2020 - THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCAs we turned the calendar page to 2020, I tuned into the energies, alignments and celestial stargates governing the upcoming solar cycle. In a particularly potent tune in session, I heard very strongly - THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS The Solar Discs had presented themselves to me several years prior, so I had been exploring their technology - both in the planetary grids - and in my body grids. In my area, 2020 came in with the most crystalline magic - in the form of an ice storm, which coated every tree, rock and surface with a beautiful crystalline coating of ice - and then on Jan 1 - the sun came out and the sky cleared blue and it was pure magic! 2020 also began with a powerful Celestial Stargate Alignment - Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunctions on January 12-13, 2020. These pictures from the field during this gateway convey the power, particularly the flashing sun video below! In Crystalline Gridkeeping ceremony out on Gaia - under the Pluto Sun Saturn Sun Conjunction Gateway, these Silver Gold Platinum Andaras activated and transmitted the Solar Disc Power. Watching the video, seeing the pictures, is an attunement for your lightbody, and assists you with being able to receive from and communicate with the Golden Solar Discs.
2021 - establishing Peaceful GroundJanuary 2021 - began with an eruption of polarity - made evidenced via a visible and violent display leaving each of us on the path of light to seek a peaceful resolution - to embody peace grounds within. A collective epiphany of sorts - to find and seek more light. Can opposite sides of a pole, can the duality of Sun & Moon find a middle ground? REVELATION OF THE SOLAR DISCSMy "initiation" to the Solar Discs happened for June Solstice, 2017. I took a retreat to a local yoga center, to regroup, to spend time in reflection, to be alone and tune in. I have visited this retreat center for decades, and many of my spiritual and energy awareness revelations have happened here. It was so programed into my body - that going to this spot would open up great things inside me, that the process would start to happen on the drive there. On this journey, I had some super strong embodiment sensations. Such as, my whole left side of my body was tingly/active/on fire. So much so that it felt like it was melting. With some pulsations, heart quickening, whooshing sounds too. It was pretty all encompassing and intense. One of those, is this an energy thing or am I in need of medical attention, what is happening?? Well, I decided to drive on, as I was "fine" - just experiencing all the things. When i landed and got to lay down in my room a the center, I connected to the flow of this energy stream, and I heard - you are having solar discs installed in your spine. Um, ok, I have no idea what that means, or what those are. Noted. Later on my yoga mat, the golden sunlight came dancing shining into my window, hitting my face and body in the most splendiferous way. It was so palpable. The sun was "talking" right to me, speaking in gold codes and rainbow light. It was a deep whole being revelation. GOLD RAY. I took a few pictures and short videos....which I share here with you....
How was I "hearing" from a ray of light? What does the the Gold Ray have to say? (so so much) and how is it connected to the Golden Solar Discs. And what ARE the Golden Solar Discs? How are they being activated in me, in my spine? All this began a grand adventure and deep exploration into LIGHT - codes, lightbody, solar rays, rainbow codes.
My Golden Solar Disc revelation opened so many doors within me. SO many avenues and pathways. I continue to journey and explore with all of this, deeper within. So, why am I sharing this with you now, in a blog in 2023? Well friends - the Golden Solar Discs are coming radiantly online once again - and more and more of us are having these direct experiences with this amazing light technology. It is time for me to more publicly share all about my journeys with the discs, and how this planetary light body technology is available for all of us to interface with. The best way to begin, is with the beginning, so here is my personal initiation and relation moment with these discs. It was like the "installed" golden solar discs in my energy column allowed me new abilities to talk to the sun and the rays of light. So amazing!! I have several new Inner Space pages/books in my light library (aka website) for you to play around with links below, or you can click on the buttons below to to visit the pages. May the gold codes light our WAY! I complied all my years of research and shared the gold nuggets with you here: www.innerspacevoyages.com/intel-on-the-solar-sun-discs.html My own transmissions and sharing on the Golden Solar Discs: https://www.innerspacevoyages.com/golden-solar-discs.html THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS By Soluntra King Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs. The Golden Solar Discs hold the light codes of the Living Library of Light at the level of the Great Central Sun. The living library of light is the creation story that we are experiencing. As we make the shift into the next root race and being our light in a body, multi-dimensional selves all merged as we become the Creator Goddess God. We are creating Heaven on Earth in our body, our body of Light. Since the Solar Eclipse higher frequencies of light have able to ground through those who are clear vessels, previously the Golden Solar Discs vibrated at the Central Sun creation codes. As we unify and thereby vibrate at higher octaves of light so too do the discs as it is now possible for the higher light codes to come through us. Awareness of being in the Council of Light, remembering who you are and aware of other worlds and dimensions, all one with the physical earth world, no separation, only oneness is experienced as one goes deeper within to the stillness. The Golden Solar Discs are beautiful to see on the inner and we each have one pulsating within us, we are the Golden Solar being illuminating Light. The Golden Solar Discs are of very high vibrational, divine energy and aligned through the Greater Central Sun. They hold the codings of the Divine Plan and living library, Solar Beings and Prime Creator. They are in a higher dimensional frequency, and so at present not seen or felt if we are operating on lower frequencies of fear. There are many of these world wide, that had been established from previous cycles, in the Andes, Himalayas and various other power places. Some were already active as I had personally experienced, once many years ago, living in the Himalayas, in one of their energy fields. It had completely transformed me, and it had activated me into more of my divinity and purpose in life. Some Golden Solar Discs needed to be reactivated and other Discs that needed to be anchored at certain places. They are all connected with tunnels of Light into the Light Grid around Earth and through the Solar Grid that connects all the Golden Solar Discs. They are in the etheric and their purpose is emanating divine love and oneness, helping humanity to awaken from their sleep into the illusion of fear and separation, and back into their own divine presence. When this happens within an individual they are at peace with themselves and all, and come from the love within, as it expands out to encompass all creation. No longer in separation, but awakened to the completion of their divine mission, which is the marriage of Heaven and Earth. We can only do this in our bodies and through our heart, which is the doorway to our multi-dimensional self. The Golden Solar Discs are here to assist us to be the divine resonance of our true self, we are/I am a Golden Solar Disc. The Councils of Light work with the Golden Solar Discs and many people are aware of themselves now as beings of light and operating in Councils of Light. We can access this more unified aspect of our self as we get clearer, and know who we are. The Golden Solar Discs were used to align the Suns with the core of the Inner Earth Sun and maintain harmony in the last Golden Cycle, now as we return into the next Golden Cycle we are making the next step and embodying the Golden Solar Disc and light codes, illuminating in our physical body and Earth, we are the Golden Solar Disc. Just like the Christ energy two thousand years ago anchored light into the core of the Earth and now as that light is released. We are the Christ; the light shines from within, as Christ said 'greater things yeh shall do than I have ever done’. This Divine energy works through the Light Grid and into the Crystalline Grids of Earth, just like we