Purple Skies at SunsetWe have been saturating in the field with Purple/Violet for weeks now.
Many of us have been working with this color ray, and today, at sunset, after a night of flooding rains and winds and a day of clouds & rain, the sky turned PURPLE It was truly captivating/ a sky color glow I have never seen before. Purple - Magenta - with a hint of pink and blue undertones. I did take pictures - and they are cool - but barely capture the full glowing saturation feels. You know when the sky gets all Golden and you just KNOW a rainbow is going to pop? It was like that / only today we were in a purple orb or color globe I take it as a magnificent sign. Purple Power aho!
The Dog Days of Summer (Northern Hemisphere)CYCLES OF SIRIUS Sirius, the twinkling bright disco ball star is prominent in the winter evening northern hemisphere sky, It dips lower and lower every night of spring, until it begins to join the sun, rendering it "invisible" to us, as it comes close to the sun in the daytime sky. We are in that part of the cycle now, Sirius is a "daytime star" - and thereby not visible to us humans here on earth. The last time we can see Sirius, low in the western sky just after sunset is early/mid May. This last time you can see a star (or planet) in the twighlight sky is called the Heliacal Setting. Heliacal means "near the sun". The date varies by your latitude - and for the whole globe it is Mid May this year. At my 42 degrees, this year it was around May 3-5. Other poignant Celestial Stargate of note are the Cosmic Setting and Cosmic Rising. This is when two celestial bodies set or rise at the same time. On August 4, 2023 - The Sun & Sirius rise together !! (the day I am writing this blog). The Sun & Sirius set together May 28, 2023. Heliacal Rising is the moment we can see a celestial body (star/planet) rise just before sunrise on the eastern horizon. Just like the setting - this is subjective to your location and vistas - and most of the globe sees them within a week of each other. In 2023 - the Heliacal rising of Sirius takes place during the window of August 14-17 ish. For my location, i have my target date of August 16 to being to look. While some of this can be "predicted" it is a real time moment, you being awake and looking at a clear line of eastern horizon - and weather and could cover and such. It is a sacred special moment of connection right to the Star itself.
This year - we have another celestial light player - the bright planet Venus - adding in the cosmic dance party. Venus is with the sun in the sky now too - and conjuncts close on August 13. The Sun, New Moon & Venus rise together (Cosmic Rising) on August 16. The early mornings before dawn through the end of August - we will be able to see BOTH Sirius & Venus low on the eastern horizon (and higher every day) - a very special celestial treat! UNLOCKING THE KEYS FROM THE SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADITHE GOLDEN GATE OF THE ECLIPTIC Unlocking the KEYS from the SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADI My ancestors are from Malta (my birth name is Bonnici). The temples on Malta have been calling me very loud for many years. I feel like my natural proclivity for sound codes come from this lineage and DNA line of mine. One Maltese Temple in particular started projecting codes my way and calling to me super duper loud during this Mars Pleiades gateway. Tal Qadi Temple. In the ruins and wreckage of this ancient star temple was found an etched stone, that is thought to be a star map. This stone is considered by some to be the oldest astronomical tool or sky map, dated around 4,000 BC. The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching open star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since all planets as well as the moon and the sun always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all these seven orbiting bodies are regularly passing through the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. Uncovered on the Island of Malta in excavations of 1927 was an etched limestone tablet. Now known as The Sky Tablet of Tal-Qadi, this tablet is an ancient star map and astronomy tool. Used around 4000 BC, this sky map/tablet shows us the passage of the Sun, Moon and the five visible planets through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate of The Ecliptic also serves as a moon “observatory”. As the Moon passes through the gate over the year, it moves through its various phases. In fact, if you watch the moon pass through this gate through the 12 months of the year, it will highlight and showcase the progression of the moon through its phases. I continue researching on the building of stone archeoastronomy calendars and tracking of Lunar Standstills and how our ancestors used this gate as a marker to design these lunar calendar sites.
