MORE SYCAMORE LORE - Earth to Moon & Back AgainI went to visit a special sycamore tree today. This tree grows in Holliston, Massachusetts.
This tree has been to the moon and back again! A Lunar Conduit - one of the MOON TREES! This tree has been to the moon - orbited the moon 34 times, and came back to earth - in seed form! Let me tell you the tale.... If you follow my sharing, you might notice I LOVE my local sycamore trees, visit them when called to, and work with them in a gridded network and as gateways - conduits from earth to sky. The sycamores have been calling me in for visits the last many weeks, a recent visit to the largest one in my immediate local area last week, brought in the info about the MOON TREES. Onboard the Apollo 14 Mission in 1971, astronauts brought along a canister of tree seeds. A joint project/experiment of NASA & USFS to see if taking seeds into space would affect their ability to grow on earth. Upon return some of the seeds were germinated and shared around the country, and around the world to be planted and see how they would grow. Seeds were chosen from five different types of trees: Loblolly Pine, Sycamore, Sweetgum, Redwood, and Douglas Fir. Saplings grown from these seeds were planted as part of the nation's bicentennial celebration in 1976. A loblolly pine was planted at the White House, and more pines all across the South, even one in Boise Idaho. Redwoods were planted in California - Sacramento, 3 in Arcata at Humbolt State, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, and Berkeley. Douglas Firs were planted in the Northwest (Washington & Oregon) and more reported at places such as Washington Square in Philadelphia, at Valley Forge, in the International Forest of Friendship in Ohio, and at various universities and NASA centers, and many other states. Globally trees were gifted all around - to Brazil, Switzerland, France and one was presented to the Emperor of Japan. You can read the list of known Moon Trees here. And...the Sycamores....they had the widest reach, as they grow in more climates and thrive in many soil conditions, they like sun and are often indicators of water sources. Two such Sycamores were planted in Massachusetts - one in Pembroke and one in Holliston. Only the one in Holliston is still living, and it being a 40 is minute drive from my house, I made it a priority to visit it the very next day. The Holliston Moon Tree is planted at the Police Station. (read about the Holliston Moon Tree here). In the front yard of the building, just quietly sitting there in plain sight on a busy road. Our local Moon Tree. The experience of being with it was mesmerizing for me. I brought along a Silver Lunar Disc Andara - because that's how I roll. The moments we had together - me and this tree - it was something very very special. It brought joy to my heart and tear to my eye. If I could ask this tree (and I could, so I did)....You've been to the Moon sweet Sycamore Tree - tell me, what was it like to be weightless in a canister in the Kitty Hawk Command Module while Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walked on the Moon below? What did earth look like from there? What can you share about the journey there and back? Moon Trees - Sycamores - The Space Lore - this is next level and I am humbled and forever changed. Maybe there is one by where you live? Maybe you want to visit one too? Here's the link to see where the known ones are planted. Even if you cannot visit one in person - the network of Moon Trees is open and available for you to connect with. They make a grid around the world! Connect in....
UNLOCKING THE KEYS FROM THE SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADITHE GOLDEN GATE OF THE ECLIPTIC Unlocking the KEYS from the SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADI My ancestors are from Malta (my birth name is Bonnici). The temples on Malta have been calling me very loud for many years. I feel like my natural proclivity for sound codes come from this lineage and DNA line of mine. One Maltese Temple in particular started projecting codes my way and calling to me super duper loud during this Mars Pleiades gateway. Tal Qadi Temple. In the ruins and wreckage of this ancient star temple was found an etched stone, that is thought to be a star map. This stone is considered by some to be the oldest astronomical tool or sky map, dated around 4,000 BC. The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching open star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since all planets as well as the moon and the sun always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all these seven orbiting bodies are regularly passing through the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. Uncovered on the Island of Malta in excavations of 1927 was an etched limestone tablet. Now known as The Sky Tablet of Tal-Qadi, this tablet is an ancient star map and astronomy tool. Used around 4000 BC, this sky map/tablet shows us the passage of the Sun, Moon and the five visible planets through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate of The Ecliptic also serves as a moon “observatory”. As the Moon passes through the gate over the year, it moves through its various phases. In fact, if you watch the moon pass through this gate through the 12 months of the year, it will highlight and showcase the progression of the moon through its phases. I continue researching on the building of stone archeoastronomy calendars and tracking of Lunar Standstills and how our ancestors used this gate as a marker to design these lunar calendar sites.
