Archangel Metatron Channel by James TyberonnGreetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet each of you in a vector of Unconditional Love!
There are many paths for a human to walk and all of integrity will find their light. So it is always true that discernment is required. Dear Ones, change is the nature of reality, and ‘reality’ is ever expanding as consciousness expands. All that you term as reality is dynamic, constantly shifting, within & without all dimensions in a manner that is appropriate on & beyond the holograms of the Earth. We tell you that in 2016, year 4 of the New Planet Earth, many of you are in the advanced stages of achieving Mastery, and indeed have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion. It is the 12th Gate, and the energy of this ‘Mastery Initiation’ is resurfacing. Disciplines in the wisdom schools of ancient Alchemy ever evolve in time. Yet the frequency of Truth ever remains the same in resonance. Dear Ones, be aware that the energy and earthen resonance of these enclaves’ of Mastery still exist in certain nodes, and these are among the portals where wisdom is resurfacing. Among the greatest mystery schools of ancient Earth were those located in ancient OG, the lands currently called Bolivia and Peru. It is why many of you are called to make pilgrimages to the land of OG, for there is a frequencial download of great expansive wisdom and multi-dimensional balance available to you. And so Masters, we speak this day of sacred earth, the Lands of ancient OG, of Peru & Bolivia…and of the Keeper of the 12th Gate: Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that enlivens each dimension and relates to the individual within a specified frequencial resonance of these dimensions. At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and as such are more readily available to those who are capable of aligning with them. The Golden Sun Disc Within Lake Titicaca lies the greatest of the ‘Golden Sun Disc’. It is omnipotent and is in turn activating all of the others. These discs are being programmed & activated into twelve-strand helix- spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of unconditional love, a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above in crystalline Mer-Ka-Na realm. The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. It was of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian construct and was for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a living composite library of the ‘Perfection’ prototype. The Golden Sun Disc was (and is) the capacitor of dynamic expanding DNA coding for the planet. And there were indeed 12 composite frequencies that activated in 2012, and are now increasing into great & greater flow as 2038 approaches. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed. And Masters you have a role to play in this process, and we will speak more on this later in this channel. The Golden Temple of MU These discs were once displayed in MU in a magnificent Temple. They were objects of magnificence and perfection; beautiful, but not an object of art or worship, but rather a complex scientific ‘computeresque’ tool. They glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining, interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and celestial realms. Thus forming & benevolently incurring a celestial weave that balanced all components & energies. In the ‘New Earth’ of 2016 & forward to the benchmark year of 2038, these serve a tremendous role in the ongoing re-emergence & new-code programming. The Sun Disc also serve in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, projecting in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. There are 12 such discs on the planet, but to be more precise we tell you that there are twelve distinct frequencial patterns of the Golden Sun disc that are being expanded into 12- strand refinement at the present time by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance & many of those connected to the Guilds of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, Hathors & Law of One. Many of you are part of this, and have been so connected for eons of time. We have told you this before. Indeed others will be drawn to the sun discs as the work intensifies in in the important years ahead leading to 2020 and the benchmark of 2038 in preparation for the return of the Golden Age. Mega Vortex-Portal The energetic field, the very length, breadth and vitality of the mega-portal-vortex of Lake Titicaca, is one of the largest & most pristine on your planet. It is also one of the Keepers of the planetary equilibrium at this time in the dawn of Ascension. It is important that you understand, that Lake Titicaca is perfectly energetically balanced. And such parity is essential at this time, and yet hard for some of you to truly understand and achieve. Accordingly Titicaca carries tremendous clearing potential & reformation upshift for all advanced seekers on the path. The frequency therein is balanced in terms of duality polarity within and above the 3rd dimension…and that harmony of balance is the requisite model for humanity. Although many consider Titicaca a Feminine energy, in truth Titicaca is neither male nor female, rather it is the perfected harmonic model of both. That is precisely why many are being drawn there in the post 2012 energies of the new model, the new paradigm of the Earth. We assure you, if it was tilted to one or the other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that amount of power, it would not contain the exquisite equilibrium, you see? It contains equitable proportions of both, and as such the potency, the optimal harmonic, and extraordinary balance is thus projected. Titicaca is the model of the balance of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, enabling codes of the requisite shift into the duality balanced human. So the consciousness of this vortex will offer balance to any human that is in imbalance…and much of humanity is indeed imbalanced as yet, because