Your light body is your soul light, soul body. The YOU inside of YOU, that shines out into the world. The light body is your joy, your radiance, your luminous self, your life force. Activating your light body, infuses your form with a kind of light that is self sustaining. That emanates from deep within. It puts a spring in your step, it raises your mood and lifts your spirits. It brings you inspiration and liveliness. As Yoda said, “luminous Beings are we, not this crude matter” Your light body is Effervescence Joy Radiance Flowing Energy Inspiration Knowledge What lights you up?? What excites you? What makes you feel joyfully alive? What lifts your mood when you are feeling dark? What guides your way? These are things that feed and nourish your light body. You are a multi-dimensional being. You are human embodied, form of earth. You are also so much more… You are a field of energy You are made of living light All the information of your body mind soul field is vibration and energy The frequencies of life are encoded in your DNA Your DNA transmits and receives light codes via bio-photons Your LightBody is projected by your DNA Your LightBody is your holographic reality You create and recreate your own reality every day, every moment via your light body. Read complete blog here: Join our Light Body Voyage (free online course) to explore more!
Book Your Inner Space Journey Today!Every time I open this door and enter this space…I feel like the lucky person on the planet. It is fuel, nourishment, and a soothing balm for my soul. Sound Temple corner, set up For Illuminate group journey. Activation Station window for the Andaras And the Rainbow Grid Light Body Team for Inner Space journeys - “Goldie” the huge golden yellow source “team leader” And a 14 Ray set 8 Rainbow colors + 6 deep earth tone rays & galactic rays And guess what…..this space is open for YOU to come play. Book yourself an Inner Space Journey Nourish Yourself Feed your Light Body Plug in to source codes to sustain your flow! Live As Light
DJED PILLAR Above Image Source: Images below drawn by author, Julie Dhara Roberts | The last many days, Nikola Tesla has been "everywhere" for me and with me. Seeing him in my dreams, working with the site of his lab on Long Island, reading about his towers, coils, inventions and free flow energy and plasma "ideas". He has always been on "my team" - and has been communicating extra loud last few days. As I was researching and reading, I noticed his death was on January 7, 1943, which makes yesterday, January 7, 2020 the 77th anniversary date of his death. Ah - ha, well, that makes a lot of sense!! Master Wayshowers and "teachers" are often more present for us during a window of their death or birth dates. Like their soul passage leaves a trail or trace we can follow, a thread, a link. I have also been delving deep for myself into why my body has had some low back/sacrum communication sensations. That part of my body has been speaking loudly. It is one of those "this is an energy thing" rather than an injury or physical "issue". It is almost like my spine is being rewired (again). And when I tune in to my spine I see the symbol of the Djed. I also recall one of my mentors/teachers Lisa Brown talking about how the spine is really a place that we download plasma energy. And the spine can tend to feel weak or feel like it is recalibrating and cannot support us upright during times of big plasma downloads and energy streams. Drawn to re-explore the connections between the Djed Pillar and the Tesla Tower (a tower Nikola Tesla attempted to construct in his lab, on his land in Shoreham, Long Island in the early 1900s. He was seeking to provide the world with free flow energy. Free for all! The Djed Pillar has always reminded me of a tesla tower. And I see (via intuitive internet research, see some links below) that I am in good company with that association. Your Spine Djed Column Conductor of Plasma Energy Your Lightening Rod You are the Generator of Free Flow Elecrticity and Power! Ok, major deja-vu, did I write this blog already??? HAHAHAH - just found it - It was a Facebook post, from me on May 16, 2019, that said.... You are the axis that holds center Body, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe Meru Dhanda Djed “Lightening Rod” Your Spine 33 Vertebra 33 Codons Solar Disc Receptors Plasma Code Broadcasters Solar Discs Happy Passage Nikola! Thanks for all you offered the world. We follow in your path, illuminated and inspired. 77 years on January 7, 2020. Much gratitude for showing us the way!!!! PS - Telsa worked closely with the Violet Ray, and has a similar energetic signature to St Germaine. He is said to be of and from Venus, so the silver light of Venus in our evening sky this month enhances the transmissions from Tesla. |
Sources & REference REads:
This bright blue beauty was powerful from the first time I saw a picture online. It resonated throughout my sensory field and all through my multidimensional light body. I could feel it coming on it's shipping journey from the shop to my house. I could tell (from afar) that it was in my mailbox that day.
I slept with it the first night, to stay enclosed in the energetic field it was emanating and delve deeply into the activation process. I knew from my friends and mentors who had worked with andaras and introduced me to them, that there was a calibration and activation phase folks would go through during the reUnion process. I write reUnion - as there is a feeling of familiarity, of "home" with the andaras you are meant to work with. They are alive with light and knowledge. They are trusted friends and allies and teachers.
