Creating Neutral TogetherNeptune Venus Alignment Opposite Quantum Spin Discord and Disharmony Integrating Opposites Defining Inner Neutrality Feels “weird” A band of disharmonious discord waves moving through Experiencing lots of boundary setting “stuff” Like personal space Is not being honored, requests and communications not going smooth, and boundaries being crossed and violated Venutians Neptunians Have some stuff between them to clear Looking at the planetary bodies….we find polar opposites. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system It also spins counter direction from the rest of the planets Atmosphere is carbon dioxide and nitrogen Volcanoes and lava Neptune is the coldest planet It is the farthest of the eight Atmosphere is hydrogen and traces of helium Ice and Rock Compare their structure and makeup: Try this inner space vibrational exploration. Listen to the sound codes in these recordings from space. How different the two planets sounds are!!! (see links below) Do you feel more at home with one or the other? Can you bring yourself to a space where you can receive both stream of sounds?
Polar Opposites.. And they spin in opposite directions. And, if they were to be compared or modeled after electrons orbiting a nucleus- sun as nucleus, planets as orbiting electrons (solar system as model of an atom) – these two electrons would be opposite spin rates. Spin creates magnetism, and an electron pair is a neutral field, where the spins balance each other out to neutral. Today is a day to state clearly what works for you, and what does not. It is a day to establish clear steady boundaries for your personal space. It is a day to declare what you will tolerate and what does not belong in your field, your inner space. Then, call forth in your field zero point, balance point, harmonious relation. Within your space, establish balance and harmony. And in addition, create a neutral center place. From this neutral you can spin in either direction, you can be comfortable in either field. Up or Down Left or Right + or - You can hold a state of oneness and neutrality by embodying both at once.
1 Comment
2/15/2023 09:13:30 pm
beautiful! Neptune feel more home, and venus felt like a hike in the energy scale or from downward to upward spiral….thank you so much for this guidance, I will look for them in the sky tonight! 🤗❤️
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