have acupressure or acupuncture points to clear blockages in the meridians, or polarity energy to open up the flow of energy within us. So too does this energy open up the flow of electro-magnetic energy around the Earth. This creates harmony and the life force flowing freely, that affects all humanity in a positive way. As they cannot sustain fear and all its associated negatives when the energy is flowing and aligned with the Divine Plan. Not all individuals can go to the Himalayas and be transformed, but now this energy field has moved out through the gridwork around Earth for all to experience the peace and harmony. As we are the Light Matrix as is the Earth, the crystalline grid of light illuminates through us and Earth. One… The memory of the last shift in axis almost 13,000 years ago when Atlantis went down, as we moved into the Photon Belt was in fear. We were experiencing our will in disregard for Divine Will, so our vibrations could not handle the Light. We were also moving around the 26, 000 year cycle at half way point in Leo, we are now coming into its opposite in Aquarius at the completion and into sharing and co-operation in Divine Love. We had already experienced the Golden Age and our divine expression, at the beginning of the last cycle, and also the Bronze Age where we needed ritual to connect as the energies started to get denser. Then the Silver Age we lost the connection within, the Iron Age where the creator loses itself in creation. As Atlantis went down we became frozen in fear and the ice age began. Notice now how as we melt the fear in our hearts with love the poles are melting, we are one with the Earth. We are nearing the end of the experience the dark age or Kali Yuga, which has been full of fear and chaos. We have moved into the Golden Age again, through the doorway of our heart and love. Through our heart we merge all ourselves that have been fragmented in our journey through creation from oneness, as we now return to wholeness and our Divine expression. This time we are completing not just one cycle, but three great cycles as we align through our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We are moving into the higher light and becoming our solar self and doing this still in our physical body. We become one with our Light Body and complete our divine mission of the sacred union of spirit and matter. There are twenty Golden Discs that are physical and were used in other cycles to keep the Divine energy aligned with the third density of the Earth. Twenty is the number of the marriage of Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, where we can be in the world of form and non form as one, in the world, but not of it. We are now in the 2000's and this vibration. Our Sun in this Solar System is also vibrating at the number twenty, as it operates at the twentieth plane. The Sun is also the merged God/Goddess, male/female and not just male, there is a Sun Goddess called Sol in mythology also. The Sun is actually a mass of Divine Light Beings, and the Light of the Sun gives us life. Then we have a greater solar system that ours is only a tiny part of, the Central Sun and Golden Beings. This again is a tiny part of an even greater system and its life giving Sun, the Greater Central Sun. It is now time for us to connect within to our source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant golden ball of divine light. Feel and sense and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs, and the energy they emanate, we are a Golden Solar Disc. Their full activation is to assist in a transition of cycles, this time without fear, but in Divine Love and into 4th and 5th Density. The Golden Rays penetrate through the Maya and are grounded in our third density arena. They permeate through the dense level of fear and anxiety that has been in the lower planes. This will create a transformation of humanity that is on greater divine levels of Love and Peace than has been previously experienced on third density transiting to our fifth dimensional light being self in our physical body. In Peru is one of the Golden Solar Discs, it had come from Lemuria just before the cataclysm that erased that amazing civilisation. A master was guardian of this Disc for along time, and the Incas used it as they were aligned with its energy through the Central Sun, and worthy to use it. It was at the Temple of the Sun in Cusco. Cusco, 4,000 meters up in the Andes, it self being a sacred place, for after the great flood that submerged most of the earth, two starry beings came down to the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca. They had a golden rod, and wherever that could be put into the earth would be sacred, and the beginnings of a new expression of humanity on Earth. This place was Cusco which is the umbilical cord of earth. When the Spanish invaded in their lust for gold and power, they plundered the temple of incredible gold and silver sacred objects. Melting them down, and destroying the great temple and other buildings, to build their churches and town. They never found the Golden Disc, and to this day it has never been found. Some think it is under Cusco, in a network of tunnels that the Incas made from the Temple to Sacsayhuaman in the hill above Cusco, and other such places. There is even mention of a tunnel all the way to Ecuador which was in their Kingdom. On the 24th June each year a luminous glow is seen from the tunnels beneath Cusco, as presence of the Central Suns glow for humanity. Now that Lemuria is once again rising, and all the cycles and civilisations merging, we are awakening to the presence of the Golden Discs through the Central Sun and our Solar selves. The discs are becoming once again free to vibrate in divine love and light, as their energy pluses through the network of light around, and through the Earth. We are at the precipice of a galactic change in cycle that is far greater than just the new birth of the Sun in our Solar System. The Sun and Solar energy is radiating to and through Earth like never before as our Sun aligns with our Inner Earth Sun, Central Sun, and through to the Greater Central Sun in alignment with all. This is a major event and the reason why so many of us who are taking responsibility, and honouring and trusting our heart, are following our calling. Our Solar self illuminates us and carries us through our pain, and fear to reunite us with our source and the Infinite Creator. In 1997 we were ready as a collective consciousness to open to the light codes of the Living Library of Light more fully after much anchoring of light on the planet by light workers through the grids and vortexes previous to this. At Tiwanaku high on the Andes Plateau that was once at sea level, the great civilization with pyramids and temple vortexes and dimensional doorways, the Solar Grid was anchored in October 1997 and so the light codes at the level of the Central Sun we now able to illuminate around the Earth in the Solar Grid. Over the years we have come to the point where the Golden Solar Discs are everywhere in each of us and through all creation now anchored into the third dimension since the Solar Eclipse. As the higher light codes opened up through our full presence as golden light beings through the Greater Central Sun. The Inner Earth Sun merged through the great vortex of Lake Taupo New Zealand with the Golden Solar Disc as the light illuminated through to the Sun in the Inner Earth one with the Golden Solar Disc. The light illuminated one with the Golden Solar Disc within us and the light has merged more fully than ever before on the physical plane. This energy has rapidly intensified over the last few years as you can see by my story below. On the September Equinox 2006 the Golden Solar Discs were anchored through the fifth dimension of humanity. This means that the living library of light the Golden Solar Discs hold can now be accessed by us, in our fifth dimensional body which is what we are becoming now. As we become the Golden Solar Disc, holder of the living library of light, creator goddess/god. On the Gemini Full Moon November 24th 2007 the light codes were anchored onto the Fourth Dimension. This means that duality has unified enough for us, if we choose and are clear and open to receive the living library of light codes into our astral and emotional bodies. It was not until October 2006 that I was made aware consciously of the Central Golden Solar Disc which is in Southern India at the Mysore Palace. Now as we have opened the Eleventh Gate through the 11:11 and moving into the Galactic Centre and everything has speed up incredibly we are past the point of worrying about what some may or may not handle as humanity has been given so many chances to