I parked at one of my favorite eastern vista spots to watch the moon rise. Moon rose around 3 pm EST - soft and white against the blue daytime sky.Wanted to share some of the beauty that I was witnessing with all of YOU 🙏🏻🌝🌕 What a privilege to be connected across time and space with all of YOU This Andara came out to play for the full moon- and now I’m calling it “Lunar Surface” Andara - it is very layered with some clear and many pockets of bubbles.
Looks like the lunar surface (hence the new pet name for this beauty)
Lunar New Year & Lunar Celestial GatewaysTHE DRAGON & THE PHOENIX Lunar New Year & Lunar Celestial Gateways Calendar Keeping – Solar, Lunar & Lunisolar Years A Solar Year is the amount of time it takes for the sun to appear in the same spot in the sky, which is driven by to how long it takes the earth to orbit the sun. A solar year is 365 years (plus a few hours) A Lunar Year is based on the monthly cycles of the moon phases – and counts a year cycle complete when the moon comes back to the same spot in the same phase. Our moon is a fast mover, constantly shapeshifting! A pure lunar year is 354 days A LuniSolar Year takes into account both the sun and moon cycle points to harmonize and include both. The method of syncing the two calendars results in a “leap month” every second or third year. A “standard” lunar cycle has 12 moons, and a leap has 13. Of note – the sun and moon cycles & calendars sync up every 33 years. One of the reasons the 33 is such a light encoded number. For any cycle – you have to pick a starting point as a marker. For the solar we use the equinox point – so a solar year begins on the March Equinox. A calendar year of course begins every January 1. A Lunar Year traditionally is determined by the tipping point to spring – the new moon closest to the cross quarter seasonal marker (halfway between solstice and equinox. Lunar New Year The sliver moons we can see just before dawn this week are the last glimpses of the 2023 moon. The Lunar New marker is upon us. We begin again! The New Moon is Friday February 9 at 5:59 pm EST/22:59 UCT and 6:59 am on February 10 in China. (this is why you will see Lunar New Year listed as Feb 10 – as we set our global lunar clocks by our Asian wisdom timekeepers). Each Lunar year traditionally has a Chinese Zodiac animal guardian associated with it. We are entering the 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon. Each Lunar year also has a governing element, this year is wood. The Dragon & The Phoenix Fly in Together While the dragon energies are most palpable as we flow into this new lunar year – I have also been feeling a ton of Phoenix energies!! The Dragon and Phoenix energy signatures are similar to me. Sometime the light being projections from my Andaras have this quality of being simultaneously a Dragon AND a Phoenix to me. They code together. That has always intrigued me and made me want to explore more. Where I live, we had scant few days of sun in January. One of the bright sun days was January 12, I had been at Inner Space most of the day on January 11 – gridding with Andaras, as that is a gateway play day for me when much comes streaming in the 1/11- and the Andaras are my crystalline gridkeeping buddies on such an occasion. I had set in place a “grid” for my 1/11 ceremony – and walked in at just the right time the next morning to see the most glorious light show - and this light being flying on rainbow wings right out of Goldie. We played and danced together for a while, and I took many pics and photos to celebrate and share. Exploring The Celestial Gateways This light play 1/11 gateway day reignited my desire to connect more deeply with this Dragon/Phoenix doubling I was tuning into. A bit of surfing and reading and googling about connections between the two I came across the factiod that in ancient traditions the Phoenix was considered the Yin Counterpart and “other half” of the yang dragon. Bing Bing! This hit the spot -this was in align with what I was feeling. That the 2024 Lunar Year has the Dragon & The Phoenix riding in together – as a guardian pair! As a Celestial Shaman does, I checked the skies and celestial sphere for these guardians – and found them in the Draco (Dragon) and Phoenix Constellations. These two constellations sit across the sky from each other – and are North and South Celestial Pole Guaridans. Draco the Dragon stars wrap around the northern celestial pole and keep “watch” over our North. The Phoenix sits near the South Celestial pole. With this cross sky placement – they can rise and set across from each other – opening a celestial gateway. During the New Moon and Lunar New Year window – the Dragon sits on the northern horizon, and the Phoenix sits on the southern. Celestial Guardians keeping the gates. 