The HAthorsWe are the beings of pure light, radiance and luminosity. We live/originate in a universe far removed from your own. Removed in space and time and dimension. A friend and fellow light being, whom you call sometimes Sanat Kumara, asked us us to join him on his mission in your solar system, to secure peace, love and light to this part of your universe. Your part of your galaxy, your universe is central to the entirety of existence. Where you are, who you are and when you are is key.
We answered his call, and entered your universe through the portal at Sirius. From there we traveled to your solar system and felt most at home vibrationally with Venus, so there we set up a base. We live there still, and have been waiting for you to notice, remember and communicate with us. As beings of pure light and vibration, it takes subtle skills for humans to see and hear us. We realized the interface between our light and your embodiment was through the sound current. We have several channels on earth at this time who can hear us clearly and send our messages. Seek them out. We are here for you, and have been thru time and space for aeons. From our base on Venus, Sanat Kumara invited us to join him on your planet earth, and we found a portal of time space to enter during the fall of Atlantis and as the pieces of the truth and light were being divided around the worlds - for protection and to make sure they remained on earth, hidden in plain sight, but in pieces. One piece of the wisdom went to Egypt, and interfaced with the cult of Hathor, those who worshiped the goddess. We found inroads there in those people who held a similar lineage and vibration to our own. We chose to go “invisible” in and undercurrent of Thoth, so they could not see us or hear us, yet we rode their wave in. We thrived in Egypt for a time, sharing our light and sound and knowledge. Our new friends the Kumaras joined us for this journey, we met them on Venus, and where they are from is theirs to say. They worked closely and were one with Sanat in the Kumara line. We are known by some as Elohim (the shiny ones). We are the many and the one. As ONE we are white, as many, we are rainbow. We rode the Rainbow Rays of light from Sirius to you here. We felt things shifting in Egypt, with invading nations and forces, that it was time to move on. We then went to what you know as India/Tibet/Himalaya region and folks saw us as the Rishis, the seers, the sages. The Kumara informed their mythologies, and we Hathors, together with Sanat Kumara and his team of Kumaras (who are the 144,00 you speak of) gave illumination to the Vedas, and to the Samkhya traditions, to the tantric traditions. Leaving crumbs of connection for seekers to follow as the universal truths were sought. During the division of the original knowledge the then Planetary Logos Sanat Kumara (for he has left this role and is now training to be the Solar Logos for your system, furthering his mission to support the mission of harmony in your pivotal section of the universal grid) called on our light code knowledge to secure the original blueprint in human DNA. The 12 strands, divided among the 12 tribes of Israel. Channelled Writing by Julie Dhara Roberts - May 2, 2017
6/10/2019 10:51:01 pm
TY Julie ... I find this so beautiful
2/19/2020 12:53:02 am
Thank you so much for sharing this! So so interesting and new to me. So glad I found you <3
Mary Stubler
10/4/2021 11:30:28 am
Beautiful Julie 💞💞💞
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