open up and its happening regardless as it is a cyclic thing (we cannot stop night and day), we have been very fortunate to of been given so much grace and time to integrate and be open to the incoming light. We are now moving beyond duality and negative positive…all just is and its all beautiful if we surrender into divine will and plan and allow in peace and stillness……. On the December Solstice 2007 the Golden Solar Disc was activated within humanities hearts, as we are the Golden Solar Disc……. The connection with the Inner Earth Sun is important now as we go deeper into outer self and the stillness we connect deeper into the Earth, as we are one with her and our connection illuminates the Inner Earth Sun as it brings harmony within the Earth and balance. This means the necessity for major earth shifts is not necessary as we are in the centre of ourself/the earth and we have moved into the higher dimensions. The Inner Earth Sun has merged with the Central Golden Solar Disc in Mysore Palace and the alignment through the Light Ships and Galactic Federation around Earth is in a holding pattern to allow balance as we make the shift. As on the Solar Eclipse 1st August 2008 the Inner Earth Sun merged with the Golden Solar Discs as they were recalibrated in higher light codes and a great shift occurred with the 888 in the middle then the Lunar Eclipse 17th August 2008 where the love and oneness higher light codes integrated through our hearts. At the September Equinox 2008 at places of the New Earth the Golden Solar Discs opened up the codes of light for the abundance of the New Earth that is manifesting as we co-create Heaven on Earth. As the old energies leave the new energies come in. This is happening now very fast as a collective and individually and personally as well. As of October 2012 the GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS were fully absorbed into the third Dimension on the Aries Full Moon 30th September 2012 I was at my favourite multi-d vortex near where I live and I saw and was told the Golden Solar Discs have been absorbed now into us all. So everyone can now access the Golden Solar Disc within and co-create the New Earth, if they choose. Now that Lemuria is once again rising, and all the cycles and civilisations merging, we are awakening to the presence of the Golden Solar Discs through the Greater Central Sun, Central Sun and our Solar Self. The discs/we are becoming once again free to vibrate in divine love and light, as their/our energy pluses through the network of light around, and through the Earth. There are other Golden Discs that are now being activated at the Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, in Egypt the Golden Solar Disc there at the temple of Horus, at Abu Sir, the RA connection, in the Himalayas at Himachal Pradesh, Mysore and Tibet, in the south England, central Australia and other locations. Some of these have been dormant along time, others were always active, like in the Himalayas, and being in their energy field creates great shifts in consciousness. We are one with the Sun and have within us the Golden Solar Disc as well. We can anchor our own Golden Disc within our Hearts and bring in that energy at any sacred place. Which also means our own backyard or home, as all the Earth is sacred, we are now able to not just travel to these power sites but anchor that energy wherever we are. As we connect through our own inner Sun in our Heart, the Inner Earth Sun, as our Earth becomes a Sun, just like us, our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence. When we work consciously with the Golden Solar Discs we are also working with the Councils of Light consciously, so you know when that is so. It is now time for us to connect within to our Source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant Golden Ball of Divine Light. Feel, sense, and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now about to enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar Selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs and the energy they emanate, we are a Golden Solar Disc. Their full activation is to assist in a transition of cycles, this time without fear, but in Divine Love and into the Fifth Dimension. The Golden Solar Discs are of very high vibrational, divine energy, and aligned through the Greater Central Sun. They hold the codings of the Divine Plan and living library, Solar Beings and Prime Creator. They are in a higher dimensional frequency, and so at present not seen or felt if we are operating on lower frequencies of fear. Placed all around the world as I worked with them, there seemed to be countless Golden Solar Discs, some big and working with major bigger picture events. Some more localised for an area to uplift and awaken those in its energy field once it had been activated. Some Golden Solar Discs needed to be reactivated and other Discs that needed to be anchored at certain places, as they are all connected with tunnels of Light into the Light Grid around Earth. They are in the etheric Earth and also in oceans and lakes. Their purpose is emanating divine love and oneness, helping humanity to awaken from their sleep into the illusion of fear and separation, and back into their own divine presence. When this happens within an individual they are at peace with themselves and all, coming from the love within, as it expands out to encompass all creation. No longer in separation, but awakened to the completion of the divine mission, which is the marriage of Heaven and Earth. We can only do this in our bodies and through our heart, which is the doorway to our multi-dimensional self. The activation can only be done through divine will, not ours and so in divine timing we go to the location and the disc gets activated as we meditate as a golden being in the Council of Light and aware of the Golden Solar Disc within our own heart. Once it's activated aware of it linking through the solar grid to all others discs world wide. If you feel too; Link in through the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, connecting to the Temple of Horus in Egypt and the Golden Solar Disc at the Solar Plexus, feel its golden radiance glowing and life giving, purifying the solar plexus and mind......Now connect to the etheric temple at the Island of the Sun and be aware of the Golden Solar Disc as it moves up to the Heart Chakra, radiant and glowing as it connects you into your true presence as male and female, mind and heart merge within......The radiant light from your centre expands out through you as you become One Body of Light, as it connects through the Solar Grid around the planet. You connect through your own inner Sun and the Earth as it becomes a Sun, with our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun.......Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence......You are the Golden Solar Disc from within you, one with the Central Sun....illuminating Life..... THE SOLAR GRID LINKING ALL THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS Our recent full Solar Eclipse was the catalyst that the Solar Beings were working through that activated the Discs and the Grid of Light that they formed, as the higher frequencies of Divine Love radiated to us through them. This was a major activation that anchored a whole new grid, the Solar Grid. This Solar Grid links all the Golden Solar Discs with the Central Sun and is vibrating at very high frequencies of Light, activating the remembrance of our true presence and the creation codes of the living library of Light on the Earth plane once more as we co-create Heaven on Earth as the Creator Goddess/Gods we are. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is done with many beings, some on the human level as consorts, friends, co light workers and groups worldwide, as well our multi–dimensional selves on more unified dimensions of Light. All the experiences are simply my understanding as I have worked with these energies in this life experience and always in the Greater Now. It is still up to you to go into your own self to know this energy and be open to the living library of light within you. Blessings and peace on your journey, may your connection be strong to your light within and your open heart. Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs. Copyright © 1995- 2018 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, 3158 Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. I was blessed to have an extended conversation with Soluntra about the Golden Solar Discs. You can join us (as we recorded it for all time) here: Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn Greetings Masters, and so we greet each of you this day in a vector of Unconditional Love !
