UNLOCKING THE KEYS FROM THE SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADITHE GOLDEN GATE OF THE ECLIPTIC Unlocking the KEYS from the SKY TABLET OF TAL-QADI My ancestors are from Malta (my birth name is Bonnici). The temples on Malta have been calling me very loud for many years. I feel like my natural proclivity for sound codes come from this lineage and DNA line of mine. One Maltese Temple in particular started projecting codes my way and calling to me super duper loud during this Mars Pleiades gateway. Tal Qadi Temple. In the ruins and wreckage of this ancient star temple was found an etched stone, that is thought to be a star map. This stone is considered by some to be the oldest astronomical tool or sky map, dated around 4,000 BC. The Golden Gate of the Ecliptic is an asterism (recognizable grouping of stars) in the constellation Taurus that has been known for several thousand years. The constellation is built by the two eye-catching open star clusters of the Pleiades and the Hyades that form the two posts of a virtual gate at the two sides of the ecliptic line. Since all planets as well as the moon and the sun always move very closely along the virtual circle of the ecliptic, all these seven orbiting bodies are regularly passing through the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. I draw your attention today to this GOLDEN STAR GATE. This stargate has held great significance for humanity since ancient times. It is a section of the night sky that calls loudly to many of us, the Sirius, Orion, Aldebaran, Hyades, Pleiades region. Uncovered on the Island of Malta in excavations of 1927 was an etched limestone tablet. Now known as The Sky Tablet of Tal-Qadi, this tablet is an ancient star map and astronomy tool. Used around 4000 BC, this sky map/tablet shows us the passage of the Sun, Moon and the five visible planets through the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate of The Ecliptic also serves as a moon “observatory”. As the Moon passes through the gate over the year, it moves through its various phases. In fact, if you watch the moon pass through this gate through the 12 months of the year, it will highlight and showcase the progression of the moon through its phases. I continue researching on the building of stone archeoastronomy calendars and tracking of Lunar Standstills and how our ancestors used this gate as a marker to design these lunar calendar sites.
There is a correlation between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina and this temple on Malta. All three sites sit around the 36th longitude parallel. They all hold some crystalline coding along this parallel, and there is a correlation between the astronomical observation point of the Tal-Qadi temple on Malta, and the astronomical alignment stones set to mark the lunar standstill cycles in Chaco Canyon.
5/19/2023 07:18:00 pm
Very interesting Julie. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been doing research into star maps, sacred sites and astroarchaeology for many years now. Great to know that you’re doing the same. :)
5/19/2023 10:12:21 pm
Happy New Moon in Taurus Julie🌒 ♉🐂This is so fascinating Julie! I have been feeling the energy presence of Hathor around me for the past few days. I have always been drawn to Sirius as it is part of my Star Lineage.
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May 2024