2024 Lunar Year & The Eclipse Cycles The First New Moon of Lunar 2024 is Feb 10 – Lunar New Year. The second New Moon is March 10 – a Supermoon. The Third New Moon of 2024 is a Lunar Eclipse. This Lunar Eclipse is March 25, 2024. And is the complement to the much-anticipated April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. All of these upcoming moons - full and new - feel super potent, and will activate key codes in each one of us as we launch a new lunar cycle and prepare for the transformational eclipse cycle. I have crafted my Inner Space offerings to assist us all with this inner transformation. Both Dragon & Phoenix bring FIRE. Fire burns down the old. Fire consumes. Fire Transforms. Fire Alchemizes. And we emerge anew - and build again - all NEW. This process will be impactful – and bring so much through for us to work with too! To assist us all in this inner transformation, I have designed an Inner Space Journey to bring through the light codes to your field and to bathe your field in sonic landscapes and skyscpaes where Phoenix & Dragons fly. To assist as we flow through the gateways - I have planned events on each of the moons building up to the Lunar Eclipse on March 24/25. These Launch with this weekend’s Lunar New Year Celebration with Sonic Alchemy of the Dragon & The Phoenix offered both in person and online. Phoenix Fire Andara Teams
I also have been utilizing a 3 piece Phoenix Alchemy Fire Andara team for my own personal work for years now (thank you Lisa Transcendence Brown for connecting me with them). They have come with me everywhere I go, every trip, every new spot, there they are, at my bedside. I have also assembled and activated Andara teams of the same color rays for sharing with all of YOU. They flew with me to Phoenix and activated with me in Sedona. They flew to Texas with me and activated more under the October eclipse. These sets wanted to come code with Goldie and the play with Dragon Phoenix Light being, what a fun and uplifting way to spend a morning! They are Alive with LiGHT and we have them listed in the Live As Light online Andara shop ready to fly your way. Connect with the team that is meant to illuminate your alchemical phoenix soul light. Powerful Inner Transformations await. Pluto – Platinum Ray – Plasma Flows Pluto’s Icy Heart – The Polar Vortex – Planetary Circulatory System Pluto – Platinum Ray – Plasma Flows A Solar Conjunction happens when a celestial body (star or planet) occupy the same location on the celestial sphere. A conjunction of a planet with the sun shines a light on that planetary consciousness. It brings our awareness to the qualities associated with that planetary body. Pluto is the planet farthest from the sun, and at the edge of our solar system. As such – it receives only distant light and scant heat from our solar central star body. It calls forth the qualities of “the deepest reach” – the deepest within and the furthest away. Soul memories, soul fragments are icy chunks in this region. When the light of the sun shines on them and they “melt” onto the forefront of our awareness, we recall deep cellular memories, deep storehouses of body data – blasts from the past, and future. Ancestral wisdom and lineages call us in. The songs and skillsets emerge and surface for our now usage. Clearing the old “cobwebs” on the ancestral lines has been a big collective theme for January 2024. We all experience this in different ways, some in dreams – of past events or relationships, and old injuries in the body making themselves felt. Patterns of family line and ancestral inheritances come blazing into sight, to be transformed and cleared. The fire of family alchemy – powerful stuff! Pluto and the Sun met up at the same spot in our sky on January 20, 2024. Leading up to this powerful conjunction alignment, we visit the “deepest reaches of our soul”. In addition the this deep surfacing and clear out – we have been experiencing the icy cold winds of Pluto. A NASA explore craft New Horizons sent us back stunning images of Pluto from its fly by – revealing a huge glacier of nitrogen ice in the shape of a heart. Scientists have since discovered that this icy heart is the wind driving circulatory system of the planet Pluto. “During the day, a thin layer of the nitrogen ice warms and turns into vapor. At night, the vapor condenses and once again forms ice. Each sequence is like a heartbeat, pumping nitrogen winds around the dwarf planet.” As an opportunity for experiencing the cold dark Pluto vibes, Many of us in the USA have experienced this Pluto Sun alignment along with the Polar Vortex. A movement of the circulating winds and atmospheric flows of our own planet - artic air descending south into the continental USA. Along that frontal flow boundary has been storm after storm. In my region of the Northeast USA – and much of January has been cold cloud covered days, with much ice snow and bitter cold rain. A gift from mother nature to dive into the deepest reaches and caverns of our mental, emotional and physical bodies. What a transformational ride! Alchemical fires burn bright and hot. If you are feeling this icy heart, icy body vibe – know you are not alone, and we will all emerge greatly transformed and a lot brighter. The Sun also got very active again just after this alignment – blasting with eruptions and flares. These solar eruptions are like “burps” of solar plasma gas that stream all throughout the solar system. These solar storms can interface with our planet’s electromagnetic field and produce Auroras - Polar Lights – both Northern and Southern Lights. Adding another layer to draw our collective attention to the Poles. I noticed a predominance of Platinum energies streaming forth during this time too. It made a conscious connection of Pluto – Plasma – Platinum - Polar that can best be shared with you via picture and video activations…