There are many paths for a human to walk and all of integrity will find their light. So it is always true that discernment is required. Dear Ones, change is the nature of reality and is ever expanding as consciousness expands. All shifts within and without in a manner that is appropriate on and beyond the holograms of Earth. Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion. It is the 12th Gate, and the energy of this 'Mastery Initiation' is resurfacing. Disciplines in the wisdom schools of ancient Alchemy evolve in time. Yet the frequency of Truth ever remains the same in resonance. Masters, be aware that the energy and earthen resonance of these enclaves of Mastery still exist in certain nodes, and these are among the portals where wisdom is resurfacing. Among the greatest mystery schools of ancient Earth were those located in ancient OG. the lands currently called Bolivia and Peru. It is why many of you are called to make pilgrimages to the land of OG, for there is a frequencial download of great wisdom and great balance available to you. And so Masters, we speak this day of sacred earth, the Lands of ancient OG, and of Bolivia...and of the Keeper of the 12th Gate : Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that enlivens each dimension and relates to the individual within a specified frequential resonance of these dimensions. At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and as such are more readily available to those who align with them. The Golden Sun Disc Within Lake Titicaca lies one of the great 'Golden Sun Disc'. It is omnipotent and is in turn activating all of the others. These discs are being programmed & activated into twelve-strand helixial spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of unconditional love, a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above. The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. It was of Sirian B-Arcturian construct and was for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: A composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. It was the DNA code for the planet, and there were 12 composite frequencies that will again in 2012 form the one. These were once displayed in MU in a magnificent Temple. They were objects of magnificence and perfection; beautiful, but not an object of art or worship, but rather a complex scientific 'computeresque' tool. They glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining, interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and celestial realms. The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serve in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed. There are 12 such discs on the planet, but to be more precise we tell you that there are twelve distinct frequencial patterns of the Golden Sun disc that are being expanded into 12- strand refinement at the present time by the Sirians, & many of those connected to the Guild of Hathors. Many of you are part of this, and have been for a long time. We have told you this before. Indeed others will be drawn to the sun discs as the work intensifies in2011 in preparation for 2012. Regarding 2012, some have erroneously concluded in these changing times that the earth will be eradicated and we say it will not, cannot be. It matters not what sensational movies and programs are broadcast in your mass media about such destruction. The Earth cannot be destroyed and will not be annulled...so the transformation of the Earth is absolutely not a destruction, rather a requisite and joyous recreation of itself. Do you understand? Mega Vortex-Portal The energetic field, the very length, breadth and vitality of the mega-portal-vortex of Lake Titicaca, is one of the largest & most pristine on your planet. It is also one of the Keepers of the planetary equilibrium at this time in the dawn of Ascension. It is important that you understand, that Lake Titicaca is energetically balanced. And such parity is essential at this time, and yet hard for some of you to truly understand and achieve. Accordingly Titicaca carries tremendous clearing potential for all advanced seekers on the path. The frequency therein is balanced in terms of duality polarity within and above the 3rd dimension...and that is the requisite model for humanity. Titicaca is neither male nor female, it is both. That is why many are drawn there. We assure you, if it was either one or the other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that amount of power, it would not contain the equilibrium, you see? It contains proportional levels of both, and as such the potency, the harmonic, and the harmony. So the consciousness of this vortex will offer balance to any human that is in imbalance...and much of humanity is indeed imbalanced as yet, because your Earth is energetically, ionically and frequencially unevenly polarized. Yet at certain rare vectors, such balance does exist on Terra. There are several such locales. The greatest of these nodes is Titicaca. That is why so many are drawn there. One who is overly macho or overly feminine will receive the opposite to obtain the balance. Such is the nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and Golden Disc. In your current scientific understanding, you might think that the presence of anionic and cationic, female and male would neutralize one another in bonding. It would seem so but that is not the case. Rather, they activate one another. This rare point on the planet, which is BOTH a human chakric center and planetary chakra consciously directs & regulates itself according to what is needed for balance, do you understand? And we tell you the pristine energy of the mega vortex of Lake Titicaca and its incredible balancing energies are reaching far and wide to heal the Earth in ways that have not been recognized. For the Golden Sun-Disc within Titicaca is the focal radiator that programs the Discs of the West, just as the one beneath Roslyn Chapel will regulate the areas of Europe Middle East and Africa. Indeed the energy each of Titicaca is a part of the heralded prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The 'Eagle and Condor' Prophesies In what the Hopi refer to as the 'Eagle and Condor', the Eagle represents the energies of the North, and the Condor the energies of Latin America. Both were once as one and the prophecy states that when the Eagle and Condor again fly together, it will signify the return of wisdom and balance. But in current times, a key portion of the message is that without the Condor, the Eagle will falter. You see, it is the sacred wisdom of the Land of the Condor that has not been as scattered, has not been as corrupted as yet, we might say. The energy of the Condor must go north and that of the Eagle south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why those Earthkeepers and Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the Land of the Sacred Lake, and those of the Condor are drawn to the North at this time. The Eagle Must Fly For the Eagle to fly, much must be done by Earth-Keepers and Lightworkers in the United States. The Harmonic must be raised. The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets, and these are growing in inertia. But, the great masses of the people in the United States are incased within gilded cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their own insulation and subtle controls of the patriarchal narcissism of the ruling forces. Few North Americans truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, America has become a corporation based on profit. The people of America are no longer citizens they are employees. Many are beginning to wake- up and working to change this, but it will not be easy. Those on the path of Light will lead the way...and in time change must occur. Now, because the governments of South America became colonized into Castilian aristocracies, a great separation polarized between the controlling patricians of the rich and the stark poverty of the indigenous. Yet despite this inequity and partially because of it, a larger degree of the indigenous peoples retained their campestral culture, wisdom and knowledge. This is especially true in the sacred land of OG, where the indigenous compose a larger segment of the populace, and to a smaller degree in the lands of the Yucatan. In South America, indeed, in this time of the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor much transition is now afoot. There will be a time in the not so distant future in which South America will displace North America as the primary bread basket of the world. As its economy strengthens so will emerge a powerful cry from the common man for stronger voice and more equity among all its classes and people. This is beginning now in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, and has been evolving for some time in Argentina, Brazil and Chile for more than 3 decades, as a growing middle economic class emerges. The Condor of the mighty Andes is strengthening! Axiatonal Energy Exchange in the Americas The 'vortex/portal' energies between North and South America are being interchanged to achieve balance, you see. The greatest interaction is in an interface of axiational energy between Titicaca and Arizona. Beloved, a great connection has always existed between Sedona & Titicaca, but that ancient energetic route has become less effective, and is now to be repaved as 2012 nears. That portal which is Titicaca is much more intact, and more capable of feeding and healing the other. Is that not why many such gatherings are occurring, that is the activation. Titicaca is providing balance to many power nodes and energy sites in North America. We are not speaking of peoples or of governments, but rather of the meridians of the Living Earth balancing themselves in a very sentient manner. A similar process is occurring thru different aspect of crystalline energy from North to South via the Master Crystals beneath the vortex of Arkansas. Many of the potent vortex/portals in the North such as the area you refer to as Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and Mount Shasta were designated to the care of certain Indigenous Tribes, or were legislated through inspired guidance of Human Masters into reserves you call National and State Parks. And these have been kept far more pristine. But we tell you Titicaca is sending energy to these and more, and many of the North come to the South to assist in this process. Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and even before, many have been drawn to visit and 'anchor' energies, connect energies, at vortex sites, and that is so important, so appropriate. Because when ceremony, as Earthkeepers have always known, is performed with right intent to honor the Living Earth, the Living Earth responds 10 fold. Those of you who have done such work have benefited as well, because when Earthkeepers go to sacred sites, they absorb the energy there, and it increases their frequency. When you bury your crystals, and prayer ties and offerings that energy becomes as a tuning fork, not just within the site, but also within your own Crysto Mer-Ka-Na field. So what is represented by Titicaca is that it is among the most pure of portals, and greatly 'protected' by its massive waters, elevation, geology and grid geometry. Titicaca is a perfect & potent battery for both receival and transmission of those attuned higher dimensional energies required for the Ascension of this planet. The object you refer to as the 'Golden Disc' is of extraterrestrial origin, similar in function to the one beneath Roslyn and the one beneath the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. Two of the Temple Crystals of Atlantis were placed in safe keeping below the waters and earth of Titicaca . Indeed, the 12th Sun Disc does indeed also reside beneath the waters of Lake Titicaca, and it performs an astonishing role, that your present science has no means to measure, and it does so in synergy with 11 other such units across your planet. Lake Titicaca is the 12th Gate of the Initiation. Now, as the channel has mentioned, the indigenous of South America, specifically in the region of what was once called OG (Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador), still maintain & preserve great knowledge that they receive from the elements and plant teachers of the planet. Throughout history indigenous societies have held the greater a great understanding of the living Earth. Their wisdom schools existed in small enclaves after the Fall of Atlantis and Mu. Yet purification lodges, vision quest and medicine journeys were maintained and conducted by highly evolved souls. Two of the greatest Wisdom schools existed on the Island of the Sun, in Bolivia as well as in the vast chasms beneath Tiahuanaco- The Lost Pyramid City of MU. The 12th Gate The lands of Bolivia are indeed very similar in resonance to the highlands of Tibet. Salar Uyuni and Lake Titicaca are among the most pure of energy centers and lucid of initiation portals. Both are in truth part of the same matrix, the former being a major satellite contributor to the latter. Yet both are a potent battery for clear receival and transmission of coded higher dimensional energies required for the Ascension of both the Americas and indeed the planet. We will say that a visit to points referenced in the Bolivian alti-plano, specifically Salar Uyuni, enhances and prepares the advanced seeker for the full incorporation of the Island of the Sun, that termed the 12th gate of Initiation. Not all who visit will receive such codes, so better to prepare. At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and more readily available to those who align with them. But again, each must be ready and capable of raising their frequency and open their hearts to receive such energies. Closing: Masters, the lands of Bolivia are a sacred gateway, and offer the resonance of the magnificent energies of the Initiations of Wisdom Schools that existed thru out the land in the times before and after ancient OG. Many of you had lifetimes there and are drawn to sacred Titicaca for a completion, the12th Gate of Initiation, for it is indeed the Land of the 12th Gate- The Golden Sun Disc. I am Metatron and YOU are beloved. ...And so it is. This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com - Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. Shared posthumously with great gratitude. Archangel Metatron Channel by James TyberonnGreetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet each of you in a vector of Unconditional Love!
