Tales of Unicorns, Rainbows and Star Lineages One cold clear December night, I was lured out to my front yard by the magical light of the stars. This is an often occurrence for me. Since early childhood, the light of the stars has been so captivating and uplifting to me. I would get fluttery feelings in my heart and belly and find myself brimming with excitement. It still happens like that. So, this early December night last year in 2017, I went out bundled up to gaze up at the night sky. This night I was gifted with quite a star show. Sirius was in full luminosity, twinkling and dancing like a rainbow disco ball. Procyon was beaming at me. The familiar shape of Orion was large and in charge of the southeast portion of the sky. And, then, the black night sky between them started to glitter and glimmer. Like a flash of on again off again flirtatious light. I stayed out as long as the cold would allow, and when I came back into the warm house I grabbed my phone, on which I had an app that helped me identify stars, planets and constellations. Right in the spot that I had seen the light show, the star twinkle show, the star map showed the constellation Monoceros. Having never heard of that one, I investigated further. Monoceros is The Unicorn. Hold the star phone – the unicorn has it’s own constellation?? Sweet!! How could I not yet know this?? I have some research and work to do! I went out on a few subsequent nights to view it again, and there it was, that twinkling glowing pulsing part of the sky. Thing was, the experts who populate the sky finder app claim that the things I was seeing could not be visible to the human eye (without a telescope). But I was seeing it for sure for real. The spot that was glowing and pulsing was (according to sky charts) right at the horn of the unicorn. A dim star Doing some deeper research, I found that this was the location of the brightest star in this constellation, S Monoceros, and the Christmas Tree Cluster, and the Cone Nebulae. Upon hearing even the names and the NGC designation NGC 2264, I had a deep sense of familiarity and inner knowing. A cascade of info started pouring my way, and I was making many layered personal connections to both the numbers and the system. One example, the family “lore” my parents told say I was a Christmas baby, conceived on Christmas Eve (like many of us born at the end of September). I had an instant and powerfully strong sense of knowing that this star system was a home base for me. Deepening the connection and communication to my star family was something that had been of interest to me for several years, so this night I describe was the culmination of open hearted and open mind and soul work. Unicorns had been making themselves more known to me also throughout the year. And this seemed quite significant. I had also been receiving a lot of light codes and direct knowing info from the Gold Ray, a huge download of info during Summer Solstice from the Gold Ray and some significant info now coming for the winter solstice from the Silver Ray. I use Andaras to bring in and work with Star Codes and Light Rays (star codes are the light codes that come from stars and celestial bodies, see here for more info on light codes). For my own Christmas gift, I purchased a gold and a silver (clear) andara to work with. Here is a photo from Dec 26, 2017 – my first day playing and activating these beauties. Several weeks later, mid January, was doing some yoga meditating movement alignment goodness, and a fully formed light being rainbow unicorn galloped out of this crystal into my room. It was a wowza moment This is a pic from that day. Can you see her/him? So, I tell you these tales today, as inspiration for your own personal journey of connections. Your lineages and communications and pathways will be unique to you. We all call in different lineages and team mates.
If you want to hear directly from the stars, the process is magically simple. Go outside, be present. Be open. BE connected to your own soul center and use your innate skill of direct knowing. Listen, with your multi dimensional sensory system. The light from the stars delivers the codes directly to you. And then the info unfolds for months and years, and your "job" is to make space inside yourself to listen and receive.
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May 2024