ANDARAS as MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLSANDARAS as MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLS Silver Ray Andara & The Sasquatch The first time an Andara connected me with a spot on planet earth was this Silver Ray (clear) Andara. Using it as a contemplation tool- I had inner eye visions of a huge snow covered white mountain. Searching for a match I found this image of K2, which was a strong resonant match. This Andara and Mountain also sang the song and told the tales of the Silver Yeti. The Silverbacked Sasquatch beings. Interdimensional Beings of Light - they conveyed so much. (Still do). The correlation of Silver Andara and Silverback Yeti/Squatch continued to unfold. Meanwhile, the Andara was knocked off my bathroom shelf and shattered a piece off. My first time I had an Andara break (but definitely not the last, it is part of the coding). And then one day, in just the right light, I had this strong Sasquatch profile show itself in the Andara. This was jaw dropping fantastical, and the first time I had a light being “walk through” an Andara Portal. It has happened countless times since. Andaras are Doorways. They are portholes. Like a “peephole” into another dimension, another fractal of of multi verse. Beings use them too look through, like a porthole on a ship or a peephole in a door. They shove their faces up close. And then we on this side catch a glimpse of their faces, profile, eyes and features. This Silver Squatch and I opened a strong telepathic connection and communication pathway. He introduced himself as Barnabi. All still very "fantastical" and amazing, yet beyond the ordinary, the communications continue.* Another Sasquatch communicator friend named Kelly** posted this picture on facebook, and a wave of instant recognition washed over me - that's HIM - or one of his tribe. I went on to have a private session with Kelly - and she independently confirmed much of the intel I had been receiving. So vital to have a friend to compare notes with! Part of why I write this for you to read today. Below is a video share (it got cut into two pieces, they dovetail together)
The Sasquatch have been very prevalent for me and my family again this season! We are making tremendous "leaps of faith" in our house this September. Boldly forging forward, away from outdated systems and institutions and creating all NEW! I often find Sas presence with the children, around schools. Loving Nurturing Kind presence. Like Elder Guardians - beaming pure LOVE. Asking for a sign of connection this weekend, these clouds came through. A sign of sacred presence. This weekend, I was reminded of my yoga connection to Hanuman. Of course Hanuman is another presentation of Sasquatch Energy! Exploring more of the "Tales of Hanuman" and listening to Krishna Das and the Hanuman Chealesa - so grounding, so steadying, move out of FEAR and into LOVE - say the Squatchy friends! EXPLORE FURTHER ON THIS TOPIC
* If you would like to read more of my Sasquatch Stories - you can find them on my sister website The Soul Planet that is dedicated to "tales from the field - A GridKeeper's Journal" https://www.thesoulplanet.org/light-birth-passageway.html https://www.thesoulplanet.org/a-powerful-2020-reconnection.html ** Kelly Rainbow Butterfly (Lapseritis) and SunBôw connected and collaborated to publish “The Sasquatch Message to Humanity” online to be shared with large audiences. Visit their page here: https://sasquatchmessage.com by Soluntra King from the book "Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity"USING CRYSTALS TO TRANSMUTE ENERGIES AT A PLACE OR LEYLINES
by Soluntra King from the book "Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity". The cause of a negative area can be from many different imbalances. For example it can be a Negative Leyline or crossing of lines. There are many different levels and expressions of these lines, some can be made by collective negative thought patterns of the people in the environment, or from along the line. They can be from geopathic stress from the Earths movement, or they can be from a blockage in the Earths energy grid, which is like the Meridians of the human body. They can be disharmonious radiations from underground streams, and there are also the manmade radiations of microwaves and electricity. Not forgetting that on the more subtle levels there are also grids that cross around the earth. The main focus at present for the Healing of the Earth is to get all these energy grids and vortexes flowing freely and in harmony. This creates a harmonious environment that encourages those who occupy it to become more in harmony, peaceful and balanced in themselves. So apart from the activation work, if you feel that a particular area, suburb or house feels negative, or low in energy in some way the following can be helpful. TRANSMUTING NEGATIVE ENERGY OR BLOCKS IN THE GRID, IN