There are many paths for a human to walk and all of integrity will find their light. So it is always true that discernment is required. Dear Ones, change is the nature of reality, and ‘reality’ is ever expanding as consciousness expands. All that you term as reality is dynamic, constantly shifting, within & without all dimensions in a manner that is appropriate on & beyond the holograms of the Earth. We tell you that in 2016, year 4 of the New Planet Earth, many of you are in the advanced stages of achieving Mastery, and indeed have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion. It is the 12th Gate, and the energy of this ‘Mastery Initiation’ is resurfacing. Disciplines in the wisdom schools of ancient Alchemy ever evolve in time. Yet the frequency of Truth ever remains the same in resonance. Dear Ones, be aware that the energy and earthen resonance of these enclaves’ of Mastery still exist in certain nodes, and these are among the portals where wisdom is resurfacing. Among the greatest mystery schools of ancient Earth were those located in ancient OG, the lands currently called Bolivia and Peru. It is why many of you are called to make pilgrimages to the land of OG, for there is a frequencial download of great expansive wisdom and multi-dimensional balance available to you. And so Masters, we speak this day of sacred earth, the Lands of ancient OG, of Peru & Bolivia…and of the Keeper of the 12th Gate: Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that enlivens each dimension and relates to the individual within a specified frequencial resonance of these dimensions. At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and as such are more readily available to those who are capable of aligning with them. The Golden Sun Disc Within Lake Titicaca lies the greatest of the ‘Golden Sun Disc’. It is omnipotent and is in turn activating all of the others. These discs are being programmed & activated into twelve-strand helix- spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of unconditional love, a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above in crystalline Mer-Ka-Na realm. The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. It was of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian construct and was for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a living composite library of the ‘Perfection’ prototype. The Golden Sun Disc was (and is) the capacitor of dynamic expanding DNA coding for the planet. And there were indeed 12 composite frequencies that activated in 2012, and are now increasing into great & greater flow as 2038 approaches. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed. And Masters you have a role to play in this process, and we will speak more on this later in this channel. The Golden Temple of MU These discs were once displayed in MU in a magnificent Temple. They were objects of magnificence and perfection; beautiful, but not an object of art or worship, but rather a complex scientific ‘computeresque’ tool. They glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining, interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and celestial realms. Thus forming & benevolently incurring a celestial weave that balanced all components & energies. In the ‘New Earth’ of 2016 & forward to the benchmark year of 2038, these serve a tremendous role in the ongoing re-emergence & new-code programming. The Sun Disc also serve in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, projecting in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. There are 12 such discs on the planet, but to be more precise we tell you that there are twelve distinct frequencial patterns of the Golden Sun disc that are being expanded into 12- strand refinement at the present time by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance & many of those connected to the Guilds of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, Hathors & Law of One. Many of you are part of this, and have been so connected for eons of time. We have told you this before. Indeed others will be drawn to the sun discs as the work intensifies in in the important years ahead leading to 2020 and the benchmark of 2038 in preparation for the return of the Golden Age. Mega Vortex-Portal The energetic field, the very length, breadth and vitality of the mega-portal-vortex of Lake Titicaca, is one of the largest & most pristine on your planet. It is also one of the Keepers of the planetary equilibrium at this time in the dawn of Ascension. It is important that you understand, that Lake Titicaca is perfectly energetically balanced. And such parity is essential at this time, and yet hard for some of you to truly understand and achieve. Accordingly Titicaca carries tremendous clearing potential & reformation upshift for all advanced seekers on the path. The frequency therein is balanced in terms of duality polarity within and above the 3rd dimension…and that harmony of balance is the requisite model for humanity. Although many consider Titicaca a Feminine energy, in truth Titicaca is neither male nor female, rather it is the perfected harmonic model of both. That is precisely why many are being drawn there in the post 2012 energies of the new model, the new paradigm of the Earth. We assure you, if it was tilted to one or the other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that amount of power, it would not contain the exquisite equilibrium, you see? It contains equitable proportions of both, and as such the potency, the optimal harmonic, and extraordinary balance is thus projected. Titicaca is the model of the balance of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, enabling codes of the requisite shift into the duality balanced human. So the consciousness of this vortex will offer balance to any human that is in imbalance…and much of humanity is indeed imbalanced as yet, because the Earth is energetically & frequencially ‘unevenly’ polarized. Yet at certain rare vectors, such balance does exist on Terra. There are several such locales. The greatest of these nodes is Titicaca. Again we emphasize that this rare perfection of parity is why so many are drawn there. One who is overly macho or overly feminine will receive the opposite to obtain the balance. Such is the nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and Golden Disc for indeed all aspects of the human seeker that is in imbalance can be revealed to one who truly searches within this energy. That is what has always drawn pilgrims to the Golden Disc since their inception in ancient MU. Indeed it is why only certain telluric power points on the Earth are capable of housing one of the Sun Disc. Titicaca was chosen to house the omnipotent 12th Disc precisely because of its energetic balance. It is why the Ancients of MU placed it there. In your current scientific understanding, you might think that the presence of anionic and cationic, female and male would neutralize one another in bonding. It would seem so but that is not the case. Rather, they activate one another. This rare point on the planet, which is BOTH a human chakric center and planetary chakra consciously directs & regulates itself according to what is needed for balance, do you understand? And we tell you the pristine energy of the mega vortex of Lake Titicaca and its incredible balancing energies are reaching far and wide to heal the Earth in ways that have not been fully recognized. For the Golden Sun-Disc within Titicaca is the focal radiator that programs the Discs of and for the entire western hemisphere, just as the one beneath Roslyn Chapel will regulate the areas of Europe Middle East and Africa in kind. Because of it’s harmonizing of the south and north potions of the Americas, the energy of Titicaca is indeed a part of the heralded prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. Does that surprise you? The ‘Eagle and Condor’ Prophesies In what the Hopi refer to as the ‘Eagle and Condor’, the Eagle represents the energies of the North, and the Condor the energies of Latin America. Both were once as one and the prophecy states that when the Eagle and Condor again fly together, it will signify the return of wisdom and balance. But in current times, a key portion of the message is that without the Condor, the Eagle will falter. You see, it is the sacred wisdom of the Land of the Condor that in certain isolated vectors has not been scattered, has not been corrupted. The energy of the Condor must go north and that of the Eagle south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why those Earthkeepers, Grid-werkers and Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the Land of the Macho Pichu, Amaru & the Sacred Lake, and those truth bearers of the Condor are drawn to the North at this time. The Eagle Must Fly For the Eagle to truly fly, much must be done by Earth-Keepers & Lightworkers in the United