Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn @ Earth-KeepeRKeepers of the Crystals – The Blue Races of Hollow Earth
– Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn @ Earth-Keeper Copyrights Reserved 2017 Shared posthumously here in gratitude Tyberonn for all the gold nugget breadcrumbs you left for us to follow for our NOW. We keep your legacy alive! Greeting Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love! Dear Humans, As the frequency of the new earth continues to increase, so does the vibratory rate of the crystals. This is by purpose, by plan, for indeed the major crystal fields of the planet are playing major roles in the dissemination of the crystalline pattern. Indeed, the conscious mineral kingdom of the Earth is awakening to new levels of importance and influence. It is in fact the ‘Crystalline’ regions of the Earth that are playing the most prominent role in the shifts and upgrades in dimensional frequency. And we assure you, logically, this benevolent influence & resulting crysto-pineal stimulation is of great benefit for humanity. More and more of you are feeling the draw to visit crystalline energy fields, and indeed there is intuitive understanding & purpose of great significance in doing so. We assure you, there is a divinely orchestrated & purposeful call within the crystalline members of the conscious mineral kingdom to increase the generation & flow of vital life force, of coded geo-energy that it receives from the crystalline core of the earth, Saturn and from the central sun. In essence the massive crystal fields of Arkansas & Brazil act as ‘motherboards’, to use your computer vernacular. They receive codes, convert them and communicate, or project, the new crystalline pattern to the planet and humanity in the ongoing up-shift. To no small degree they are monitored and maintained by the Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean- Arcturian Alliance, with assistance from certain ‘Omni-Earthplane’ races of what may be termed as the ‘Blue Beings. Parallels & Blue Beings And so in this channeling we are asked to speak on the ‘Blue Beings’ & parallel dimensional realms, with emphasis on the region of the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas. Humanity tends to think of the earth as its own, yet the conscious earth has many levels, many parts termed as the Omni-Earth that combine to make a complex multidimensional whole. The Earth was occupied long before human souls manifested into physicality. Races from other systems of the physical and non-physical omni-verse have been visiting and indeed dwelling on the earth for billions of years. And in fact, the animal, plant & mineral kingdoms were well established eons before humanity began their earthly reign over physical dominions. Physical mankind, in a very relative sense, are the comparative newcomers. Dimensional Clarity In the Crystalline shift, of 2017 and beyond, these ‘parallel’ realms will become more tangible to you, and in due time, you will meet your ‘next-door’ dimensional neighbors. There are numerous succinct energy forces that create a fertile field of dimensional parallels. Crystalline minerals, noble & conductive metals, radioactive minerals, tectonic pressure, dynamic aquifer systems and volcanics each project certain vectors of vibrational frequency which can potentially become unique concentric capacitors of life forms within parallel multi-dimensionality. Such vectors enable anomalies in the space time continuum & provide valid realms of parallel physical, pseudo-physical & non matter domains. It is natural and fitting that the crystalline deposits on the planet are among the first to display remarkable evidence of life forms that were previously less tangible. Atlantis & Star Nation Because of the unique crystalline geology of what is now termed as ‘Arkansas’, this hi-frequency land was & remains uniquely attractive to all life. Indeed the crystal-geology indigenous to Arkansas was chosen in past time epochs as a colony of not only the ‘Atla-Ra’ Atlanteans, but also of the blue-skin races of Lumania & LeMuria , as well as the benevolent ‘Star-Nation ET’s, of the ‘Sirian-Pleiadian-Arcturian Alliance’. The crystalline energy of the massive quartz & mineral deposits in both Arkansas & Brazil have projection field vectors that are visible (and tangible) from far above the earth sphere. The double spin vortex of Arkansas reaches well above the stratosphere, and forms what may be termed as a major highway, a dimensional corridor, or wormhole, which facilitates entry. The ET, in your vernacular, the Star-Nation were the first to establish bases in the area of the crystals eons before humanity entered the earth-plane. The massive crystals and crystal caverns of Ark formed approximately 250-300 million years ago, in a time in which waters of oceans and lakes of glacier melt competed for containment, in a give and take of ebb & flow. Extensive waters covered much of the area that is now Arkansas. The Star Beings established bases in the crytsals regions of Arkansas roughly 100 million years ago. The Ouachita & Ozark Mountains in this time were considerably higher and appeared as large islands. Subterranean bases were established within the earth, below the surface waters, in the massive caverns. Pleiades & the Atla-Ra It was in fact the Pleiadian contingency that advised the Atlanteans of the Crystal sources in Arkansas (and Brazil)….and were indeed responsible for much of the technology