that the great majority of scientific men will not believe that such results can be practically and immediately realized, yet I think that all consider the developments in recent years by a number of workers to have been such as to encourage thought and experiment in this direction. My conviction has grown so strong, that I no longer look upon this plan of energy or intelligence transmission as a mere theoretical possibility, but as a serious problem in electrical engineering, which must be carried out some day. The idea of transmitting intelligence without wires is the natural outcome of the most recent results of electrical investigations. Some enthusiasts have expressed their belief that telephony to any distance by induction through the air is possible. I cannot stretch my imagination se far, but I do firmly believe that it is practicable to disturb by means of powerful machines the electrostatic condition of the earth and thus transmit intelligible signals and perhaps power. In fact, what is there against the carrying out of such a scheme? We now know that electric vibration may be transmitted through a single conductor. Why then not try to avail ourselves of the earth for this purpose? We need not be frightened by the idea of distance. To the weary wanderer counting the mile-posts the earth may appear very large but to that happiest of all men, the astronomer, who gazes at the heavens and by their standard judges the magnitude of our globe, it appears very small. And so I think it must seem to the electrician, for when he considers the speed with which an electric disturbance is propagated through the earth all his ideas of distance must completely vanish.” The various forms or manifestations of energy which were generally designated as "electric" or more precisely "electromagnetic" are energy manifestations of the same nature as those of radiant heat and light. Therefore the phenomena of light and heat and others besides these, may be called electrical phenomena. Thus electrical science has become the mother science of all and its study has become all important. The day when we shall know exactly what "electricity" is, will chronicle an event probably greater, more important than any other recorded in the history of the human race. The time will come when the comfort, the very existence, perhaps, of man will depend upon that wonderful agent. For our existence and comfort we require heat, light and mechanical power. How do we now get all these? We get them from fuel, we get them by consuming material. What will man do when the forests disappear, when the coal fields are exhausted? Only one thing according to our present knowledge will remain; that is, to transmit power at great distances. Men will go to the waterfalls, to the tides, which are the stores of an infinitesimal part of Nature's immeasurable energy. There will they harness the energy and transmit the same to their settlements, to warm their homes by, to give them light, and to keep their obedient slaves, the machines, toiling. But how will they transmit this energy if not by electricity? Judge then, if the comfort, nay, the very existence, of man will not depend on electricity. I am aware that this view is not that of a practical engineer, but neither is it that of an illusionist, for it is certain, that power transmission, which at present is merely a stimulus to enterprise, will some day be a dire necessity.” Read on here…I have a copy of Tesla’s full paper linked in the blog… Plus link to the Tesla Venus connection…. Venus Cycle: Descent into The Underworld, Ascent Into the SolarWorldThe planet Venus moves close to the Sun in our sky. The exact Venus Solar Conjunction is January 8, 2022. We ended 2021 with Venus as a blazing evening star, bright and visible in the west at twighlight and after sunset. Before the conjunction, Venus disappears from the night sky, and is swallowed from view by the sunlight. Venus will remain "invisible" - as in we are unable to see it, for several days prior and post conjunction. After a period of invisibility, Venus will be visible pre dawn in the morning sky, when we call it a Morning Star. Let's call that the "Venus Cycle". Ancient Skywatchers in many cultures paid very close attention to this Venus cycle. Venus disappearing from view was equated with a descent into the Underworld, and the planet's "rebirth" into the morning sky was equated with a rebirth, a resurrection, a renewal. The sunset picture from above I took on Monday January 3. This brilliant pink orange golden amazingly bright sunset occurred after weeks of grey sky, and on the heels of a grey cloud covered day. It was truly breathtaking and spectacular! As it was happening I noted - these are Venus skies (as many of us associate these colors with Venus) - and it truly felt magical and otherworldly. I felt strongly that these skies were a reflection for me of the Venus Cycle opening. What was also amazing to see is so many friends, from across the country, share similar pictures that same sunset. VENUS CYCLE IS OPEN - was the message I received, loud and beautifully clear. This morning, January 6, 2022, is the Cosmic Rising of Venus and the Sun. (Cosmic Rising is a Celestial Stargate alignment when two objects rise together.). This takes place around 7:15 am EST. Know that when you see the sun rise today, and as you gaze at the sun anytime in the next several days, that you are receiving light from both the Sun and Venus, both broadcasting and coding together. DESCENT INTO THE UNDERWORLD Many ancient cultures would consider this the time where Venus has descended into the underworld. The ability of a planet, or a deity, to descend into the underworld, and emerge into the sky, heavens again was considered a supreme power and greatly worshiped. Many mythologies, gods and goddesses emerged to represent and tell the tale of this powerful cycle...Innana in Sumerian, Ishtar in Babylonia, Quetzalcoatl in Mesoamerica, and many more. ASCENT INTO THE SOLAR WORLD We as modern sky gazers have come to understand that what is truly happening is an ascent of Venus into the SolarWorld. This planet is consumed by the sun's light, and it has not disappeared for good. We can chart that it will return in the morning sky after a period of invisibility. Depending on where you are and how your land lies that is around January 12-14, when Venus emerges into the morning sky, visible with Mars just before sunrise in the eastern sky. By January 20 - 22, Venus and Mars will be right in line with each other in the morning sky, growing closer to each other prior to their conjunction on February 16 (part 2 of the Venus Mars triple conjunction cycle, a story for another day). This amazing bright green andara has been in my collection since I purchased it to "stand in" for Venus in my crystalline grids for the Venus Pleiades conjunction in April 2020. This andara solar activation depicted below is from September 26, 2021. I chose this color green as a Venus hue, to match the abundance of Olivine/Peridot believed to be on the surface of Venus, as a product of its many volcanoes. You can read more about that if you wish here: Allow this current Venus Cycle to assist you in any inner transformations you have going on right now. We are, individually and collectively, undergoing HUGE cycles of death and rebirth, descending again and again into the depths, and emerging into the light of day, as resurrected Morning Stars! |
May 2024