the Earth is energetically & frequencially ‘unevenly’ polarized. Yet at certain rare vectors, such balance does exist on Terra. There are several such locales. The greatest of these nodes is Titicaca. Again we emphasize that this rare perfection of parity is why so many are drawn there. One who is overly macho or overly feminine will receive the opposite to obtain the balance. Such is the nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and Golden Disc for indeed all aspects of the human seeker that is in imbalance can be revealed to one who truly searches within this energy. That is what has always drawn pilgrims to the Golden Disc since their inception in ancient MU. Indeed it is why only certain telluric power points on the Earth are capable of housing one of the Sun Disc. Titicaca was chosen to house the omnipotent 12th Disc precisely because of its energetic balance. It is why the Ancients of MU placed it there. In your current scientific understanding, you might think that the presence of anionic and cationic, female and male would neutralize one another in bonding. It would seem so but that is not the case. Rather, they activate one another. This rare point on the planet, which is BOTH a human chakric center and planetary chakra consciously directs & regulates itself according to what is needed for balance, do you understand? And we tell you the pristine energy of the mega vortex of Lake Titicaca and its incredible balancing energies are reaching far and wide to heal the Earth in ways that have not been fully recognized. For the Golden Sun-Disc within Titicaca is the focal radiator that programs the Discs of and for the entire western hemisphere, just as the one beneath Roslyn Chapel will regulate the areas of Europe Middle East and Africa in kind. Because of it’s harmonizing of the south and north potions of the Americas, the energy of Titicaca is indeed a part of the heralded prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. Does that surprise you? The ‘Eagle and Condor’ Prophesies In what the Hopi refer to as the ‘Eagle and Condor’, the Eagle represents the energies of the North, and the Condor the energies of Latin America. Both were once as one and the prophecy states that when the Eagle and Condor again fly together, it will signify the return of wisdom and balance. But in current times, a key portion of the message is that without the Condor, the Eagle will falter. You see, it is the sacred wisdom of the Land of the Condor that in certain isolated vectors has not been scattered, has not been corrupted. The energy of the Condor must go north and that of the Eagle south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why those Earthkeepers, Grid-werkers and Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the Land of the Macho Pichu, Amaru & the Sacred Lake, and those truth bearers of the Condor are drawn to the North at this time. The Eagle Must Fly For the Eagle to truly fly, much must be done by Earth-Keepers & Lightworkers in the United States. The Harmonic must be raised. The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets, and these are growing in inertia. But, the great masses of the people in the United States are yet encased within gilded cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their own insulation and subtle controls of the hidden patriarchal narcissism of the ruling elite. Few people truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, America has become a corporation based on profit. It could be stated that many within the middle & lower ‘classes’ of the United States are no longer citizens, rather are they employees. Many are beginning to wake-up and working to change this, but it will not be easy. And we tell you the 2016 elections ongoing in the USA, as chaotic as they appear, are dawning a new era, planting seeds… for ‘legalized’ corruption, and old-guard control is being not only revealed but dynasties of elitist & shadowed manipulation are being ironically undermined. A new generation of thinking is being spawned… and though it will take another generation, change is coming. And in truth this applies to the masses of people in the majority of countries of the so called ‘1st World’ economic powers, not just in America. The Wisdom of the Indigenous Now, because the governments of South America became colonized into Castilian and European aristocracies, a great separation polarized between the controlling patricians of the rich and the stark poverty of the indigenous. Yet despite this inequity and partially because of it, a larger degree of the indigenous peoples retained their campestral culture, wisdom and knowledge. This is especially true in the sacred land of OG, where the indigenous compose a larger segment of the populace, and to a smaller degree in the lands of the Yucatan. For as yet in OG are initiate masters of sacred wisdom, who have recognized & followed the Teachers of the Kingdoms of the Earth. In The indigenous cultures of the Andes & Amazon are those who have allied with the plant teachers in allowing in ancient sacred ways, those who are ready & courageous to explore the inner dimensions of Truth. For in the revered ceremonies of what is termed ‘Mother Ayahuasca’ & to a lesser degree ‘San Pedro’, are inter-dimensional doorways that can to the serious and prepared seeker, a life review, akin to what certain religions call the ‘afterlife judgement, yet his occurs while the body and soul are yet united, in earthen life, and thus the soul is able to return and adjust. Ayahuasca is an incredible teacher, yet not for everyone, but for those who are ready to face truth and work on self in a lens of amplified review. We will speak more on this topic in an upcoming channel. For now there is much more to share on the Golden Disc …. … ( Part 2 Below) Transition Now, to continue… Masters, indeed, in the Americas, this is the time of the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor. Much transition is now afoot, whether or not it is fully recognized, great change is