developed in Atlantis with crystalline quartz. The Pleiadeans were very instrumental in the early stages of Atlantis, and dwelt on (and in) the omni-earth without permanent manifestation into physical realms. The Atla-Ra, those termed as the scientist priest of Atlantis, were in fact trained by the spiritual Pleiadeans. They were initiates of a great wisdom school involving disciplines of sacred science & spiritual mastery of the ‘Law of One’. The Atla-Ra became highly developed mystics with extraordinary powers of mind, yet adhering to high values of spiritual morality and altruistic ideals. The Atla-Ra were the benevolent & intellectual mystical scientist priests, of male, female & androgynous beings, that were the initiated ‘Masters of the Crystals’. In the first 2 periods of the three phases of Atlantis, only the Law of One wielded control, and benevolently so, of the crystals. Only in the final phases were non-initiate Aryans allowed into the knowledge, and they sadly betrayed this wisdom. Editor Insert: (Edgar Cayce Reading 440-5) About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period….The building above the stone (Tuaoi Crystal) was oval, or a dome wherein there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun’s rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves – with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth’s atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or (crystal) glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various modes of travel, through induction methods …The preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at the time…’ The Atlanteans of the Atla-Ra were primarily of Pleiadian star-seed. The ‘Golden Ones’ as they were termed, were what may be considered as giants in current times, standing between 10 – 12 feet in height, and in some cases extended to 15 feet. They were generally well proportioned, born into a naturally athletic physiology. The ‘Golden’ Atlanteans had a skin toning or hue of a burnished yellow-gold, and typically had blond hair, and would appear similar to the ‘Nordic’ race of Pleiadeans, from which they were seeded… except for the skin tone. Their average life expectancy extended from 900 to 1200 years, although some were capable of rejuvenation and lived beyond 7000 years. Certain of your present seers have predicted that evidence of Atlantis is to be found in Arkansas; (Editor’s Note-Kryon & Tyberonn) … but we tell you it will not be discovered on the surface, as an archeological remnant. We will add that the most viable surviving ‘surface’ remnants of ancient Atlantis are visible in Peru, Central America, Egypt & Mediterranean areas, all of which were Atlantean colonies. Question to Metatron: Edgar Cayce also spoke of 3 Halls of Records preserved underground by the Atlantean, Iltar, before the final sinking. Are any part of these in Arkansas or Brazil? Are their tunnels connecting to these Hall of Records? Metatron Response: That which is termed the three ‘Atlantean Hall of Records’, do still remain, and all are all subsurface. These ‘Halls’ are not physically in Arkansas nor Brazil, but may be more easily accessed mentally, visually in crystalline arenas, for the piezioelectrical aspects of the Crystal Vortex stimulates and opens the pineal, the 3rtd eye. Yet in both Arkansas and Brazil, there are intricate tunnel systems, connecting to hollowed chasms and caverns of the Atlantis & LeMuria eras networked below the ground at varying depths. Certain of these are remarkably preserved and are quite astonishing. In truth the evidence of Atlantis in Arkansas has been known by post-flood Native Americans for centuries, since the time of the early Mound Builders, who were migrants from the Atlantean antediluvian colonies in Yucatan and Poseida. Although the most famous of the remaining mounds is in Ohio (Serpent Mound), the Atlantean Red Race established communities throughout North America, in virtually every state of the lower 48, and in south-eastern & western Canada. The Caves, specifically in Arkansas & Brazil, contain not only remnants but ongoing clusters and bases, which are quite active in the present, albeit the active sections are in hyperdimensional fields. As your Edgar Cayce noted, the Atlanteans developed technology that allowed for the creation of ‘tubes, tunnels and elevators’, in the subterranean portions of the upper & mid mantle. (Ref Edgar Cayce Readings # 2157-1 & # 1730-1) These tunnels & shafts are networked throughout much of subterranean portions of Arkansas, most of which are many kilometers beneath the surface. Question to Metatron: There have been numerous reports of people in Arkansas encountering beings in the cave systems of Arkansas, most report them as ‘blue skin’ humans, can you speak on this please? Metatron Response: The Cave systems within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contain many anomalous & mysterious aspects, and are indeed home to underground communities of what is termed ‘Hollow Earth’. We will validate the veracity of communities beneath the lands of Arkansas. There have been instances in the past in which shamanic mystics of Native Americans have interfaced with them. In more recent times, residents of Arkansas have explored caves in the area, and also encountered the blue skinned race. But it must be clarified, that in the publisized, relatively recent incidents, these beings were very briefly ‘imaged’, and not truly seen, not physically encountered, in a 4th