There is a correlation between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and this temple on Malta. All three sites sit around the 36th longitude parallel. They all hold some crystalline coding along this parallel, and there is a correlation between the astronomical observation point of the Tal-Qadi temple on Malta, and the astronomical alignment stones set to mark the lunar standstill cycles in Chaco Canyon. March 1 & 2, 2023Grateful for clearing skies And the chance to see Venus Jupiter align in the sky tonight. Venus is “on top” from Norther Hemisphere viewing spots. Venus is much brighter. Jupiter below. They are a bit further apart tonight (compared to last night) Visible from just after sunset (now ish East Coast friends) until about 8 - 8:30 pm. The Five Elements of DivinationThe Five Elements of Divination The Five Elements of Life are: Earth Water Fire Air Ether Each element has an associated method of observational/sensory divination Geomancy - divination by means of earth, patterns of landscape, sand and stone EARTH Hydromancy - divination by means of water and its movements WATER Pyromancy - divination by means of fire or flames FIRE Aeromancy - divination by interpreting atmosphere and sky conditions AIR Alveromancy - divination by means of sounds and noises ETHER
Inanna ~ Ishtar ~ VenusDescent into the Underworld ~ Inanna, Ishtar, Venus
Ancient Sky watchers closely observed the movement of stars - points of light in the sky. The original screen is the night sky. The star show is brilliant! Venus being one of the brightest visible sky lights garnered much attention. It also did some shapeshifting – sometimes visible in the night sky, and sometimes before dawn in the morning sky. Observing this Venus star disappear from the morning twilight sky and then reappear just after sunset in the evening sky was a spectacular celestial event. For skywatchers, Venus gets lower and lower in the morning sky until it is no longer visible as a Dawn Star. It then disappears for a time, to reappear in the evening sky just after sunset. Venus rise time gets later and later until it is visible in the evening sky well past sunset, reaching an eventual high point. And then the process would reverse itself and night by night, it sets lower and lower during sunset, until one day you cannot see it. It has rejoined the sun. Several weeks later, the silver light of a new “dawn star” appears. As if from nowhere. A birth of LiGHT. And it cycles again. Each morning it rises higher and higher, reaching an apex nighttime position and then many months later it reverses course, until it sets closer and closer to sunrise. And once again “joins the sun” and becomes invisible to us folks on earth. And, whala – about 40 days later, a new light, a new star in the evening appears. In our current cycle, the last time Venus was visible as a morning star was late August-early September 2022 – depending on where on earth you are longitudinally. We are in the “invisible Venus” window now – until Venus emerges in the dawn sky at the end of November. We can start to look for Venus again around November 22, and by November 28 (at my latitude) it should be clearly visible – with a clear eastern horizon view. This Venus Cycle transformation sparked many myths to explain this mysterious and captivating celestial activity. Venus disappearing from view was equated with a Descent Into The Underworld. The planet becoming visible in the morning or evening sky was equated with a rebirth, a resurrection, a renewal. In ancient Mesopotamia myths and tales of the Goddesses Inanna (in Sumeria) and Ishtar (of Babylon) were crafted to explain and explore this celestial transformation. Venus disappearing from view was equated with a descent into the Underworld. In the myths, the goddesses would face grave danger, confront demons, overcome obstacles and emerge with many gifts and lessons, and a renewed sense of self. In some tales she was killed and resurrected, reborn again. The Underworld symbolizes the deep inner recesses of your being. Diving into the Underworld takes you deep into your own darkness. Darkness is the fabric of creation, from which all light and life emerge. It is primal, so when we consider our personal inner space underworld, we consider the fields of body and heart and mind. This inner space can get “cluttered” with physical, emotion and mental debris. When you are busy busy and on the go, you can ignore the inner clutter. When you are quiet and reflective, free of distraction this “debris” hits you with full force. Allowing yourself to go fully into this process is made possible, knowing that these ladies of light have gone before