Lunar Occultation of Mars Moon “Eclipses” Mars tonight, January 13, 2025 This is my picture from 5:55 pm EST The moon will get closer and closer to mars and then cover over Mars tonight. As the clouds clear- pop outside and take a look. The moon will cover over occult Mars From 9:30 - 10:30 pm ish EDT (times vary with location) Then Mars will pop back into view above the moon. A special celestial treat! Visible from most of North American continent tonight. Mars Reappears "on the other side"
I parked at one of my favorite eastern vista spots to watch the moon rise. Moon rose around 3 pm EST - soft and white against the blue daytime sky.Wanted to share some of the beauty that I was witnessing with all of YOU 🙏🏻🌝🌕 What a privilege to be connected across time and space with all of YOU This Andara came out to play for the full moon- and now I’m calling it “Lunar Surface” Andara - it is very layered with some clear and many pockets of bubbles.
Looks like the lunar surface (hence the new pet name for this beauty) Moon “Eclipses” Pleiades
Jan 9, 2025 Lunar Occultation of M45 Moon Passes in front of the Pleiades tonight Starting around 7 pm EST and completing around 11 pm EST- the Moon passes across the Pleiades Star Cluster (M45) When the Moon passes in front of the sun, blocking our view from the earth’s surface, we call it an eclipse. A Lunar Occult is the same eclipse type phenomenon- with a star or a planet. The path of the Sun (the ecliptic) passes between The Hyades & Pleiades star clusters in the Taurus Constellation. Ancient skywatchers referred to this stargate, this passageway as “The Golden Gateway of rhe Ecliptic” Most often the Sun, Moon & Planets pass inside of this Golden Gateway. During certain times of the Lunar Cycle - the Moon passes directly in front of the Pleiades. This Now is one of those special alignment times. The Pleiades spark within us the light of our Star Essence - our embodiment as light. Many find these stars part of “our Star family” and close to humanity. The Moon occulting these stars brings a special peek at boo hide and seek focus and awareness. From my location on earth- Northeast USA- this pass by begins around 7 pm. Moon will cover over Electra, then Merope, Alcyone (three of the seven sister) - then mom & dad stars Atlas & Pleione. With the moon brightness, it can be hard to see the stars of the Pleiades cluster - and binoculars or telescope really aid the view. Our clouds just parted here - so I will be braving the frigid winds to catch a glimpse. Seeing with your eyes is just one way to enjoy the energies of this special alignment. You can tune in vibrationally - from anywhere- under any weather conditions. What song is the Moon & The Pleiades singing to your soul tonight? Star Dance. Celestial Celebration. Eclipse of some of the “Seven Sisters” - dancing with the Moon. Oct 28 Lunar Eclipse EnergiesWhen we have a Solar Eclipse alignment, the sun and the moon occupy the same spot in the sky. A Lunar Eclipse – they are in direct opposition – across the sky from each other. Solar Energies represent radiant expansive pulsating outward flow of plasma gas and heat and light – very firey. Often associated with the masculine yang energies. Lunar Energies are more reflective, inward, contemplative, yin settling quieting energies. More associated with the feminine yin energetic. This yin yang across the sky opposition energy is a powerful Celestial Gateway. Celestial Bodies that are in opposition balance each other out. One rises while the other sets. One lowers in the sky and the other goes higher. They also create a magnetic pull-pole-dynamic attraction that influences everything between them. This includes YOU! As an earthling, all of these astronomical events we track are geocentric, are events as observed from here on earth. So, the horizon line of this rise and set polar opposite is the earth line. We sit in the middle. This very moment in earth long lens history is a short moment in galactic time when the disc of the sun and the moon happen to make the same diameter disc in the sky, so that they can cover and eclipse each other like this. And YOU incarnated on this planet at this brief moment in time! Why are you here? What is your soul purpose? What role do you fill in the big picture of humanity and globally? What is your heart and soul calling and how are you fulfilling it? These are the questions that a lunar eclipse pull unearths. We dig up all the old programming that gets in our way. We honor and observe the shadows, using them as teaching tools. In fact, they get brought front and center, highlighted by a Lunar Eclipse. You are smack in the middle of the strong magnetic pull to your need for quiet alone time and introspection, and your soul longing to make a big impact for the whole globe. Each Lunar Eclipse contains this magnetic pull of opposites alignment, as does each Full Moon. The Moon moves across the sky along the zodiac constellations rapidly, changing placements by the day. The Sun has its annular journey across the zodiac constellations, building out a solar year. Where the Sun and the Moon sit in the sky influence the solar system magnetics. The pull of the planets, especially the ones closer to earth, have a strong geometric and magnetic influence. They influence the body of the earth, the whole planet, AND they influence YOUR personal multidimensional energy field- heart, mind, soul and body. Exploring the Cosmic Lunar Eclipse Players - Moon & Juptier - Sun & Mars & MErcuryDuring the Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023 - we have some cosmic players adding their pull. The Sun sits in the sky with Mars & Mercury. The Moon sits near Jupiter, and adjacent to Uranus & The Pleiades.
A push pull between the Jupiter Moon and the Mars Mercury infused Sun sets up a cosmic opportunity for growth and expansion! WHITE WINGED ONES - THE PEGASUS WHITE WINGED ONES - THE PEGASUS
Many of us received visits from White Winged Ones during this special Full Moon. Pegasus, Feathered Serpents, Dragons When so many “reports” of winged horses riding in on the winds and the clouds and the soft white moon light rays, I turned my Celestial Shaman eyes to the skies and noticed that the moon itself, on its path through the sky, was riding along the wings of the Pegasus Constellation on August 29, 30, 31 & Sept 1. It’s so amazingly cool and awesome how the Celestial field is reflected in our dreams, our connections and our inner visions. As well as in the sky, water and clouds. Invite the white winged ones to gallop and prance through your field of awareness. They spring forth creativity, magic and wonder! New ways of thinking, creating and being. So delighted to have a bit of clear skies tonight. Been missing my friends in the night sky (moon,starts, planets). It’s been super cloudy here for weeks.