dimensional environ, somewhat in the same resonance of what may be termed as dream-scape astral dimension. This was enabled in part, due to the piezoelectric minerology within the caverns, the tectonic energies of the New Madrid Fault, combined with magnetic fields within the caverns. These influences facilitate, activate what may be termed multidimensional vision, directly stimulating the piezo crystalline attributes of the pineal gland. The related encounters with tall beings & blue skins beings in the caverns near Cushman, (Glass Cave), as reported, again, in more recent times by the spelunkers, occurred in the same vision-esque matrix. The visuals experienced by the explorers occurred in an altered state, a dreamlike high theta consciousness, induced minerologically & magnetically … well beyond normal beta wave, above 3d. The explorer’s accounts of the experience, were quite confusing to them, nebulous & distorted in memory, and also somewhat exaggerated & embellished over time. But indeed, the Blue-Beings are factually present, and the alternate parallel encounters did occur, and will occur more often in the new energy of the planet. We will add that uniquely in both Arkansas & Brazil, the massive crystals can and do externally project their consciousness in a rather novel ‘faerie-esque’ format. These appear in a myriad of projected forms, most commonly appearing as blue translucent ‘orbs’. These also may occur as darting wisps of blue tinted photonics, piezo-luminescent mini lightning bolts, similar in appearance to what is termed in Faerie-Devic mythology as ‘Will of the Wisp’. The Blue Beings Now, to further clarify, the ‘Blue’ beings are different in both frequency and cycle from the extra-terrestrials that populate underground bases in portions of the Ouachita & Ozark Mountains. As we have shared previously, the Sirian-Pleiadian-Arcturian Alliance are highly involved in the upshift of the planet, and the ongoing shift into the crystalline energies of the 144 Grid. There is indeed a base of the SPA Alliance below the region of the Talimena Ridge in Arkansas. The benevolent Star-Beings do interact with the blue peoples, but are of a different frequency and nature. The extra terrestrials are light forms, photonic in nature. There are actually several factions of the subterranean ‘blue’ races globally. The primary two that habituate dimensional caverns beneath the mountains of Arkansas originated from Lumania & MU (LeMuria). Both are spiritually advanced, but in separate physiologies and in different frequencial dimensional-cycles. The Lumanians are the beings encountered in imagery vision, in the caves near Cushman, termed as Blow Cave and Glass Cave. These are much taller than the blue people of LeMuria. The Lumanians are 7 to 8 feet in stature, are very thin, yet wiry. They are of a very ancient Sirian Star-Seed, and populated various portions of the planet in a very ancient, yet forgotten era, many millions of years before LeMuria & Mu. Interestingly, they appear very similar to the blue-skinned people depicted in the movie ‘Avatar’, but without the pointed ears or tails. Their skin is quite smooth, and their facial features are narrow, almost feline in appearance, with almond ovalesque eyes. They exist primarily as light beings and truly do not have a physical form, rather they project an image, in the rare circumstances they are encountered by humanity. In their present roles, the remaining Lumanians are in essence serving as care-takers for the planet, working closely with the sentience of the conscious Earth, termed as Gaia. The LeMurians went underground many eons after the Lumanians, and exist in greater numbers. The skin tone of the LeMurians is more of a chameleon toning. The ones beneath the lands of North America, and specifically below Arkansas are more of a teal color, and they are much shorter in height. The ones that exist in other parts of the planet, such as Peru and Brazil, are more of a reddish or rusty bronze to nation. Color is determined more by the mineral content of the water they consume. There remains a much larger populace of the ‘Hollow Earth’ LeMurians in the inner realms of the planet now, in comparison to the Lumanians. Not all of the LeMurians went underground, many migrated into OG (Peru-Bolivia & Ecuador), and others into the surface regions of continental Atlantis. The antediluvian LeMurians were dwarf like, in appearance, quite hairy, and spawned the mythological ‘middle earth’ tales of hobbits. As they went deeper into the earth, the pore pressures of the more profound subterranean hollows influenced changes in their physiology, and over time their physical density lessened and their rather bushy hair no longer grew. When the LeMurians originally arrived on the earthplane, they were pseudo physical, primarily etheric thought forms or projections. They were able to ‘push’ their consciousness into both biological & botanical life forms. They did not become purely physical until approximately 200,000 years ago. The LeMurians did indeed have interaction with the Atla-Ra, and assisted in the coding of crystals both in Arkansas and Brazil. At that time they populated both surface terrain and the subterranean. Although they are not of the Devic or Fae Kingdoms, which are also highly present among the crystals, they were often considered as dwarves, albeit the physical variety. Their height varied from 3 feet to 4 ½ feet in stature. They are sensitive & extremely passive in nature, and