AN AREA OR SUBURB by Soluntra King from the book "Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity" Either on your own or with friends use a Quartz Crystal, bigger ones are very useful for this purpose. Put this in the centre and you can make a wheel, or stand in a circle with your friends. First connect to your Higher Self and the Earth, and ask only of the Highest in the One Heart, that your I Am presence is with you, and that of the Ascended Masters, Light Beings and Guides. That what you are doing is done in Divine Love and Light. If you are doing this with others connect with everyone in the Circle. See yourselves standing in the Golden Octahedron as described in the creating a Gateways of Light section. Become aware of the Golden Light as it comes through the top Apex, and into your heart. It is Golden, warm and glowing.....Now feel it moving through your body and into the Earth.......Connecting with the centre of the earth.....Then the earth energy coming back up and through your body via your feet and into your heart.....Out the top of your head and around your energy field...Now bring your focus back to your heart, and the beautiful Golden Ball of Golden Love there, as it becomes more and more radiant....It moves out through all your bodies......this beautiful Golden Light is also linking you all in the circle.....It flows into your left hand and arm, through your heart and out your right arm and hand around the circle, allowing the energy to build up. Feeling the flow around the circle through your heart and to the heart of everyone there, connecting you all in the One Heart. Then send all that Love into the Crystal in the centre of the circle..........as the crystal acts as a amplifier and transformer of all that Divine Love and Light.....Then as the Crystal activates more with all the Love that is flowing into it.......Now send all this Love energy down into the Earth....as it goes into the earth it links into a beautiful crystal, in the centre of the circle beneath you. This is activated with the Divine Love and Light and radiates it throughout the Earth along the Crystalline grid. As the energy radiates out through the grid underneath the area, it activates lots of other crystals. They are conductors of this energy through the grid, until the whole area is pulsating with radiant Divine Light. With your intention and words you ask that the crystals hold this energy, and keep the grid flowing freely. The energy vibrates under the earth, and this flows up to the surface and above, encompassing the whole area in Divine Light and Love. You can make sounds, sing, drum or do any other attunements that feel relevant to you as well. You may feel guided to walk or dance around the circle anti-clockwise and clockwise three times each to anchor the energies. And/or put your hands to the earth too send in healing energy with the physical connection. If you are alone then after you have made your connection to Higher Self and Earth, the Divine Beings and asked through the Greater Central Sun. Then feel your connection in Love to all the beautiful Beings on the other levels whom are present with you. Sending Love into the Crystal and following the same guidelines as above. You may feel too leave the Crystal there as a Guardian, or cleanse it and take it home. Every now and again check and see how the place feels to you. You may have the inner knowing that what you have done is enough, or that you need to do it several more times. TRANSMUTING LEYLINES On Leylines you can simply place some Quartz, Rose Quartz or other Quartz on the area of negativity. The Crystal has been activated with Love, and the intention or programme that they be used to free up the energy and allow for a positive, loving flow again. Place the one or more Crystals along the Leyline, or if it is a crossing on that, and the lines running out from it. To determine where the Leyline or crossing is, use a pendulum to dowse, muscle testing or your intuition. Leave the Crystals there until they have done their work, and the place feels great again. TRANSMUTING NEGATIVE ENERGIES IN THE HOME Using a Quartz Crystal or one of its family, ie. Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Citrine or Green or Blue Quartz. If the area in question is your home, inside or in an office etc you can use the Crystal as a Transmuter of Energy. Begin with connecting to your I Am presence and Grounding then ask that you be surrounded in Divine Light, and that all Beings of Divine Love and Oneness be with you. Connect to your Crystal sending it Unconditional Love, and then speaking from your I Am, your truth and your Heart. State that in the Love of the One all negative energies, and/or entities and Beings who are stuck on the Astral plane be released with Love and Acceptance. That they go in Peace to where they belong, transmuted with Divine Love into Wholeness. Then see, imagine, visualize or with your intent know that spirals of pink love energy are spiraling down into the crystal, and out from the Crystal. Through the room, cupboards, attic, and through all of the rooms in the house, including the bathroom, hall, porches, sheds, garages. Focus on the