Andara glass crystals remain a mystery. Their exact origin and composition is elusive, as there are many tales in the collective. Ranging from intergalactic sources, riding to earth on comets and meteors, to lightning strikes on sand, or meteor crash impact creation. Some feel they are Lemurian or Atlantean crystalline technology, resurfacing in this now to assist with planetary ascension. They might be "merely" sourced from man made glass, yet we know that certain pieces have an amazing ability to receive, hold, and transmit light codes. Some of us have inkings and memories of them emerging from the sea. They for sure have an otherworldly feel.
While their earth based origins remain "controversial" and the stories diverse, those of us that work with them know their impact is powerful and completely beyond human comprehension. For a certain group of human beings called to work with Andaras their quantum effect on is instantaneous. Those of us that are Andarians - a phrase I heard from Lisa Brown on her amazing website:
I would highly recommend reading further if the subject interest you!
Lisa Brown (on her page linked above) writes:
"AndaRA" means to "Travel by light": Inter-Stellar (Star) Communications
We are Andaras and they are us. Andarians was the word I received.
Andaras work with increasing bio-electric energy for activating inner-dimensional communication with Elemental/Magical Realms/Star Realms through each achieving higher states of consciousness by consciously and intentionally raising vibrational frequencies through heart connection and non-linearity.
Here are some photos from my activation day in October of 2017. The first time is always memorable and special. I knew I had to be alone in nature and sunlight to work with this special reUnion Activation. I chose an area woodland trail, and embarked on foot into the forest. This amazing cobalt beauty guided me to a spot that had a gigantic pyramid rock/boulder. I had walked this trail many times but never ventured off path and this stone was new to me. It was and is magnificent in its own right, and it became clear that this was the power spot to activate with the light codes in the andara. Below is a progression of photos that show some of the light codes and activations in action. I have not shared these with anyone. It was a new and very private special thing for me. After having worked now with a huge team of Andaras and mastering the art and science of working with Andaras, it feels time to share more fully and freely with you the possibilities that are here for us in this amazing now.
Many of the pieces of my collection reside at Inner Space, in the Light Laboratory we have co co-created and designed. I have moved my rainbow octagon grid out into the gathering space. It is large enough to host 8 of us in sacred circle together. The anadaras and I make new grids and arrangements with each new energy corridor. On September 9, I was drawn to "gather up" the team and set out spaces for us to gather. It has been a while since I hosted folks at Inner Space in groups, and I am delighted to be working that way again!
I will be holding "Illuminator" gatherings both here in person in Grafton, Massachusetts at Inner Space, as well as online on a video chat platform called Zoom. As the light body is quantum, this works amazingly well both in person and remotely. It is a grand age we live in where we can each be at home in our cozy spaces and work together effectively in the field of LIGHT.
It's NEver Too Late, To Come On HOME
I am blessed to have a “room of her own” off my bedroom. For creation, for movement and yoga, for crystal play and activations. My sacred space. I keep my andara crystals on a shelf in front of the window, for sun and moon and star light access.
It is super cool how on different days and times of year, during certain alignments the different crystals activate and light up and communicate. This morning it was electric live wire GOLD RAY. Of all the crystals that were on the shelf in the sunlight, the golden were lit right up.
So, I sat, taking a moment of time for myself, and to tune into the messages encoded in the light codes. Sitting with and listening to my andaras is my current most favorite way to meditate, to tune in a receive info. My andara friends do many things for me and with me, but one of the more powerful things is their ability to connect through space and time. They help anchor and bend light rays. In ways that make the light ray communication accessible to our human self. The create pathways for light codes, photonic pulses of light to enter our human energy field, body and our crystalline DNA.
I can feel folks with the questions…
How do Andaras work? How do they help us receive light codes? And then, what good are light codes anyway? Are they going to help me with my day to day life? And if so, how??
Why would I want to tune into my light body, and download light codes into my human form, and recalibrate my DNA? What is any of that really? And how is it useful to me?
I openly share this personal story to answer this question – how it can happen in a multidimensional way.
Sometimes it remains elusive to our human brain what exactly the benefit of light codes are, or what it means to recalibrate a story and pattern held in your DNA. I talk here at Inner Space often about photonic light, and how we can use it to release long held patterns of “darkness” in our own body, mind, emotional field, in our energy field and etheric band of memory.