There is a correlation between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and this temple on Malta. All three sites sit around the 36th longitude parallel. They all hold some crystalline coding along this parallel, and there is a correlation between the astronomical observation point of the Tal-Qadi temple on Malta, and the astronomical alignment stones set to mark the lunar standstill cycles in Chaco Canyon. The Ascension & the 144 - Crystal Grid |
Geomancy Direct communication with the living breathing being of the earth. Observing the ley of the land, the topography, the geology, the geopathic stress conditions, the patterns and flows, openings and confluences. Geomancy explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place. Geomancy is a complex art of interpretation and skill in recognizing patterns with earth energies. We include astronomical alignments, sacred sites, earth-based geometry, spirit realms, sacred mountains and stones, landscape and travel corridors as we seek ways of understanding. |
Hydromancy Hydromancy involves the use of water to bring messages, visions, and information. Water offers insight via color, ripples, waves, ebb and flow movements, rings (from dropped objects), reflections. We communicate with the water element in many ways. Sitting by a water body, stream pond, lake ocean and watching with all of your senses. Water is a conduit for the collective unconscious, the system that flows throughout all of creation, including our bodies. It’s a portal into collected wisdom, history and tapping into the patterns and dynamics to come. Water is the language of emotion and for this reason, it can provide powerful hits of information. |
Pyromancy is divination with fire - divination by means of fire or flames. Much inner wisdom can be accessed by sitting by a fire. Gazing into the flames produces transcendent states. In our modern culture, we so easily produce fire – yet our ancestral memory runs deep when fire was considered “of the gods” (like from lightening from the sky gods) and beyond control. Fire was associated with a living being--it ate, breathed, grew, decayed, and died. Ancients believe fire to have been “the most holy spirit” from which all life was born, and was used as a central icon in many rituals. |
Aeromancy Aeromancy is divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions. Aeromancy uses cloud formations, wind currents and cosmological events. There are sub-types of this practice such as: ~ Austromancy - wind divination ~ Nephomancy - cloud divination ~ Anemoscopy - ancient practice studying speed, direction, and sound of wind ~ Ceraunoscopy - observing thunder& lightning ~ Chaomancy - aerial vision ~ Meteormancy - meteors and shooting stars |
Alveromancy Alveromancy is the practice of using sounds for divination. The forms of divination by means of sounds and noises. The ancient Egyptians believed sound was a direct channel between humanity and the gods. There are many methods and forms of Alveromancy. Listening to the sound of the waves in the sea, of the wind that blows, of the echo in the mountains, of birds whistling or singing, the movement and sound of the foliage in the trees, seashells placed to the ear, etc. |
These stars are now conjuncting, or lining up with, the sun. That means, that the sun gets a “boost” of light from these stars, and that the light that is incoming from the sun also contains light and codes from this star cluster.
Those of us that work with, anchor and conduct light and light codes onto planet earth, know that this time of sun aligned with celestial body is an extra special potent time to work with the information and light codes from the stars.
The Pleiades with Sun Gateway runs from early/mid May until early/mid June (approx 40 days).
It varies slightly depending where on earth you observe from, and your local surrounding matter too - light levels and landscape factor in. Here at my longitude and latitude the period of Sun and Pleiades alignment in the sky began this week, around May 8-11 and runs through early June, when the Pleiades rises before dawn and becomes visible again.
We are here in the Pleiades Gateway Now
Drink it in, rise up to meet it, pay attention to the messages. It is a potent time!
Capacitors are technology that receives charge...positive and negative...storing that charge on speparate “plates” and building up capacitance. And then that stored charge can be held and stored. To be used by the circuit for later.
Double Stone dolems, spilt stones or twin standing stones are in so many places. Then as part of crystalline technology of earth energy grids is an awesome powerful contemplation.
Thanks for sharing Julie Ryder
facebook post from:Jock Doubleday August 28 ·
Are duoliths around the world actually ancient crystalline capacitors?
Are stones brains? Did the Ancients create standing duoliths to serve the same purpose as that served by the bicameral structure of the brain - the gathering and storing of power? What was this power meant to be used for? Are the standing stones still in operation today?
Please see my upcoming article:
"Bicameral Stone: Crystalline Concrete Duoliths around the World Are Electrical Capacitors Gathering and Storing Energy"
See also my newest video about the Montana Megaliths, "Star Fire Duolith" (coming August 29, 2021 to Montana Megaliths Youtube channel and to my personal Youtube channel, "Jock Doubleday").
Coast to Coast Gridworker's Chat
The Feathered Serpent ReAwakens
On Monday, May 25, a dear friend and fellow gridworker sent me this photograph. My immediate full field reaction was Quetzalcoatl !!! I myself had a close encounter of the communicative kind with a snake (or two) in my garden over the weekend. Either I had multiple snakes in my yard, or this one snake basically followed me around for several hours. He had a LOT to say to us. It was a Parseltounge moment for sure! We also saw the snake stalk, creep up on and swallow a HUGE nightcrawler worm whole. It was equally horrifying as it was amazing. The thing was like a third of the size of the snake. Gulp, down the hatch. This encounter, coupled with my friend’s light encoded light being in the clouds photo was a double sign, double confirmation. This is how we teamwork and download info and encoded wisdom from the Living Library of Light!
