THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS By Soluntra King Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs. The Golden Solar Discs hold the light codes of the Living Library of Light at the level of the Great Central Sun. The living library of light is the creation story that we are experiencing. As we make the shift into the next root race and being our light in a body, multi-dimensional selves all merged as we become the Creator Goddess God. We are creating Heaven on Earth in our body, our body of Light. Since the Solar Eclipse higher frequencies of light have able to ground through those who are clear vessels, previously the Golden Solar Discs vibrated at the Central Sun creation codes. As we unify and thereby vibrate at higher octaves of light so too do the discs as it is now possible for the higher light codes to come through us. Awareness of being in the Council of Light, remembering who you are and aware of other worlds and dimensions, all one with the physical earth world, no separation, only oneness is experienced as one goes deeper within to the stillness. The Golden Solar Discs are beautiful to see on the inner and we each have one pulsating within us, we are the Golden Solar being illuminating Light. The Golden Solar Discs are of very high vibrational, divine energy and aligned through the Greater Central Sun. They hold the codings of the Divine Plan and living library, Solar Beings and Prime Creator. They are in a higher dimensional frequency, and so at present not seen or felt if we are operating on lower frequencies of fear. There are many of these world wide, that had been established from previous cycles, in the Andes, Himalayas and various other power places. Some were already active as I had personally experienced, once many years ago, living in the Himalayas, in one of their energy fields. It had completely transformed me, and it had activated me into more of my divinity and purpose in life. Some Golden Solar Discs needed to be reactivated and other Discs that needed to be anchored at certain places. They are all connected with tunnels of Light into the Light Grid around Earth and through the Solar Grid that connects all the Golden Solar Discs. They are in the etheric and their purpose is emanating divine love and oneness, helping humanity to awaken from their sleep into the illusion of fear and separation, and back into their own divine presence. When this happens within an individual they are at peace with themselves and all, and come from the love within, as it expands out to encompass all creation. No longer in separation, but awakened to the completion of their divine mission, which is the marriage of Heaven and Earth. We can only do this in our bodies and through our heart, which is the doorway to our multi-dimensional self. The Golden Solar Discs are here to assist us to be the divine resonance of our true self, we are/I am a Golden Solar Disc. The Councils of Light work with the Golden Solar Discs and many people are aware of themselves now as beings of light and operating in Councils of Light. We can access this more unified aspect of our self as we get clearer, and know who we are. The Golden Solar Discs were used to align the Suns with the core of the Inner Earth Sun and maintain harmony in the last Golden Cycle, now as we return into the next Golden Cycle we are making the next step and embodying the Golden Solar Disc and light codes, illuminating in our physical body and Earth, we are the Golden Solar Disc. Just like the Christ energy two thousand years ago anchored light into the core of the Earth and now as that light is released. We are the Christ; the light shines from within, as Christ said 'greater things yeh shall do than I have ever done’. This Divine energy works through the Light Grid and into the Crystalline Grids of Earth, just like we have acupressure or acupuncture points to clear blockages in the meridians, or polarity energy to open up the flow of energy within us. So too does this energy open up the flow of electro-magnetic energy around the Earth. This creates harmony and the life force flowing freely, that affects all humanity in a positive way. As they cannot sustain fear and all its associated negatives when the energy is flowing and aligned with the Divine Plan. Not all individuals can go to the Himalayas and be transformed, but now this energy field has moved out through the gridwork around Earth for all to experience the peace and harmony. As we are the Light Matrix as is the Earth, the crystalline grid of light illuminates through us and Earth. One… The memory of the last shift in axis almost 13,000 years ago when Atlantis went down, as we moved into the Photon Belt was in fear. We were experiencing our will in disregard for Divine Will, so our vibrations could not handle the Light. We were also moving around the 26, 000 year cycle at half way point in Leo, we are now coming into its opposite in Aquarius at the completion and into sharing and co-operation in Divine Love. We had already experienced the Golden Age and our divine expression, at the beginning of the last cycle, and also the Bronze Age where we needed ritual to connect as the energies started to get denser. Then the Silver Age we lost the connection within, the Iron Age where the creator loses itself in creation. As Atlantis went down we became frozen in fear and the ice age began. Notice now how as we melt the fear in our hearts with love the poles are melting, we