Dive Deeper Together into the Eclispe CorridorThe Eclipse Alignments of Fall 2021 are bookending the year, completing the cycle we began in May and June. The eclipses have been star studed in Freedom Codes, full of Liberty Codes for every Soul on earth. What can YOU do to conduct, anchor and pump these freedom codes into the earth grids? How can this eclipse corridor assist you and your family to up level? What are the significant alignments and placements we should highlight and pay attention to as we flow through this eclipse cycle. Eclipses in general give us pause, focus point, dark introspective moments. We can use this current building eclipse moment to continue the work so many of us are doing – of clearing Ancestral lines, clearing debris from the family field. The planets are a Solar Family, and just like your family, each member has a different characteristic, a unique personality signature. How we code exchange with each one is different. They each bring out different personality traits, different facets of our own being. We will explore all this and more, in our next Inner Space Voyage.... https://explore.innerspacevoyages.com/courses/eclipse-corridor-2021 Details on this Voyage:
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 is a major focal point and celestial gateway. It bookends completes a eclipse gateway that opened with the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse earlier in the year. You will see a Chapter of this Voyage devoted to revisiting the intel that flowed in the gates during that alignment. They are playing out NOW as we flow through this November Eclipse, and working with both ends of the gateway - opening in May and closing in November - in tandem in our awareness is KEY. Layout of the Eclipse Corridor Voyage (4 Stages) Stage One: Lunar Planet Cross Coding as Eclipse Prep The Eclipse Gateway opened fully on the New Moon of November 4. During the two weeks between the New Nov 4 and the Full Nov 19 Moon & Lunar Eclipse....as the moon waxed on its path across in the sky, it visited all 8 planets in the sky Mercury, Mars, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and then Uranus. We include Pluto in these 8, and not the Earth - as Pluto is very significant, and played a significant role in this coding, and we ARE earth based, so it does not make a celestial alignment, it is our vantage point, home base. This presented as VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to and calibrate my own energy grid with - and share with YOU, my fellow travelers on this eclipse voyage. I have been working with these moon planet energies myself these weeks, and have codes to share with you too. To facilitate this code sharing, I am hosting a Soul-ar System Attunement on Zoom on Monday November 15 at 1 pm EST/Boston Time to integrate these cross moon planet codings and assist our human body fields and the planetary grids to receive the most impeccable coding from this upcoming Lunar Eclipse. Stage Two: Conducting the Nov 19 Lunar Eclipse - alignments, timing, viewing, creating ceremony for yourself Stage Three: Moon Moves through the Golden Pleiadian Gate of the Ecliptic in Taurus In the hours after the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon then moves through the Golden Gate (between the Pleiades and Hyades Star clusters in Taurus. This Golden Gate revealed itself to me this spring - with the Mars Pleiades alignment in April - and deeper still in May, with the first Lunar Eclipse of the Year on May 26. We revisit this ancient sky knowledge and Golden Gateway and dive deeper. Stage Four: Conducting the Dec 4 Solar Eclipse - alignments, timing, pathway on the earth, and the effects of solar eclipses on the earth energy grids and human heart grid/collective consciousness. Zoom Gathering Monday May 29 for this stage. Info and details to follow....
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