Now, I have heard of this being Quetzalcoatl, and vaguely knew he was from stories from Central America and Mexico but did not know much more. Was he a bird turned into a snake? I quickly started receiving downloads on Quetzalcoatl, both energetic and light code info directly from source, and via some online research and reading. Yesterday the pieces all wove themselves together….and I want to share the intel with you!
Points of my reading that grabbed my attention…
The Feathered Serpent. The Rainbow. The Association with Venus. The tale of the two brothers, one as the Evening Star and one as the Morning Star. That Quetzalcoatl is the gatekeeper and conductor of Venus, as the planet transitions from a period of many months’ time being an evening star, bright in the night sky. To a period of us on earth not being able to see Venus. When Venus is “consumed” by the sun, when they are aligned in the same spot in the sky, also knows as a conjunction. Then Venus emerges as the Dawn Star. Many sacred temples in Mexico and Central America are aligned to the setting and rising cycles of Venus. There is power and importance here!
The sacred site Teotihuacan, an ancient Mesoamerican city, on the outskirts of modern Mexico City, has a temple dedicated to Quetzalcoatl – the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.
I reached out to another grid worker friend who has spent time in person grid working at many sites in Mexico. She confirmed and added puzzle pieces to the Teotihuacan and Feathered Serpent awakening story. We also noticed the lines of flow that run from the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, up through North America, to Niagara Falls, through the snake effigy rich fertile Ohio Valley, along the rivers. Niagara Falls was where this first picture was captured.
The Snake effigy mounds in Ohio and the central plains of North America are all heavily involved in this current reawakening too. I saw the line of awakening light beam from the Feathered Serpent Pyramid site, up through the Arkansas crystal beds, up the side river valley towards the great lakes, in and through Ohio, and on up the way to Buffalo and beyond. There were many other rays and beams activating as well. The underground inner earth space energies are flowing so strong right now!!
And VENUS. Venus is in the glare of the sun, and is in full conjunction, it’s orbital path passing between the earth and the sun on June 3, 2020.
Sun Conjuncts Pleiades May 22
In ancient myths, this was a time that these stars would descend into “the underworld” or below the horizon. Astronomically, we know that the Sun has caught up with the Pleiades on its annual path across the ecliptic, the travel path of the sun and planets. On May 22 the sun moves to conjunct the Pleiades Star cluster in the constellation Taurus. Pleiades are moving into the bright glare of the Sun, and rise and set with the sun, and for those of us viewing from planet earth they are not visible at night.
When a star or planet lines up with the sun in our sky we say that they conjunct each other. During this time, the sun amplifies and sends codes from this star system to us on earth. We as gatekeepers conduct and welcome this energy and light and star encoded information into our own bodies, and then birth it onto earth and deliver it into the earth grids.
I am sharing this info with you, so that if you are called, you can actively work with this PLEIADES STARGATE AND GATEWAY energy. Each of us will be called to work with the energy and star and sun light codes in different and unique ways. Simply sitting out in the sun, and making an intention to connect with the Sun and Pleiades is "doing it". You do it by being YOU. If you are called to draw, dance or move, sing or tone, work with crystals or andaras, all that is amazing too. Connect in, from your core, to the core of the sun, the core of each star. Amazing things will happen friends. You are the light conduit. You are the light anchor and pathway. You are a light conductor. Conduct away!!!
From the Source of ALL - to the core of our galaxy, out to each star, including or sun, to you, into the earth.
Spring 2020 Significant Pleiades Alignments
April 4: Venus Conjunct Pleiades – Diamond Activation – The Squeeze
May 10-13: Heliacal Setting of the Pleiades
The last visible setting of the Pleiades. The Pleiades “goes dark” or becomes invisible from earth from May 13 – June 4
Pleiades are inside the glare of the sun and not visible for this time
JUNE 3 - SUN CONJUNCTS VENUS - Inferior Conjunction of Venus with the Sun is Exact on 3 Jun 2020 1:43:29 pm EDT in Gemini
JUNE 4 - HELIACAL RISING OF PLEIADES - The Sun, Venus and Pleiades are in a line up - as Venus dances onto the other side of the solar plane - and at 4:07 am on June 4, the Pleiades peeks over the horizon in the predawn sky.
JUNE 19 - MOON CONJUNCTS VENUS - The Moon moves between Earth and Venus, making a transit, and the moon is the sliver crescent moon, effectively "cupping" Venus as it rises at 4 am (EDT time). It happens within the Hyades, near Aldebaran.
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The Hathors
The Pleiades
Time Walking