are one with the Earth. We are nearing the end of the experience the dark age or Kali Yuga, which has been full of fear and chaos. We have moved into the Golden Age again, through the doorway of our heart and love. Through our heart we merge all ourselves that have been fragmented in our journey through creation from oneness, as we now return to wholeness and our Divine expression. This time we are completing not just one cycle, but three great cycles as we align through our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We are moving into the higher light and becoming our solar self and doing this still in our physical body. We become one with our Light Body and complete our divine mission of the sacred union of spirit and matter. There are twenty Golden Discs that are physical and were used in other cycles to keep the Divine energy aligned with the third density of the Earth. Twenty is the number of the marriage of Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, where we can be in the world of form and non form as one, in the world, but not of it. We are now in the 2000's and this vibration. Our Sun in this Solar System is also vibrating at the number twenty, as it operates at the twentieth plane. The Sun is also the merged God/Goddess, male/female and not just male, there is a Sun Goddess called Sol in mythology also. The Sun is actually a mass of Divine Light Beings, and the Light of the Sun gives us life. Then we have a greater solar system that ours is only a tiny part of, the Central Sun and Golden Beings. This again is a tiny part of an even greater system and its life giving Sun, the Greater Central Sun. It is now time for us to connect within to our source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant golden ball of divine light. Feel and sense and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs, and the energy they emanate, we are a Golden Solar Disc. Their full activation is to assist in a transition of cycles, this time without fear, but in Divine Love and into 4th and 5th Density. The Golden Rays penetrate through the Maya and are grounded in our third density arena. They permeate through the dense level of fear and anxiety that has been in the lower planes. This will create a transformation of humanity that is on greater divine levels of Love and Peace than has been previously experienced on third density transiting to our fifth dimensional light being self in our physical body. In Peru is one of the Golden Solar Discs, it had come from Lemuria just before the cataclysm that erased that amazing civilisation. A master was guardian of this Disc for along time, and the Incas used it as they were aligned with its energy through the Central Sun, and worthy to use it. It was at the Temple of the Sun in Cusco. Cusco, 4,000 meters up in the Andes, it self being a sacred place, for after the great flood that submerged most of the earth, two starry beings came down to the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca. They had a golden rod, and wherever that could be put into the earth would be sacred, and the beginnings of a new expression of humanity on Earth. This place was Cusco which is the umbilical cord of earth. When the Spanish invaded in their lust for gold and power, they plundered the temple of incredible gold and silver sacred objects. Melting them down, and destroying the great temple and other buildings, to build their churches and town. They never found the Golden Disc, and to this day it has never been found. Some think it is under Cusco, in a network of tunnels that the Incas made from the Temple to Sacsayhuaman in the hill above Cusco, and other such places. There is even mention of a tunnel all the way to Ecuador which was in their Kingdom. On the 24th June each year a luminous glow is seen from the tunnels beneath Cusco, as presence of the Central Suns glow for humanity. Now that Lemuria is once again rising, and all the cycles and civilisations merging, we are awakening to the presence of the Golden Discs through the Central Sun and our Solar selves. The discs are becoming once again free to vibrate in divine love and light, as their energy pluses through the network of light around, and through the Earth. We are at the precipice of a galactic change in cycle that is far greater than just the new birth of the Sun in our Solar System. The Sun and Solar energy is radiating to and through Earth like never before as our Sun aligns with our Inner Earth Sun, Central Sun, and through to the Greater Central Sun in alignment with all. This is a major event and the reason why so many of us who are taking responsibility, and honouring and trusting our heart, are following our calling. Our Solar self illuminates us and carries us through our pain, and fear to reunite us with our source and the Infinite Creator. In 1997 we were ready as a collective consciousness to open to the light codes of the Living Library of Light more fully after much anchoring of light on the planet by light workers through the grids and vortexes previous to this. At Tiwanaku high on the Andes Plateau that was once at sea level, the great civilization with pyramids and temple vortexes and dimensional doorways, the Solar Grid was anchored in October 1997 and so the light codes at the level of the Central Sun we now able to illuminate around the Earth in the Solar Grid. Over the years we have come to the point where the Golden Solar Discs are everywhere in each of us and