These places of darkness, what the yoga traditions call a samskaras (subtle body impressions), are these “punches” or “divots” in your multi dimensional self. They hold fixed places in the brain, and are triggered to fire memory in the synapses. They mold a groove or “pothole” into your emotional body, ones that we trip on time and time again. The linger in the tissues of your body, especially the fascia, which acts as the “memory foam” of the body. They hang out in the organs and in the cells. They form geometric patterns in your subtle energy body, influencing the flow (or blockage) of prana. They get coded into the DNA as family behavior patterns and habits, passed down generation to generation.
AND – these divots can be filled in with light and love and awareness. They can be the places that hold our strength. Our containers and cups of light.
So, back to my personal tale…
I have been getting the inklings of remembrance again that November is a “divot” in my family history and story. And in my own heart, mind and body. When I was nine, in November of 1979, my mother mustered up her strength and courage, and made a move to take us away from the house we were living in with my father. He was abusive - physically and mentally, emotionally. We had many scary moments, several hide outs in battered woman and children shelters. Many long scary nights and days and years at home.
On this November morning, we were making lunches and getting ready to hop on the school bus. When my father got in the shower, my mum told me to take my brother and sister and down go the neighbors house. There is a lot of intense detail to this story including 9 year old me listening on the basement stairs to the police tackle, handcuff and haul my screaming crying father away.
The imprint has been a deep rut in my memory, energy field and body. I have been working on it for decades in a variety of ways. It is clearer and “better” each year. But here it is, November 9 again. And here it is, up again for review and upgrade.
So, this morning, when I walked into my room to engage my morning “soul centering and alignment” practice – seeing this gold ray. I was pulled into and softened and allowed myself into awareness of this confluence place where the mental pictures and memories of that day, the physical places it was lingering in my body, the emotional divots that were full of tears needed to be shed. I let myself feel it and empty the pain through tears and movement.
The golden light and gold ray held a very strong Father Sun/Father Sky energy. It was exactly what I needed.
I posted that morning on Facebook:
The andaras’s a GOLD Ray Day...
The GOLD Ray of Light
💫Activating Lifeforce 💫
Supercharge your inner energy battery🌟
💛The “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow🌈
Creation Source Energy
Warmth of Inner Earth🌍🔥
☀️Light of Central Sun ☀️
Drink it in today...golden effervescent light codes...
💛Thank You Sunshine, Father SUN 💛
And then the LIGHT began to fill the room, and fill me. I could breathe in and drink in the codes of light that were pouring my way, from the sun, being bent by the andara crystals, and flooding into my awareness field. It was a beautiful self healing radiant moment, series of moments.
This kind of thing is what happens on the regular when I work with folks at Inner Space.
When you bring light into your body, mind and energy field, you communicate on a photonic level with your DNA. You rewrite the story.
Today is a Code Day, with the numerical date of 11/11. Plus 2018 adds to be an “11” year (2+0+1+8=11). So, we get a triple 11 today. The energy of the number one is about beginning new, it is a reset point. The 11 is double that 1 energy. I see the 11 as the two columns of the strands of the DNA. And the light codes we bring in today are communicating with the crystals in the DNA, with the telomeres.
What “divots” do you have in your field? What sticky points do you have from your past in your physical, emotional and mental bodies? What can you do for yourself to shine the light of your own awareness onto these dark sections?
I suggest taking some time to be present with yourself. To relax and breathe into your body. Notice everything you feel and sense. Just BE. that simply doing that, being aware, sitting with yourself and holding space for the thoughts, feelings, memories, physical body sensations, that that is HUGE. Then make an action of brining in some light. Connect to the sun. Invite the solar rays into your multi-dimensional field. If possible, do this outside in the sunshine. Near a window, go for a walk. Do it while you rake some leaves. Do it in a way that is playful and fun. Awareness is your path back home to wholeness and integration. That is the way to fill the divots of darkness inside with radiant light.
It’s Never Too Late, to come on HOME…
In Light,
PS – and, doing this for yourself is awesome and something you need to do regularly. There are times, especially with the larger deeper patterns and “divots” where it helps to have someone hold space for you. This is what I offer here with an Inner Space Journey. Together we scan your field (energy field, body, mind, emotions etc). We identify areas that are holding deep seated patterns or density. We invite in the solar rays of rainbow light. To fill you with radiance, effervescent light codes, to rewrite the story, to recode the DNA. I am here to assist you anytime you are ready!
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Andaras & Crystals
Astronomical Alignments
Blackstone River
Celestial Shamanic Messages
Crystalline Gridkeeping
Emotional Body
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Equinox & Solstice
Golden Solar Discs
High Heart Center
Inner Space Convos
Key Codes
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Stone Structures
The Hathors
The Pleiades
Time Walking