States. The Harmonic must be raised. The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets, and these are growing in inertia. But, the great masses of the people in the United States are yet encased within gilded cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their own insulation and subtle controls of the hidden patriarchal narcissism of the ruling elite. Few people truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, America has become a corporation based on profit. It could be stated that many within the middle & lower ‘classes’ of the United States are no longer citizens, rather are they employees. Many are beginning to wake-up and working to change this, but it will not be easy. And we tell you the 2016 elections ongoing in the USA, as chaotic as they appear, are dawning a new era, planting seeds… for ‘legalized’ corruption, and old-guard control is being not only revealed but dynasties of elitist & shadowed manipulation are being ironically undermined. A new generation of thinking is being spawned… and though it will take another generation, change is coming. And in truth this applies to the masses of people in the majority of countries of the so called ‘1st World’ economic powers, not just in America. The Wisdom of the Indigenous Now, because the governments of South America became colonized into Castilian and European aristocracies, a great separation polarized between the controlling patricians of the rich and the stark poverty of the indigenous. Yet despite this inequity and partially because of it, a larger degree of the indigenous peoples retained their campestral culture, wisdom and knowledge. This is especially true in the sacred land of OG, where the indigenous compose a larger segment of the populace, and to a smaller degree in the lands of the Yucatan. For as yet in OG are initiate masters of sacred wisdom, who have recognized & followed the Teachers of the Kingdoms of the Earth. In The indigenous cultures of the Andes & Amazon are those who have allied with the plant teachers in allowing in ancient sacred ways, those who are ready & courageous to explore the inner dimensions of Truth. For in the revered ceremonies of what is termed ‘Mother Ayahuasca’ & to a lesser degree ‘San Pedro’, are inter-dimensional doorways that can to the serious and prepared seeker, a life review, akin to what certain religions call the ‘afterlife judgement, yet his occurs while the body and soul are yet united, in earthen life, and thus the soul is able to return and adjust. Ayahuasca is an incredible teacher, yet not for everyone, but for those who are ready to face truth and work on self in a lens of amplified review. We will speak more on this topic in an upcoming channel. For now there is much more to share on the Golden Disc …. … ( Part 2 Below) Transition Now, to continue… Masters, indeed, in the Americas, this is the time of the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor. Much transition is now afoot, whether or not it is fully recognized, great change is occurring. There will be a time in the not so distant future in which South America will displace North America as the primary bread basket of the world. As its economy strengthens so will emerge a powerful cry from the common man for stronger voice and more equity among all its classes and people. This is beginning now in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru & Venezuela, and has been evolving in Argentina, Brazil and Chile for more than 3 decades, as a growing middle economic class emerges. The Condor of the mighty Andes is strengthening and it is so appropriate! Axialtonal Energy Exchange in the Americas The ‘vortex/portal’ energies between North and South America are being interchanged to achieve balance, you see. The greatest interaction is in an interface of axialtonal energy between Titicaca and Arizona. Beloved, a great connection has always existed between Sedona & Titicaca, but that ancient energetic route has become less effective, and is now to be repaved as 2038 nears. That portal which is Titicaca is much more intact, and more capable of feeding and healing the other. Is that not why many such gatherings are occurring? Indeed this is the activation. Titicaca is providing balance to many power-nodes and energy sites in North America. We are not speaking of peoples or of governments, but rather of the meridians of the Living Earth balancing themselves in a very sentient manner. A similar process is occurring thru different aspect of crystalline energy from North to South via the Master Crystals beneath the vortex of Arkansas. Caretakers & Guardians of Points of Power Many of the potent vortex/portals in the North such as the area you refer to as Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and Mount Shasta were designated to the care of certain Indigenous Tribes, or were legislated through inspired guidance of Human Masters into reserves you call National and State Parks. And these have been kept far more pristine. But we tell you Titicaca is sending energy to these and more, and many of the North come to the South to assist in this process. It is a process of the Sentient Earth, self-regulating. For whether or not you fully realize it, the Earth is a living being. And in many ways the Earth is far more conscious at this time, than is humanity. The Earth is much more complex than you currently accept, even those of Spiritual awareness, do not fully understand the immense powers of self-regulation of the conscious Earth. Mankind cannot destroy the Earth. Mankind may destroy their ability to live on the Earth … but we tell you, Dear Ones, and take note…the Earth was just as conscious as a molten ball of lava, as in her present state in linear time. Masters, you live but in one linear aspect of the vast Omni-Earth. Regarding 2012, some erroneously concluded that as 2012 approached, the earth will be eradicated and we told you it would not, for it cannot be. It matters not what sensational movies and programs are broadcast in your mass media about such destruction. The Earth cannot be destroyed and will not be annulled…so the ongoing transformation of the Earth is absolutely not a destruction, rather a requisite and joyous recreation of itself. Do you understand? Connecting the Dots – The Soul Contract of the Earth-Keeper Guilds Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and even before, many have been drawn to visit and ‘anchor’ energies, connect energies, at vortex sites, and that is so important, so appropriate. Because when ceremony, as Earthkeepers have always known, is performed with right intent to honor the Living Earth, the Living Earth responds 100 fold. Those of you who have done such work have benefitted as well, because when Earthkeepers & Gridwerkers go to sacred sites, they absorb the energy there, and it increases their frequency & allows them the ability to carry this field into other sacred powernodes, thus ‘connecting the dots’. And Masters we recognize the vigilant and dedicated travelers & pilgrims among you for carrying on this work, for their remains much to do. As we have told you before 2012 was not an end, rather a beginning, and the Gridwerkers and earth-keepers among you are now in phase two of your work in assisting in the programming of the post 2012 expansive paradigms of the ‘New Planet Earth’. And you benefit from such pilgrimages & sacred journeys to power-nodes in far more ways than you may imagine. Indeed, when you bury your crystals, provide prayer ties and offerings that energy becomes as a tuning fork, not just within the site, but also within your own Crysto Mer-Ka-Na field. You then become a transmitter of the harmonics and of the codes. Pristine Titicaca – The Transmission of Balance So what is represented by Titicaca is that it is among the most pure of portals, and greatly ‘protected’ by its massive waters, elevation, and geology and grid geometry. Titicaca is a perfect & potent battery for both receival and transmission of those attuned higher dimensional energies required for the Ascension of Humanity. The object you refer to as the ‘Golden Disc’ is indeed of extraterrestrial origin, similar in function to the one beneath Roslyn and the one beneath the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas….and these are part of the balancing process. Two of the Temple Crystals of Atlantis were placed in safe keeping below the waters and earth of Titicaca. These in kind are receiving programming via the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. So do not doubt that the 12th Sun Disc does indeed reside beneath the sacred waters of Lake Titicaca, and it performs an astonishing role, that your present science has no means to measure. It does so in synergy of perfection with 11 other such units across your planet. It is why Lake Titicaca is and has always been the 12th Gate of the Initiation. This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com - Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. Shared posthumously with great gratitude. Metatron Speaks via James Tyberonn, EarthKeeperQuakes, Grids, Triple-Date Portals – Crysto Coding the Sun Disc