through all creation now anchored into the third dimension since the Solar Eclipse. As the higher light codes opened up through our full presence as golden light beings through the Greater Central Sun. The Inner Earth Sun merged through the great vortex of Lake Taupo New Zealand with the Golden Solar Disc as the light illuminated through to the Sun in the Inner Earth one with the Golden Solar Disc. The light illuminated one with the Golden Solar Disc within us and the light has merged more fully than ever before on the physical plane. This energy has rapidly intensified over the last few years as you can see by my story below. On the September Equinox 2006 the Golden Solar Discs were anchored through the fifth dimension of humanity. This means that the living library of light the Golden Solar Discs hold can now be accessed by us, in our fifth dimensional body which is what we are becoming now. As we become the Golden Solar Disc, holder of the living library of light, creator goddess/god. On the Gemini Full Moon November 24th 2007 the light codes were anchored onto the Fourth Dimension. This means that duality has unified enough for us, if we choose and are clear and open to receive the living library of light codes into our astral and emotional bodies. It was not until October 2006 that I was made aware consciously of the Central Golden Solar Disc which is in Southern India at the Mysore Palace. Now as we have opened the Eleventh Gate through the 11:11 and moving into the Galactic Centre and everything has speed up incredibly we are past the point of worrying about what some may or may not handle as humanity has been given so many chances to open up and its happening regardless as it is a cyclic thing (we cannot stop night and day), we have been very fortunate to of been given so much grace and time to integrate and be open to the incoming light. We are now moving beyond duality and negative positive…all just is and its all beautiful if we surrender into divine will and plan and allow in peace and stillness……. On the December Solstice 2007 the Golden Solar Disc was activated within humanities hearts, as we are the Golden Solar Disc……. The connection with the Inner Earth Sun is important now as we go deeper into outer self and the stillness we connect deeper into the Earth, as we are one with her and our connection illuminates the Inner Earth Sun as it brings harmony within the Earth and balance. This means the necessity for major earth shifts is not necessary as we are in the centre of ourself/the earth and we have moved into the higher dimensions. The Inner Earth Sun has merged with the Central Golden Solar Disc in Mysore Palace and the alignment through the Light Ships and Galactic Federation around Earth is in a holding pattern to allow balance as we make the shift. As on the Solar Eclipse 1st August 2008 the Inner Earth Sun merged with the Golden Solar Discs as they were recalibrated in higher light codes and a great shift occurred with the 888 in the middle then the Lunar Eclipse 17th August 2008 where the love and oneness higher light codes integrated through our hearts. At the September Equinox 2008 at places of the New Earth the Golden Solar Discs opened up the codes of light for the abundance of the New Earth that is manifesting as we co-create Heaven on Earth. As the old energies leave the new energies come in. This is happening now very fast as a collective and individually and personally as well. As of October 2012 the GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS were fully absorbed into the third Dimension on the Aries Full Moon 30th September 2012 I was at my favourite multi-d vortex near where I live and I saw and was told the Golden Solar Discs have been absorbed now into us all. So everyone can now access the Golden Solar Disc within and co-create the New Earth, if they choose. Now that Lemuria is once again rising, and all the cycles and civilisations merging, we are awakening to the presence of the Golden Solar Discs through the Greater Central Sun, Central Sun and our Solar Self. The discs/we are becoming once again free to vibrate in divine love and light, as their/our energy pluses through the network of light around, and through the Earth. There are other Golden Discs that are now being activated at the Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, in Egypt the Golden Solar Disc there at the temple of Horus, at Abu Sir, the RA connection, in the Himalayas at Himachal Pradesh, Mysore and Tibet, in the south England, central Australia and other locations. Some of these have been dormant along time, others were always active, like in the Himalayas, and being in their energy field creates great shifts in consciousness. We are one with the Sun and have within us the Golden Solar Disc as well. We can anchor our own Golden Disc within our Hearts and bring in that energy at any sacred place. Which also means our own backyard or home, as all the Earth is sacred, we are now able to not just travel to these power sites but anchor that energy wherever we are. As we connect through our own inner Sun in our Heart, the Inner Earth Sun, as our Earth becomes a Sun, just like us, our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence. When we work consciously with the Golden Solar Discs we are also working with the Councils of Light consciously, so you know when that is so. It is now time for us to connect within to our Source and Solar Self. Become aware of the Sun within