I feel I've Never Told You....The Story of the GhostOn July 12, 2018, particle physicists published their findings of detecting a long sought after cosmic particle which was labeled “the ghost particle”. A ghost neutrino is a neutral charged particle, that passes through most matter undetected (hence the term ghost). There are many neutrinos flowing through your body right now as you read this. Some come from the sun, and some are of a much distant cosmic origin. These are often referred to as Cosmic Rays. Cosmic Rays have positive, negative charged particles and neutral particles. The charged ones move and bounce and bump and do not have useful paths for source detection. The neutral particles do. These Ghost Neutrinos are able to travel great distances, and in a quantum way they are able to flow right through planets the same way they flow through open space, using the open space on a molecular level. Meaning, picture the space between the earth and the sun. In this 93 million miles, so many objects can flow along and not “hit” either the sun or the earth. Same is true in your cells. The distance between your cell nucleus and the electron that orbit around, quantum particles pass through without a “hit” or even being noticed. This is what makes these particles so useful as source pointers, and so hard to detect and interface with. Scientist have had theories about the existence of such particles since their discovery in 1912, and have designed and built labs to detect and thereby verify and study these particles. The labs are generally deep deep underground, and they use a tower of water and (equipment list here). Last year, in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory deep underground in Antarctica, at the South Pole a Ghost Neutrino was detected. This Ghost Neutrino hit the earth on September 22, 2017, after 4 billion year journey from it’s source, Blazar TXS 0506+056. Blazars are “a huge elliptical galaxy with a fast-spinning supermassive black hole at its heart.” (1) Looking out from earth, this blazar is located in the sky area just over the left shoulder of Orion (the star Bellatrix) (2) The findings were released to the public on the morning of July 12, 2018. It was a “big deal” and made a wide splash over science news sources covering the discovery. Geek that I am, I was reading tons of articles and learning much about the Ghost Neutrino. Then, on July 12, 2018 at 12:12 pm – my friend Dana of Elemental Ascension, posted a picture of a beautiful powerful pink Andara. I saw it online and was immediately full vibration field lit up and connected to it with the strong message - “that’s the face of ghost neutrino!! That is a connector to the particle physics lab in south America. That is the Ghosty Pink One!” Andaras are crystal glass light encoders. They are vehicles and transmitters of certain light codes. They facilitate communications with light beings. They are portals and windows. And, in this exchange I was learning that they worked with quantum particles directly. Cool! I have a wide collection of andaras, and we move through cycles of working together actively. One of the amazing features of andaras is the way they sparkle and speak and “come to life” and indicate they are ready to work with you. In a collection of pieces, all sitting on the same shelf in the same light conditions, one or two or three will light like fire. Illuminated from within, and enhanced by the sun’s rays in a vibrant way. Often, this happens in a room that no sunlight is shining in also, hence the lit from within. It is fully amazing to me that this crystal did this “I am ready activation” on Dana’s shelf at Elemental Ascension headquarters, and then activated ME via photograph to make this connection on this potent day. Not knowing exactly what any of this meant in my human mind, I proceeded by “adopting” this crystal. It has lived with me here for a year. It has taught me much, and offered lots of lessons and we have done some great light bright things together. I have enclosed a gallery of pictures from our work and play together below. A few points are real “standouts” as important and significant to point out to you, for those of us on an ascension pathway. This blazar had to be pointing directly at the earth for us to receive this particle. Of the vast possible directions this blazar could be pointing, there is a very specific window of alignment that would reach us here on earth. It took a global human collaboration to make this discovery. “Within 1 minute of the detection, the facility sent out an automatic notification, alerting other astronomers to the find and relaying coordinates to the patch of sky that seemed to house the particle's source.” (1) This kind of global network of team of explorers and scientist working together, across disciplines is key. We are in this amazing ascending age of communications and collaborations and this teamwork is the way we will accelerate our journey of knowledge and illumination. And, that this “message” comes from the Orion Constellation section of the sky feels quite significant too. Many of us identify with Orion and feel this as “home base”. Maybe this message is one you sent to yourself billions of years ago, and now it is the time to receive and decode this. And it is time for us to work in collaboration and team to bring the parts of the cosmic puzzle together. AND – the andaras are here to help us make these kind of connections and inner discoveries and be team mates on this light encoded journey into both inner and outer space!
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