occurring. There will be a time in the not so distant future in which South America will displace North America as the primary bread basket of the world. As its economy strengthens so will emerge a powerful cry from the common man for stronger voice and more equity among all its classes and people. This is beginning now in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru & Venezuela, and has been evolving in Argentina, Brazil and Chile for more than 3 decades, as a growing middle economic class emerges. The Condor of the mighty Andes is strengthening and it is so appropriate! Axialtonal Energy Exchange in the Americas The ‘vortex/portal’ energies between North and South America are being interchanged to achieve balance, you see. The greatest interaction is in an interface of axialtonal energy between Titicaca and Arizona. Beloved, a great connection has always existed between Sedona & Titicaca, but that ancient energetic route has become less effective, and is now to be repaved as 2038 nears. That portal which is Titicaca is much more intact, and more capable of feeding and healing the other. Is that not why many such gatherings are occurring? Indeed this is the activation. Titicaca is providing balance to many power-nodes and energy sites in North America. We are not speaking of peoples or of governments, but rather of the meridians of the Living Earth balancing themselves in a very sentient manner. A similar process is occurring thru different aspect of crystalline energy from North to South via the Master Crystals beneath the vortex of Arkansas. Caretakers & Guardians of Points of Power Many of the potent vortex/portals in the North such as the area you refer to as Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and Mount Shasta were designated to the care of certain Indigenous Tribes, or were legislated through inspired guidance of Human Masters into reserves you call National and State Parks. And these have been kept far more pristine. But we tell you Titicaca is sending energy to these and more, and many of the North come to the South to assist in this process. It is a process of the Sentient Earth, self-regulating. For whether or not you fully realize it, the Earth is a living being. And in many ways the Earth is far more conscious at this time, than is humanity. The Earth is much more complex than you currently accept, even those of Spiritual awareness, do not fully understand the immense powers of self-regulation of the conscious Earth. Mankind cannot destroy the Earth. Mankind may destroy their ability to live on the Earth … but we tell you, Dear Ones, and take note…the Earth was just as conscious as a molten ball of lava, as in her present state in linear time. Masters, you live but in one linear aspect of the vast Omni-Earth. Regarding 2012, some erroneously concluded that as 2012 approached, the earth will be eradicated and we told you it would not, for it cannot be. It matters not what sensational movies and programs are broadcast in your mass media about such destruction. The Earth cannot be destroyed and will not be annulled…so the ongoing transformation of the Earth is absolutely not a destruction, rather a requisite and joyous recreation of itself. Do you understand? Connecting the Dots – The Soul Contract of the Earth-Keeper Guilds Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and even before, many have been drawn to visit and ‘anchor’ energies, connect energies, at vortex sites, and that is so important, so appropriate. Because when ceremony, as Earthkeepers have always known, is performed with right intent to honor the Living Earth, the Living Earth responds 100 fold. Those of you who have done such work have benefitted as well, because when Earthkeepers & Gridwerkers go to sacred sites, they absorb the energy there, and it increases their frequency & allows them the ability to carry this field into other sacred powernodes, thus ‘connecting the dots’. And Masters we recognize the vigilant and dedicated travelers & pilgrims among you for carrying on this work, for their remains much to do. As we have told you before 2012 was not an end, rather a beginning, and the Gridwerkers and earth-keepers among you are now in phase two of your work in assisting in the programming of the post 2012 expansive paradigms of the ‘New Planet Earth’. And you benefit from such pilgrimages & sacred journeys to power-nodes in far more ways than you may imagine. Indeed, when you bury your crystals, provide prayer ties and offerings that energy becomes as a tuning fork, not just within the site, but also within your own Crysto Mer-Ka-Na field. You then become a transmitter of the harmonics and of the codes. Pristine Titicaca – The Transmission of Balance So what is represented by Titicaca is that it is among the most pure of portals, and greatly ‘protected’ by its massive waters, elevation, and geology and grid geometry. Titicaca is a perfect & potent battery for both receival and transmission of those attuned higher dimensional energies required for the Ascension of Humanity. The object you refer to as the ‘Golden Disc’ is indeed of extraterrestrial origin, similar in function to the one beneath Roslyn and the one beneath the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas….and these are part of the balancing process. Two of the Temple Crystals of Atlantis were placed in safe keeping below the waters and earth of Titicaca. These in kind are receiving programming via the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. So do not doubt that the 12th Sun Disc does indeed reside beneath the sacred waters of Lake Titicaca, and it performs an astonishing role, that your present science has no means to measure. It does so in synergy of perfection with 11 other such units across your planet. It is why Lake Titicaca is and has always been the 12th Gate of the Initiation. This channel is copyrighted to - Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. Shared posthumously with great gratitude.
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