your heart, a radiant Golden Ball of Divine Light. Feel, sense, and be open to its love, joy and warmth. As we are now about to enter the Golden Cycle and into alignment with our Solar Selves once more, we are now becoming conscious of the Golden Solar Discs and the energy they emanate, we are a Golden Solar Disc. Their full activation is to assist in a transition of cycles, this time without fear, but in Divine Love and into the Fifth Dimension. The Golden Solar Discs are of very high vibrational, divine energy, and aligned through the Greater Central Sun. They hold the codings of the Divine Plan and living library, Solar Beings and Prime Creator. They are in a higher dimensional frequency, and so at present not seen or felt if we are operating on lower frequencies of fear. Placed all around the world as I worked with them, there seemed to be countless Golden Solar Discs, some big and working with major bigger picture events. Some more localised for an area to uplift and awaken those in its energy field once it had been activated. Some Golden Solar Discs needed to be reactivated and other Discs that needed to be anchored at certain places, as they are all connected with tunnels of Light into the Light Grid around Earth. They are in the etheric Earth and also in oceans and lakes. Their purpose is emanating divine love and oneness, helping humanity to awaken from their sleep into the illusion of fear and separation, and back into their own divine presence. When this happens within an individual they are at peace with themselves and all, coming from the love within, as it expands out to encompass all creation. No longer in separation, but awakened to the completion of the divine mission, which is the marriage of Heaven and Earth. We can only do this in our bodies and through our heart, which is the doorway to our multi-dimensional self. The activation can only be done through divine will, not ours and so in divine timing we go to the location and the disc gets activated as we meditate as a golden being in the Council of Light and aware of the Golden Solar Disc within our own heart. Once it's activated aware of it linking through the solar grid to all others discs world wide. If you feel too; Link in through the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, connecting to the Temple of Horus in Egypt and the Golden Solar Disc at the Solar Plexus, feel its golden radiance glowing and life giving, purifying the solar plexus and mind......Now connect to the etheric temple at the Island of the Sun and be aware of the Golden Solar Disc as it moves up to the Heart Chakra, radiant and glowing as it connects you into your true presence as male and female, mind and heart merge within......The radiant light from your centre expands out through you as you become One Body of Light, as it connects through the Solar Grid around the planet. You connect through your own inner Sun and the Earth as it becomes a Sun, with our Sun, the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun.......Allow yourself to be in this energy, in your true presence......You are the Golden Solar Disc from within you, one with the Central Sun....illuminating Life..... THE SOLAR GRID LINKING ALL THE GOLDEN SOLAR DISCS Our recent full Solar Eclipse was the catalyst that the Solar Beings were working through that activated the Discs and the Grid of Light that they formed, as the higher frequencies of Divine Love radiated to us through them. This was a major activation that anchored a whole new grid, the Solar Grid. This Solar Grid links all the Golden Solar Discs with the Central Sun and is vibrating at very high frequencies of Light, activating the remembrance of our true presence and the creation codes of the living library of Light on the Earth plane once more as we co-create Heaven on Earth as the Creator Goddess/Gods we are. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is done with many beings, some on the human level as consorts, friends, co light workers and groups worldwide, as well our multi–dimensional selves on more unified dimensions of Light. All the experiences are simply my understanding as I have worked with these energies in this life experience and always in the Greater Now. It is still up to you to go into your own self to know this energy and be open to the living library of light within you. Blessings and peace on your journey, may your connection be strong to your light within and your open heart. Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs. Copyright © 1995- 2018 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, 3158 Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed. I was blessed to have an extended conversation with Soluntra about the Golden Solar Discs. You can join us (as we recorded it for all time) here:
Mary Stubler
6/22/2023 06:58:09 pm
Julie I just love this … thank you ! 💖💖
4/15/2024 09:39:33 am
Hi, Thank you for putting up this article. I'm looking to create an archive of Soluntra Kings books, light codes, mandalas, meditations (any of her related content) etc. Do you know of someone that might hold such a catalogue? I seek to online archive the documents that I obtained from Soluntra, in addition to any others that I can find for any one interested. Secondly which star did Soluntra ascribe the Greater Central Sun to? I'm aware of her attaching alycone to the Central Sun. But can seem to find the Greater Central Sun.
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