Got to see the MOON with MARS And a sweet picture “suprise” of the Pleiades showing up in this quick with my phone picture. Such a blessing and a welcome sight. CELESTIAL ALIGNMENT
DECEMBER 24, 2022 Faint sliver of new moon crescent joins Venus, Mercury nearby Pluto in the sky tonight for a Celestial Feast Look low in the west just at/after sunset Mercury & Venus will flow into Conjunction on Dec 29 NOV 7/8 Lunar Eclipse 2022When we have a Solar Eclipse alignment, the sun and the moon occupy the same spot in the sky. A Lunar Eclipse – they are in direct opposition – across the sky from each other. Solar Energies represent radiant expansive pulsating outward flow of plasma gas and heat and light – very firey. Often associated with the masculine yang energies. Lunar Energies are more reflective, inward, contemplative, yin settling quieting energies. More associated with the feminine yin energetic. This yin yang across the sky opposition energy is a powerful Celestial Gateway. Celestial Bodies that are in opposition balance each other out. One rises while the other sets. One lowers in the sky and the other goes higher. They also create a magnetic pull-pole-dynamic attraction that influences everything between them. This includes YOU! As an earthling, all of these astronomical events we track are geocentric, are events as observed from here on earth. So, the horizon line of this rise and set polar opposite is the earth line. We sit in the middle. This very moment in earth long lens history is a short moment in galactic time when the disc of the sun and the moon happen to make the same diameter disc in the sky, so that they can cover and eclipse each other like this. And YOU incarnated on this planet at this brief moment in time! Why are you here? What is your soul purpose? What role do you fill in the big picture of humanity and globally? What is your heart and soul calling and how are you fulfilling it? These are the questions that a lunar eclipse pull unearths. We dig up all the old programming that gets in our way. We honor and observe the shadows, using them as teaching tools. In fact, they get brought front and center, highlighted by a Lunar Eclipse. You are smack in the middle of the strong magnetic pull to your need for quiet alone time and introspection, and your soul longing to make a big impact for the whole globe. Each Lunar Eclipse contains this magnetic pull of opposites alignment, as does each Full Moon. The Moon moves across the sky along the zodiac constellations rapidly, changing placements by the day. The Sun has its annular journey across the zodiac constellations, building out a solar year. Where the Sun and the Moon sit in the sky influence the solar system magnetics. The pull of the planets, especially the ones closer to earth, have a strong geometric and magnetic influence. They influence the body of the earth, the whole planet, AND they influence YOUR personal multidimensional energy field- heart, mind, soul and body. For the November 7/8 Lunar Eclipse The Sun sits in the constellation of Libra. It sits exactly with Mercury (conjunction) and right near Venus. The Sun and Mercury sit on one of the “scales of justice”, while Venus sits on the center of the scale. Fascinating that it coincides with Election Day here in the USA. Scales tipping energies are present! The Moon is just entering the constellation Taurus. It sits near Uranus, in the same neighborhood as Mars, and triangulates with the Pleiades, Hyades and Aldebaran. Mars has been marching backwards through the horns of the bull in retrograde motion and will meet with the moon and the Pleiades later this month. Nov 9 Moon with Pleiades Nov 10 Moon with Aldeberan Nov 11 Moon with Mars Mars is a very “personal power” planet. Adding it to the Lunar neighborhood for the eclipse increases the fire of the inner transformation. Many of us are feeling this passionate fire and flow, in the form of strong emotions. Often deep and unexpected emotional reactions to things. This has been building for the two week eclipse corridor with the Oct 25 Solar Eclipse. Those of us on the East Coast of North America will look to the skies from 3:30 am until sunrise to view this eclipse. The eclipse peaks for us just as the sun is rising and the moon is setting, so the hours around 4:30 - 6:30 am will be good viewing.
When we look at all the players, see the whole board, it can help us orchestrate our big picture advances. We can use these solar system alignments and gateways and influences to move us forward on the path and accelerate our journey. Use this time to clear away the old. The old narratives, the old ways of thinking, the patterns of damaging or draining self-talk. The judgements of self and others, the reactions to triggers and events. The act of jettisoning anything that is no longer serving your highest and greatest good is an act of self-mastery. It is an act of inner freedom! Happy Eclipsing friends – we sure are doing a deep inner dive this fall! The Moon Cycle of the Cosmic Divine MotherThe Moon Cycle of the Cosmic Divine Mother Virgo as Mother Mary, as Cosmic/Divine Mother, and Lady of Light Cosmic Mother Divine Mother Universal Mother Virgo Mother Mary Statue of Liberty Lady of Light I got a first personal hand sign that the Cosmic Mother-Divine Mother-Universal Mother was going to be an important aspect of this moon cycle when I “happened upon” the moon rising over the ocean at this lady of light vista. That Full Moon of October 9 has ebbed into the New/Dark Moon cycle, culminating on October 25. While watching the full moon rise, the eclipse energy was very palpable. Contemplation: Mary – did she ascend in her body??
Assumption of Mary Physical Body Ascension Cosmic Mother Nebula Virgin birth can be a parable for the birth of light Birthing the SUN son of GOD of Creation Birth of a star |
May 2024