are as yet quite reluctant to have interface with humanity. These beings are purely telepathic in their communication and are very aware of the aggressive aspects of humankind. However it should be noted, that these beings work closely with the Earth, and also with the benevolent beings of Star-Nation. They are highly compassionate, but are aware that time is not yet appropriate for intentional direct contact with humans. This will occur as humanity achieve a higher light quotient, and become more fluent & lucid in multidimensional awareness. In future channels we will share more of these beings. We will additional speak on the unique devic kingdom that is projected from conscious crystals. Closing In closing we say again ….’As the frequency of the new earth continues to increase, so does the vibratory rate of the crystals. This is by purpose, by plan, for indeed the major crystal fields of the planet are playing major roles in the dissemination of the crystalline pattern. Indeed, the conscious mineral kingdom of the Earth is awakening to new levels of importance and influence.’ It is in fact the ‘Crystalline’ regions of the Earth that are playing the most prominent role in the shifts and upgrades in dimensional frequency. And we assure you, logically, this benevolent influence & pineal stimulation is of great benefit for humanity. More and more of you are feeling the draw to visit crystalline energy fields, and indeed there is intuitive understanding & purpose of great significance in doing so. We assure you, Dear Human, that there is a divinely orchestrated & purposeful call within the crystalline members of the conscious mineral kingdom to increase the generation & flow of vital life force, of coded geo-energy that it receives from the crystalline core of the earth, and from the central sun. I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. You are Dearly Beloved. Marvelous transitions are occurring, and you are on path. Keep your light shining! And so it is…And it is So… The above channel is Copyright Protected © All Rights Duly Reserved 2017 to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper Publications Shared posthumously in gratitude Tybb for all the gold nugget breadcrumbs you left for us to follow for our NOW
I JUST WENT BACK IN TIME WITH SATURN'S RINGSIn January of 2020 I had a massive informational "download" from the Sun Saturn Conjunction on January 13, 2020. Many of us across the globe were working together with the earth and solar and galactic grids this day. You might recall the sacred elder ceremony conducted at Uluru in Australia on this same day. I was a powerful day for our planet! Connecting in myself, remotely from my locale - so so much was pouring in, from Saturn via the SUN - it was transformative. Saturn's Rings kept "singing" to me, and I went looking for some pictures of them online, to tune in... What I found was illuminating. To share it, I wrote up this article, and as it turns out, it has been sitting unpublished in my computer until today. I added a few ending lines and placement of the images today, and uploaded it to my blog - and then debated, do I publish it as today's blog? Or....wait....I can "go back in time" via my blog editor, and publish it when it was written, Feb 5, 2020. Please travel in time with me, for a blip, back to 2020... Did you hear the call of Saturn and the Sun, of Uluru and the Songlines on this day? Where were you, how were you contributing to the global ceremony? And, if all this is new to you, simply flow back with me to February 2020 - before the planet went "sideways" as it did globally in March 2020.... Let's return our collective focus to the art and science of time walking! As cycles flow, tomorrow (from when I write this) is another Sun Saturn Conjunction - on February 16, 2023. Prepare for the TIME of TIMELINE ADJUSTMENTS - Open yourself to recall the art and ancient galactic technology of TIMEWALKING. AWARENESS OF THE WHITE AND BLACK HOLE DOORWAYS - by Soluntra KingOur dear friend and long time Light Grid Keeper and Wayshower Soluntra King left us a trial of breadcrumbs for us to follow....join me to explore her write up of White & Black Holes. Thank you Soluntra for all of of your decades of dedication to brining the light of awareness to our planet. We share her work here posthumously in gratitude.... AWARENESS OF THE WHITE AND BLACK HOLE DOORWAYS
A White Hole can be interpreted as the Source, God, Prime Creator and is the still point where all life stems from. In our universe and creation story the constellation of Lyra is the White Hole with Wega the brightest star. The White Hole is a prism of light that from the Source that this world was created from, as the prisms of light created life in many different star systems in this universe and galaxy. Once we left the White Hole we came into creation and therefore separation conscious started as we experienced many degrees of duality. At first we fragmented to founder Goddess/Gods creating whole universes. Then we wanted to experience our love further into creation and became Creator Goddess Gods creating in particular universes. From that level of our being in a blink of an eye whole worlds would have been birthed, gone through aeons of time and then supernova to created and birth new galaxies and solar systems. In the higher dimensional realms of existence there is no time and space, and we are only ruled by time and space in the 3rd dimension and in density. Once we unify ourselves