Crystal in the centre and send Unconditional Love into it, as it amplifies it out all around the property as well. Stay with this asking only of the Highest, in Divine Light that this is done until you feel the energy is clear. Then thank all involved. Amen. Cleanse the Crystal after you have finished using it. You may want to program it, or any other crystal to keep bringing in Divine Light and Love. Into your place, building up the energy field, or do the Octahedron over your place as a Gateway of Light as described previously. In all Light Working that you do, Quartz or members of its family, are the most helpful for this work. The reason for this is that Quartz is Crystallised Light just waiting to be activated. It also reflects back to us the Light Beings we truly are. So that it not only heightens the energy for this work, but by working with it we listen more closely to it, as to where it wants us to put it for the activation, or at home, or to charge outside or whatever. So it helps us to be more in tune with the subtle energies and their power, and to listen to our own Inner Voice, or the Teacher from within. Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs. Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. Copyright © 1994, 2000 Soluntra King All rights reserved 2020 - THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCAs we turned the calendar page to 2020, I tuned into the energies, alignments and celestial stargates governing the upcoming solar cycle. In a particularly potent tune in session, I heard very strongly - THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS The Solar Discs had presented themselves to me several years prior, so I had been exploring their technology - both in the planetary grids - and in my body grids. In my area, 2020 came in with the most crystalline magic - in the form of an ice storm, which coated every tree, rock and surface with a beautiful crystalline coating of ice - and then on Jan 1 - the sun came out and the sky cleared blue and it was pure magic! 2020 also began with a powerful Celestial Stargate Alignment - Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunctions on January 12-13, 2020. These pictures from the field during this gateway convey the power, particularly the flashing sun video below! In Crystalline Gridkeeping ceremony out on Gaia - under the Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunction Gateway, these Silver Gold Platinum Andaras activated and transmitted the Solar Disc Power. Watching the video, seeing the pictures, is an attunement for your lightbody, and assists you with being able to receive from and communicate with the Golden Solar Discs. WAIL FOR THE WHALES: BABY HUMPBACK WHALE SOUL CEREMONYAll videos made in sacred ceremony on August 2, 2022 in Wellfleet, Massachusetts USA by Julie Dhara Roberts. All rights reserved, and with a deep bow of gratitude to the whales
This is Your Mother's Blessing...Live As Light Live As Light is my online shop for Andaras It has its own Facebook page and website - to showcase and distinguish the Andaras that are ready to connect with new Guardians! Website is: https://www.liveaslight.com/#/ I take them in, love them up, polish them, bring out their sparkly light codes and activate them fully so they are ready to come play with YOU. The Andaras told me a year or two ago, that they wanted their “own space”- their own website, their own Facebook page, a Facebook group for friends to share about Andaras and Light Codes. Please pop on over and “follow” if this calls you in. Everything I post on Live As Light is “for sale” and ready to come out and play! My personal collection, that I use for my Light Body upgrades and out in the field for Crystalline Gridkeeping and Galactic Gridkeeping - those pics and activations are “free share” here on this page. This pinky orange opaque heart Andara started singing my this song last night, at sunset, watching Venus & Jupiter dance together in the sky. Mother’s Blessing By Snatam Kaur Oh my child, This is your mothers blessing May you never forget God Even for a moment Worshipping for ever The Lord of the Universe Retoño mío Esta es la bendicion de tu madre Recordando a Dios Todos los errores son purificados Y todos nuestros ancestros Son acogidos y salvados Siempre canta el nombre de Dios Har Har This Andara, with it's soft pink light exudes
Divine Universal Cosmic Mother’s Love you can connect with her and purchase her here: Introducing a New Andara CollectionIntroducing the… Solaris Communicator Andara Collection These illustrious solar beings are encoded with brilliant sunlight. Learn to Talk to the SUN Light Yourself UP with power and light Hold a piece of solar power in the palm of your hand! This collection is stepping forward to Assist you to integrate solar codes, communications, solar flares and fluxes. Invite the Solar Dragons into your world when you are ready to play "empowerment sun codes" and take your solar communications and power to the next level! Integrate Solar Activity within you Solar Pillar is your Column of Power Connect with these beauties at: https://www.liveaslight.com/store/c29/Sun__-_Solar_Communicators.html#/ |
May 2024