December 18 is Galactic Center Alignment DayToday, from our view here on Earth, the sun moves into the region of the sky where we see the Galactic Center, or GC. The GC is the rotation center of our Milky Way galaxy. Just as our planet orbits around the sun, our solar system and all the celestial bodies in the Milky Way orbit around the center of the galaxy. Our Sun has a Sun. Many folks call this the Central Sun. Our sun gets its light and energy from the core of the galaxy. From the GC flows the sustaining and animating energy of the universe. The light that streams from this core, flows out of the spiral arms of the galaxy, and is rebroadcast through every star that lives in that arm of the galaxy, including our sun.
This core galactic center is an emanation of the core/center/creation point of the universe. It is an energy well we can each connect to both as a “refueling station” for the life-force energy in the body and as a source of light and information, inspiration. And then use these codes, this info to spark our own inner creator self. So, what does any of this mean for you, as an aware sensitive being residing here on planet earth? Why is any of this important? How can you harness or work with this knowledge? This Code of Life appears in the human body, in the musical scale, in the colors of the rainbow spectrum. These source codes animate the universe. Source codes spiral into existence. They form shapes and flows. The same way your human energy body distributes prana through the central channel to the nadis, via the spiral vortexes of the chakras to each cell. Prana is the force and flow of life. The flow of prana though your nadis (channels, streams) governs the health and vitality of your body and mind. This core galactic center is an emanation of the core/center/creation point of the universe. It is an energy well we can each connect to both as a “refueling station” for the life-force energy in the body and as a source of light and information, inspiration. And then use these codes, this info to spark our own inner creator self. In this alignment corridor of December, we get an amplification and multiplication of the message, the signal strength increases and we get to hear more clearly the light encoded messages of connection, light and life – the song of the universe. So in this alignment we get a “double dose” of light and energy – from both the sun and the galactic core. These alignments offer unique opportunities to receive certain light codes and bundles of photons and information. We tune our sensitivity to be able to receive these codes and hear the messages coming our way from the stars. We have been at this task of fine tuning awareness and training for years and many of us for lifetimes. I am sending you this message today to serve as a spark, as a reminder to you. This core creation source light flow is yours every day and any day. And some days the pathway it LIT up bright, and the light flows more readily and freely. Today is one of those days. Plug in friends. Light it UP!!
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