us. In each tale, she emerges victorious. So too can YOU! These tales are meant to give you hope and fortitude when things get intense. October 2022 and The Current Underworld Trio You may be feeling a stronger than usual pull to your transformative underworld cycle. Seasonal Shifts + Venus Cycle + Eclipse = Underworld Trio In my corner of the globe, mother nature is a huge factor in this turning inward at this time of year. The days get shorter and shorter, and colder and colder. The leaves fall, the trees become bare. The air is crisp and biting. All this is a natural time to turn inward. It goes perfectly along with the Halloween/All Souls Day thin veils we celebrate during the end of October and first few days of November. Seasonal Shifts. We precede the annual seasonal inward cycle this year with a Venus Cycle and descent into the inner planetary darkness culminating this weekend, October 22/23. Venus is “in the underworld” – invisible to us and within the glare of the Sun. We begin next week with a (partial) Solar Eclipse on Monday October 25. The solar eclipse is also an influence of introspection and retrospection, and eclipses generally produce conditions for inner renovation. We are IN IT DEEP – triple deep my friends! Honor this time. If you need more rest, take it. If you need more quiet time, find it. Time in nature under the trees, under the sky gazing at the stars, anything that connects you to the natural rhythms of this time of year will help. Spend time with the sun and that ancient remembrance of the introspection and inner work with your personal body/heart/mind underworld. (Down under southern hemisphere friends, you navigate this too as you emerge into spring, still a great time to clean inner house, I acknowledge I write this from my northern clime post at 42 degrees above the equator.) Inanna/Ishtar’s Descent into the Underworld What can we learn from Inanna & Ishtar to assist us on our own personal journey? Inanna was considered a celestial deity. She was believed to be the offspring of the sky god, An or Anu. Being the daughter of the god of the sky, she’s often associated with thunder, storms, and rain, and was depicted as a lion roaring thunderbolts. From this connection, the goddess was also connected to great power in war. She was also commonly associated with the planet Venus. Ishtar is the goddess of love, desire, beauty, sex, fertility, and war, political power, and justice. “The Sumerians knew as early as 5,000 years ago that the morning and evening stars were one object in the night sky. They saw Venus as their goddess Inanna, who was also known as Ishtar by the later Babylonians. Inanna was a goddess of love and war and ruled over birth and death. In one myth called Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld, the goddess descends into the netherworld where she is killed, then resurrects three days later to return to the heavens. This myth reminded the ancient Sumerians of the movements of Venus and its disappearance from the sky from time to time.” ~ from: https://nightskytourist.com/venus/ “The Star of Venus, also known as the Star of Inanna or the Star of Ishtar, is a symbol most commonly associated with the Mesopotamian goddess of war and love, Ishtar. The ancient Babylonian deity Ishtar’s Sumerian counterpart was the goddess Inanna. The eight-pointed star is one of the most predominant symbols of Ishtar, next to the lion. The goddess was also often connected to the planet Venus. Therefore, her star symbol is also known as the Star of Venus, and Ishtar is sometimes referred to as the Morning and the Evening Star Goddess.” ~ from: https://symbolsage.com/star-of-venus-ishtar-meaning/ The Cosmic Star of Venus made itself known to me during our last Venus Sun Conjunction in January 2022. It was the “gift” that I emerged with during the January 8/9 2022 Venus Underworld descent. I kept getting the strong inner feeling that the Rainbow Rays were associated with Venus. When I resurfaced and researched into this I came upon about the Star of Inanna, The Star of Ishtar, The Cosmic Star of Venus. It is amazing, and I have been playing with it all year here at Inner Space and I am excited to be able to share it with all of you. We will explore the Light Body Technology of this Cosmic Star of Venus together in depth. It is powerful! You can see it above her head in the images below. Venus Conjuncts Spica - September 5, 2021Sunday September 5, 2021
Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo gets a visit from Venus this weekend. Exact conjunction is a Sunday Sept 5. Viewable just after sunset. Vibrant Bright Venus joins Spica in the sky....boosting us with light, showering us with LOVE and JOY. A very auspicious alignment. Enjoy! Spica Key Qualities: Knowing, Celebration, Completion “Spica speaks to the deepest part of us, bringing our depths up to the surface, so that we may know beyond doubt that we come from love and return to love in every cycle of existence, whether that is a lifetime or a breath. It takes us into the stillness of our being, the knowing that is beyond knowledge. It guides us to acceptance of the essential oneness of all life. There is a natural response to arriving at the knowing of oneness which we might call celebration. It is as if the burden of the illusion of separation, in being released, also allows a joy to bubble up within us, and that joy seeks expression.” - from heaven on earth.co “In the days when all we knew about our world was whatever we could see, when we stepped outside and looked up at the heavens, and beheld the vast array of stars, it was (and still is) such an uplifting experience. In time, as people began to notice that cycles in our lives coincided with certain patterns of the motions of the heavenly bodies, and this was the birth of Astrology. One might say that we have projected our meaning of life onto the objective stars in the skies – and one must ask oneself why did people do this? And why has it lasted over thousands of years and is still being practiced today? For anything to stand the test of time, there most definitely is something deeply relevant to it in our lives. As people observed the stars and earthly phenomena, they collated experience and noted down about 30 of the most brightest or most influential stars in the sky. One of those stars is the star called Spica. Astronomically we know that it is a binary star system, but I will be referring to it as “a” star. Spica is the bright bluish star in the wheat stalks held by the Lady in the Sky – the constellation Virgo. It is regarded by all sky cultures as one of the most positive stars in the sky. In most cultures, the constellation Virgo was seen as the Goddess. In ancient Egypt, particularly the later periods, it was seen as the Goddess Isis, and the star Spica represented or embodied her son, Horus. In later Christian traditions, the constellation was associated with the Virgin Mary and Spica with the Christ-child (there is much research into the possibility that Spica was the biblical Star of Bethelehem). Others have the constellation representing the Goddess with Spica the star in Her hand or upholding some form of produce of the earth (most usually wheat).” - from spicaastrology .com A Whale WindowWe have a powerful sky alignment and dance of the Sun, Venus, the Moon, and including Mercury and Uranus too. The Sun, on its ecliptic path in our sky, slid along the sky to the tail of Cetus beginning around the new moon on March 14. The Sun and Venus traveled together, getting closer and closer to each other until they met up on March 26, in conjunction, right above the tail of Cetus in the sky! This auspicious sky alignment opened what I am informally calling the "Whale Window". As Venus emerged from the sun's glare in the beginning days of April, Mercury came sliding in along the tail. On April 11, the new moon joined the Cetus party. Mercury conjuncts the Sun on April 19, as the planet party nears the head of the whale. Here is where we bring in the coding and note the placement of Cetus A. (see previous blog post for more info). Friday April 23, Venus, Uranus and Mercury move close together over the head of Cetus. Then they make some cool weekend geometries as they code and dance around one another in the sky Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th. Today (Sunday the 25th) Venus is directly under Mercury. Anyone feeling a tug between head and heart?? This current alignment is indicative of these energies. There is nothing to look at in the sky with this alignment window. It is all happening quite close to the sun, and during the daytime. This is a FEELING window. Enjoy!
Lunar AlignmentsTHE MOON
Did you catch a glimpse of the moon tonight?? While the precise full moon is tomorrow afternoon here, it certainly has a full breathtaking capacity tonight. It is in a section of the sky that is rich with galaxies. Near the constellation Virgo. In particular is right across from Virgo A/ M87 tonight. Also triangulated with Spica and Arcturus. Tomorrow eve, at the moons fullness peak, it slides in a flat triangle with Arcturus and Spica. With this flat triangle alignment, Tomorrow morning, the moon sets with Spica (the brightest star in the Virgo Constellation) around 6:30 am. And the Moon rises with Arcturus at around 7:30 pm (EDT). |
May 2024