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! We welcome each of you here in a vector and energy of Unconditional Love. Take a moment to feel this very special energy as you read these words. We assure you it is quite real, and it will soothe your being, for it is sent in real time, in the NOW moment that you read these words, individually to each of you as you review this message. Never forget Dear Humans, we are ever with you, and offer you a glimpse and very valid interface with the energy of your higher aspect. We nurture you in unconditional love. So we gently ask you to close your eyes and take a moment to feel the energy we send you, before reading further. Masters, ‘Unconditional Love’ is a crystalline resonance that enlivens each of you to vitally move forward. It is a sublime energy that will encourage you to advance each of your today’s potently into tomorrow’s by assisting you to become more aware, positive and fortified in your present. But be aware Masters, that adjust mental growth in the crucible energies of the Ascension, is a work in progress. Each human on the planet, are now required to interface with incredibly expansive ‘cosmic’ frequencies at this time on the earth. Mere recognition of this expansion, however, is not enough. It is simply the first step, and is not the same as optimally integrating with cosmic expansion. Assembly is required! Optimal integration is expansive growth, and such quickening, such rapid shifts will inevitably lead again to yet another sense of outgrowing ones skin, it will lead again in time, to new feelings of intensity, discomfort and enclosure, requiring even more focus toward an even greater evolution. Masters if you are feeling these sensations, we congratulate you, because it is indelible proof of exponential growth. Indeed you are on the true path of personal Ascension….and we honor you! The Cryso-Grid and the Triple Date Portals And so we are asked by the channel to review many topics in this assay, of the shifting earth, the complex Crystalline transitions. This includes the Triple Date Portals, the crysto-pulses of Arkansas, and indeed the recoding of the Sun Disc. We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals via Tyberonn of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequencial portals sequenced in base 12. These TDP’s are purposed to activate the Crystalline Transition. And although many of humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor of these date-portals, they have somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their primary substantive significance. The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the activation of the 12 geo-pentagonal aspects of the ‘double penta-dodecahedron’ of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid is accordingly integrated with the ‘human-grid’ interface codes in the gatherings and meditations occurring on these frequencial aperture dates. And Masters that is so appropriate. Indeed the optimal use of the TDP’s is to gather in mass within powernodes, grid points and crystalline energies….and ‘FIRE THE GRID’. For many of you are indeed special envoys with a soul-contracted purpose in the ongoing activations of the ‘GRID’ and the subsequent recodings of the sun discs. The grid significance is that the frequency of each triple date portal is designed to be the ‘activation trigger’ of one of the 12 major dodecahedrons surface base plates of the grid. Accordingly this axiom infers that the 144-Crystalline grid is launched into functionality by one twelfth each year from 1 January 2001 up through 12 December, 2012 when it achieves full programming input. Once the TDP’s are complete, there is a critical ‘interim’ phase between 13 December and 20 December, in which the Crystalline-Grid integrates full programming, and reboots into full launch on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, the heralded and prophesied Ascension. In aspect, a key piece of what takes place on the triple frequencial portal dates is around the ‘human – grid’ alignment to the Crystalline 144 grid. That is why these dates are being recognized by empaths as important dates for spiritual alignment gatherings across the planet. Indeed it is not specific astrological alignments that specialize the triple date portals rather it is the vibrancy of the numbers of the base-12 themselves that correlate to the 144 grid. TDP’s – Firing the Crystalline Grid Calendar Timing Triple Date Portal % Grid Activation * 1 Jan 2001 Triple One (1-1-1) 8.34% * 2 Feb 2002 Triple Two (2-2-2) 16.70% * 3 Mar 2003 Triple Three (3-3-3) 25% * 4 Apr 2004 (4-4-4) 33.34% * 5 May 2005 (5-5-5) 41.70% * 6 Jun 2006 (6-6-6) 50% * 7 Jul 2007 (7-7-7) 58.34% * 8 Aug 2008 (8-8-8) 66.70% * 9 Sep 2009 (9-9-9) 75% * 10 Oct 2010 (10-10-10) 83.40% * 11Nov 2011 (11-11-11) 91.70% * 12 Dec 2012 (12-12-12) 100% 2012 13 December – 20 December Reboot * 12-21-12 * Total Activation Grid Maximus In addition to the human interface on the TDP’s, coded energies are fed into the Crystalline grid cosmically on the equinoxes and solstices especially since the Master Crystal awakenings began in 2008 and the synergistic Cosmic Triggers initiated in 2009. This has been gathering momentum since the initial phase of the TDP’s, and has gained critical inertia as the Grid became more adequately energized. The burgeoning energies of the Crystalline Transition are indeed triggering the awakening of the Master Crystals, Planetary Pyramid generators and Sun Discs. (And we will speak specifically on the sun disc recodings later in this assay. ) This critical mass momentum, is precisely why the ‘crystalline reactivations’ and discoveries of ‘ancient’ and new Pyramids, such as the incredible complex in Bosnia are so important to the planet as it frequencially integrates with and within the higher energies of the ‘New Earth’ and the Crystalline 144-Grid in the Ascension. So much is transitioning on your planet now. The Arkansas Crysto-Pulses Masters, are you aware, truly aware of the incredible changes taking place around you ? The shift is easily apparent , in all of its nuances, and undeniably so. And we tell you that there is no place on the Earth at the present time revealing more wondrous evidence of the Earths transition, than the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. Why Arkansas you may ask. The answer is because within this vortex lies the largest single deposit of quartz crystal on the planet. The Atlanteans as well as the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance were well aware of this fact. Accordingly there are energetic devices, and refined crystals within this area that were set in place precisely to play a major role in the transition of the earth…and that is happening now before your collective eyes. It is an exquisite event, and it is beginning to gain notice on a global scale. Do not fear what is happening, for you are co creating it, and it is requisite and indeed beautiful. It is the Crystalline Shift, and that is a key component of the Ascension. You waited a long long time for this, and it is happening now before your very eyes. Dear Humans, recently a flurry of earthquakes have occurred in Arkansas . Several of these have exceed 4.0 magnitude . A 4.7 quake was reported by your media in Arkansas within the last 2 weeks. These are different from the quakes occurring elsewhere. These are quite unique. These are filling the land of the Crystal Vortex with a magnificent energy and are a result of the activations of the massive quartz and Master Crystals in Arkansas. Oh yes, its true. These quakes, are very soft, very gentle, and in truth are rolling pulses, and they began 2 years ago, but are quickening now. The tremors that are being noticed in Arkansas over the past 6 months actually initiated in a lesser crysto-wave in 2008 around the 8-8-8. They are the Crystals Awakening. …and this very awakening is changing the planet. Indeed it is a promised completion for so many of you from the sacred ‘Law of One’. These ‘pulses’ are crysto-quakes, to coin a term, and are stirring up a lot of attention…and will baffle your geologist and physicists for some time yet. These pulses are absolutely due to the activation of the Master Crystals located in the massive quartz fields of Arkansas. The enormous power of these crystals is quite unimaginable, and indeed capable of ‘shaking the earth’. These ‘crysto-quakes’ are not connected to the New Madrid fault line which enters into the northeastern extreme of Arkansas. The New Madrid line, as your geologists are aware, does not enter into the physical parameters of the Crystalline vortex