more we move out of those limitations and structures that keep us bound by fear. We start to awaken to our multi-dimensional self and awareness of our divinity and that all comes from within, from the stillness and peace within our own centre and heart chakra. One with the Source, we now are on the In Breath moving back into unified matrix of life and light. We have been on the Out Breathe for aeons of time and can go no further or we would cease to exist. As you can see by how the world is at present; unless we shift our conscious then we will cease to exist as a lot of humanity is hell bent of destroying the Earth and themselves. But this will not happen we have just arrived at critical mass and experienced density and separation consciousness to the absolute. We all know this in our own lives by how many clothes and things we have compared to 20 years ago. The fact we are still raping the Earth of her blood to drive around and create pollution, that creates destruction for the natural world. We have experienced it until the experience cannot go on unless we wish to no longer exist on this planet, she will survive us, but we have to survive our own self destruction. So now we go within to find our solutions and through peace within and love we now create a new reality that comes from unity consciousness, harmony and balance. On our journey to experience our creation through our love we separated even further and become beings in the Councils of Light overseeing certain worlds and putting in light at equinoxes, solstices, planetary alignments through star alignments and stargates. Wishing to experience even more of our creation as beings in the light ships zapping through liquid light plasma. Then we fragment further as guides, guardians and master watching over humanity and assisting. Then we are brave enough to do the final separation and fragment ourselves into 7 billion people on planet Earth and come into a separate body and feel limited by it and forgot who we are. Once we remember who we are and realise that all our dilemmas can only be healed by unconditional love and acceptance. By coming from our heart and from the Goddess/God I am, then we start to trust and experience joy and love in our lives, good health and flow. The waking up process is on and escalating rapidly as we have seen in recent years and now 2012 with the latest equinox its all on. We are now moving through the crossover point within our heart and the cross over point within our Galaxy, the Black Hole, the void and then out into the new creation the new solar system and New Earth. WE HAVE COMPLETED THE WHITE HOLE OUT BREATHE EXPEREINCE AND NOW ON THE IN BREATHE BLACK HOLE EXPEREINCE. Those who are more conscious have experienced the stillness and no breath, the kundalini rising and the cosmic orgasm of creation through their bodies. They are the front runners of this shift in consciousness and leading the way. There is no exact timing for everyone to do this, as in the greater reality there is no time and space. In density it's your souls journey and you get nudged into it when you are ready. We all have our own timing and there are many who do not choose to experience this in their bodies. But there are many of us who now are here to complete creation at the denser levels and to become our body of light in this body and so ascend. After completing the descending process fully and embracing in love all our aspects and fragments our body becomes light naturally. AS A COLLECTIVE WE ARE MOVING INTO THE BLACK HOLE NOW Regardless of what we have loved or still create in a state of separation the universe cannot wait. So for those not ready they will go to another Earth where they experience where they are at and to continue the Out Breathe, duality dance journey. But for many of us now we are here to complete and have consciously been doing this, some of us for many years, some just woken up but all on the same page. This is the most amazing experience we can have by being in a body and being the all that is at the same time in oneness. We are blessed to be doing this n THERE IS ONLY LOVE Embrace yourself in love, the bottom line is it does not matter what you have done or not done, there is only love. The higher dimensional, Goddess God you are is wanting you to listen more deeply within. To give yourself the gift on this day of being present and allowing, open to receive from the love that you are. THE GIFT OF COMPLETION AND THE GATEWAY OF LOVE The energy coming for the Galactic Centre is here for you to take time out to gift yourself from your heart and to connect more deeply. Completing your Out Breathe separation experiences and to be in no time no space, the stillness and open to the new you, the real you. Copyright © 2012 Soluntra King - Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Introducing a New Andara CollectionIntroducing the… Solaris Communicator Andara Collection These illustrious solar beings are encoded with brilliant sunlight. Learn to Talk to the SUN Light Yourself UP with power and light Hold a piece of solar power in the palm of your hand! This collection is stepping forward to Assist you to integrate solar codes, communications, solar flares and fluxes. Invite the Solar Dragons into your world when you are ready to play "empowerment sun codes" and take your solar communications and power to the next level! Integrate Solar Activity within you Solar Pillar is your Column of Power Connect with these beauties at: |
May 2024