of the central areas of the state. That is an important clarification. These crysto-quakes will continue through 2012, with noticeable increases in 2011. But fear not, we tell you with certainty that what is occurring is benevolent, and these incredible energies are charging the Crystal Vortex & indeed the entire planet with an energetic OMM sonic. These unique crysto-quakes are in fact regulated releases, and offer exquisite coded pulses that are transitioning the planet , its dimensional nature and paradigm….and indeed humanity in kind. All that is occurring is leading to the recoding of the Crysto-Sun Disc and Platinum Crystal Awakening in Arkansas on the 11-11-11. The understanding and knowledge of this is indeed there for the savants among you, for you know this is an incredible completions for those of you of the Atlantean the ‘Law of One’. It is why many of you are drawn to be near this energy, for it enriches all within its field. It is the energy of Poseida, and the Temple of One. It creates feelings of hope, of healing, and a sublime familiarity for so many. It is the pure crystalline frequency of impeccable love, and it feels like home. These pulse are generating it once again. Arkansas & Brazil We also tell you that these crysto-pulses will soon be quickening in Brazil. As Arkansas and Brazil are the largest generators of crystalline energy on the planet and both hold very key energy devices that are playing a major role in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. These devices are the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc. These Crysto-Disc are being recoded in 2011 and 2012. The Golden Disc of Titicaca has now been recoded and awaits alignment & activation with the Crysto Disc on the 11-11-11. We have told you that Arkansas will be one of the most powerful vortex-portals on the planet by 2012, and it is indeed happening. The Crystals are tuned by the grid, and the Crysto-Sun Disc are in kind aligned to the awakening of the Master Crystals. Each one , each aspect supports the other in an inertia and critical momentum of harmonic resonance. Recoding the Sun Disc The original 12 Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. These were placed by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the earth in order to program and network energetic frequencies. The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serve in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc-like when viewed. There are 12 major ‘Disc’ on the planet, and some of the previous locations have shifted. Each of the 12 carry specific purpose and are receiving new crystalline codes. Each of the 12 primary apparatuses feed 12 satellites…the 12 connecting to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry that is suited to the base 12 of the Earth and to the 144-Crystalline Grid, also formulated in base 12 mathematics. It is in fact the new grid that initially spawns the new frequencies, and as such necessitates the new coding for the disc. But there is a ‘human’ element in the process and procedure. Some of you who co exist in multidimensionality as the Atla-Ra and Members of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance are in kind carriers of the new code. If you are indeed one of these envoys, you are feeling the need to be involved in the recoding, and are drawn to the Crytsal Vortex and to other locations of the 12-helixed discs. The Cosmic essence of the sun discs is ‘coded’ crystalline coherent light, the light of higher dimension. The energy of ‘home’. The terrestrial essence of the Sun -Disc frequencial harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized with the human theta grid. One creates the other and the other supports the first. Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to human consciousness and are key elements of the Ascension up shift. The more that humanity understands that its own higher consciousness is based in paradigms of sacred geometric light-codes, the more the geometry becomes multi dimensional and so the geometric expression of these will up shift in Mer-Ka-Na field. This is happening now you see. It will become first one, then the other, just as the earth is now the 3rd dimension and then the 5th and then to 12. What is it that will move it to the 5th? To the 12th? Not static consciousness but the dynamic activation of higher consciousness. The activation of the consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that grid which in turn compliments the cosmos, and is reflected back again via the sun disc. We realize this is complex, but we assure you that in your source higher perspective, you understand the workings quite clearly. In fact you planned the process and protocol ! So myriad factors play a role in this terrestrial to Cosmic shift. Now of the sun disc, only two are purely Crysto-Disc. The first to be recoded is in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. This will occur on the 11-11-11. The 2nd is in Minas Gerais. Brazil, and it will recode on the 12-12-12 and the Global Network will reformat on Dec 21, 2012. This will be an incredible event combining the awakening of the Master Crystals, the completion of the 144-Grid and the complete global networking of the Sun Disc Crysto-Lattice. Locations of 12 Major Sun Disc: Arkansas – Pinnacle Mountain § Brazil – Saint Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais § Bolivia – Lake Titicaca ( Near Island of the Sun) § Scotland – Roslyn Chapel § Russia -Ural Mtns § Russia – Siberia-Lake Baikal § Egypt – Giza § Africa – Kilimanjaro § China – Xi-an Pyramids § French Polynesia – Moorea § Australia- Uluru § Sri Lanka Again we emphasize that each of the major 12 discs support 12 satellites. Each of the 144 satellites are strategically placed, some of which are greater in pulse, greater in frequencial range, according to the energy grid and node in which they are located. Be aware, that the placements of the sun disc and sun disc satellites are carefully chosen. Some locales are quite remote, and that is also by clear and deliberate design. Factors in vector and placement involve telluric mineralogy, stellar alignments, and grid alignment. Likewise with the satellite placement, which additionally involve alignment vector angle to the primary disc. The 12 node satellites in North America, fed from Mount Pinnacle , Arkansas Crysto-Disc, include: § Hawaii § Denali, Alaska § Lake O’Hara, BC, Canada § Mt Shasta § Needle Rock, Colorado § Chitzen-Itza , Yucatan Mexico § Monte Alban, Mexico § Offshore-GoM, near Galveston, Tx § Bimini § Asheville, NC § Herkimer, NY § Gros Morne, Newfoundland, Canada Closing And so Masters, we close by assuring you that all is on track, all is well. While the world speeds forward into the new crystalline age there are intensities that must occur. And whilst difficult in the linear, there is nothing taking place that you do not have the tools and support to manage. In fact you are doing wondrously well. The filters of duality prevent you from seeing that there are envoys of Angelics, of Ascended Masters and of the benevolent Galactic Federation assisting you in this process. Indeed your own ‘Divinity, your own higher aspects have a role in the script that is now being enacted. I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths. And we tell you that each and every one of you are Beloved. You are not alone. …And so it is. —————-- This channel is copyrighted to http://www.Earth-Keeper.com . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered,or abrieviated and credit of authorship and website is included. GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS: INNER SPACE CONVO WITH SOLUNTRA KINGWe are one with the Sun and have within us the Golden Solar Disc as well. We can anchor our own Golden Disc within our Hearts and bring in that energy at any sacred place. Which also means our own backyard or home, as all the Earth is sacred, we are now able to not just travel to these power sites but anchor that energy wherever we are. As we connect through our own inner Sun in our Heart, the Inner Earth Sun, as our Earth becomes a Sun, just like us, our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence. When we work consciously with the Golden Solar Discs we are also working with the Councils of Light consciously, so you know when that is so. It is now time for us to connect within to our Source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant Golden Ball of Divine Light. Feel, sense, and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now about to enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar Selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs and the energy they emanate, WE ARE a Golden Solar Disc. I was blessed to have an extended conversation with Soluntra about the Golden Solar Discs. You can join us (as we recorded it for all time) here: |
May 2024